Sapphic Cowboi

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Sapphic Cowboi Page 17

by K'Anne Meinel

  “What’d you want to see me about?” he asked curiously as he came from behind the makeshift desk where he had been doing the infernal paperwork involved in running an operation this big. They had picked over another circus that had gone under this year and its leavings which they had picked up for a song had helped them expand considerably.

  “Um is Carlton around?” she asked cautiously. She didn’t like him, he looked at women, all women with a look that either dismissed them as human beings or he stalked them as bed partners, she didn’t like how he ignored Ariana either.

  “You wanted to see Carlton?” he asked surprised.

  “No, not really” she looked really nervous now as she wrung her hands.

  “What can I do for you Maggie?” he asked kindly seeing how nervous she seemed.

  “I’d like to ask…” she swallowed; this was harder than Perry had made it appear. “I’d like to ask for Ariana’s hand in marriage” she got out feeling decidedly uncomfortable looking everywhere but at what she assumed was Cecil’s shocked face. At the deadly silence though she hesitated and looked directly at him.

  Cecil had been shocked. Not that Maggie would ask such a thing but that this would acknowledge what was an open secret in their small community. He didn’t know what to say really but by the time she looked at him he had at least closed his gaping mouth. He swallowed and asked “shouldn’t you ask her father?” hoping to put it off on him.

  Maggie shook her head “surely you know how she feels about him, she loves you like a real father, so no, you are the one I should ask, not him.”

  “You know it won’t be real…” he began, honored knowing that Ariana loved him like a real father; he had always loved that little girl as his own. The woman she had become he was just as proud of.

  She shook her head in denial “it will be real to us and that’s all that matters, I just want your blessing before I ask Ariana. We can worry about the ceremony in Ohio when we get there” she told him.

  He nodded dumbly and then realized, why the heck not. The two women loved each other, made each other very happy, why not a ceremony? It might not be legal, it might not be Christian even, but to them it would mean something. He smiled suddenly “why yes Maggie, I give you my blessing and I welcome you as the other daughter I never had.”

  Maggie had tears in her eyes as she nodded in acknowledgement of what he had just said. The warmth she felt towards her circus family and the love she had found was only enhanced by the words this man had just said. She unconsciously headed in his direction and they shared an awkward hug. She sniffed audibly and smiled at him tremulously at the immense joy he had given her. They shared the smile as Carl walked in and looked on surprised. Maggie backed away, nodded to Carl, and smiled at Cecil again before leaving the tent rapidly to go find Ariana.

  “What was that about?” Carl wondered aloud, he thought for a moment perhaps Cecil was behaving like Carlton, coming on to the young girls.

  Cecil laughed in delight before telling his father “Maggie just asked to marry Ariana!” then watched in equal delight at the expressions on his father’s face.

  “Marriage? Between two women? Why that’s, that’s…” he searched for the proper world “preposterous!”

  Cecil nodded and then said “but it’s right…for them.”

  Carl was surprised as his ire lessoned, the circus had an interesting mix of people and he had been around it for over twenty five years. He had seen same sex couples for many years, he had known about Ariana’s predilections for years and accepted it but … marriage? “But why you? Why not ask Carleton?”

  “Has Carleton ever done anything for that girl? She wouldn’t have gone to that school without your say so.”

  Carl had to agree, Carleton had been nothing but a disappointment, still he did his job and while a failure as a father he had fathered a beautiful young woman who looked amazingly like her grandmother, only prettier and more alive!

  Maggie found Ariana playing with the foal that the zebra’s had squeezed out. It was cute and stunted, not nearly as beautiful as the fillies that her own horses produced. Seeing her play with the little baby who was ugly and awkward and being looked on by the suspicious mother made Maggie wonder if she was doing the right thing? If Ariana agreed she would be giving up on having children of her own someday and maybe Maggie had no right to do that? When Ariana looked up from where she was petting the little filly on her lap like a dog though Maggie’s heart just melted, she love this woman, they planned to spend the rest of their lives together, that had already been decided, asking her to marry her in front of all their family and friends was just an affirmation of the love they felt for each other.

  “Hey look at her” Ariana enthused as she let the filly rise from her lap. It wasn’t as graceful as the horses that Maggie raised but it had its own charm. Or maybe it was the woman who was looking like a little girl playing in the hay with the baby.

  “She’s not going to be very big” Maggie commented in amusement.

  “Maybe we should cross breed one of your blacks with a zebra” Ariana said amused.

  “Don’t you dare!” Maggie took the bait.

  Ariana shared a laugh with her lover and then looked at her, really looked at her. Maggie needed a haircut, her short hair looked good on her but then she was used to its cut. It was longer than she could remember it being before, a little shaggy, Maggie had been too busy to have someone cut it for her, and there was always someone willing to help in the circus. “You need a haircut” she told her with a grin as she got up.

  Maggie ran her fingers through her short hair, it was longer than she liked but she had planned to cut it for their ceremony but then Ariana didn’t know that. “Say, you busy now?” she asked awkwardly instead.

  Ariana looked at her curiously. She’d just been playing with the zebra filly so no, she wasn’t busy. She could see that Maggie was nervous for some reason and wondered at it. “No, what’s up?” she asked trying to make whatever it was easy on Maggie. She loved her so much, was so happy with her, she couldn’t believe they were together after all the angst she had put herself through last year convinced she could never have this.

  “Well I was looking for you” she hesitated feeling suddenly shy and put her hand in her pocket feeling for the box that Perry had gone with her to buy.

  Ariana knew something was up; Maggie was far too uncomfortable for whatever she wanted to say. She started walking away from the zebra area to give them some privacy, people were always around.

  “And I thought we could talk” she continued still sounding awkward and unsure of herself.

  “Hey Maggie, someone wants to talk to you about your horses” someone called from over where the fences were up around the blacks.

  Maggie nearly groaned at the interruption and headed that way followed by a puzzled Ariana wondering what was going on, what Maggie wanted to talk to her about. They had a show in a couple of hours, maybe there was a problem?

  The man who wanted to talk to her didn’t make a good impression on the circus horse master; he was condescending to her because she was a woman and made it known because he was a man that he was superior and more knowledgeable about horses and life due to his being a man. He was astonished that she refused to sell any of her blacks to him when he offered her a pittance, insulted both her and her horses, and ended up being chased off by Feathers for his insufferable attitude.

  “That was great!” Ariana laughed after he was chased off. She herself had listened as he told Maggie what she was doing wrong, with her training and her breeding program and that the horses would be better off on his farm where he would get them into shape. He was astonished she didn’t use whips but then what could a mere woman hope to control these stupid blacks with if not a whip?

  Maggie was no longer in the frame of mind she needed and she got up on Sampson bare backed and rode him around the grounds to ride off her anger over the stupidity of that man. Ariana understood her need to get away and
let her go still wondering about the conversation they had started by the zebras.

  “Hey, where is Maggie, we have to get you dressed” one of the performers mentioned to Ariana as the time neared for their portion of the show, they had three performances now in each show and were looking to add to them.

  “I don’t know I haven’t seen her in a while” Ariana worried as she looked for her partner and friend.

  It wasn’t until fifteen minutes before show time that Maggie came galloping up on a frothing Sampson who looked ready to take on the world.

  “Where were you, we go on in fifteen minutes!” Ariana let her worry come out in anger.

  “Yeah I know, I’m sorry I’m late, I’ll be changed in a minute” she got off Sampson, and headed for the tent she shared with Ariana most nights “could you sponge his mouth off, he got pretty excited” she said as she ran to change.

  Ariana was annoyed; she got a bucket and sponged the heaving black, whether or not he was ready for the show he would have to go on. They promoted the ‘herd’ of Maggie’s Mustangs and Sampson was a key player, a natural show off. She only hoped that wherever Maggie had been he wasn’t too tired out. He certainly was feisty as she sponged him down and saddled him up with one of the show saddles that were small and almost unrecognizable as a saddle. It consisted of black material that matched the black of the horse and in fact was made of horsehair but it allowed a seat on the horse so they didn’t slip off and they could stand on him or spring off him depending on the stunt. Sampson was solid and dependable and few of the other horses could stand in for him.

  Maggie came out of the tent dressed in her tuxedo and looking dapper. The top hat was in hand and she smiled at Ariana with some secret smile that told her everything was all right. Ariana wanted explanations and hoped to get them after their first act.

  It went beautifully as they galloped in, Maggie on Sampson, Ariana on Satan at the back. Maggie stood up on Sampson and Ariana on Satan. Maggie dived off and rolled into a stand and began to signal the horses as Ariana danced on and over them her beauty shown off by their black background and the terrific gowns she was provided with by their excellent seamstresses. They had fifteen minutes to show off the horses before another act took center stage and then they had another fifteen minute show later, before their final Spanish act at the end of the evening. The horses were very popular.

  Coming out of the tent at a gallop they headed for the makeshift corral where several roustabouts waited to wipe down the heaving horses and help pin on their ‘capes’ and other decorations for the second act. There was little time to talk much less breath as they got ready for the second act and went back in. The vibrant colors and the costumes of the horses and the two women riding and playing with them awed the audience who clapped appreciatively, the horses had learned to suck up the attention and their heads bobbed under the feathers and costumes showing off. As they finished their second set they headed outside again where the roustabouts helped remove the costumes and Maggie and Ariana changed in their small tent to their Spanish outfits for their dance.

  As Maggie changed her slacks a box fell out of her pocket. Ariana reached for it before Maggie could hide it. “Whats this?” Ariana asked opening it to find an exquisite sapphire ring surrounded by diamonds.

  Maggie had planned this better but had it delayed and ruined today, and had lost it for a time as it fell out of her pants earlier, she had almost been late for their first show while she retraced her steps looking for it, never so relieved when she found it and realized she could ask Ariana to marry her with it, what better time than the present? “Ariana, will you marry me?” she asked as she finished pulling on her costume and zipped up her slacks.

  Ariana looked up from the ring to see Maggie looking at her with all the love in her heart. Only a brief hesitation before she wrapped her arms around her lover and said “yes, yes, YES” and kissed her on the lips smearing them with her red lipstick, she pulled back and started laughing joyously, they had very little time before they were due back in the center ring.

  Maggie laughed as she wrapped her arms around her and swung her around and around. “I love you Ariana” she told her and kissed her again.

  “C’mon you two, on in a few” someone called from outside the tent.

  They hurried to finish changing exchanging loving looks as Maggie knelt and put the ring on Ariana’s left hand, it fit perfectly! Ariana pulled out a handkerchief to wipe the lipstick off Maggie’s lips and laughed with her when she wanted to cry with joy. They ran out to spring onto Sampson and Satan’s back for their ‘Spanish Dance’ the music starting up in the main tent as they galloped in.

  Tonight the dance, normally a sensual and seductive dance between two women, many didn’t realize Maggie with her short hair slicked back was actually a woman, had extra meaning for them as they gazed with genuine love, and danced accordingly. It put a spring into their dance, on and off the horses as they galloped around them, as they spun in and out of each other’s arms in time with the music, the audience gasps at their acrobatics and dance was music to their ears. As the act came to an end one by one their fellow performers caught a glimpse of the stone on Arian’s ring finger and silent communication spread the word. The applause for the two performers and their horses wasn’t just from the paying audience tonight. They received congratulations all night long and it was late before they got to bed to celebrate their love in their own way.

  Ohio had been chosen by Maggie as the place for their wedding ceremony because it had been a full year since she had joined them and met the woman who would change her life forever. Everyone entered into the planning and while there were few if any who disapproved, including the father of the bride, they were ignored. A new tuxedo was crafted for Maggie but when she found out she refused and instead talked the seamstresses to sew her a white wedding gown to everyone’s surprise. The material she provided them with though was a joy to work with and they did their best work. They also sewed the dress for Ariana and secretly thought how compatible these two young women were.

  The ceremony itself was held in the middle of the fairgrounds. Someone had cut the grass and set up chairs for them to walk down the aisle. Perry walked Maggie down the aisle and they waited as Cecil and not Carlton walked Ariana down it to join their hands proudly. They stood up for the couple as one of the circus performers; an ordained minister performed the service for them. They were married before God and friends, if not exactly legal at least it was to them. The simple wedding bands they exchanged confirmed it to everyone present. The pictures showed two beautiful women in modest white gowns, one in silk, one in lace, one with short hair, one with long and loose hair, both black headed against the backdrop of their black steeds. It was a striking black and white picture with all the shades within it. Everyone was moved to tears as they saw the two brides together. The party afterwards was short lived and alcohol free as they had as show to put on that evening.

  The brides didn’t mind that their reception was cut short, they felt they had already had their honeymoon, they had their memories, were making more, they had their pictures and while the photographer had thought it odd that there were two brides the pictures did them justice. They looked beautiful and in love and that was all that mattered as they gazed into the camera together or into each other’s eyes for the portraits.

  The show that night seemed to be extra special, extra brilliant. The horse show the audience remembered from last year was more sophisticated and had a lot more to it. The additional beautiful woman made the men sit up and take notice if they hadn’t before. The handsome man or was that a woman? in the top hat seemed to control the horses. The combination of shows that Maggie and Ariana put on was a big success to an audience that had seen them before, or thought they had. The changes were well received.

  “We’re an old married couple now” Maggie teased Ariana as the got ready for bed that evening.

  “I can’t believe you arranged all that” she gestured t
o where the ceremony had been held that afternoon, it had been absolutely beautiful.

  “I didn’t do it alone, everyone helped” Maggie said as she finished getting out of her Spanish costume. Tonight’s questions from people had seemed to last extra-long but maybe it was because they wanted to be alone together.

  “But you arranged it” Ariana got into their bed, their bed and waited for Maggie to join her. “Is there nothing you can’t do if you set your mind to it?”

  “Not much” Maggie grinned as she realized she had never been happier in her life, she had everything she had ever dreamed of and more as she got into bed with her bride.

  Some months later after their second season of touring with the circus together had ended they returned back to their farm for a well-deserved winter’s vacation. They had lots of plans and ideas and were looking forward to the time ‘off’ to plan and relax as it were as they got in the crops and saw what additions their herd had brought them, made arrangements to ship horses that had been purchased, trained the younger horses to be sold or brought into Maggie’s Mustangs that weren’t really mustangs. They had a full vacation ahead of them.

  “I’d like babies” she told a surprised Maggie in bed that evening.

  Maggie pulled back in alarm “now how am I going to manage that?”

  Ariana just pulled her back and smiled as she kissed her. They’d find a way, somehow they would find a way, together they could accomplish anything.

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  If you have enjoyed SAPPHIC COWBOI you’ll look forward to K’Anne Meinel’s splendid and unforgettable first novel:


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