Sapphic Cowboi

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Sapphic Cowboi Page 14

by K'Anne Meinel

  Maggie pulled her hand from her saddle bag and put it under her dungarees. Ariana froze where she was sitting realizing what a dangerous situation they were in. They were two women alone, they were far from home, and these were desperate times with many millions of people out of work. What they had here was a fortune to some people and their lives not worth a hill of beans. The horses, the saddles, their very lives were in jeopardy.

  “Oh Sam, I think we found us a birds nest” the second man said with a leer at Ariana.

  “Now what are you two ladies” he stressed the word and made it sound insulting “doing here all alone?”

  “We’re not alone” Maggie said bravely.

  “Well we don’t see no men folk nearby” the second one said as he looked around at the horses and their gear, his nose quivered like a hound dogs at the smell coming from the pot.

  “And you look as though you got enough to share” the first one continued as he too glanced at the pot and then at Ariana.

  As they took steps into the cabin and the light of the fire the two women could see how disheveled they were, their clothes were ripped and old, they must have lived in them a long time by the amount of dirt caked on them. Their faces were grubby and hollow, they had a few teeth between them and these fuzzy with decay, their eyes were darting everywhere, taking in everything with delightful glee.

  “I don’t recall asking you” Maggie said carefully and slowly so they would understand.

  Sampson snorted his dislike of the newcomers. Maggie hadn’t tied him or Satan knowing she didn’t need to; only the new Quarterhorse was tied to the corner of the logs. She was pulling at her tie though as she didn’t like the smell of these intruders either.

  “Now that isn’t real friendly like” the first one said sparing her a glance and realizing that despite the man’s clothing she was a fe-male. It was the other one in dungarees and a button up shirt with the long black hair that had caught their attention, now she was all woman.

  “It wasn’t meant to be, you go on about your business” Maggie used a tone that Ariana had never heard before.

  “You ain’t gonna share?” the second one said stupidly.

  Maggie shook her head “if you don’t leave you’re gonna be sorry” she warned them both keeping them in her eyesight but looking out of the corners due to the darkness of the room. She could hear Sampson and how restless he was becoming. If these two didn’t leave soon she wasn’t what they would have to worry about.

  “What if we don’t want to leave?” the first one asked. He smiled a cocky smile.

  “As I said, you’re gonna be sorry” and with that Maggie pulled her gun out and pointed at them.

  They both froze from where they had been slowly edging forward trying to flank the girls, Maggie gestured with her gun and cocked it at the same time and they moved together.

  “Now, either you leave under your own steam or I shoot you where you stand, who do you think the sheriff is gonna believe in the morning when they find your carcasses here?” she offered conversationally.

  “You might not get us both” the first one said belligerently. Fear and anger mixed.

  “But I may get you both” she correctly with a smile and something about her confidence scared them both. “Furthermore, my horses here will trample your guts into the mud” she added and then Sampson snorted his displeasure at the smell these two radiated scaring them further.

  “We’d like to leave ma’am if it’s okay with you” the first one had lost his belligerence and tried to talk respectfully but his eyes darted between the gun and the horses. The horses were nearly impossible to see in the dark except for their rolling eyes that boded no good will.

  “I’d run if I were you and not come back, if I see you on the road or anywhere I’m gonna shoot to kill and ask questions later, you understand?” Maggie said in a menacing voice.

  They both nodded and began to turn slowly. Satan took that moment to snort his own displeasure and they ran like the devil was after them. Maggie wanted to laugh as she watched them high stepping it until they disappeared into the darkness. She released the cocked back gun and slowly lowered the hammer before slipping on the safety and stuffing the gun in her pants. She turned to the overly quiet Ariana.

  “Are you okay?” she asked and received no reply. She shook her but Ariana was staring to where the men had run away into the dark. Maggie glanced at the horses who had relaxed and this told her more than any of her own senses, the men were gone, for now.

  “Ariana” she shook her again and tried to get her attention but she could see she was in shock, her body frozen in place during the entire episode with the strange men. She wasn’t sure what to do with her but they had to get out of here, those men might come back, they might wait until they thought the women were asleep or bring friends. Sampson and Satan would guard them but it was too close of quarters and she didn’t want to tempt them, anyone. She got up, Ariana still didn’t move. “Ariana!” she said shaking her again but her head bobbled on its neck. There was no hope for it and Maggie didn’t think twice, she slapped Ariana across the face, hard.

  Ariana blinked and saw Maggie looking at her concerned. Her hand reached up and felt her throbbing cheek. “You hit me” she said wonderingly.

  Maggie was relieved, at least she was talking. She had had visions of having to truss her up and get her out of here. She wasn’t sure she might still have to. “I know and I’m sorry but we have to go, we have to go now” she said with a sense of urgency as she looked deep into Ariana’s wounded eyes.

  “Those men, those men meant to…” Ariana began.

  “I know what they meant, they would have eaten our food and gone after us but they are gone now, we scared them away.”

  “We did?” Ariana said in wonderment, her voice not sounding quite her own. Seeing them there suddenly had frightened her into shock.

  “Yes, my gun and Sampson and Satan, we scared them away but they may be back, c’mon we have to pack up” Maggie tried to impart a sense of haste into her.

  Ariana was useless as Maggie packed everything up and saddled Sampson and Satan again. The pot was still warm and Maggie covered it before putting it in Ariana’s saddlebag, the coffeepot too was a might to warm but she packed it anyway. She helped Ariana on with her slicker but she was like a child and not very helpful. Maggie had to help into the saddle as she left the fire burning, hoping to let whoever was out there think they were still there. Their gear was all on the horses and she mounted up leading both the Quarterhorse and Ariana on Satan. She had thought to tie Ariana to the saddle but didn’t want to impede her if they had to make a run for it. She was behaving so oddly. She set off slowly hoping to muffle the sounds of their hooves until they got far enough away. The rain was still coming down and she hated going in the dark but what choice did she have.

  Slowly she made their way to the road, keeping to the shadows with their black horses and far enough from the edge that no one could grab them from those same shadows. She was relying on Sampson to sense someone in time to grab the gun she kept near at hand. She kept glancing back at Ariana who rode loosely and out of control in her saddle, but she was holding onto the pommel so she wouldn’t fall out. She was worried about her as she was led down the road.

  She kept to a steady fast walk as much as she could and by early morning went through town and was on her way to the farm. They were cold, it was still raining, and Ariana was still unresponsive when they got home. Maggie took care of the horses first. She put the Quarterhorse in the barn and latched the pen shut. The other two she rubbed down as best she could in the dark of early morning and put in the dry barn as well. Feathers and Fiona greeted them and snuffled at them searching for hands to pet them but Maggie had no time for them and Ariana stood there numb. Maggie led her like a child to the house with their saddlebags over each shoulder.

  In the kitchen she was able to turn on the lights and see how pale Ariana was. Taking off her slicker she could see she hadn�
��t worn it correctly and was wet again. Maggie pulled the pot of stew out and turned on the stove. Slowly it began to heat the stew; she kept it on low as she began to undress Ariana like a child. She took off her own slicker, still fairly dry underneath.

  “Ariana, we’re home now, we’re home” she said repeatedly to try to get through to her. Her dazed look frightened Maggie and she wasn’t sure she could slap her again. Instead she pulled off both their boots and then Ariana’s socks as well. She helped her through the house holding her hand like a child to the bath and started to fill the tub with warm water, as warm as her hand could touch as she turned to remove the rest of Ariana’s clothing. She took the gun from her waist band and put it on a top shelf out of sight. Slowly she stripped the woman she loved taking off the dungarees, the button down shirt and still no response from Ariana. She removed her underthings which were cold and damp and led her to the filling tub. She got her to stand in it, even sit, and still she didn’t react. Maggie was beginning to become alarmed, she didn’t know what to do. She kept glancing away from the naked body before her for modesty’s sake but was drawn to it as well. She was so pale, so still, so in shock. Maggie didn’t know what else to do for her. She stripped off her own clothes and got in the tub behind Ariana to warm her with her body heat. She turned off the overflowing water that was going down the overflow with having two bodies in the tub; it was a tight fit anyway.

  She began to wash her with the hot water using the wash cloth. She saw goose bumps appear on Ariana’s arms. She gently began to cup her hands and pour water down her body hoping for some reaction. Nothing. It felt wrong to be naked in the tub with her and yet it felt right. Her body was warm from her exertions and the water in the tub was hot, steam rose from it and Maggie knew not all the heat was from that as she felt her body becoming warm from within. She washed Ariana’s body lovingly and her thick luxurious hair, running her hand through its wet length like she had wanted to a hundred times before. She got it thoroughly clean and still no reaction from Ariana. She quickly washed herself and got up out of the tub to dry off and put on a house robe. She pulled the plug on the tub noting the swathe of hair between Ariana’s legs as she grabbed her hands and said “Ariana, we’re done with the bath, come on, let’s get you out of there.” Ariana didn’t resist but she didn’t really help either. She was like a lost child as she looked out and did not see from those beautiful eyes of hers. Maggie was worried as she dried her with a towel and helped her into a robe.

  She could smell the stew on the stove and directed Ariana into the kitchen. She force fed her spoonful’s of stew in between taking bites herself until they finished it. She was exhausted and the sun was coming up. The rain clouds were dissipating and it looked like it was going to be a glorious day. All Maggie wanted to do was sleep. Wiping Ariana’s mouth like a baby she cleaned up the kitchen and led her once again to the master bedroom. Sitting her on the side she began to brush out the tangles in her long beautiful hair. Not much different than detangling her horses’ manes or tails except it was softer, luxuriously softer, and infinitely better smelling. She brushed as long as she could keep her eyes open, then wrapping it up into a bun she put Ariana to bed and collapsed on the bed beside her pulling up the bedspread for her blanket she held Ariana in her arms as she fell to sleep.

  Maggie was so tired she never heard the dogs bark as Peter came to milk the cow. He saw the new horse in the barn and was surprised as he looked thoughtfully at the house. Instead of pouring the milk out for the chickens he took it to the house. “Hello” he called as he opened the back door.

  Maggie reluctantly awakened; one hour of sleep was just not enough after what she had been through. She got up realized she still had her house robe on and tightened the belt as she went to greet Peter; she glanced at Ariana who appeared to be asleep. At least her eyes weren’t staring sightlessly off into space anymore. She quickly left the room to greet Peter.

  “Good Morning” she practically whispered as she saw him in the kitchen.

  “Good Morning, when’d you get back?” he asked surprised to see her in a housecoat instead of her usual dungarees and shirt.

  “Just this morning, a couple of hours ago” she answered with a yawn large enough to split her head.

  “In that much of a hurry to get home eh” he grinned.

  “Not really, I’ll tell you later, I’ve got to get some sleep” she said grumpily not willing to tell what had happened, not yet.

  “Okay, well here’s your milk” he held up the pail and put it on the kitchen table. “I’ll get back to my place, nice horse you brought home, you can tell me later” he said as he slipped out the back door.

  “Thank you Peter, for everything” she said gratefully as she watched him go.

  Maggie turned and headed back to bed debating about sleeping in her own bed or joining Ariana in hers again. She chose to sleep with Ariana because she was worried about her, or at least that’s what she told herself. It didn’t take long to snuggle up to her and fall back to sleep.

  She woke to screams echoing in the house, echoing in her head, making her heart beat madly around its cage of her ribs. Sitting up from a dead sleep to the screams coming from the woman beside her had Maggie a wee bit disoriented, the strange room, the strange bed, the screams all causing different alarms to go off in her system. She turned and gathered Ariana into her arms trying to hold the thrashing woman down, she was stronger than Maggie had thought she would be and in her panic she hit her elbow on Maggie’s nose.

  “Ouch jeez Ari, wake up, WAKE UP!” she shouted using her whole body to hold her down and pin her to the bed.

  Slowly the screams subsided, slowly Ariana stilled on the bed as her eyes focused, as her brain cleared, as she became aware of Maggie straddling her, her legs holding Ariana’s to the bed her hands holding her wrists, her hips holding down Ariana’s, her chest heaving from her exertions as she looked into her face. Maggie could see that this time Ariana’s eyes weren’t vacant, she was aware, no longer the child, but the woman, a hurting woman, but the woman she had known. As she calmed Maggie began to become aware of the position she was in on top of Ariana.

  “Are you okay?” she asked softly, caringly.

  Ariana looked deeply into her eyes and hearing the care in her voice, the emotions, reached up with her mouth to kiss her in reply. Maggie froze and her hands released their hold on Ariana’s wrists. Ariana took advantage of that to bring her hands down and one held Maggie’s head in place as she used the other hand to caress along her back and hold her in place against Ariana’s body. It was obvious to Ariana that Maggie was unschooled in kissing but Ariana didn’t care, she wanted this woman for so long and to find her against her when she awoke was too delicious not to pursue.

  Maggie hesitantly kissed her back unsure of how to do it right but enjoying the feel of their lips together. As Ariana’s hand held her head in place she let her take the lead. Ariana rolled them and was soon on top pressing her own body down against Maggie’s causing sensations she had never experienced, the feel of Ariana’s body against her own was incredible, the weight, the movement, it was causing things she didn’t know how to respond to and she clung to Ariana in the desperation of the moment.

  Slowly Ariana became aware that she was back in the farmhouse, in the bed that had been Maggie’s parents, that she had just woken from a horrible dream, had no idea how she had gotten here and Maggie was under her and she was kissing her for all she was worth, pouring out her heart in the kiss and while it was obvious Maggie didn’t know what she was doing she wasn’t pushing her away. Ariana slowly ended the kiss, the series of kisses she had instigated and she slowly pulled back to look into Maggie’s amazing eyes. They were both panting from their exertions. Maggie’s hands were over their heads in surrender, not holding Ariana to her as Ariana would have wanted.

  Ariana petted her short hair back and looked lovingly down into her now puzzled face. “Are you okay with this?” she asked softly, gently, and worri
ed as Maggie took so long in answering.

  “I was worried about you, you were in shock…” she began as she looked at Ariana’s swollen mouth wondering if she had caused that, wondering at the feel of it against her own, and wondering if it would return.

  “Shhh, we will talk about that later” Ariana suppressed the memories that Maggie was bringing up; she didn’t want to think about that, not now, not ever. She was more concerned about the here and now, about Maggie being below her, at the feelings and emotions she was feeling right now. “I meant, this” she pressed slightly pelvis to pelvis to emphasize what she meant, “I mean about me kissing you?”

  Maggie wasn’t sure what to say, she had been attracted to Ariana forever, had never thought beyond that, had known it was wrong, unnatural, and thought she had come to grips with it. The kiss though, the feelings she had now, she didn’t know what to think, or what to say... She began hesitatingly as she looked deep into Ariana’s dark eyes “I’ve liked you for a long time” she looked for rejection at that admission “I didn’t know it would feel like this…” she was embarrassed and didn’t know if she wanted to continue.

  Ariana smiled, she understood the feelings that Maggie was going through, and she had gone through them herself. She liked what she was feeling, she wanted to continue but not without some indication from Maggie that it was what she wanted. She leaned down until lips were barely brushing Maggie’s and whispered “feel like this?” before she gently kissed her again, and again, and again….

  Maggie loved how that felt, their lips touching, when Ariana gently pried her lips apart with her own and began to hesitantly touch her with her tongue she couldn’t imagine it getting any better. She timidly stuck her tongue out to touch Ariana’s and enjoyed the tongue on tongue that ensued. As Ariana got bolder and thrust hers deeper they began to play with each other’s tongue until Ariana groaned in her arousal at the love play.


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