Loving Ruby: The Riverstone Series Book 2 - Standalone

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Loving Ruby: The Riverstone Series Book 2 - Standalone Page 27

by Roya Carmen

  She’s right. I’ve been so selfish, only thinking about me and what I want.

  “Aiden was so patient with me. Even when I pushed him away and treated him like crap, he was still there for me.”

  I smile, thinking about those days not so long ago. Aiden was so obviously in love with her, and she couldn’t even see it. They were sickeningly sweet together. “You’re right. I just need to give him time.”

  We both smile as we dig into the nachos. As it turns out, she was right on all fronts – nothing heals a bruised heart like a good margarita.

  As soon as I get back to work, I search for August, but he’s not there. Millie tells me he’s in his room. I don’t know if I should go up to him. His room is a sacred space, but I desperately need to apologize.

  I walk up the stairs to his room, my feet sluggish. His bedroom door is open.

  “Hello?” I say quietly as I venture in slowly, unsure.

  He’s sitting on his monstrosity of a bed, reading. He pulls his gaze away from his book to look at me.

  “I’m sorry,” I say. No sense in beating around the bush. “I’ve been selfish. I’m sorry.”

  He smiles and sets his book on his bedside table. “Come in and close the door behind you.”

  I pull the door in slowly and inch toward him. Damn, why is he always so attractive? “I know I need to be more patient. I know you need more time.”

  He smiles. “Thank you. You’ll also need to apologize to Miko.”


  “You called him a stupid bird,” he tells me with a smirk. “He wasn’t impressed.”

  I laugh as I inch closer to his bed. When I reach him, I see a familiar gaze. His lustful dark stare says, “I want you.” I love it when he looks at me like that.

  But he doesn’t reach for me. He doesn’t move an inch. “Come closer.” When I do, he pulls my head to his, grasping my hair hard. “I think it’s time to kiss and make up.”

  He tastes sinfully sweet when my lips press against his. His moans are lost in my mouth and travel straight to my sex. I want him so badly. I waste no time in climbing all over him. As we deepen our kiss, I rub my sex against his hard length under the thick fabric of his pants. I already feel myself nearing the edge.

  He pulls his mouth from mine, his smile playful. “Frisky. I like it… but it’s not five o’clock yet.”

  “Screw five o’clock. I need you now.”

  He smiles as he drags his hand along my scalp. “You’re too eager again. I’m not letting you come until you’re fully naked for me,” he says as he reaches into his bedside table for a condom.

  I pause, excited by the thought of being naked with him. “Sounds perfect.”

  As I pull his shirt over his head, I tell myself that I could stay cooped up in this house with him for the rest of my life if that’s what it came down to. I trail my tongue down his smooth chest, around his belly button, and down to his beautiful cock. As I take him in my mouth, I realize that all I want is to never lose him.

  He delicately peels off my blouse and drops soft kisses all over me. I know I never want to be touched by anyone else ever again. I want him to be my only one, now and forever. His teeth dig into the flesh of my hips as he rips off my skirt and panties. No one else could ever make me feel this good, could ever measure up.

  As he sinks into me, his gaze glued to mine, I know this is forever, through thick and thin, for better or for worse. I don’t care if he ever gets any better. I’ll take him just as he is.


  After our altercation, I was so upset I slammed Ruby’s book across my desk and barged out of my office. She irritated me so. She was pushing me, making me feel like a sideshow freak. Why can’t I be more like her? Why can’t I be normal? She didn’t ask those questions, but I could read between the lines.

  I did what I always do. I retreated to the quiet of a familiar space, away from it all. When I caught sight of her standing at my doorway, looking so lovely and sorrowful, my heart practically leapt out of my chest. I wanted her near. I wanted to touch her. Before she even uttered the words I’m sorry, I’d already forgiven her.

  We made love again. It was wonderful, and I realized I’ll never get enough of her. But I’m not sure I can be the man she wants me to be. Every bone in my body aches at the thought of her leaving me only because I can’t be who she wants.

  Now I finally have a chance to read her story. I’m already mesmerized by her amazing artwork, and I have yet to read a single word.

  The first picture features two whimsical mice sitting on a red-and-white checked blanket under a tree. The boy stretches out comfortably, gazing at the sky. He wears a straw hat and patched up suspenders. There is a lemonade and a half-eaten cookie next to him. The mouse sitting next to him is, by all appearances, a lady friend. She wears a pink dress and is reading a book – I like her already. The attention to detail is astonishing.

  From the first few words, I’m caught, brought back to my childhood. This is so much like my mother’s story, the one I heard hundreds of times as a child. It was a sweet story she had conceived herself.

  Wilcox loves the sky, the clouds, and the birds up high. He stares at the sky, just like Cedric, the boy in my mother’s story. It’s a similar tale, although this story has a humorous twist. Wilcox gets himself into all sorts of trouble because he’s lost in the clouds. He walks into spider webs, falls off branches, tumbles into ponds, and trips over logs. And just like in my mother’s story, he misses all the important moments: his best friend Molly’s birthday, his little sister’s first steps, and the changing colours of the seasons.

  I’m riveted as I flip through the pages. It’s not even about the illustrations anymore; it’s about the words. How could Ruby write this story? Yes, instead of a boy, it’s a mouse, but the story is essentially the same. I read zealously to see if the ending is similar as well.

  When I get to the end, I discover a new character, a heron named Gully. Ruby drew this character perfectly, capturing the essence of the great marsh bird – one of my favourites. Wilcox finds himself alone, having lost all of his friends because he’s been too caught up in the sky. Then he meets Gully, who offers to take him to the sky. Wilcox is delighted of course, but when he finally sees the sky up close, he discovers that clouds are not made of cotton candy as he had imagined. They’re just… nothing. He realizes it was all an illusion and that he has wasted his whole life by being lost in the clouds.

  It’s a beautiful story. My heart races wildly and feels too big for my rib cage. I have the sudden urge to burst out of my front door and go to her. My head is no longer in the clouds. This is the sign I’ve been searching for, the push I needed.

  Ruby is the one. The soul mate I had no idea was waiting for me.

  I’m sure I look a lot better than I feel. I’ve shaved and am wearing my best suit, but there is absolutely nothing I can do about my nerves. The idea of walking into a room filled with people, strangers and acquaintances alike, is terrifying. I remind myself I’m doing this for Ruby. And for myself too.

  She doesn’t spot me straight away. She’s standing next to a small elderly woman, and I watch Ruby as she smiles and gestures toward the artwork on the wall – a collection of framed watercolours featured in her book. She’s lovely in a soft pink dress, and I could look at her all night. I have the sudden urge to run up to her, take her in my arms, and kiss her senseless.

  I take in the space around me, and as I focus on the elements of the room, my pulse eases a little. The space is very soothing. The artwork on the wall is framed in white. The round white-linen-covered tables seem to float like clouds in the sky. Each table is adorned with white lilies. The effect is quite beautiful and serene. I spot Amber and Aiden in the corner, chatting with another couple.

  Finally, Ruby turns in my direction, and her face lights up like a fireworks display when she sees me. She excuses herself and runs up to me. I meet her halfway.

  “You made it,” she cheers.

  I hold her tightly. “I’m sorry. Can you ever forgive me?”

  She stares at me, wide-eyed. “Forgive you for what?”

  “For considering, even for a minute, not coming here tonight, not attending your launch. I’ve been so selfish.”

  She takes my hand. “No, Eric, I understand. I know how hard this is for you. I’m so thankful you’re here. Thank you so much for all you’ve done. Without your encouragement, without you making me believe in myself, I would never be here today.”

  I love seeing her happy like this. This isn’t so bad after all. With her by my side, I can breathe, I can be happy. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Miss Riverstone. You are quite the talent.”

  A blush creeps up her cheeks as she smiles shyly. “Why, thank you.”

  “I loved your story. Everything about it… the beautiful illustrations… the story.”

  I don’t tell her about my mother’s story. She doesn’t need to know. The fact that Ruby and my mother shared the same thoughts, held the same visions in their imaginations, will be my secret to keep. It’s truly a sign from God.

  Or perhaps a sign from Olivia.

  “Thank you,” she says again, and her gaze lingers on me, sweet and naughty.

  I’m consumed by emotion, and so is she. I don’t calculate or consider my words before they fly out of my mouth. “I’m done living with my head in the clouds. You’re the one, Ruby. You’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. You are my soul mate. I love you.”

  A smile as wide as the sky stretches her lips as she leaps at me and holds me tightly. “I love you too, Eric. You’re the one for me too. The one I want to be with forever.”

  With those words, I pull myself from her embrace, take her beautiful face, and kiss her as if it might be our last minute on earth. As we get lost in the kiss, the crowd starts cheering. I don’t pull away, because I don’t care if this room full of strangers, or even the whole world, sees how much I love Ruby Riverstone.


  Four months later…

  He sneaks up behind me, wraps his hands around the slick fabric of my skirt, and kisses the nape of my neck. I can never get enough of his intoxicating scent. I’m shuffling papers around, but I abandon them to get lost in his touch. His mouth nips at my ear, and I feel it deep below like I always do. I love that feeling, the way only he can make feel. He slides his hands past my rear, and I hike up my leg and press my knee against the edge of his desk. He slides his fingers along the back of my calf and my tall heel.

  “I think you deserve a break, Miss Riverstone,” he tells me. “You’ve been working so hard all day.”

  I know exactly what he has in mind, but I do have my rules. “It’s not five o’clock yet, Mr. Hyde.”

  His laughter tickles my ear. “Always such a stickler, Miss Riverstone.”

  I laugh as I turn toward him. “What are you going to call me when we’re married in a few months? Mrs. Hyde?”

  He laughs loudly, the sound echoing off the tall walls and high ceilings. “No, you’ll still be Miss Riverstone. It’s more fun that way.”

  I smile in agreement. “Yes, I kind of like it, I have to admit.”

  He presses his hand on my cheek and pulls me to him. I want to kiss him, but I prefer to build the desire between us. It makes it more amazing when we finally get to touch each other after work.

  I reluctantly pull away. “You know the rules.”

  “You are so cruel, Miss Riverstone.” He pulls from me and reaches for a sheet of paper on the desk.

  I recognize it instantly. A slow grin stretches across my mouth, and I blush.

  “Quite the extensive list of grievances for HR you’ve cooked up.”

  I laugh, reading over some of the complaints I wrote not so long ago.

  HR Situation #1

  Boss makes inappropriate comments in regards to dress of employee. He tells her he likes her in a skirt and tall heels. He also tells her he likes her hair down. Employee wears said skirts, heels, and her hair down because she wants to please boss.

  … HR Situation #3

  Boss gets employee fuck-me heels and asks her to wear them. Employee loves said heels very much and wants to wear them to arouse employer.

  … HR Situation #5

  Employer proposes possible sexual relationship with employee. Said relationship would apparently require a written agreement. Employee is very interested in said proposal because she is just so damn horny.

  Oh God… so embarrassing.

  “That list is so damn hot,” he whispers as he presses the length of his tall body against me again. His mouth is hot against my ear. “Do you realize we don’t have a human resources department here, Miss Riverstone?” His hand travels leisurely up my skirt again. “I can do anything I want to do to you.”

  I bite down a laugh. “I like the sound of that.” But as much as I’d love to get wild with him, we can’t get it on every minute of the day. I reluctantly turn toward him. “I think you need a distraction, Mr. Hyde. Let’s go for a ride. It’s a gorgeous day.”

  “Let’s go for a ride,” Miko parrots.

  We both turn toward him.

  “Sorry, Miko, just us,” I say. “But we’ll put on some Keith Urban for you.”

  Eric shoots me a grin. He knows we’ll have our fun later.

  I fiddle with the old CD player, and I smile at the absurdity of it all. “There you go, buddy. Enjoy.”

  Eric’s face lights up as he takes my hand. We dash to the garage and hop into his gorgeous Mercedes-Benz. He takes the wheel and smiles at me as we drive down the winding driveway.

  “Where are we off to?” he asks with a smile.

  It’s a question he’s asked me many times. He always lets me lead the way because now he’s ready for anything – as long as it’s with me.

  “Let’s go for some chai lattes at that little coffee shop we like,” I suggest. “And then can we stop by Amber’s? I miss Ginger.”

  He laughs. “Just Ginger? What about Trevor, Amber, and everyone else?”

  I shake my head. “Well, of course.”

  I throw my head back, letting the late summer wind breeze through my hair. We’ve come a long way. Car rides in the country, outings into town with friends, or just the two of us making excursions into the city. And soon we’ll be married.

  He turns to me and smiles. He’s so happy and free, just as I’ve always imagined he could be. This is another one of those perfect moments I’ll never forget. We have so many memories yet to make together, and I look forward to each and every one of them.

  I know he does too.

  The End.

  Thank you so much for reading Loving Ruby. I hope you enjoyed the story. If so, please consider telling a friend, writing a review, and checking out my other books. I would certainly appreciate it. Thank you! For the latest news and updates on my upcoming releases, exclusives, fun and behind-the-scenes stuff, please sign up for my newsletter at www.royacarmen.com You can also reach me on Facebook and Twitter.

  Loving Jade (Flynn’s story)

  Coming May 2017!

  (A standalone novel. Book 3 of The Riverstone Series.)

  I never thought I’d be able to leave Michael, but I finally worked up the courage. I’m not sure where I’m heading but I feel safe here with the Riverstones. This place is lovely and serene; a remote slice of heaven. There is so much beauty and love here.

  Yet, I still don’t feel free – I know Michael will find me. It’s just a matter of time.

  Love is the last thing I’m looking for, but Flynn is such a beautiful man, inside and out. He is a force of nature. He makes me believe that I can be stronger, that I can be fierce. He believes he can fix me with equine therapy but he has no clue how much damage has been done.

  Yet, somehow, he manages to get through to me. With patience, love and understanding, he slowly peels off the hard layers of self-doubt and fear that have held me captive all these years.

  Unfortunately, just as I
finally start to get stronger, Michael finally tracks me down and sends us all into turmoil, and threatens not only me but also the family I’ve come to love.

  Loving Amber: Available now!!!

  Get in at Amazon and other retailers.

  (A standalone novel. Book 1 of The Riverstone Series.)

  Torn by tragedy. Reunited by love.

  Two years ago, I lost my husband and my brother to the same tragedy. To this day, I hold only one person responsible—Aiden Rogers, the beautiful boy I’ve known forever, the misfit I’ve both loved and hated, the one who always got to me. As far as I’m concerned, he’s the only one to blame.

  Now he wants to be part of my life again—when I can finally see a future for my son and myself. I’ve found the perfect man in David, someone I can start over with, a man who will be the perfect father figure for Trevor. I have a plan. At last, I see the light, and I know I can make this work.

  I will not let Aiden Rogers drag me back into the darkness.

  For an excerpt, scroll below.

  The Ground Rules Trilogy: Get it at Amazon and other online retailers.

  Two beautiful couples. Five simple rules. One hot mess.

  An ordinary woman’s life is forever changed when she and her husband meet a fascinating couple and enter into a forbidden arrangement. Amazon Erotic Romance Bestselling Trilogy. Listed in RT Booklovers Magazine Indie Reads Recommendations of 2015, and various 2015 Top Ten lists, including Maryse’s Book Blog, iLoveFiction, Reading Frenzy and TRSOR Jessie’s Top 5, and many more.

  The Ground Rules (Book 1), The Ground Rules Rewritten (Book 2), The Ground Rules Undone (Book 3)


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