Dragon Sacrifice

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by Karland, Marteeka

  Dragon Sacrifice

  Dragon Sacrifice


  Marteeka Karland

  & Shara Azod

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews. This is a work of fiction. All references to real places, people, or events are coincidental, and if not coincidental, are used fictitiously. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only.

  Copyright © 2012 Marteeka Karland & Shara Azod

  Cover Artist: Shara Azod

  Editor: Stephanie Parent

  eBooks are NOT transferable. Re-selling, sharing or giving eBooks is a copyright infringement.

  Dragon Sacrifice

  Chapter One

  “These are your choices, Brynn of the Tye tribe, of the Tura: take your sister’s place as the nucleus of her household or sacrifice yourself to the dragon, Tegyr.”

  That sounded so damn official. The disembodied voice was that of a tribe elder. Seeing as how it was a feminine voice, it was probably the High Elder, leader of the Tye clan. There was no way out—it was either obey or be banished. Banishment meant certain death, as no one outside the clan structures had ever been known to survive for long. The world of Annwn was a wild, hostile place. There was no safety outside the

  tribes, no tribe outside the clans. Nowhere to run for an outlaw, as all the clans were all interconnected for the sake of survival.

  From the corner of her eye, Brynn saw her sister weeping on the edge of the lit circle in which she stood. Mye’s mates were all attempting to comfort the diminutive woman they had agreed to love and protect with their lives five years ago. Had it been any other woman, it would’ve been comical. Mye was almost swallowed by the males around her. Each of her mates, all four of them, were pillars of solid muscle, while Mye was petite and softly rounded with a woman’s lush curves. As small as she was, Mye had each warrior wrapped around the smallest of her fingers. Her tears had each of them quite visibly upset.

  No way in the ten levels of the demon planet Hel was Brynn going to attempt to step into her baby sister’s shoes. There was a reason she’d chosen to become a part of the warrior caste rather than mate with one. Well, three to five, depending on the number that was acceptable to the female. Seeing as how she had no talent to control the magic all females in her tribe were born with, and no aptitude for the sciences, and simply no patience to teach, becoming a warrior was her only option. Each tribe had their specialties; those were all the ones available for a Tye. As a warrior, one of the elite who protected not only the tribe but the entire clan, Brynn had been free to live as she wished, taking a lover only if she wished and ridding herself of the infernal male presence the next morning. That was the way she liked it, and that was the way she would live until she had to hang up her sword.

  Or so she thought.

  Because so few females were born to any clan, the few tribes that were blessed to have female breeders were bound to the collective by sacred pact. Theirs was a dying world. Centuries ago explorers had left to find better planets on which to live, ones that did not have as many dangerous predators and with much friendlier landscapes. All the people of Annwn had been given a choice. For a reason lost in time, a small group stayed behind and formed the clans of today. The vehicles used to escape Annwn were long gone, as was the technology. No other people ever ventured here from beyond the stars. If they were to survive, there had to be female children.

  Should one female of any tribe known for producing females prove infertile, then a female of her bloodline must take her place as the nucleus of the mated female’s household. Mye had been mated for five years, and even though all the tests claimed her to be fertile indeed, there had been no children. So her mates had been tested. They too were fertile. There were no known anomalies, so no known remedies. There was no magical or scientific reason why Mye couldn’t conceive a child.

  Unfortunately for them all, the Elder Council had noticed. The Elder Council was made up of the most powerful women of each tribe, with the higher level consisting of the most powerful women of each Clan. Their word was law. Because Brynn and Mye were of the Tye tribe, the one tribe known to always produce female children, the Elders would do whatever they had to do to ensure at least one of them reproduced. Their line was too important to let infertility slide, even if they couldn’t prove it really was infertility. It was the tribe’s responsibility to produce mates for other tribes, other clans. Brynn had to either bear children in her sister’s name or—

  There was only one way out. Brynn choked down the panic that instantly rose as she considered the other option: appeal to the only creature on Annwn with the magic to grant Mye and her mates a child. Unfortunately, there was only one way to get the creature to grant such a momentous favor. A female must be given as tribute to the dragon that protected the tribe.

  Goosebumps broke out all over Brynn’s skin as she contemplated being such a tribute to Tegyr, Tribe Tye’s protective dragon. He didn’t run off other predators or grant rains for crops. He simply allowed them to exist on the land they inhabited. Without a dragon’s blessings, a tribe was as good as dead. Historical archives told tales of tribes who had pissed off their dragons. Those tribes ceased to exist. Tegyr lived high in the mountains above the valley in which Tye was located. No one had ever seen him up close and personal. Only his fearsome shadow when the moons were full, far off in the distance. He didn’t bother tormenting them, though he easily could. Instead he left them alone, as their tributes to him were constant and unceasing. No one wanted to know what he would do should they fail to show him the proper respect.

  Every tribe had a dragon. There were seven clans on Annwn, each with seven tribes. That meant forty-nine dragons for each tribe, and seven master dragons for each clan. Not one tribe or collective clan failed to offer their dragons food, jewels and precious metals every change of season, every harvest, before every battle. It was rumored once a master dragon had wiped out a particularly fearsome predator, the Cwy, who had terrorized the Banti Clan. Completely wiped them out. Thousands of the oversized cat-like creatures had simply vanished overnight. It took ten warriors to take down one Cwy. Once they had numbered in the thousands. Now their bleached bones were found occasionally.

  Brynn felt sick. She couldn’t look back at Mye and her mates. With the light of judgment shining full force down at her, it was impossible to look up into the faces of the stern Elder Council. Besides, she’d find no sympathy there. Her stomach roiled at the thought of lying with any one of her sister’s males, let alone all four. To look upon any of them as anything other than brothers threatened to make her midday meal make a return visit.

  No one had ever chosen the dragon option before, so no one knew what exactly a dragon would do with a human tribute. If they’d eaten people, well, there would be no people left on Annwn.


  Taking a deep breath, Brynn lifted her head and stared directly into the light.

  “I choose Tegyr, the dragon.”

  Dragon Sacrifice

  Chapter Two

  The anticipation was killing him. Waiting through the so-called judgment of the Tye people in the circle of forty-nine, Tegyr felt the increasing urge to take his woman, to make her his. After centuries of abstinence, the sudden, almost violent need that wracked his body was difficult to tamp down. His brothers stood around him like stone, not completely unmoved, but not driven by arousal as he was either.

  Even though Tegyr had been walking—and flying—around with an erection that could cut through stone since
the day Brynn had reached maturity, knowing how close he was to making her his own had sent him spiraling into a brand new level of hunger.

  “If this works...” his dragon kin Powys growled, the first to break the circle around the reflecting pool where they watched the affairs of the humans. “I’m not sure any of us will be keen to wait for our mates as tribute.”

  “We have to.” Tegyr knew all too well the chaos that could reign if any of them tried to force a human female to accept them as mates. They all did. A human female must choose to be with the dragon, for whatever reason. She could not be forced to mate with them. The consequences were too great.

  The humans believed dragons possessed great magic. They did, more than humans anyway. Something like this, however, had taken all of the forty-nine to pull off without awakening the suspicion of the seven. The master dragons hadn’t been moved to involve themselves in the affairs of humans for so long, they sometimes forgot themselves that the seven existed. One wrong move would bring the eyes on the seven to them and destroy the plan they so carefully laid.

  That meant being patient. None of them knew which of the Dragon Mates would give themselves to her dragon of her own free will. That had been the essence of the spell, only to ensure the compliance of the human female. The perfect mate for each of the forty-nine had to present themselves in some way to their dragon for all time. All of the forty-nine was one edge. After waiting longer than they had ever bargained for, their mates had been born and all had reached maturity. Cravings had awakened in a way that had rocked them all. There wasn’t a dragon in the cavernous room who wasn’t on edge. If this worked, centuries of loneliness would be over once and for all. The land would thrive once more. And perhaps, Fates be willing, the king himself might awaken from his self-imposed curse.

  “If this works, we will all be likewise blessed,” Ynyr, another brother, spoke up.

  Fates had chosen Tegyr to be first for whatever reason. The honor was humbling, but the waiting was excruciating. High in the mountains above the lands of the Tye tribe he’d sworn to protect, Tegyr had created a small paradise for this day. The day when he claimed his woman. Although the home was not exactly a castle, it was large and opulent. Not so big that his woman would get lost, but certainly large enough to house many, many children comfortably.


  Just the word brought about images of what it would take to get those children. His cock throbbed painfully, pushing against his confining leathers. The woman Fate had paired him with was the picture of perfection. The ideal Dragon Mate. Unlike her sibling, Brynn of the Tye was taller than most humans. Her height wasn’t at all intimidating for a dragon, of course, but she stood head and shoulders above most in her tribe. Standing straight, she would come to his chest, depending on which form he was in. Brynn was of the warrior caste so her form was solid, strong. Her physique, while muscular, was still that of a woman. With breasts as plump and plentiful as melon fruit, hips that curved like a mother-goddess and an ass that defied definition, she was lush. Thinking of exploring her body made his mouth water.

  When watching the brave woman stand in front of her Elders in the reflection pool deep within Dragon Keep, Tegyr couldn’t help but feel pride at the way she stood tall and seemingly unafraid as she heard the verdict. She had made her choice in a loud, clear voice that echoed in the room. She would give him fierce sons and fiercer daughters. There hadn’t been a female dragon born in Annwn since ancient times. Fate willing, his daughter would be the first of many.

  “Tegyr, please return to your territory. None of us need witness your...eagerness for your mate.”

  That had come from Uryen, a generally humorless and gruff dragon. The words had been spoken while barely concealing a laugh, something Uryen rarely did. His brother’s amusement caused Tegyr to whip his head up in shock. Uryen was looking down, right at Tegyr’s—

  Fuck! Tegyr’s hand had wrapped itself around his leather-clad dick and was busy rubbing up and down slowly. This was getting out of control. It was not the first time he had been forced to take matters into his own hands when thinking about Brynn of the Tye. It was the first time he had done so in front of others, without conscious knowledge of what he was doing. If it was this bad for him, it must be beyond all the levels of the demon planet Hel for his brethren. They all were waiting for their mates, but each one of them could feel them. They felt longing so intense it hurt. There could be no release without the woman Fate destined for each one. It was going to be a very long, hard road for several of them. Tegyr didn’t envy them the wait.

  “You’re right,” he agreed, moving away from the others. “I need to return—tribute for harvest is in two days.”

  He hadn’t meant to bring up tribute, when he would receive his mate. Several heads swung in his direction, naked envy in their gazes. He prayed soon they too would be equally gifted.

  Dragon Sacrifice

  Chapter Three

  Brynn really loved her sister. She really really did. The tears, however, were getting on her last nerve. As the day of tribute dawned, a group of matrons arrived at her front door to ready her for the dragon. Since no one exactly knew what a dragon would do with a human female, they were treating it as if Brynn was mating instead of giving up her life so that her sister could breed like rabbits with her mates. It was all so unfair.

  The day had dawned bright and cheery, much like that of a mating day. Brynn decided that, had it really been a mating, she would have wanted a morning just like this. Birds chirped happily, as if announcing the happy news far and wide. Brynn's stomach even fluttered just a bit. She was definitely nervous, no question about it. All her instincts were on high alert, and she couldn't decide if she was going into battle or not.

  She cringed. Flowers. They were putting flowers in her hair. And dressing her in a filmy maiden's gown. This was so not her. She was a warrior! Warriors dressed for battle, not like this. The thought of looking at her reflection in the still waters of the mountain lake made her flinch. They'd insisted she leave her hair unbound, weaving more flowers in the thick tresses that fell to her waist. She always kept her hair woven into a tight braid and wound around her head to keep it out of her way and away from the hands of any she had to fight. Brynn couldn't remember the last time it had been down longer than the time it took to wash.

  When they came at her with color for her lips and cheeks, she stood in one crisp motion. “Enough. For all I know, the dragon will eat me on sight. If I'm going to die, I'll do it without that hideous paint on my face.” She knew her height intimidated most women—and men—in the village, and for once she was glad of it. The village most elder matron didn't flinch, however.

  “You will look your best for Lord Tegyr.” She looked severe, uncompromising. “You may be all that stands between this tribe and destruction. You are our tribute to the dragon and you will do as we say. Never forget, this was your choice.” She sounded almost disapproving, as if Brynn's choice to give herself to the dragon rather than take several mates and produce children were the gravest of insults to the tribe.

  “If I'm to die, I'll look much worse before the end. If not, he can accept me as I am. I will not wear that awful stuff.” Brynn almost regretted speaking harshly to the elder. Almost. The woman pursed her lips, but backed off.

  “You'll have to do, though I'm not certain the dragon will accept you if you don't present your best.”

  “This is as 'best' as I'm getting,” Brynn replied. “Let's get this over with.” For good or ill, she wanted it done.

  The whole of the tribe waited outside her small hut. Brynn cringed. She wasn't used to the attention. Even among the warriors, she was almost an outcast. She just didn't seem to fit in anywhere. This even less. She hated the looks she received. The women looked at her with a critical eye, as did the men. The elders with disapproval. Her sister—well, Mye continued to cry, the volume and intensity increasing as she neared the younger woman.

  “I'm so sorry, Brynn,” she sniff
led, breaking through her group of mates to reach her sister. She was careful not to touch Brynn. No one would. They dared not put anyone's scent on her to take to the dragon. Lord Tegyr must know she was an untouched maiden. Any touch other than the elder women would surely call down the wrath of the dragon upon them.

  Her sister fell back, seeking comfort with the men surrounding her. Brynn sighed. That was her sister. Trust everyone else around her to make it all better. Her mates accepted it and, generally, did as she expected. In a way, Brynn supposed they were perfect for each other. Mye was the dramatic type, and her men had a deep-seated need to comfort her. She smiled wistfully. It was too late to wish for that for herself. Though she'd need a man strong of body and mind, honed in battle. She wanted a man who literally swept her off her feet. Even the warriors in the village would be hard pressed to do that. She was, after all, a large woman.

  Deciding feeling sorry for herself was just not getting her anywhere but depressed and even more scared than she already was, Brynn raised her chin. If she was to meet her doom, she'd do it as a warrior. She strode through the streets, the elders immediately behind her, everyone else trailing along if they wished. No one spoke. The only sound came from their feet as they walked or the whisper of clothing. Well, that, and Mye's occasional sobs. Really. That the woman was related to her at all surprised Brynn at times.

  She headed to the great sacrificial rock by the sea, her long strides soon leaving the rest behind. Refusing to drag this on any longer than strictly necessary, she didn't pause to wait for the others. Her heart pounded and she tasted fear, much like when she went into battle.

  When she reached her destination, the others were far behind, still at the bottom of the tall cliff. So much the better.


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