“See, stubborn, just like her mother.”
“Well we have to be, don’t we kid, when we are surrounded by domineering, alpha males that like to throw their weight around and act like cavemen.” I said to Amelia…or my little Emmie as I liked to call her.
“Speaking of which, is my gift a new club, seeing as I need a new one for punishing my naughty little, disobedient wife…that or I could just use the palm of my hand on your behind like last time,” he said smirking and I covered my hand over Emmie’s little ears and hissed back teasingly,
“Not in front of the baby.” He threw his head back and laughed, making Emmie chuckle at the sight.
“Here you go my handsome brute of a husband, happy one-year anniversary.” I said shifting the baby to my hip so that I could kiss his cheek and pass him the bag. He pulled out a black box and as was tradition between us, it was tied with a purple ribbon. He smirked and pulled on the end, then after pocketing the ribbon as I knew he would, because he always did, (making me wonder if he had a stash of them hiding in some secret room somewhere) he opened the lid.
“It was my Great, great grandfather’s old pocket watch…my dad got it in the will after my grandad died but he gave it to me on my seventeenth birthday as he knew I’d always loved it. I used to sit on my dad’s knee as a kid and play with it. See that little dent there, that was when I dropped it when I was five. I cried so hard that day but then my dad told me a story of when he did the same thing when he was my age.” Draven reached out and ran a thumb on the apple of my cheek as he must have thought this story sweet. He loved listening to stories of me growing up.
“He said that memories were important to keep with us as they helped shape us into who we were and that they fed the soul. On my birthday, he added a little card saying, ‘Time is what we make of it, so make it good and feed your soul with nothing but happiness’.” Draven looked down at me and then back at the watch now in his hands as he had dropped the box in surprise. Then I watched as he ran a finger over the dent and smiled to himself.
“Open it,” I told him and inside he found a small round picture of me and Emmie, one that I had taken only yesterday.
“Lift up the picture,” I added and he sucked in a sharp breath when he did and he read the words I’d had engraved there.
The words…
‘You feed my soul, Dominic’.
And his gift to me that day…
He finally told me how old he was.
The End.
Coming soon!
The Glass Dagger
Book 1
Afterlife Chronicles.
Out Winter 2017
Check out my ALL NEW website for everything Afterlife Saga at… www.afterlifesaga.com
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Thank you
There are so many wonderful people in my life that I owe thanks to for supporting me in this journey, one I hope will never truly end. I feel like I could have carried writing Keira and Draven’s story forever but I know that at some point, everything good must come to an end. And I owed it to them to grant them their Happy Ever After.
But although, their story might have finished it will never truly be over as you will be granted glimpses into their happy world when reading the Afterlife Spin Off series. Also, the Afterlife Chronicles, will give you even greater insight to how their world looks years down the line.
I would like to say a massive thank you to my parents. Especially my fantastic mother who not only has supported me throughout this whole saga but had also watered the seed that she planted all that time ago about publishing Afterlife on Amazon. She edits my words to help make my world as perfect for you as it can be and for that I am forever grateful.
To my own Dominic Draven, Blake my wonderful husband who made me not only believe that dreams come true but also that eternal love isn’t just reserved for love stories written in novels.
And I can’t leave out my fantastic PA, Claire Boyle, who I am privileged to also call a dear friend. She has been on this journey with me first as a fan and then as a friend and in doing so, has been with me through thick and thin. She is one of the most loyal, hardworking and loving person I have had the honour to know and can’t thank her enough for putting up with me. I love you Claire.
Caroline, my dear friend, who is not only the best business partner on the planet, but also one of the greatest people I know and love.
The Afterlife Chronicles is our baby.
There are so many friends I have made along the way since writing this book and like other’s books before this one, I have named a few. But this time I will not mention names as I dedicated this book to you all, even those I do not know.
But a special mention must be said for all those of you that spread the Afterlife word to others as I cannot thank you enough. Every kind word you ever said about me or the saga, I thank you. For every letter typed and time taken to write a review, again I thank you. But most of all I thank you for being with me and a part of my colourful world, one made far better with you all in it…
You make it shine.
Blood of the Infinity War (Afterlife saga Book 8) Page 60