Taylor's Tryst

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Taylor's Tryst Page 3

by Renee DeMarcus

  Taylor took a seat at the table, noticing how elegantly it was set. She saw two framed pictures on a shelf on the wall adjacent to a set of French doors. They were of Brian and several young boys. The boys were all smiling, arm-in-arm with Brian, who was balancing a basketball on his index finger, obviously spinning it.

  Taylor stiffened. He had a child, maybe more than one. She hadn’t known. It probably meant he was divorced. Tyanna could have mentioned it—if she was going to get involved with a man it would be a pretty important bit of information.

  She leaned closer to the photographs, trying to discern which child was Brian’s. Two of the boys were Caucasian, and very fair, so they weren’t his. There were two dark-skinned boys as well, but neither resembled Brian. Maybe they looked like his ex-wife?

  “Ah, those are my boys,” Brian remarked casually as he re-entered the room. He sat and began refilling her wine glass.

  “Which one is yours?”

  “Mine? Oh, well, all of them and none of them,” he answered with a grin as he sat the wine bottle down and began dishing out heaping servings of the steaming lasagna. “It’s confusing, I know. I coach a basketball team for a local youth organization. Those boys have all been on my team for a couple of years, so they feel like they’re mine, but I’m not really related to any of them.”

  “Oh, I see. When I saw the picture, I thought maybe you had kids.” Taylor was relieved, although she didn’t know why. She wasn’t going to get involved with this man, so whatever baggage he had or didn’t have just didn’t matter. This evening would likely be their only time together. If he had ten kids and five ex-wives, it shouldn’t matter.

  “No, no children and I’ve never been married. Actually, much of my law practice involves divorce representation, so you could say I’m a little jaded in my views toward that level of commitment. Having seen the uglier side of marriage, I’ll probably never marry.”

  Taylor took a bite of salad as she listened. Relief washed over her with his words and butterfly wings of arousal fluttered inside her at the sound of his voice. Shifting in her chair, she decided to focus on his tone instead of how relieved she felt when he said he’d never been married.

  “What about you?” Brian asked as he tasted the lasagna. “Hey, this turned out all right.”

  Taylor forked a small cheesy corner piece of the lasagna off her plate and delicately placed it in her mouth, chewing slowly. It was better than all right, it rivaled her Grandmother’s. “Mmm…Delicious.”

  Brian looked up, watching Taylor’s mouth as she chewed. She had great lips, fantastic really. They were a soft pink, a color so pretty it just had to be lipstick. Surely no woman could posses such a shade naturally.

  “No, I’m not married either. Never have been,” she answered.

  Right, he’d asked her a question. “Why not?” Her mouth was mesmerizing and drew his gaze like a moth to a flame. A hot flame. One igniting a primal desire within his gut. She seemed more at ease, a cute smile curling her lips. He felt his breath catch. Taylor had such a natural beauty about her, as if she wasn’t trying to impress or seduce him in any way. It turned him on as nothing ever had. He felt his cock begin to swell. Thank God they were seated at the table.

  “Well, I guess I’ve just never found the right person.”

  Brian chuckled, enjoying the food, enjoying the woman. “Ah, and you won’t either—because you’ve decided not to date.”

  Taylor laughed. “Yep, so I guess marriage is out for both of us.”

  “I guess so. Good thing this isn’t a date then, huh?” He winked.

  Taylor took another drink of her wine, appearing more relaxed. She was obviously shy to the extreme. He wasn’t sure how to make her completely comfortable. Shy women were out of his realm of experience. He’d been trying to coax her into a conversation and he was relieved to see she seemed much more at ease.

  “Yes, good thing.” She grinned at him mischievously. “I hate dating.”

  Brian was entranced by her smile. It was mysterious, enticing. “Well, I wouldn’t want you to do anything you hate, Taylor.”


  “No, definitely not. Let’s keep this evening strictly pleasurable.”

  “Pleasurable?” A rosy blush appeared on her cheeks. The hue was flattering. Intriguing.

  Brian reached across the small table and covered her hand with his—couldn’t help himself. She was just so adorable, he was drawn to her like a magnet. “Yes, pleasurable. How does that sound?” He looked up from her lips, into her eyes. “No dating, no commitments, just pleasure.”

  Taylor’s mouth went dry and she felt her stomach flutter. God, he was sexy. He was propositioning her. Blatantly. She was speechless, had no words. Sexy men simply did not come on to her. Ever. Her cheeks were burning, she knew they were full of splotches. She felt Brian’s hand move on hers in a caress. It drew her gaze from the depths of his eyes to his fingers, which were smoothing over her knuckles.

  “Um,” she managed.

  “Relax, Taylor. Let’s just enjoy each other.” He pulled his hand away and picked up his fork. “I want to show you something after we eat.”

  Taylor watched Brian’s eyes as he spoke. They seemed to actually sparkle in excitement. He had beautiful eyes, so deep in color yet so full of expression. She tried to concentrate on the food, which was delicious, but her focus kept drifting to the man across the table. He had such an easy manner, making conversation effortlessly, carrying it completely and making her feel more comfortable. She wondered if he was doing it intentionally or if it was just his way.

  He wanted to show her something after dinner—her nipples tightened and her core moistened at the thought. Clearly her body hoped he wanted to show her something sexual. What a naughty thing to think. But…why not? Why not just allow things to happen—experience this man fully? Taylor had never entertained such an idea before.

  Brian had suggested an evening of pure pleasure—maybe pleasure was what he wanted to show her after dinner. Pleasure. Taylor’s clitoris tingled at the idea. Warmth swept over her, rippled through her center. She embraced the sensation.

  She’d never been with a man like Brian, a beautiful, confident, outgoing man. No, Taylor had only been with two men sexually, and neither were worth remembering. Both had been introverted and socially inept—like her. Sex had felt like an extension of an awkward date. Nerve-wracking, unfulfilling.

  But here, now, with this incredible specimen of manhood, Taylor felt surprisingly at ease. More than at ease, she was aroused. So maybe she should think of this one time event as an experiment. Taylor’s scientific mind lit up at the idea. Yes, she should investigate a theory—perhaps a shy, introverted female is released sexually by an outgoing, confident male. Perhaps her limbic system, the sexual center of the female brain, is accessed only by a more aggressive male.

  She wiggled in her seat slightly, aware of the wetness between her legs. Her limbic system was certainly being accessed. She giggled into her wine as she finished the last drink of her third glass.

  “Am I amusing you?”

  “Huh?” Taylor realized she’d been lost in her thoughts and had lost track of the conversation. What had he been saying? Something about Tyanna mixing up schedules? “Sorry, no. You’re right, Tyanna is…well, she is unique.” Unique pretty much summed up Tyanna, so the statement should apply to any topic concerning her friend.

  “Yes, unique is an apt description of Tyanna. I wish she’d be a little less unique at the office.” Brian rose, taking his plate and glass to the sink. “Finished?”

  “Yes, thank you. My compliments to Anthony. His lasagna was better than my Grandmother’s.” Taylor stood and helped Brian clear the table. She watched as he efficiently washed the dishes with a sponge and carefully set then them on a drying rack. He definitely was a neat freak.

  Taylor didn’t even think about dirty dishes until the sink was overflowing, let alone wash them immediately after eating. He covered the leftover lasagna and
put it in the fridge, then wiped the table with a wet rag.

  Taylor fidgeted, unsure of what to do with herself. She ended up clasping her hands together behind her back and feigning interest in the framed pictures again.

  “We have a game tomorrow morning,” Brian said as he placed the wet washcloth over the stainless faucet to dry. “Anthony will be there, since he helps me coach. Would you like to come? You can tell him his lasagna was better than your Grandmother’s—no wait, just say you liked it, his head is big enough already.”

  Taylor looked over her shoulder. “Oh, I don’t know, tomorrow is—”

  “Saturday. Tomorrow is Saturday. You don’t have to work, do you?”

  “No, but—”

  Brian smiled, understanding. “Okay, Taylor, I get it. Let’s just see how tonight goes. How does that sound?”

  Taylor let out a relieved breath, one she hadn’t known she was holding. “Good. That sounds good.”

  Chapter Three

  “Come on, I want you to see something,” Brian said as he led her toward the French doors behind the table.

  He opened the door and Taylor felt a rush of hot air. Whatever he wanted to show her was obviously outside and therefore not sexual.

  Taylor stepped out onto the patio, an enclosed courtyard lined with a high wooden fence, shrubbery, and several tall, thin trees. She took a deep breath, the humid air filling her lungs and surrounding her with a thick, moist sensation.

  She was being silly to fantasize about a man like Brian wanting her sexually. Silly. She sought a patio chair, a wooden Adirondack style, and sat down, absorbing the surroundings. “This is a lovely space, so green and private.”

  “Thank you. Well, I thought it was completely private. I keep the wooden gate closed, but last week I came out here to water the roses and found an intruder.”

  Taylor sat up in the chair. “Really? An intruder? What did you do?”

  “I went back inside and got her a drink.”

  Taylor blinked and replayed his words back in her mind, trying to understand.

  Brian smiled. “Yes, I got her a nice cold bowl of fresh water. She was dehydrated, poor thing.” He walked over to the bushes and moved several branches to the side with his forearm.

  Taylor sprang up, understanding dawning. It was a cat, a large tabby. She was lying on her side, nursing a litter of kittens. “Oh, how sweet,” she said, kneeling down for a better look.

  Brian bent down and joined her. “Do you like cats?”

  Taylor leaned closer. “I love them. Look how tiny they are! They can’t be more than a week old.”

  “Yes, and the mother has yet to leave them as far as I can tell. I still don’t know how she managed to get in.” He glanced around the enclosed courtyard. “I thought it was pretty sealed up back here.”

  “Oh, animals are ingenious, especially when they’re trying to protect their young.” Taylor reached out to cautiously pet one of the tiny kittens. “She doesn’t even hiss.”

  “I know. She seems so tame and trusting. I check on her a couple of times a day and give her fresh water and food. She doesn’t seem to mind at all.”

  Taylor reached up from the kittens and stroked the tabby’s head. “Aw, you’re a sweetie, aren’t you?” she cooed. “You’re just happy to be in the shade under this bush and have some cool water to drink, aren’t you?”

  Brian watched Taylor baby-talk the cat, his cock swelling. She licked her lips and he nearly groaned. It had just been too long for him—he was fully erect watching a woman talk to a cat. A cat. Obviously, celibacy was not for him. He was going mental.

  His gaze followed her hand as she stroked the cat, and imagined she was stroking his cock.

  He stood abruptly and inhaled, tried to get his cock to settle down. He couldn’t ever remember having such a strong reaction to a woman. He wanted her so much his mouth was watering thinking about her.

  Taylor turned her head and looked up at him. “You’re very sweet to take care of her.” She stood next to him. “With this heat, she probably would have died, and her kittens wouldn’t have survived.”

  “You think I’m sweet?”

  “Yes, I think you’re sweet.”

  She was so gorgeous. Her eyes were curious and maybe a little wary, as if she were unsure of his meaning. “Taylor, all night I’ve been wondering if you’re sweet.”

  “You have?”

  Brian stepped closer to her, touched his fingers to her lips. “Yes. Your lips are so beautiful. I want to taste them.” He leaned in, not waiting for her response and touched his mouth to hers. He felt her shock, her slight retreat, but he wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her into him.

  He kissed her gently, rubbing his lips over hers lightly at first, allowing her senses time to adjust. She made a soft sound, somewhere between a sigh and a moan, and he deepened the kiss, opening her mouth with his, demanding entry with his tongue. To his relief, she accepted him and returned the kiss. Her hands moved to his chest.

  God, she was delicious. Wet. All woman and heat. He wanted to devour her, to strip her naked right where they stood in the courtyard.

  He pulled back, reluctantly, saw her eyes flutter open. He stared into those beautiful green depths, absorbed the arousal he saw there. “I was right,” he said.

  Taylor blinked. “You were right?”

  “You do taste sweet.” Brian leaned in and rubbed her lips with his again, slipping his tongue out to stroke across her lips. “I couldn’t keep my eyes off your lips while we ate.”

  She felt pliant in his arms, willing. Brian intended to take full advantage of her willingness and taste as much of Taylor as he could. He smoothed his hands down her back and grabbed her ass, pulling her tight against his body. His cock strained at the feel of her in his palms. Her ass was full, a plump temptation in his hands.

  Her fingers moved up his chest and wrapped around his neck as he deepened the kiss. One petite hand gripped the nape of his neck, encouraging him and he groaned.

  He pulled away from her and tugged her toward the door. “We’re going inside.” It was a statement, not a question.

  She had that curious look in her eye again, but she followed without hesitation.

  Taylor stared at the carpet as they walked down the hall toward his bedroom. The entire situation felt sort of surreal, as if a different Taylor Anderson had suddenly taken possession of her body. Because the Taylor she had known for the last twenty-six years would most certainly have never agreed to go to bed with a man she hardly knew.

  When he had kissed her in the courtyard, her legs had actually felt weak. She’d never experienced such a kiss before. She was amazed she’d managed to form words into a reply when he’d spoken to her.

  Brian pushed open the door to his bedroom and pulled her inside.

  He released her hand and went to a dresser, opening a drawer and pulling out a long-handled lighter. He lit an ivory colored candle on top of the dresser and the room flickered to life with a warm, subtle glow, illuminating a modern-style bed, sitting low to the ground, with a deep mahogany-stained headboard.

  Taylor’s mouth went dry. Her cheeks were burning and she knew she was as red as a tomato, but she hoped it wasn’t noticeable in the candlelight. Staring at the bed, she was stiff, motionless. She glanced at Brian. He was watching her, a seductive grin curling his lips and an intense look on his face.

  Hungry, he looked hungry. Her clitoris was zinging, fully alive. She embraced the sensation, reached for it. Wanted more of it, more of Brian.

  “Come here,” he said, reaching his hand out to her.

  For a second, she was frozen, her insecurities surfacing. She had no real idea of what to do with a man like Brian. But she stepped toward him anyway, placing her hand in his. She wanted him, wanted to feel all of him, experience everything about this man.

  Now. Tonight, even if just for tonight.

  “You’re blushing,” Brian said with a grin.

  He stroked her cheek and sh
e cast her gaze downward in embarrassment

  “Even your neck blushes,” he continued, trailing his fingers down her neck to the edges of her blouse. “I noticed it earlier and I kept wondering just how far down this pretty pink blush goes.” Her eyes flashed up to his and his smile widened. “Will you let me find out, Taylor?”

  She moistened her lips, but didn’t answer. He reached for the next button and popped it free, spreading the fabric open. Her skin was splotchy. He freed another button.

  “I wonder… Are you blushing beneath this sexy little bra?”

  If possible, Taylor reddened further. She was amazed she was still standing. He hadn’t really even done anything, but already she was more aroused than she could ever remember being. She was nervous, but she wanted to be bold, so she answered in a whisper, “I don’t know, maybe you should check.”

  Brian’s grin widened and his eyes heated up. He slowly moved his index finger over the swell of her breast, teasing. He fingered the fabric of her bra briefly, then released the last two buttons of her blouse and pulled it off her shoulders.

  Taylor helped, removing the top completely and tossing it on the bed beside her, then looked down at the floor.

  He tilted her chin up until their eyes met. Silently he reached around her back and opened the clasp of her bra. Taylor pulled the straps on her shoulders and removed it, allowing the lingerie to fall to the floor.

  Brian’s nostrils flared and she heard a swift inhalation of air. “Mmm. You do blush everywhere, don’t you, honey?”

  Taylor flashed her stare up at him, irritated. Pointing out the blushing did nothing to decrease the problem, which he seemed to know.

  “Easy, honey, that was a compliment. You’re incredible.” He moved into her then, his hands to her breasts and his mouth to her neck. “Let me see if that sweet blush tastes as good as it looks,” he murmured before sucking the skin over her pulse.

  Her nipples were hard against his palms. She wanted them in his mouth.


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