by Paula Deen
The Lady restaurant in, see The Lady
loyal customers of, 117
moving out of, 101, 104, 107, 108
Paula’s risk with, 87
Bill (steady date), 21, 22
Biscuits and Sawmill Gravy (recipe), 135-36
blended families, 190-93
Bloom, Orlando, 53, 250, 251
Blue (dog), 45
Bradford, Barbara Taylor, 46
Branch, Brandon, 184, 252, 257, 267
Brown, Mike, 105-7, 108
Burrows, Mr., 73-74
Cannon, Pamela, 129-31
Carter, Jimmy, 53, 255-62
Carter, Rosalynn, 257, 260
celebration food, 216-19
Charles, Dora:
and catering business, 108-9
and Lady & Sons, 114, 117, 118
and unexpected glitches, 233-34
Charles, Ray, 10
Chocolate-Dippy Doughnut Sauce (recipe), 25-26
Chocolate-Dippy or Sugarcoated Doughnuts (recipe), 25
Christian, Spencer, 132-33
don’t mess with, 272-77
with family, 276
fragrance in your home for, 274
going home for, 272-73
Mary Hartline doll for, 274, 276
and New Year’s, 276-77
snow for, 272-73
stockings and gifts, 274-75
turducken for, 274
worst, 275-76
civil rights movement, 9-10, 11
Cody (dog), 148, 178
comfort food, 211, 212-13
Courage Chili (recipe), 34-35
Crowe, Cameron, 249, 250, 251, 254
Cruise, Tom, 249, 251
Crum, Bernice and Hugh, 19
Curtis (momma’s friend), 192-93
Dale (neighbor), 55
Deen, Bobby (son):
and The Bag Lady, 83, 85, 111
and Best Western, 240-42
birth of, 40-41
and bridal shower, 186
childhood illnesses of, 41, 42
childhood of, 44-45, 46
and cookbook, 127
on family, 279
jobs of, 77-78, 83
and Lady & Sons, 114, 118, 241, 247
and money troubles, 79-80
at movie premiere, 252
pickup truck of, 90, 91
protective of his momma, 192
and Road Tasted, 167, 270-71
as teenager, 64, 66
and TV cooking shows, 158, 167
in Vegas, 159-60
Deen, Brooke (Jamie’s wife), 252, 266, 276
Deen, Jack (first grandbaby), 277, 278, 279
Deen, Jamie (son):
and The Bag Lady, 77-78, 81-83, 84-85, 87-89
and Best Western, 240-42
birth of, 39-40
and bridal shower, 186
childhood of, 44-45, 46
college years of, 64, 77-78
and cookbook, 126-28, 130
helping his momma, 85-86
jobs of, 78-79, 80, 111
and Lady & Sons, 114, 117, 118, 241, 247
and money troubles, 79-80
at movie premiere, 252
protective of his momma, 192
and Road Tasted, 167, 270-71
and TV cooking shows, 158, 167
in Vegas, 159-60
Deen, Jimmy:
and The Bag Lady, 71, 79-83, 90
and Bubba, 44
in car dealership, 51-52
as controlling type, 27-28
courtship, 27-30
drinking, 31-32, 39-40, 57, 89
end of marriage to, 89-91
financial troubles of, 51-52, 67, 91
first look at, 22-23
as irresistible, 23-24, 28, 29
jobs of, 28, 31, 54, 58, 67, 69-70, 90
Paula’s difficult times with, 32-33, 89-91
sons of, 196
wedding of Paula and, 30-31
Deen, Paula:
as Aunt Dora in the movies, 249-51
and The Bag Lady, see The Bag Lady
and bank job, 58-60
and building sublease, 106-7, 108
butter in recipes of, 120-21, 210
childhood of, 7-11, 14-15, 18, 19-20
as control freak, 118, 128
cookbook by, 124-27
cursing, 176-77
on Door Knock Dinners, 158-65
financial security of, 278
financial troubles of, 51-52, 54, 57-58, 67, 69-70, 90-91, 111, 112, 113-14
and Food Network, see Food Network
on game show, 161
on Good Morning America, 132-33, 159
honors and awards to, 121, 127
and hospital job, 67-68, 69
housekeeping habits of, 93-94
and Jimmy, see Deen, Jimmy
and Lady & Sons, see The Lady & Sons
looking for love, 97-101, 137-38, 140
married man, affair with, 97-101, 149, 150-52, 198
meeting the neighbor, 140-42; see also Groover, Michael Anthony
and Mr. Jimmy, 256-62
on not judging a book by its cover, 266-68
on not messing with Christmas, 272-77
odd jobs of, 68-69
panic attacks of, 5-6, 39, 40-41, 45-46, 49-50, 51-52, 54, 55-56, 65-66
and Paula’s Home Cooking, 169
on prayer, 138-39
at premiere of Elizabethtown, 252-54
private catering by, 86-87, 108-9, 110, 115
on QVC, 132, 133, 168
on Ready … Set … Cook!, 165-67
on Southern comfort, 264-66
taking control, 66-67, 70, 89, 125, 160, 254
on taking risks, 268-72
as teenager, 11-13, 20-24
TV wedding of, 183-87, 248
and woman power, 20
as worrier, 121-22
Denise (friend), 64-66
Dingler, Shirley and Dale, 19-20
Dixie (cockatoo), 92, 93, 140
Donahue, Phil, 55-56
Door Knock Dinners, 158-65
Doug (banker), 116
Dull, Mrs. Henrietta, 123, 222
Dunst, Kirsten, 251
Dupree, Susan, 149
Eastwood, Clint, 128
Edenfield, Tom, 187
Edwards, Kenny, 87
Elizabethtown (movie), 250-54
Elliott, Gordon, 157-65
dogs of, 178
and Door Knock Dinners, 158-65
and Follow Productions, 180, 257, 258
and Food Network, 168, 173
and hot-air balloon, 255
and Mr. Jimmy, 257, 258, 259, 261
and Paula’s Home Cooking, 175-76, 178, 180-81
Ephron, Nora, 213
Eric (banker), 116
Ettie May (neighbor), 273
Evangelista, David, 252
Field of Dreams (movie), 105
First Baptist Church, minister in, 50-51
Follow Productions, 180, 257, 258
food, changing ideas about, 210
Food Finds, 167
Food Network, 165-69, 174
ad-libbing on, 177-78
bleeps on, 177
bridal shower on, 186
fan board of, 182-83
hot-air balloon on, 254-55
Paula Goes to Hollywood, 252
and Paula’s Home Cooking, 176
Road Tasted, 270-71
spit bowls of, 179
wedding of Paula and Michael on, 183-87, 182
Freedom Riders, 10
funeral food, 213-16
Geer, Becky, 13-14
Georgia Cracker Salad (recipe), 170
“Georgia on My Mind,” 10
Gerard, Judy, 169
Geri (cartoon artist), 126
Gertie (dog), 178
Good Morning America, 132-33, 159
Grandmomma’s Fried and Steamed Chicken (recipe), 123
Greer, Judy, 251
Groover, Anthony (son), 192, 196, 202
personality of, 195
schooling of, 148-49, 194-95, 203
Groover, Michael Anthony:
and the boat, 142-44
children of, 148-49, 192-206
Christmas with, 152-54
dating seriously, 147
engagement ring from, 154, 183
fan recognition of, 278
and finances, 195-96
getting acquainted, 144-46, 149-50
growing closer, 146-47, 154
meeting, 140-42, 146
personal qualities of, 148
and sexy oxtails, 102
and taking risks, 271
TV wedding of Paula and, 183-87, 248
Groover, Michelle (daughter), 148-49
adjusting, 197-206
comments from, 203-6
and Daniel, 206
on family, 204-6
and her daddy, 193-94, 195, 196, 198-99
and her mother, 205
losing her home, 196-97, 198, 204
Groover, Father Hank, 187
Hanson, Ann, 70, 149
Harry (dog), 178
Heartburn (Ephron), 213
Hiers, Corrie (momma):
and Christmas, 275-76
cooking of, 15-16, 209
and Curtis, 192-93
illness and death of, 41-43
Paula’s memories of, 7, 8, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19
Hiers, Corrie (niece):
birth of, 54
bonding with, 140
childhood of, 63-64
and Christmas, 272
at college, 246
at movie premiere, 252
moving to Savannah, 139
Hiers, Earl (daddy):
and Christmas, 272
illness and death of, 36-39
Paula’s memories of, 7, 8, 13, 16, 18-19, 30
Hiers, Earl Jr. “Bubba” (brother):
birth of, 9
and car dealership, 51-52
childhood of, 7, 12-13
and Dawn, 278-79
giving Paula away (again), 186
and Jill, 53-54, 139
Jimmy as stand-in father to, 44
at Lady & Sons, 247
at movie premiere, 252
moving to Savannah, 139, 140, 246-47
seafood restaurant of, 230, 242, 247-48
on staff relationships, 238
as teenager, 42
Hiers, Grandmomma and Grandpoppa, 272
Hiers, Jill (Bubba’s first wife), 53-54, 139
Hiers, Paula, see Deen, Paula
Hiers, Peggy (aunt), see Ort, Peggy
House Seasoning (recipe), 96
Jackson, Rance, 114-15, 117, 118, 171-72
Jackson, Stonewall, and his momma’s cooking, 213
Jessie, Aunt, and funeral food, 215-16
judging a book by its cover, 266-68
Kate (friend), wedding dress designed by, 185
King, Rev. Martin Luther Jr., 10
LaBelle, Patti, 216
The Lady (Best Western):
expanding, see The Lady & Sons
family as employees in, 88
and insurance, 231
kitchen in, 88-89
overordering in, 236-37
as turnkey operation, 88
unexpected glitches in, 233-34
The Lady & Sons:
Bobby and Jamie as partners in, 241, 247
Bobby and Jamie working in, 114, 118
Bubba working in, 247
buffet as specialty of, 233
butter used in, 120-21
cookbook of, 124-27
as destination stop, 174
expanding, 244-46
filming Good Morning America in, 132-33
furniture for, 231-32
hard work in, 118
menu of, 119
opening of, 109, 114-17, 270
and Oprah’s show, 174-75
professional advice for, 225-27
profitability of, 121, 125
raising money for, 109-12
Southern cooking as specialty of, 118-20, 132, 221
staff of, 114, 147
sublease for, 106-7, 108
wedding reception at, 184
word of mouth for, 117-18
Lady & Sons Just Desserts (Deen), 140
Lady & Sons: Savannah Country Cookbook (Deen), 125-28, 129-31
Ladybird (macaw), 92, 93, 140
Lauder, Estée, 266-67
Levin, Gail, 248, 249, 251
Louis Vuitton purse, buying, 267-68
Magnolia (dog), 86, 92
marriages, second, 190, 202
Martin, Billy, 52
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (Berendt), 128
Mississippi Mud Cake (recipe), 47-48
Mrs. Dull’s Tomato Aspic Funeral Food Dish (recipe), 222
Mrs. Groover’s Banana Nut Delight Cake (recipe), 188-89
My Best Ham Salad Sandwich (recipe), 76
Nix, Toni, 125
Ort, George (uncle), 110-11
Ort, Peggy (aunt), 17, 207
and The Bag Lady, 84
and catering business, 86-87
and Christmas, 274
and cookbook, 126
and Door Knock Dinners, 162
financial help from, 70, 110-12, 225
and Gordon Elliott, 157-58
and The Lady, 88
at movie premiere, 252
pride of, 112
Otis (dog), 140-42, 148, 178, 184
Pan-Fried Corn (recipe), 243
panic attacks, 5-6, 49-50, 51-52, 54
as agoraphobia, 55-57
and childbirth, 40-41
exhaling into a paper bag for, 45-46
start of, 39
Paramount Pictures, 248, 249-51
Paul, Irene (Grandmomma), 7, 16, 17, 71, 209
Paul, John (Granddaddy), 7, 16-17, 276-77
Paul, Trina (aunt), 8
Paula Goes to Hollywood, 252
Paula’s Home Cooking:
ad-libbing of, 177-78
Beau Burgers, 180-81
birth of, 169
bleeps on, 177, 182
crew in back kitchen, 179, 182
cuts and edits of, 182
dogs on the show, 178
dreamsicles, 181-82
eating after the show, 180-81
eating on the show, 178-79
food temperature on, 179-80
getting married on, 183-87
in Gordon Elliott’s home, 175-76, 178
Internet fan board for, 182-83
Mr. Jimmy on, 260-61
recipes from, see Recipes
Southern cooking as specialty of, 209-12
special shows on, 183
success of, 175
swap-out dishes on, 179, 180
taping of, 175-76
themes of, 180
things that can go wrong with, 181-82
Perkins, Carol, 157
Pinckney, Sandra, 167
Plains, Georgia, 255-56, 257
Popeye (cat), 140
Presley, Elvis, 52
QVC, 132, 133, 168
Random House, 129-31
Ray, Rachael, 179
Ready … Set … Cook!, 165-67
Baked-Savannah Alaska, 61-62
Banana Nut Frosting, 189
Beef Stroganoff, 95-96
Best Damn Blueberry Muffin You’ll Ever Eat, 208
Biscuits and Sawmill Gravy, 135-36
Chocolate-Dippy Doughnut Sauce, 25-26
Chocolate-Dippy or Sugarcoated Doughnuts, 25
Courage Chili, 34-35
Georgia Cracker Salad, 170
Grandmomma’s Fried and Steamed Chicken, 123
House Seasoning, 96
Mississippi Mud Cake, 47-48
Mrs. Dull’s Tomato Aspic Funeral Food Dish, 222
Mrs. Groover’s Banana Nut Delight Cake, 188-
My Best Ham Salad Sandwich, 76
Pan-Fried Corn, 243
Sawmill Gravy, 136
Sexy Oxtails, 102-3
Shaggy Man Split Pea Soup, 155
Uncle Bubba’s Crab and Shrimp au Gratin, 263
Rennie (dog), 178
restaurant ownership, 223-42
customer first, 237
daily specials, 240
damage control, 233-34
downtime, 235-36
equipment, 230-31
expansion, 245-46
family business, 240-42
finances, 225-26
food costs, 227-29
furniture, 231-32
happiness in feeding people, 224-25
health inspectors, 241-42
ideas and risks, 226
in-house pilferage, 234-35
insurance, 231, 232
inventory systems, 235
licenses, 232-33
obnoxious customers, 239
partnerships, 241, 247
professional help, 225-27
profits, 228-29
projection, 227, 235
rehearsal nights, 236
staff, 237-38
staff mistakes, 234
staff training, 236
unexpected glitches, 233
waste and spoilage, 229, 236-37
calculated, 269, 270, 271
gambling, 271
taking, 268-72
trusting your gut, 271
River Bend, Albany, 7, 15, 18, 228
Road Tasted, 167, 270-71
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 268
Sam (dog), 140-42, 148, 178, 184
Sam (lawyer), 180, 181
Sarandon, Susan, 251
Savannah, Georgia:
Best Western, 87-89
Bubba’s move to, 139, 140, 246-47
Christmas in, 272-73
Deen family move to, 58, 60, 63-64
Health Department regulations in, 72-74, 75, 241-42
historic downtown in, 104, 105, 106
Paula’s catering business in, see The Bag Lady
Paula’s restaurants in, see The Lady; The Lady & Sons
tourists in, 117-18, 128, 244
Sawmill Gravy (recipe), 136
Schaefer, Sara, 120
Schumacher, Karl, 115-16, 225-26, 228, 230, 245
September 11 attacks, 169
Serenity Prayer, 65, 66, 133
sexy food, 219-21
Sexy Oxtails (recipe), 102-3
Shaggy Man Split Pea Soup (recipe), 155
Sherry (Bobby’s girlfriend), 231
Shriver, Jerry, 121
Simon & Schuster, 134, 140
Sims, Jeannie, 86-87
Southern charm, 264-66
and feeding people, 265-66
niceness in, 265
Southern cooking:
authentic, 209-12
with butter, 120-21, 210
celebration food, 216-19
as comfort food, 211, 212-13
flexibility in, 212
fried chicken as key in, 211
funeral food, 213-16
ingredients in, 210
in Lady & Sons, 118-20, 132, 221
leftovers, 229
Low Country Boil, 216-17
in Paula’s Home Cooking, 209-12
as poor man’s food, 211
recipes, see Recipes
sexy food, 219-21