A Brush of Her Skin (The Reglashien Book 1)

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A Brush of Her Skin (The Reglashien Book 1) Page 5

by April Zyon

  “Seriously, you’re going to get into that old wives tale? It’s nothing but rumor and bullshit,” he grumbled.

  “Don’t know about that, but I’d say you’ve proven it well.”

  “Oh, I would say that he has proven it well. I have got to tell you that if size in relation to a bite is something that you need to prove, then I can promise you that it’s very, very true.” She admitted bluntly, “And I liked it. And want to do it again.” And again, and again.

  Carver laughed as Tremayne looked disgusted. “I think that may just be a little too much information for me to hear,” Tremayne said.

  “I personally wouldn’t mind hearing more, much, much more,” Carver said with a chuckle. “So please, my dear, let’s make the Vampire very uncomfortable and speak some more about my impressive package.”

  “Well, I have to tell you,” she licked her lips. “His is just as impressive as yours is. Sorry, babe, but the both of you are freaking amazing. I loved the way that you both felt inside of me. Both together and separate.” Both men had made damn sure to put their most impressive and amazing marks on her body, together and separately many times over and she loved it.

  “Not quite what I wanted to hear, but I have a very healthy ego and will live with it,” he teased. Shifting around on the bed he laid down, so he was sort of draped over a corner. One leg up on the bed, bent at the knee, the other dangling off and his head almost falling off. “I have to say; this is going to be a very interesting mating with us three. I can’t wait to see what comes next.”

  “Same here.” Chewing her lower lip, Jett moved slightly and laid her head back. Closing her eyes, she whispered. “I hope and pray that we will be able to work out. How do we do this?” she asked quietly. “Before my mother died, I lived in the human realm; you both obviously have your own homes so what now?”

  “Now, we have sex a few more times, and then we feed you. After that, we will go and meet with your father, preferably with one of the Gods close at hand.” Tremayne sipped his wine slowly before licking his lips and continuing. “Then we will go to one of the houses and figure out what we all want to buy for our home.”

  “I love how that sounds. Well, the part about more sex and all that.” She shrugged. “Carver, am I going to have to meet the rest of your Pack or whatever they’re called?” Wolves had Packs, right? And the way that Carver acted he wasn’t on the lower end of any Pack, but then again she didn’t know. “And what about you, Tremayne? How will we work out me being in your life when you are obviously one of my father’s favorite families or men or whatever you want to call it?”

  “My family has its own power and while your father could make our lives uncomfortable,” he shrugged. “We don’t bow to pressure from anyone, ever. It’s how we’ve gotten to where we currently are in the ranks. As for scruffy’s Pack,” Tremayne shook his head. “Don’t know if you want to go there. They are not exactly…”

  Both she and Carver looked at him and waited, but he never did finish the thought.

  Jett sighed. “Oh for fuck’s sake, seriously? You leave it go like that? Don’t you dare do that.” Turning to Carver, she grinned. “All right, so he told me about his family so what about yours? Talk to me. You both know exactly who, and what I am, so you should finish and tell me about your Pack.”

  Carver was frowning at Tremayne, but the expression cleared when he looked at her. “I was kind of curious to hear his version actually, but,” he sat up and crossed his legs, lotus position no less. “They’re fairly normal folk. We’re a little more nature oriented being Lycan and all, and we’re fairly rowdy. This will tickle them just absolutely pink, and there will be a party. I should give them a little warning at least, so they have time to arrange stuff, but I much prefer being there to see the looks on their faces.”

  “Well, I look forward to meeting everyone. You both already know the only family that I have left so.” She shrugged. “I want a bigger family, though, and it looks like I’m getting that aren’t I?” In these two men.

  “You will be,” he laughed. “There’s about four hundred of them total on my side. And with Tremayne’s clan you’re getting, what is it now, nearly four-fifty?” he looked to the Vampire.

  “Four hundred and forty-three to be exact. Though Marina is expecting so we’ll have another in just over five months,” Tremayne answered.

  “Nice, so you’re about to be an uncle again. That would be the sixth time?” Carver frowned, his face screwing up a bit as he squinted at the wall.

  “Don’t hurt yourself doing the math; yes, it will be the sixth time,” Tremayne snorted. “Marina is my youngest sister,” he explained for her benefit. “This will be her second child. Then there is Vincent, my younger brother, a couple years older than Marina, who has three. And the last one belongs to my other sister, Daphne, who is between myself and Vincent in age. She and her husband are trying for a second one as well but, with their current schedules, they haven’t yet had any luck.”

  “Current schedules?” she asked with a frown. “I don’t understand. Do they both work full time? If so, do they work in the human world?” She couldn’t recall ever meeting a Vampire, but then again she wouldn’t have likely known one had she met one, to be honest. She was, well, oblivious most of the time.

  “Vincent works for the Council of Elders. They are the ones who set the rules for our kind since human laws can’t really handle us. He’s one of the Constable’s, the enforcers of our laws. Daphne works as a psychiatrist in a hospital. Vincent is often out of town on work related jobs while Daphne’s hours are beyond screwy.”

  “Ah.” Jett frowned, “What about the two of you? Will your schedules be all screwy for us as well? I really want to be able to have time with you both and get to know you.” She shrugged. “I don’t have a job, I mean I guess I do because I was a writer for a short time in the human realm but nothing huge. I’ve never had to really work. Mom kept me home most of the time and didn’t want me to do anything at all. Now I realize it was to keep me safe,” she said the last using air quotes.

  “Tremayne works on the Council, so he pretty much has to work, like never,” Carver said with a smirk. The warning look the Vampire shot him didn’t phase him one bit, and he kept going. “I do a few things with the Pack, but for the most part I’m more of a sounding board than anything else.”

  That part had Tremayne choking on a sip of wine he’d just taken. Leaning forward he pounded his chest before he was able to suck in a breath. “Really? You’re going with that version?”

  “Sounded good when I said it,” Carver chuckled.

  “He’s the fucking Alpha of the Pack; much more than a sounding board,” Tremayne outed him.

  “Seriously!” Carver growled and glared. “You just have to spill all the good stuff don’t you, fang man?” Tremayne just gave a lazy shrug as he settled back on the bed.

  Jett looked to Carver now and chewed her lower lip nervously. “The Alpha?” Even she knew just how fucking important that was. “Of all of the wolves?” She looked to Tremayne for the answer, not Carver. “Oh God.” She was so screwed. “They are going to hate me, aren’t they? The illegitimate child of the Vampire King? Oh, this is so going to go sideways on you,” she whispered.

  Tremayne nodded, “Of all the wolves,” he said.

  Carver let out another growl, moving in closer to her, his heat at her back. “No one is going to hate you. How could they?” he asked gruffly at her ear. “You are our mate, my mate. That makes you perfect in all ways, no question about it, my dear. They will adore you,” he said quietly. Pressing a kiss to her shoulder, he squeezed her close. “You are not to blame for the circumstances of your birth. It is merely one hand dealt to you. But now we’ve shuffled the deck, and you’ve gotten a new, strong hand.”

  “I don’t think that I could have a stronger hand than with having you two in this life with me,” she whispered. “I honestly think that I’ve hit the total lottery by gettin
g you guys in life with me. I’m happy that the Gods or Fate or whatever brought you to me. I’m glad that I got up the courage to get out of my father’s home and ran into the two of you,” she admitted.

  “As are we,” he said nuzzling at her throat. Moving slightly he cupped her face and kissed her. “And now, we’re together. So, forget about the what ifs. Forget about things you can’t know about. Live in the moment, enjoy every second and just-” he smiled. “Just live, baby.”

  “I look forward to doing just that. To living. To enjoying life. To being able to do what I want, if not when I want, when I can.” If that made sense. “All I know is that I need the two of you in my life. I have only just met you both but I adore the two of you so very much already, and I look forward to everything, absolutely everything, with you two.”

  “Well then, drink up,” Tremayne said setting his empty glass aside. “We have plans for this evening that we really need to be taking care of.” Sliding closer to her, he leaned into her other side and nibbled on her neck. “And I for one am not about to waste another moment.”

  Jett tossed back the rest of her water and moved closer. “Good because I don’t want to waste another moment either.” Since Tremayne was closest, she went into his arms, moving so that she could straddle him and run her hands over his sides and body all while kissing him.

  Smiling against her lips, he pulled her in tighter and kissed her. No, devoured her. He took, he commanded, and he teased her unmercifully. “Turn around,” he told her quietly. “Face Carver, this time I want your ass.”

  Jett shuddered and grinned. “You do?” Leaning down she brushed her nose against his, teasing him as she did so. “I want that too.” That kiss that he had given her had gotten her motor running. She looked over at Carver and grinned at the wolfish look on his face, shivering. Oh, she was so going to love this. “And who is going to lick me, taste me, and get my body ready for you both?”

  “You’re already ready for us,” Carver said roughly. “But I will gladly lick you, anytime at all. Turn around,” he said with another low growl. This one sounded like he was anticipating.

  “Turn,” Tremayne said pinching her nipples lightly- just enough to send a flood of liquid from her body and make her shudder again.

  Jett turned and was surprised when Carver took her into his arms and kissed her. Holy hell this man could kiss! She was clutching at his shoulders and gasping for air when he released her. Licking her lips, she grinned. “Wow.” They were right about one thing; she was definitely ready for them.

  The smile he gave her was satisfied, a little cocky and well deserved. Pressing a hand between her breasts he pushed her back, Tremayne guiding her to lean against his body. Then they moved her legs, spreading them, Tremayne’s legs holding them wide. With one small yank on her hips, Carver drew her down a bit on the bed, so she was spread open with nowhere to go.

  Tremayne slid his hands up to cup her breasts, squeezing the soft mounds before toying with her nipples. Carver shifted and lowered his head, his breath warm on her inner thighs and pussy.

  Every thought flew out the window when Carver’s mouth closed over her mound. Her head fell back, and her cheek was just against Tremayne’s. She was panting hard and loving it. “Please.” She tried to reach out to fist her hands in Carver’s hair, but Tremayne locked her arms up and over her head. Not that she was complaining, not with his teeth scraping along her neck and shoulders they were.

  “You are going to cum when I bite you, right here.” Tremayne slid his tongue over her throat slowly. “Then you are going to come loose, scream and give Carver everything you’ve got. We clear?” he asked, his tone soft and sultry. Sliding his hands down her arms, he cupped her breasts again and plucked at her nipples, tugging and twisting them. “Keep your arms up, or we stop.”

  Jett twined her fingers together to keep them where they were. “Yes, I understand.” She shuddered. Never had she been told what would happen, but honestly, she liked it. A lot. “When?” she whimpered as Carver’s tongue teased and toyed with her clit, as he devoured her as only he could. She tried to move, tried to lift her ass so that she could get more friction, more, everything, but wasn’t able to. “Oh yes.” She hissed aloud. “That feels amazing.”

  “Soon,” he purred in her ear. He bit her earlobe just as Carver pushed his tongue into her pussy and began to lap at her. His fingers were on her clit, and Tremayne’s were making her nipples so sensitive. “A little longer,” Tremayne told her. He moved his mouth down her throat and, with his blunt teeth nibbled, teasing her more.

  “That feels so damn good.” She moaned. “Just a bit more.” It was a sobbed request; a desperate plea from her. “I want to come. I need to come. Carver wants me to as well, don’t you?” She begged, “Tremayne, please.” God, she was already addicted to his bites, the sinking of his fangs into her neck. She loved it. So much.

  His chuckle only ramped up her need more, making her clench around the fingers Carver had just thrust deep into her pussy. “Come,” he told her a second before he slid his fangs deep into her throat and sucked, hard. His fingers tugged on her nipples, Carver’s mouth sucked on her clit and those fingers he had buried, twisted to press on her G-spot.

  She screamed so loudly that her voice cracked. While her body was still highly sensitized, she felt them shifting, moving and moaned as Tremayne began to slide his cock into her ass. Her hands tightened and released on Carver’s arms, her grin one of pure lazy delight. “That feels so good.” She moaned very softly.

  They had her propped up between them, on their laps as Carver pressed his cock into her still spasming pussy. “It’s going to get even better,” he said kissing her cheek. He had ahold of her thighs, while Tremayne had her waist, and they were moving her up and down over their cocks.

  She was glad that these men were controlling her as they were because she was completely and totally boneless in that moment. She looked up into Carver’s eyes and grinned. “So much better.” The sensations of both men filling her as they were- it was incredible. “More,” she whispered.

  A deep chuckle sounded, but she wasn’t sure who it came from.

  “So greedy,” the Vampire at her back said quietly. “I like it,” he added, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.

  “Mm, it bodes well for the future,” Carver agreed. They lifted her up and held her as both men began to thrust into her body. She was held, suspended above their laps, as they each drove their cocks into her faster and harder.

  Jett laughed and then moaned. Oh, hell yes, this was so what she needed. “That feels amazing.” She was repeating herself but sometimes one simply went with how something felt instead of anything else and right now, this felt amazing. “Gods yes,” she panted out when the men started to find their rhythm and moved in and out of her body in time with each other.

  “Hold on,” Carver warned her, she was sliding slightly sideways. Not good, not good at all. He righted her and helped her get her arms around his neck. “Hold on tight,” he ordered. Hooking his arms under her legs he lifted them up, changing the angle for both men.

  This new angle only intensified the sensations. “There.” Carver’s cock was hitting her just right deep inside of her body. He was sending pleasure that she had never known before through her body and had her sobbing out in pleasure.

  “Scream for us,” he growled at her. Then he seemed to just growl, but it wasn’t so much sound as vibrations rumbling through her body. It entered at her pussy and her nipples and rolled through her entire being.

  Jett did just that. She screamed, the sound started in the pit of her stomach and rolled outwards from there. She screamed so loudly that she even hurt her own ears. Her hands tightened on Carver’s arms, and pure and intense pleasure rolled from her outwards.

  Both of them thrust a couple more times before spilling their seed into her body. Their hold on her tightened for a moment before relaxing. Then, then they all just slid sideway to collapse onto t
he bed. “Holy hell,” Tremayne wheezed from behind her.

  “Couldn’t agree more,” she whimpered. “I think that we should be able to do that often, a lot.” So she was repeating herself, piffle. “I think that every morning needs to start like this, just so you know.” She teased them. “I think that would be wonderful.” She could totally do this, being with them every single moment that they could have.

  “Agreed,” Tremayne said. Then, with a groan, he lifted up onto an elbow. He never did get to say anything since Carver shot to a sitting position. “Wolf?”

  Chapter Seven

  Carver’s lips curled up in a snarl; a low, visceral growl filled the room. “Intruders,” he managed to get out, sounding more wolf than human.

  Both men leaped to their feet and pulled on their pants. A shirt, Tremayne’s, she thought, was tossed to her as the Vampire pressed a finger to his lips. “Quiet,” he mouthed to her. “Quickly,” he said when he pressed his lips to her ear. “Your father and his guard are here and closing in. We need to call for a God, fast.”

  “You called?” Broltann said in a serene tone as she appeared in the room.

  Jett looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of them and licked her lips. “Holy crap,” she muttered. “Uhm, hi.” She tugged the shirt on and moved so that she could touch both of her men; her palms touching their bare backs. She had no idea exactly what the hell they were going to do now.

  When the King and his men entered the room, his anger spilled around them. “Jett Valeria Jemar,” he growled. “Get over here. Now.”

  The little girl inside wanted to obey her father, wanted to do as he demanded. However, she remained where she was. “No, father,” she whispered and then took a deep breath. “These are my mates. Carver Travis Wilks and Prince Tremayne of the House van Moor. We have completed our bonding inside of the twenty-four hours of the Reglashien.”

  They each took a hand, lacing their fingers with hers. They could have dragged her behind them, but they didn’t. They were allowing her to stand in front, a position of power.


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