Taken by Aliens: The Complete Collection

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Taken by Aliens: The Complete Collection Page 7

by Sierra Chambers

  He slurped up her juices eagerly before withdrawing.

  "Now you're ready," he said, grinning suggestively as he looked up at her.

  His lips were shiny, and Talia realized that it was her own juices on his lips.

  King Mastufoos lifted up his rolls of flab, revealing his erect shaft. It was small, for such a big man. His flabby fingers were bigger.

  "Sit on the throne," he directed her.

  Talia obeyed, sitting naked on the alien king's throne with her legs spread eagerly.

  She wanted him now. His talented tongue had stirred up feelings of lust within her, and she desperately wanted to be fucked - even if it was by a disgusting monster.

  He shoved his tiny cock inside her. Each quick thrust was accompanied by a loud slapping noise as his rolls of fat collided with her thighs, ass, and stomach.

  It hurt, a sweet kind of pain that left Talia gasping for more - especially when his pounding angle changed slightly, resulting in his flab rubbing against her clit with every thrust.

  She moaned in ecstasy at the delightful pressure to her bundle of nerves.

  The pleasure was intensified by the knowledge she was fucking a king. He would do anything she asked him to right now. Knowing she had control, even if only temporarily, of such a powerful man made her even hornier.

  He pistoned into her roughly and began to grunt in time with his thrusts for several minutes, before bellowing loudly.

  He stilled with his cock inside her, and Talia suspected he was cumming.

  Her suspicion was confirmed a few moments later, when she could feel some of the warm excess cum dripping out of her, trickling down her leg before pooling on the seat of the throne.

  He was still inside her, a look of intense concentration and bliss on his face as he continued to fill her willing pussy with his alien seed.

  After several minutes, he finally pulled out, with a look of satisfaction on his hideous face.

  "Now we wait," he said.

  "What are we waiting for?" asked Talia apprehensively.

  "To see if my child will grow inside you."

  "We're waiting right here?"

  "Yes, it won't take long." The alien stopped talking, instead staring at her stomach in concentration.

  Now that the heat of the moment was over, Talia wished she wasn't naked anymore.

  The alien was still naked too, but she felt like that didn't really count, since all he had had to do to cover himself was stop holding up his rolls of flab.

  "May I please put my dress back on, my king?" she asked.

  King Mastufoos shook his head.

  His jizz was still trickling out of her cunt. Looking down at it, Talia was astonished to see that it was bright green - such a bright color that she wondered if it would glow in the dark.

  Minutes passed. King Mastufoos was still watching her belly intently, and would not respond at all when she spoke to him. It was like he was in a trance.

  Talia wished she could move - she was still sitting on the throne with her legs splayed open - but didn't wish to make the king angry.

  So instead, she watched the cum pooling beneath her pussy.

  She brought her finger between her legs, scooping some up to examine it more closely.

  It was still warm, she noted as she brought it to her mouth, sniffing it. It smelt quite sweet.

  She wanted to taste the royal cum. She daintily licked a tiny bit off her finger with the tip of her tongue.

  It was delicious! It had a sweet, candy-like taste to it.

  If she were on earth, she could have bottled it up and sold it and become a millionaire. Only if people didn't know where it came from, of course.

  As she scooped more up and licked her fingers clean, she idly wondered if anything on earth was made of alien cum. Processed foods that tasted delicious had so many ingredients in their ingredients list using scientific words. It was entirely possible one of them was alien jizz. Labelling standards had gone way down in the past fifty years.

  She was startled away from her thoughts by King Mastufoos bellowing in triumph.

  She looked down, seeing a distinctive bulge in her belly.

  It seemed to grow slightly every few seconds - not fast enough to actually see the growth, but fast enough that if you looked away for a minute and then looked back, you would be able to notice the difference.

  At the sound of his yell, King Mastufoo's guards rushed back into the room.

  After they established there was no threat to their king, they turned their eyes to Talia, still naked, on their king's throne.

  One of them stared intently at the cum dripping out of her hole and licked his lips.

  She closed her legs, giving him the stink-eye. He stared back at her unapologetically.

  Berrell came into the room, along with several members of the court. There were at least twenty people in the room now.

  All eyes were on her expanding stomach. Terrifyingly, the bulge was the size of a basketball now.

  Berrell picked her dress up off the floor and moved to give it to her.

  "No!" insisted King Mastufoos. "She must not be covered." As an afterthought, he added: "And her legs should be spread. Everybody should be able to see my seed dripping out of her fertile body, and know it was their king's mighty seed that made this woman pregnant."

  Frowning, Talia spread her legs again. The position was uncomfortable. She felt the eyes of the aliens move to the creampie in her cunt.

  She wasn't embarrassed. She had always been open about sex, and her time with the Yarunians had made her even more open-minded.

  If anything, she found it interesting. She was being given an insight into alien cultures that no human had ever had before. Nobody's life was like hers, and there never would be another who could do what she was doing.

  She was truly unique. She wondered if she would be remembered throughout history for her contributions to the universe. For her magical cunt, that made alien kings and presidents across the galaxy desire the pleasure of her company.

  Not only that, but her children would be rich, influential, and powerful. They would be rulers.

  The members of the court were staring at her like she was a goddess as her belly swelled with the child that would be their future king.

  She felt uncomfortable - the throne was hard beneath her butt.

  King Mastufoos clearly felt no need for cushioning or softening of the throne, which wasn't surprising considering his giant ass probably acted as a cushion.

  She looked at the ugly king, shivering in pleasure as she remembered the orgasms he had given her.

  Who would have thought that such a hideous creature could make her feel so good?

  She almost wished that something would go wrong with the pregnancy - that the child would be born normal, without special powers - just so that she could experience it again.

  And fucking on a throne had been thrilling. She felt powerful, for her connection to such a powerful alien.

  Her stomach was massive. It now obstructed her view of the green jizz dripping out of her pussy.

  "It won't be long now," Berrell said. "Fetch the midwives."

  The midwives entered the room just in time.

  Like the pregnancy itself, the birth was very quick compared to human standards.

  She endured less than five minutes of pain before pushing out a slug-like alien baby out of her cunt.

  It had a tuft of hair on its head.

  She hardly got to see the child before she was pulled away by Berrell.

  "We must go, right now," he said urgently.

  As they fled the room, Talia took one last glance at her son, being passed around and cooed over by the slug-like aliens.

  She didn't feel sad to be leaving her child behind. It didn't really feel like hers - after all, it had only been inside her for around six hours.

  It had been one hell of an afternoon.

  As Talia boarded the spaceship, she wondered how it could be that one of the be
st rounds of sex she had had in her entire life was with an ugly alien whose cock was smaller than his finger.

  One she had washed the crusting alien jizz from her legs and dressed, she went to find Berrell. He was in the control room, steering the spaceship.

  "Okay, I want answers," Talia said. "Where are we going now? And why did we have to leave that planet so quickly?"

  Berrell stared straight ahead, looking out the windscreen as he answered.

  "We had to leave quickly because I was worried that the king would try to keep you. I heard murmurings from some servants that that was his plan. To force you to be some sort of diplomatic gift. As to where we're going now... that's difficult to explain."

  "Uh oh. What do you mean 'difficult to explain', Berrel?"

  "Well, we're going to see the emperor of the galaxy. But he hasn't actually agreed to see you yet. He doesn't know we're coming. And chances are, he won't want to feel indebted to the Yarunians, so if we ask him outright whether he'd like the pleasure of your company, he'd say no. I need you to seduce him."

  "But won't he know that I'm traveling with you? He'd be able to figure out what's going on."

  "No, he won't figure it out. You see, he's holding an intergalactic space party. All the important nobles and famous people in the galaxy will be there. You don't know this, but my father was a very famous man. His contributions to science changed the universe. Because of this, I was given an invitation to this space party. You are so rare and special, my Talia, that it won't be surprising that I bring you along as a guest. That's not even taking into consideration that you're in the center of my research."

  "So you want me to seduce the emperor? At his party?"

  Berrell nodded. "It won't be easy. But if you do this, the Yarunians will be forever in your debt."

  "So you'll stop whoring me out?"

  "No, of course not! You're far too precious to lose. But we will give you much nicer accommodations. And you will be allowed to leave the research facility, mingle with the locals. Your life will be like that of an ordinary wealthy Yarunian, except when you need to service a client, which will be around once every two months."

  "Then maybe I won't do it," Talia said petulantly.

  "You will," Berrell promised. "I know you quite well by now. You love the idea of power. The opportunity to fuck the emperor of a galaxy and bear his children will be too much for you to resist."

  “I don't have to do what you say,” she insisted. “I'm sick of being passed around like a whore.”

  He turned to face her, his expression stern. "My dear, you are a whore. Also, remember that your life is completely in our hands. We choose where you go, who fucks you. There are many species of alien out there, some much more friendly and civilized than others. If you let us down, things may get... unpleasant. For you."

  Talia swallowed nervously at the threat. "Berrell, I thought we were friends," she said. "Could you really do that?"

  His hurtful words echoed around in her head. You are a whore.

  Berrell's eyes flashed. "You are the scientific breakthrough of the century!" he exclaimed. "My entire life is going to be devoted to finding out all the special abilities you have bestowed upon your children! My entire scientific career depends on you, as does the future of the Yarunian people. This is my chance to change the world. To make an even bigger contribution to the world than my father did. Do you really think I'd give all that up just because you don't like feeling like a slut all the time?" His voice was slightly breathy from yelling.

  Talia couldn't believe what she was hearing. This was a totally new side of Berrell that she had never seen before.

  He had fucked her. He had even kissed her. But now she saw the truth - he didn’t care about her at all. She was a possession to him - a means to an end.

  You are a whore.

  “Do you think that you’re better than me?” she asked quietly.

  “Well, no. You’re infinitely more valuable than me,” he replied. “Your ability to spawn gifted children makes you a valuable asset. But that’s all you are - a brood mare. You will never be desired for anything else. Not your wits, nor your strength. You have nothing to offer the world but your cunt. You’re a human. You have a primitive brain - you’re less developed. It’s scientific fact.”

  Talia fought back tears. There was no use getting upset yet. There was no escape. She had to bide her time.

  Swallowing the hateful words she longed to yell at Berrell, she instead lowered her head submissively. “I guess I can’t argue with scientific fact,” she said. “Don’t fear, Berrell. I know my place and will do my duty. A bigger room is a generous reward.”

  Berrell nodded. He stepped away from the ship's steering wheel and barked a command to the captain of the spaceship. As Berrell left the room, the captain scurried over to take control of the wheel.

  They were on their way.

  Talia was going to the emperor’s party. What she’d do when she actually got there was anyone’s guess.

  Taken by Aliens 5: Party of the Emperor

  Talia gazed around the massive ballroom, feeling overwhelmed. She had never seen a room so big in her entire life.

  In just a couple of hours time, this room would be filled to the brim with thousands of dignitaries from across the universe.

  Some of them, Berrel had told her, had traveled for years to get to the venue.

  For this reason, invitations to important events needed to be sent out at least thirty years in advance, though they were often sent out even sooner than that.

  This party celebrated the fiftieth birthday of the emperor of the galaxy. Invitations to it had been sent out on the day he had been born.

  This large window of time between the invitation being sent out and the actual event also meant that any people who wished to harm one of the important guests had plenty of time to plan and prepare.

  This fact was reflected in the frighteningly large number of serious-faced security guards patrolling everywhere. The guards were all aliens of the same race. They were purple skinned and had two arms and two legs. Their arm muscles were thicker than Talia's thighs, though their heads were small - approximately the size of a tennis ball.

  They all wore identical gray uniforms.

  The alien guards had searched both the ship and the ship's occupants very thoroughly.

  Talia remembered back to the body search that had also taken place. How her nipples had hardened when one of the guards slid a cool, metal cylindrical device inside of her pussy. He had noticed them, too - or maybe he had heard her small sigh - and had slid it in and out of her several times, winking at her as he did so.

  Then the other guard had walked into the room, and he had become all professional again.

  Talia had fought to contain her disappointment as he had pulled the instrument out of her wet cunt.

  The device had been slick with her juices, and when the other guard wasn't looking he had licked it, winking suggestively.

  All aliens of his species were so similar in appearance that she didn't even know if she'd seen him since then.

  Berrel walked up behind her in the ballroom, placing a hand on her waist. "It's amazing, isn't it," he said.

  Talia fought to hide the feeling of revulsion that ran through her at his touch.

  She hadn't forgotten Berrel's harsh words to her.

  “You are a whore.”

  He could pretend to be all friendly now, but she knew how it really was.

  She was nothing but property to him, an asset from which to gain benefits. She hated him with an intensity that surprised herself.

  “That's all you are – a brood mare.”

  Since their confrontation, her dreams had been filled with thoughts of escaping, ideally humiliating Berrel in the process.

  Today seemed like the perfect day to escape. She could easily get lost in the crowd, and had no doubt that it would be easy to charm some guards into helping her.

  But where could she go?

>   Earth didn't exist anymore. She had no home, no friends.

  Talia hated feeling so helpless.

  Perhaps she could seduce one of the foreign dignitaries.

  But no, that would be far too time-consuming. Berrel would surely be watching her. She didn't want to make him angry, not while he still had power over her.

  She shrugged out of his grasp and began to make her way to the throne. Berrel made no move to stop her.

  Her shoes made a clacking sound that echoed loudly throughout the grand room.

  When she was nearing the throne, a jolt ran through her body with a loud zapping noise, and she was thrown several feet backward.

  Her heart racing, she picked herself up off the floor. Ouch. She rubbed her sore ass.

  Berrel ran up to her. "Talia! Are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

  "Yeah, I think so," she said. "What the hell was that?"

  Berrel took off one of his shoes and threw it in the direction of the throne.

  It bounced off an invisible wall with a zapping noise.

  "They must have put up a force field around the throne," he mused. "Of course they would. It makes sense. Why wouldn't they."

  "Um. Because it ruins the party atmosphere when people get electrocuted?"

  "By tonight, its power will have begun to fade. It will still be a solid barrier, but without the electrocutions."

  "So if there’s a barrier, how will anybody be able to speak to the Emperor?" Talia asked.

  "The important guests will likely be on a list of people allowed through the barrier. They will be given an item that allows them to pass through the barrier. Perhaps a talisman, or something injected into their veins."

  "I guess that ruins our plan then, doesn't it." she struggled to keep the joy out of her voice. Although she would have liked to meet the Emperor, she liked the idea of Berrel's plans being ruined even more.

  "No, of course not," he replied. "You'll just have to find a way to get through the barrier."

  “How?” she asked.

  “You’ll need to figure it out by yourself. I can’t be seen talking with you. It will be suspicious if a brilliant scientist like myself spends too much time talking to you, a human. You’re supposed to be my research subject, nothing more. Nobody can get suspicious, or our plans may be ruined.”


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