Sapphic Cowboi

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Sapphic Cowboi Page 19

by K'Anne Meinel

  The 55 ended into Costa Mesa and they drove through to Newport Beach and over the bridge onto Balboa Island. Multi-Million dollar homes were on these islands. They were crammed into every available space.

  Grace told Joan how lucky she was to live in the boonies as Joan had told her of Wisconsin. Joan lived in a central Wisconsin town called Wausau. She had moved there after her divorce with her three sons. She had a gallery there in an old converted building downtown. Her apartment was upstairs and convenient. Her sons were grown now. Her youngest in college. Her oldest had even made her a grandma last year.

  As they drove down a street on the island they came to a security booth. The officer looked up and saw Grace. Waving he pushed a button that opened the gate. They pulled up in front of Graces apartment and she parked the Jaguar. Grace walked up to her front door and unlocked it; opening it she let Joan precede her into the front room. Grace showed her around. To Joan’s right was a kitchenette to her left the living room. Further into the living room a hallway that led elsewhere. Opening her blinds onto a beautiful water frontage Joan asked about the dock in front of the apartment.

  “You have a boat?”

  “No, I always wanted one. Just never took the time to actually GET one.” Grace smiled.

  Grace went into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of wine. Holding it aloft to show Joan she silently asked if Joan wanted some. Joan nodded and Grace proceeded to fill two wine glasses full. Carrying the wine bottle under her arm and the two wine glasses in her hands she went to sit on the sofa. Joan joined her there. Grace handed her one of the glasses, a deep emerald green with cuts in the crystal. Joan found her hand was shaking a little. Grace noted that as well.


  “I don’t know why I’m so nervous.” Joan lied.

  “Don’t you?” Grace raised her eyebrows in question.

  Smiling wryly down in to her glass Joan lifted it for a drink. It ended up being quite a gulp and she almost choked. Coughing and laughing she did indeed relax. They resumed their conversation. The talk was easy and non-invasive. Just two people getting to know one another.

  Joan told her about living in CA all those years ago. Repeating some of the story that had been told at the party. She told a very small amount about her disastrous marriage. How she had only been 18 when she married. Her first son born at 19. Her second at 21 and her third at 23. By then the marriage had turned very sour.

  “What can I say? I was young, naive, and in love with the idea of a happily ever after marriage. The sad thing is once he drained my bank account he went after my mom’s and once that was gone, so was he.”

  “Actually, the happily ever after is what a lot of people dream for. They don’t realize that Cinderella or Snow White probably had stretch marks, that their nails broke washing the castle, and that they got fat with age and children.” They shared a laugh at the image this portrayed.

  It was relaxing and the time flew. It was 1:00 before they knew it. For Joan it was even later with the time difference. Stifling a yawn, she put down her empty glass. The wine bottle was now empty with their concerted efforts. Joan realized something right then. Her apparent prejudice against psychiatrists and psychologists was gone or at least against this particular one. Grace was easy to talk to. Not only that, Joan liked hearing what she had to say. It wasn’t judgmental. Her life hadn’t been any easier than Joan’s. She was human. She was real. Looking over at Grace she realized how much she liked this person. How attracted she was to this person. How much she wanted to BE WITH this person.

  Grace had been watching Joan throughout the afternoon and evening. Talking with her at the show she immediately sensed Joan’s diverse intelligence. That had drawn her immediately. Her body was attractive as well. She had to be about 5’7”. Just 2” shorter than Grace’s 5’9”. She held herself tall and walked with an easy going gate. Her incredibly long brown hair was held back with clips and it flowed past her waist. The red streaks in it looked natural and were. The clothes she wore flowed along her body. She wasn’t thin by any stretch of the imagination. She was big boned but not fat. Her face was round but well defined with high cheekbones. Dark green eyes were framed by dark brown thick eyelashes and eyebrows. Her nose was cute and not too long. Her lips drew you in. It was her smile though that really made her pretty. Her teeth weren’t perfectly straight. She wasn’t beautiful but when she laughed it made her seem so.

  Grace had watched her as they talked all evening. She was unconscious about the flow of her own body movements. Grace thought of this as her artistic movements. Joan would have laughed and called these her autistic movements had she but known Graces thoughts. Grace watched her effortlessly fit into the party and chat with the people she had known. Making new friends from complete strangers. She hadn’t been the life of the party but her diverse interests made her easy to talk to. She drew people to her. A lot of people would have had trouble just fitting in at a stranger’s party, especially a gay stranger’s party. Not Joan. It hadn’t troubled her in the slightest.

  The more she watched and listened and talked the more aware of the attraction she became. Kissing Joan in the car had scared her. She was scared that she had frightened off this intelligent, amazing, woman. So far though Joan didn’t show any signs of bolting. Grace was determined to proceed with care. She wanted to KNOW this woman, intimately.

  Watching her hide the yawn she suddenly realized how late it was for Joan. Apologizing she offered her the couch or the bed, whichever Joan preferred.

  Caught off balance she stammered her reply “but I thought, I thought that you...” and she trailed off. Blushing at her apparent misunderstanding Joan turned slightly away.

  Realizing that Joan was embarrassed Grace quickly went to reassure her. Leaning over on the couch she caught her by the shoulder and turned her back. Joan’s head rose to look her in the face. “I didn’t want to do anything that you didn’t want to do. Okay?”

  Nodding but mute Joan looked for that spark she had seen before. It was there in Graces eyes. Again something seemed to reach out between them. Joan leaned slightly forward and met Grace halfway in a searing kiss. It didn’t end. Before she knew it Joan found herself pushed back on the couch with Grace half over her. She could feel the desire in her own body. Her crotch was wet with it and pulsing. Grace’s beautiful body was pressed against her own and her hands were caressing her. Joan’s own hands were kneading Graces shoulders, pulling at her, sliding down her back to pull her even more on top of Joan. Grace deepened the kisses, drawing a half moan from Joan. Panting heavily Grace pulled back. Looking deep in Joan’s eyes she asked “Are you sure?”.

  Joan whispered breathlessly “Very.”

  At this Grace stood up, pulling herself up and off Joan. It took a second to get her balance. Looking down at a bewildered Joan she held out her hand and pulled Joan up and off the couch. Planting a kiss on her lips Grace led Joan down the hallway. Her bedroom was decorated with modern furniture. Cold and sterile. A small lamp was switched on by the bedside. Joan could see into a bathroom across from the bed.

  Leading Joan to the bedside she took her in her arms and just held her. Joan relaxed in her arms, pulled slightly back and looked up into Graces face. Bending slightly Grace met Joan in a kiss. It wasn’t enough for either of them. Grace quickly began to undress Joan. Joan tried to follow suit but was nervous and inept. Stilling Joan’s shaking hands, Grace put the hands on Grace’s body in mute appeal for caresses. This Joan did understand, want, and could do. Swiftly Grace took off Joan’s flowing blouse. Underneath was a satin push up bra. Surprised at this Grace took the time to kiss along the top of Joan’s breasts. Throwing the blouse to a chair, Grace unhooked the bra from in front and Joan’s breasts spilled out into Graces face. Grace buried her nose between them.

  Joan was watching with a detached air. She wasn’t sure what to do with herself. Grace obviously knew what she was doing and Joan tried to follow her lead. Joan’s hesitant hand on Graces body was doing
more than Joan realized. Grace was already losing control. She took deep breathes and calmed herself. She didn’t want to scare Joan at the intensity of her passion. Not yet. Not when it was all so new to Joan.

  “Are you all right?” Joan asked.

  “Yes, it’s just that I want you. Immensely. But I don’t want to frighten you.” Grace breathed in her ear.

  “It’s all right, I’m not frightened. If something doesn’t feel right, I’ll let you know.”

  With that Grace felt much better and began raining kisses down Joan’s neck and chest, leading to her breasts that were spilt out of the bra. Pulling the bra off the rest of the way, Grace threw it on the blouse. Reaching for Joan’s pants fastener Joan stopped her. Grace looked up to see the desire flooding Joan’s eyes. Joan reached to remove the blazer that Grace was wearing. That too wound up on the chair. Joan gently began unfastening the buttons to Graces baby blue blouse, a lot more competent and not shaking now. Her fingertips grazed Graces flesh. Pushing the blouse off her shoulders the whole thing was stopped because they hadn’t unfastened the buttons at the wrists. Grace was effectively trapped in her own blouse. Joan’s shoulders began to shake with laughter. After a moment of frustration, Grace joined her in laughing at their predicament. This eased the tension a bit and relaxed both of them. Pulling the blouse back on she quickly released her wrists and threw off the blouse. After a moment’s hesitation Joan unfastened the bra holding in Graces breasts. This too was discarded. Joan stopped, uncertain and nervous. Grace lifted her chin with one finger and gently kissed her, which soothed her fears, igniting more of her passion. Joan wasn’t sure how this immense attraction had come about but she wanted this woman more than she could bear. In short order they were both standing there naked. Joan shyly looked everywhere but AT Graces body. Grace had no qualms and looked lustfully over Joan’s.

  Pulling her in for an embrace, Grace could feel the tension in Joan’s body. The unfamiliarity of a woman’s body was scaring her, despite her wantings. Grace soothed her with gentle caresses. Nothing intimate. Just gentle caresses. Soon Joan was returning those caresses and reaching to Grace for a kiss. Joan surprised Grace with the intensity of the passion that came with that kiss. Grace wondered if Joan was as aware of what she was doing as Grace was. She didn’t think so. The caresses became more fevered and gently intimate. They both wanted it, they craved it. The first touch below her navel had Joan making small moaning noises, unaware how inflaming they were, they coincided with her harsh breathing from the kisses they were exchanging. Graces hand circled lower to Joan’s lower hair. Definitely red in color, her fingers stretched through it, touching lightly. Joan took her own hand and pressed Graces harder against her crotch, slightly grinding it in, her hips pushing against the hands. Surprised, Grace granted her wish.

  At the first touch of her clit Joan’s knees began to buckle. Grace lowered her to the bed and began making love to her in earnest. No hesitation. Determined caresses meant to arouse her. Joan was nibbling along Graces shoulder but she actually bit her when Grace touched her wet crotch. Moaning in a pleading sort of way, Joan was on fire. Grace set out to put more fuel on the fire by placing a finger inside of her and moving slowly. Joan bucked up at that hand. Two fingers and she was moaning, shamelessly. Grace knew her own crotch was wet from these goings on. She placed Joan’s other hand on her own crotch and cringed a little at how zealously Joan imitated her. Slowing her down a little to an even rhythm had them both in ecstasy. Grace came quickly. She knew her body well and knew the desires that had been building all night. She captured Joan’s mouth again with her own and deepened the kisses; deeply her tongue plunged, imitating her fingers. She could tell by the gushing moisture on her hand and the moans coming from Joan how close she was to a climax. Grace captured Joan’s scream in her mouth as she came. Grace didn’t stop the rhythm though. She continued until Joan had come a second time. Little cries followed for a time. Grace was amazed at the power of Joan’s climax. Smiling to herself at what she had caused, she lay down next to her, kissing her breasts and her mouth, in a thank you. Soothing caresses followed. Not wanting to frighten her by doing other things to her, Grace decided not to proceed any further tonight.

  When their breathing had returned to normal, Grace rose and went to the bathroom to clean up. As she had left so abruptly, Joan was confused. She laid there stunned. Her own insecurities surfaced and she thought she had done something wrong. Joan was about to follow to the bathroom when Grace returned with a warm wash cloth. She proceeded to wash between Joan’s legs much to her mortification. Joan reached for the cloth to finish and Grace let her knowing she needed to adjust. Joan was surprised and then embarrassed at the amount of cum that she was cleaning up. It seemed to be never ending. Finally she rose to go to the bathroom and finish cleaning herself.

  Shyly returning to the bedroom she saw that Grace had pulled off the bedspread and pulled down the sheets. She was unselfconsciously naked as she adjusted the pillows. Joan watched her from the bathroom door. Grace looked up and with her hand invited her into the bed. Hesitating only slightly, Joan joined her. Grace pulled her into an embrace with Joan’s head resting on her shoulder. They snuggled together.

  “Any regrets?”

  Moving slightly to face up to her Joan replied “No, should there be?”

  “That depends on you actually. I don’t have any.”

  “I don’t think I do either.”

  Smiling, Grace leaned over and kissed her gently. Lying there together, holding each other was just so nice. Both became drowsy.

  “Grace, I must tell you something.”

  Instantly awake and looking for her regrets Grace let Joan rise up. “What?”

  Her face a mixture of emotions Joan was looking down at her hands. They were entwined with Graces in a hand hold. Disentangling them, Joan took a deep breath and blurted “I’ve never had a climax before.” Her faced flushed with her confession. She looked up to Grace and noted the amazement in her expression.

  “Never?” She asked in astonishment. The passion that this woman had shared with her made that statement sound like a lie.

  Joan shook her head. Her face was darker if possible with embarrassment.

  “But you were married for seven years, you said.”

  Nodding in agreement Joan looked back down in mortification. “I know I’ve been close several times but never actually made it over the mountain.”

  Blown away at this news, Grace could only stare. Pulling herself together she realized how vulnerable this woman was who lay in her bed. “Not even by yourself?”

  Shaking her head Joan looked up. Grace could see the hurt that this news had inflicted on this woman. Reaching over, Grace again took her hands in hers and said “Hey, this isn’t ANYTHING to be ashamed of, okay? I can tell you I KNOW for a fact that it couldn’t possibly be your fault. After what you just showed me you never need to convince me that you can’t orgasm. You may not know it but that was pretty powerful stuff.”

  Looking up to see if she was just being placated, Joan smiled. Returning it, Grace again pulled her against her chest, kissing her on the way down, cuddling her close. They both drifted off to sleep.

  ~End~ Chapter 1

  K’Anne Meinel

  K’Anne Meinel first wrote SHIPS in 2003 over the course of two weeks. She then played with it for several years before publishing it as an e-book on and then being approached to publish it in book form. After that it was published on as an e-book. In the meantime she published some 35 novellas and novels of various genres. Originally from Wisconsin many of her stories have taken on locations from and around the state. A gypsy at heart she has lived in many locations and plans to continue doing that. Her fans have compared her to some of the great authors of our times including Danielle Steel and Dean Koontz. Videos of several of her books are available on YouTube outlining some of the locations of her books and telling a little bit more…giving the readers insight into her mind as she
created these wonderful stories.

  Other Novels and Novella’s from K’Anne Meinel: (*notates a Novel vs. a Novella)

  Alone in the Laundromat can she get away with what she needs to do, does she dare? What about when she is discovered.


  Hasn't there always been a place you wanted to go to, that you dreamed about? What if you made it a reality with the one that you love? All your fantasies and dreams come true?

  Beach Dreams:

  This is what happens when I wear a bikini for the first time. A short erotic story that tells a tale for those who understand that BIKINIS ARE DANGEROUS!

  Bikini's are Dangerous 1:

  Once again we prove that Bikini's can't be trusted, that these itty bitty scraps of material, are DANGEROUS!

  Bikini's are Dangerous 2:

  Proving that Bikini's are more than just for swimming.

  Bikini's are Dangerous 3:

  Rio de Janeiro is well known as the world's premiere beach destination. Will I wear my bikini or not as they are also known for their nude or clothing optional beaches...BIKINI'S ARE DANGEROUS!

  Bikini's are Dangerous 4:

  When you are unsure about your body, being around those who are not only fit and trim but bikini clad can be inhibiting as well as distracting. As I work on my body, my confidence and my attraction to this bikini clad body that helps me achieve these results develops. Finally admitting our mutual attraction leads to a situation that proves BIKINI'S ARE DANGEROUS!


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