Blood of the Infinity War (Afterlife saga Book 8)

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Blood of the Infinity War (Afterlife saga Book 8) Page 16

by Stephanie Hudson

  “So, I don’t give a damn who you were before because that is not important…for it is who you are now that will only ever matter and if Vincent doesn’t realise that, then he is a damn fool and does not deserve your heart.” Hearing this she burst into more tears, placed her head to my shoulder and whispered the only words I needed to hear…

  “But I love him.”

  After this I smiled, feeling my heart soar for the both of them, because I knew in the end they were destined to be together. So, I let her have the time she needed before telling her softly,

  “Then it’s time for us to go back and you must tell him that, for nothing else will matter to him, I promise you.” She nodded and we both got up, laughing when we shook the sand from our cloaks. Then I took her hand in mine and we started walking back towards the palace.

  “We can do this,” I told her and she gripped my hand tighter telling me that she was with me.

  “Together,” she said looking towards our destination and it felt like that night all over again. The one where we finally broke free and made a run for it into the unknown. Well, this was the same, as we were heading towards an unknown future but like that night, we were together and back in that palace we were not alone. Which had me asking myself if even this, like back then, had also been in the Fates’ plans and if it was, then why?

  “Do you think we will ever get back home?” Ari asked me as if reading my mind. I looked back towards the mountains, thinking of the Black Gate and said,

  “I have no clue how, but I hope so because I don’t fancy peeing in a pot until plumbing is invented!” At this she laughed and said,

  “It’s a shame we don’t have one of those magic coins left so that we could just create our own doorway home.” It was at this point I stopped dead and her hand fell from mine.

  “Kaz?” My hand shot to my neck and then I looked out into the desert wondering how I could have forgotten everything about it.

  “Okay scaring me now…whoa!” she shouted as I suddenly grabbed both her arms and shouted back,

  “Ari, you’re a genius!”

  “I am?”

  “Yes! I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before!” I said to myself, this time making Ari look at me in a puzzled way so I put her out of her misery.

  “I know a way to get us home!” This was when her eyes widened and the biggest smile crossed her lips.

  “Oh, thank God!” she said making me smile. Yes, thank God indeed.

  The rest of the way back we started making plans and all I could hope for was there was a way to find what I needed to get us home. That’s when we would need help, which meant our next mission was to find…Ranka.

  After this we continued to walk until the palace started to get bigger, telling me we had about another hour’s walk until we were at the gates. I didn’t think it wise to use the tunnels again to get back inside and besides, I had got a bit lost and didn’t think I would have much hope in finding the entrance again anyway.

  “Are the girls angry with me?” Ari asked after a while.

  “No, they were worried.” Hearing this made her smile and she said,

  “It’s nice having people to care for you, isn’t it?” I gave her a sideways grin and said,

  “Yes, it is. They are family.” And she nodded as her gorgeous blue eyes sparkled from unshed tears that held there from the sentiment.

  “And speaking of people who care,” she said and nodded towards the new sight in front of us. We both tensed as the riders got closer and I was left to hope that this was going to go to plan or we were both going to find two very angry royals on our hands.

  So, we both took a deep breath and…

  Faced our future head on.

  Chapter 14

  Face the Horses

  The sight of Draven sat upon a massive black horse was one I would never forget for as long as I lived and hopefully beyond my short life. He was as stunning as the striking black beauty he was sat upon. His black armour reflected the hot sun making it look as though it had been dipped in crude oil and his helmet made him look like some dark knight, coming to deal out punishment. It was a simple design that covered most of his face, coming down his cheeks in two solid pieces that curved and a nose piece coming down like a dripping diamond shape. The top was a mohawk of jet black hair that stood up straight, getting longer at the back. It looked more Greek in design than the domed helmets that most of his men wore, men that now framed either side of him and his brother.

  I could only see his purple eyes through his helmet and they were looking at me with an emotion I couldn’t read from this distance. I looked to Vincent to see he looked the polar opposite of his brother, being that his armour was brushed gold and his helmet had a deep red mohawk of hair instead. Even his horse was a pale one and the differences between them both looked like yin and yang positioned next to each other. Like Heaven and Hell had both sent riders in search of us.

  I decided not to look at Draven again for fear of his wrath, a rage that would have scared the shit out of me considering how menacing he looked. So instead, I squeezed Ari’s hand and led her over to Vincent. The men thankfully seemed frozen at the sight of us as if the last thing they expected was to find us both walking back towards the palace hand in hand. And from the way they were dressed, then they looked to have been expecting trouble. I suppose I couldn’t really blame their caution, not considering what had happened to me when first arriving here.

  “It’s okay Ari, he will take care of you,” I said, loud enough for Vincent to hear me and he bowed to me after dismounting his horse.

  “I am forever in your debt Nāzanin, for finding her and in bringing her back to me,” he told me and then wrapped a secure arm around her waist, pulling her close to him. I watched as she released a comforting sigh and snuggled in closer to his embrace, one he seemed utterly shocked by.

  “Come, let me get you home, little Peach.” Then he lifted her up, so that he could place her on his horse. She gave a startled yet excited yelp and I bit my lip at seeing her looking happy for the first time in a long time. She loved horses and, sat upon one now, she looked born to do so. Vincent took a moment to look at her as if she had just been dropped from Heaven itself and just for him alone. I even noticed him shake his head a little as if trying to understand what was happening to him. It was a beautiful sight.

  I watched as he mounted his horse behind her, pulled her close to him and then he took the reins, before riding off towards the palace. I then took a deep breath before having to deal with my own demonic rider.

  “Leave us!” Draven demanded in a severe order directed at his men.

  “Yes, my King,” his general said, nodding in respect before he too ordered his men to leave for the palace. This left just Draven and I alone in the desert. I had no clue what he was thinking and even when he too swiftly dismounted his majestic steed, I found myself wondering which way this was going to go. So, I took a deep breath and held it in as he walked over to me with such purpose.

  Once he was what he deemed close enough, which was inches away, he raised my face up to look at his, and then he tore off his helmet. His unruly hair added to the raw beauty and I couldn’t help but gasp at the sight. He was devastatingly handsome and if I wasn’t so unsure of how these next few moments were going to go, I would have thrown myself at him!

  “You left me,” he stated, his voice thick and hoarse.

  “I…” I was about to speak but he placed two fingers across my lips to silence me and when he was assured of my silence, he then cupped my cheek with his gloved hand. I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch as he whispered,

  “You were coming back to me.” I swallowed down the emotion, but not until a single tear formed. Then I opened my eyes and told him the only words that needed to be said, with such desperation no one could ever deny them as being anything but the truth,

  “I will always come back to you.” This was when he dropped his helmet in the sand and reached down with
both hands, framing my face before he pulled me in for a what felt like a desperate kiss. I reached up on tip toes, letting my hood fall back and wrapped my arms around his neck straining to get even more of him. It was beautiful. It was sensual and raw but most of all, it was…

  My perfect first desert kiss.

  After this amazing reunion, he seemed reluctant to let me go but then after touching my heated cheeks it seemed to tell him something.

  “Come,” he said, and again with even that one word spoken, it sounded as if dragged from deep within him. I nodded and took his hand, but then I stopped.

  “Nāzanin?” he said my name as I bent down to retrieve his helmet so that I could hand it to him. Even this small action looked to have touched his soul in a way I would never fully understand. Then, just to get past the moment without turning all shy with the look he was giving me I said,

  “You look too handsome in it to leave behind.” At this he threw his head back and laughed as if he needed it after such a long night. It made me wonder if he even knew I was missing? He grabbed me to him and then slowly led me over to the massive beast…another pet of his.

  “Ssshh, easy boy,” he cooed as his horse flicked his long wavy black mane around as if showing off. I backed up and into Draven’s chest at the sight.

  “Do not fear him,” he told me, leaning down and speaking in my ear.

  “Here, now!” he suddenly demanded and I was surprised that this worked better than the gentle coaxing he had started with.

  “He’s…he’s exquisite,” I told him, as it was true, for I had never seen such a beautiful creature in all my life. He was the darkest black horse I had ever seen, and I remembered the farms my mum used to take me and Libby to when we were little, as she loved the horses there. I think the breed was called Friesian from the Netherlands, which begged the question, how one would have made it here in this time?

  “His name is Arion and this time, a gift from my mother,” he told me surprising me with this knowledge. Arion was as huge as a shire horse and like the breed, had a feathering of hair around his lower legs that looked so soft to touch. His long mane and tail was a mass of unruly waves of black and he was all elegant muscle.

  “Arion?” I questioned.

  “It means an extremely swift, immortal horse.” Hearing this I laughed and said,

  “Couldn’t have been more fitting then as I guess he is fast?” Draven scoffed once and said,

  “I believe I cursed him for not being fast enough when searching for my missing lamb,” he told me, answering my earlier silent question if he had known if I had been missing.

  “I am sorry I made you worry,” I told him softly and he nodded, accepting my apology without words. Then he walked past me and grabbed the reins of his horse, pulling him closer. I took a step back at the sight and Draven raised a questioning eyebrow at me.

  “You are afraid?” he asked.

  “It’s been quite some time since I have been round a horse,” I told him without thinking about it. I knew my mistake the second I saw his eyes narrow. Stupid Kazzy! I mean I was now living in a world where if you wanted to travel anywhere then you could only do so by horseback. And was I forgetting so soon of being on the back of one with Lucius, in trying to get to Draven when he fought Pertinax?

  “Well, I mean on my own riding one I mean,” I said quickly but from the looks of his hard features I would be surprised if he believed me. I was just happy that he left it alone and didn’t press me further on the matter.

  “Plus, he is like the biggest horse I have ever seen!” I added, ending this with a nervous laugh. Draven huffed his own laugh and went back to pull something off his saddle, before handing it to me.

  “Here, you need to drink. Your body is dehydrated,” he said quickly going stern again. I took the black leather flask from him and started to drink, relishing in the cool water as it went down and soothed my dry throat. I decided to stop now before it was empty so that I could offer it back to him. He looked touched for moment by my gesture and then he frowned as if something had displeased him.

  “No, drink it all, I brought it for you.”

  “Honestly, I’m okay, I have…” I started to say this but stopped when he growled at me, and sternly snapped,

  “…Not had enough, now do as you are told and drink.” In the end, I didn’t ‘do as I was told’ but instead asked,

  “Why are you so angry at me?”

  “Why?” he repeated as if utterly astonished at my question.

  “Yes, why?”

  “Because, my naughty little lamb, I not only find you missing from a place you promised me you wouldn’t leave, but I do so to find that you are out in the desert without a weapon and most dangerous of all… without water!” he snapped yanking me to him, lifting me up and then after this burying his head in my neck to take in my scent. I knew that this worked in calming him down as it was obvious he had been worrying like a crazy man.

  “Oh…that,” I murmured knowing he was right.

  “Yes, that,” he muttered dryly against my neck and I couldn’t help but giggle.

  “Are you laughing?” he asked incredulously.

  “Um…no?” I said trying not to laugh again but failing miserably.

  “I fear that you are,” he stated acutely.

  “I am sorry that I made you worry,” I told him again pulling back so that I could kiss him on the cheek. He eyes soon softened and I knew I was back where I wanted to be, which of course, was on his good side.

  “You did, but as I have you back in my arms once again and I see that surprisingly, no harm came from your little endeavour, then we shall speak no more about the matter,” he told me and I think this was his way of accepting my apology.

  “Now let’s get you home,” he said, this time in more tender tones.

  “Arion, here!” he shouted, and his horse, as before, responded by moving closer to us.

  “Up you go.” This was my only warning as Draven wrapped an arm around my waist and putting his foot in the stirrup, he gripped with one hand around a horn shaped handle at the front of the saddle so that he could pull us both up. I yelped as I dangled to one side before he got his leg over and then pulled me up the rest of the way with no effort at all.

  I placed my leg over, which he helped me with and then he patted the horn in front of me.

  “Hold onto this,” he told me pulling himself closer to me and taking hold of the reins either side of me. I was suddenly transported back to less than a week ago when I was doing the very same thing with Lucius at my back. I had to close my eyes against the memory, forcing it from my mind.

  “Good girl, now hold tight, for we will be travelling at speed,” he warned me and I stiffened against him.

  “Umm…can we not just, you know…”

  “Alright sweetness, we will start off slow…alright?” I nodded my head making him chuckle before he gave Arion his starting command.

  “Steady we go, boy.” Then he clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and the horse obeyed.

  “Whoa!” I made an uneasy noise making Draven place both sides of the reins in one hand so that he could place a hand to my stomach. There he gave me comforting little pats and told me,

  “Try and relax, I’m not going to let you go.” Hearing this I did what he said and he felt it on my belly when I took in a deep breath.

  “Good, now just try and breathe with the motion he makes…feel it… now just swing your hips back and forward with his steps,” he instructed me, as he tried to get me to move with him by gripping a large hand to my upper thigh making me swallow hard.

  “See, nice and easy. Trust in your steed and he will have trust in you,” Draven said humming words of encouragement closer to my ear.

  “Like in relationships,” I told him teasingly. Then he gripped on to my thigh harder and after nipping at my neck he told me,

  “Behave, little lamb.” I giggled once but did as I was told.

  “Ah, but I already fo
resee that you will make a good pupil of mine,” he told me and I couldn’t help but repeat the question,


  “Yes, I find myself very much looking forward to teaching you how to ride.” I gulped and had to confirm with words that he meant what I dreaded he meant.

  “You mean like, on my own?” I very nearly hissed the words making him roar with laughter.

  “Yes, my beauty, on your own,” he whispered seductively, no doubt loving the idea of it all even more now he knew he could tease me with it.

  “I think I will stick with you, if you don’t mind.” I told him firmly, making him laugh again, and with being so close to him, it ended up jiggling up and down next to him.

  “She goes up against a Persian God and stabs him in the heart with his own weapon, but the idea of riding a horse alone frightens her!” he said as if speaking to the Gods.

  “Well, what can I say, we all have our weaknesses,” I threw back at him cockily. But then he took my reply as a challenge and his hand snaked down and covered my sex. Once there he tapped it twice making me shudder and whispered in my ear,

  “Yes, that we do, my sweet tasting Electus.” Then he continued to keep his hand there, cupping my sex and I had to say that with the motion of the horse, it was soon driving me insane wanting to come. I gripped his hand and tried to move it, quickly making him tut in my ear,

  “I don’t think so, no indeed, I believe it is time for a little…punishment,” he hummed in my ear making me press myself back against him and moan. Then his hand left me and I didn’t know whether to protest or be thankful, so instead I looked round so that I could see him and asked,


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