Empires of the Sea

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Empires of the Sea Page 36

by Crowley, Roger

  “a great number of them” Caetani, p. 207

  “Giambattista Contusio felled Kara Hodja” ibid., p. 135

  “There was a high number” Scetti, p. 121

  “Don’t shoot. We’re also Christians!” Capponi, p. 279

  “What shall we go for next” Brântome, p. 126

  “My galley, with cannon” Lesure, p. 136

  “On the Real” ibid., p. 135

  “an enormous quantity of large turbans” ibid.

  “could make his galley do” ibid., p. 138

  “delivered an immense carnage” ibid.

  “Each of you do as much” Stirling-Maxwell, p. 422

  “out of disdain and ridicule” Thubron, pp. 156–7

  “The greater fury of the battle” Bicheno, pp. 255–6

  “the soldiers, sailors and convicts” Thubron, p. 157

  “What has happened was so strange” Caetani, p. 212

  “because of the countless corpses…nobody would help them” Scetti, p. 122

  “I saw the wretched place” Peçevi, pp. 351–2

  “The greatest event witnessed” Cervantes, p. 76


  “God be with you” Stirling-Maxwell, p. 443

  “Now, Lord” Pastor, vol. 18, p. 298

  “He didn’t show any excitement” Colección de Documentos Inéditos, p. 258

  “the general enemy Ottoman” Othello, Act I, Scene 3, line 50

  “You may be assured” Petrie, p. 192

  “Conqueror of Provinces” Bicheno, p. 270

  “secretly, in the manner” Lesure, p. 151

  “It can now be said” Setton, vol. 4, p. 1068

  “Why is he crying…yet I shed no tears” Stirling-Maxwell, p. 428

  “The enemy’s loss has been” Setton, vol. 4, p. 1069

  “A battle may be won or lost” Inalcik, p. 190

  “The will of God” Lesure, p. 182

  “But it may happen” Hess (1972), p. 62

  “had not commanded” Yildirim, p. 534

  “Pasha, the wealth and power” Setton, vol. 4, p. 1075

  “In wrestling Cyprus” Stirling-Maxwell, p. 469

  “a slight ironical twist of his lips” Setton, vol. 4, p. 1093

  “Your ambassador” Hess (1972), p. 64

  “That day…was so happy” Cervantes, p. 138

  “Having seen…an armada” Setton, vol. 4, p. 1091

  “as light as the leaves” Braudel, vol. 2, p. 1195

  “It is indeed a strange fact” Soucek (1996), p. 102


  “Here lies La Valette” Bradford (1972), p. 173

  “the most serene señor” Balbi (1961), p. 7

  “It is believed that the death of” ibid., p. 5

  “I spend my time” Bicheno, p. 260


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