Night of the Senses

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Night of the Senses Page 28

by Victoria Blisse

  “Good.” Jace rose and moved behind her, resting his hands on her shoulders.

  She hesitated, not wanting to seem clingy but finally asked, “How late do you think you’ll be working?”

  “I’ll be back here around five. I expect that to be enough time to prepare a nice dinner?”

  Carly stiffened. His tone had changed. No longer teasing, good-natured. No, it was harsher…commanding. Her breathing quickened and she felt her muscles clench in anticipation.

  “That would depend on what you would like for dinner.” God, could he hear her hammering heart?

  “Something nice, romantic.” His voice was next to her ear, his breath whispering over her skin. “Five o’clock, Carly. I expect dinner ready, and I expect you to be ready for me. Next to the table, prepared to serve me.” His fingers flexed on her shoulders, biting deliciously into her flesh.

  “Y-y-yes, sir.” She nodded and closed her eyes as hot arousal stabbed her middle.

  “Good girl.” He kissed her temple, straightened and strode away. “And Carly?”

  She opened her eyes and met his gaze. The desire she saw in his eyes only heightened hers. “Yes?”

  “I want you naked when I arrive.”

  Oh God.

  * * * *

  Two hours later, Carly rushed into the kitchen, arms laden with grocery sacks. She glanced at the clock and mentally calculated how long she had to prepare everything. It had taken her a while to get moving—figuring what to make and everything. Of course, that fact that she’d sat, stunned and aroused, for several minutes after Jace left hadn’t helped.

  She ran out to get the rest of her purchases out the car. The grocery store hadn’t been her only stop. She wanted to prepare the scene as well as the meal. Jace had asked for something romantic, and damn it, she was going to give it to him. If the look on his face as he’d left was any indication, her efforts would be well rewarded.

  The sound of the phone greeted her as she re-entered the house. She quickly set the bags down and grabbed the phone from the hall table.


  “Carly? Everything okay? You sound out of breath.” Selene’s voice travelled through the ear piece.

  “Everything’s fine. How are you?” Carly tucked the phone between her shoulder and ear and headed for the kitchen.

  “I’m good. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You seemed pretty upset when you left. Jace didn’t look any happier when he took off. What was that argument all about?”

  “Ohhh,” she drawled, “it was nothing. We’re good now.”

  “Really?” Selene sounded intrigued. “Did you talk to him afterwards?”


  “He went after you, didn’t he? Dang. Kyle thought he would, but I wasn’t so sure. I mean, he looked so pissed.”

  Carly caught her lip between her teeth. She wasn’t sure how much to divulge to her friend. Hell, she didn’t know where all of this was headed. Jace might not appreciate her babbling about it, though she knew Selene would never break her confidence.

  “He did come over. We made up,” she said simply.

  “There’s more to it than that,” Selene accused. She was silent a moment, then, “Oh my God, you slept with him!”

  Shock had Carly sputtering incoherently.

  “You and Jace Thomas! Holy shit on a stick, girl. I can’t believe it.”

  “How did you… Why would you…” Carly stammered.

  “Puh-lease. I know you well enough that when you give simple answers—‘he came over, we made up’—there’s something else going on. You have to tell me everything! And I mean every raunchy, dirty detail.”

  “Selene,” she protested weakly.

  “Oh! Is he there with you?” Selene questioned.

  “No, he won’t be back until later.”

  “So, spill.”

  “Seriously I don’t know how he’d like it if I blabbed it far and wide.” Carly rubbed her forehead.

  “You know I won’t breathe a word to anyone. Not even Kyle,” Selene swore.

  “I know.” She began emptying her groceries. She might as well get a move on things while she talked. “Two weeks ago, I went over to Jace’s…”

  Relief filled Carly as she told Selene the entire tale. Though she didn’t go into as much detail about the actual sex part, despite her friend’s cajoling. Holding everything in for two weeks hadn’t been easy. She’d always had someone to talk things through with.

  “So, I don’t know where things are gonna go from here. I’m just determined to enjoy it while I can, and hope that when this ends, we’ll still be friends.” She arranged savoury tarts on a baking tray and slid them into the warm oven.

  “And why does it have to end?” Selene asked. “Where do you want it to go, Car?”

  Carly leaned a hip against the counter and pondered the questions.

  “Seriously, how do you feel about him?” Selene continued. “Is it just wanted to experiment? Is it just lust? Or is it more?”

  “It’s not just experimenting,” she clarified. “If it was just that, anyone would do. I trust Jace more than anyone. Yeah, there’s lust. Hello, he’s hot. But beyond friendship and lust, I don’t know how I feel exactly.”

  “Bull. You know what you feel for him—you just don’t know it.”

  “That makes no sense at all.” Carly laughed.

  “Think about it. How long have you thought of him in ways that aren’t so buddy-like? How did you feel about the other women he saw before?”

  She sighed. “I’ve wanted him for a long time. I don’t even know when it started. And the women? C’mon they were all brainless bimbos who treated his friends like crap.”

  “That’s not true,” Selene disagreed, “and you know it. He dated some very nice girls and they were perfectly sweet.”

  “What planet do you live on? Not a single one of them was nice to me!” Carly protested. “They went out of their way to tell me how wonderful Jace was to them and how happy they were, and what a mind-blowing sex life they had. And they weren’t ‘sweet’ about it.”

  “Maybe you read more into their words because you felt something strong for Jace,” she suggested.

  “Maybe, but I think you’re giving them too much credit.” Carly shook her head, then sighed. “I want to be with him, Selene. The past few weeks, when we didn’t talk, were hell. Even when he’s out of town for work—and there’s been times he’s gone longer than two weeks—we talk or email each other. Pretty much every day. The thought of not having him in my life…makes me feel empty.”

  “I see,” Selene mused.

  Carly chuckled. “You do, do you? Well, explain it all to me, oh wise one.”

  “You’re in love with him,” she said bluntly. “Now that I think back, I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.”

  Heart racing, Carly stumbled to a chair and sat. “That’s silly. I’m not in love with Jace. I love him, sure. He’s a great guy, a wonderful friend who’s fun to be around. He gets me like no one else does, and…oh shit, oh shit.”

  “Carly, breathe.” Selene didn’t seem at all disturbed by her outburst. “Deep breaths, girl.”

  “I love him. Oh my God. I have compared every guy I’d even been with to him and they never measured up. I couldn’t picture spending my life with any of them, but life without Jace was unimaginable. How could I not know…oh shit.” She inhaled deeply and blew out.

  Selene laughed. “You knew. It just took you a while to know.”

  A chuckle slid from her lips. “That still makes no sense.”

  “Sure, it does. Now, go finish making his dinner. Pamper yourself a bit before he gets back,” Selene instructed. “Knock his socks off, girl. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Bye,” Carly murmured before ending the call. She set the handset on the table and just sat, trying to process it all. She was in love with Jace. Her friend, now her lover. Would her feelings show on her face? Would he be able to tell? And God, would it sca
re him away?

  She glanced at the clock and shot to her feet. Enough. Sitting around obsessing about it certainly wasn’t going to help. It was what it was. She couldn’t rush things, but would just have to wait and see where this relationship led. Mind set, Carly turned back to the meal preparations.

  She spent the next couple hours getting the food ready and setting the stage in the small dining room. Once the crisp linen table cloth was in place, she carried dishes out. Unsure, she only arranged one place setting. He’d said he wanted her to be ready to serve him. She didn’t know if that meant she wouldn’t eat with him. Though, with how worked up she already was, she didn’t know if she’d be able to swallow a bite.

  She placed candles around the room and made sure her selected CDs were ready in the player. There. All set. Now she just had to ready herself. She peeked at the clock. Good, she was doing well with the time.

  Snagging the last bag off the kitchen table, Carly headed to her bathroom and began filling the tub. She had just enough time for a relaxing soak before the evening began.

  * * * *

  Jace pulled his car into the drive next to Carly’s house. He glanced at the digital clock on the dash. Ten to five. Shutting the engine off, he leaned his head back against the seat and closed his eyes.

  His cock strained against the front of his slacks. Fuck, he’d been hard all day. Thank God he’d been the only one in the office that day. He chuckled. Concentrating on work had been difficult. His mind kept wandering to Carly, the previous evening and the evening to come.

  Lately his mind had been a mess. Two weeks away from her had been a fucking nightmare. He hadn’t realised just how large a part Carly played in his life. More than once, he’d reached for the phone to call her. He’d stopped himself, of course, determined to give her the space she obviously needed. Add in his confused thoughts and feelings, staying away from her had seemed like the best choice at the time.

  At the engagement party, though, all confusion had cleared, big time. When he’d seen her walk in, he knew. It all became crystal clear. He loved her—it wasn’t simply friendship and a healthy dose of lust for her body. Fuck if he was going to let her walk out of his life.

  Of course, things weren’t any simpler now. He didn’t know what Carly wanted. He didn’t know if she was just using him to scratch an itch she had. She was obviously intrigued by rougher sexual play, and he was a friend she trusted to explore that with. Anger burned inside him as he remembered her remark about finding someone else to play out her fantasies with. No. Way. In. Hell.

  He shook his head and focused on what was to come in the hours ahead. Everything else—figuring out Carly’s feelings and whether they had a future—would come later. For now, he had every intention of making her beg. His cock twitched as images of Carly bound, ass raised and marked by him, flooded his mind. He checked his watch. Time to go in.

  Jace exited the car and adjusted his hard length before walking to the front door. Not bothering to knock, he turned the knob and entered. Music was on the air and mouth-watering aromas surrounded him immediately. He closed the door firmly behind him and strode into the dining room. And promptly lost his ability to breathe.

  Chapter Four

  Jace’s erection swelled painfully as he took in the scene before him. The room was bathed in candlelight. Dozens of candles flickered around the room. Carly stood next to the chair at the head of the table, hands clasped in front of her. She wore nothing—just as he’d instructed—and her hair fell in soft curls over her shoulders, the ends teasing the jutting tips of her breasts with each breath she took.

  Drawing in a shuddering breath, Jace fought to control himself. He wanted nothing more than to cross the room, bend her over the table and bury himself in her sweet pussy. Soon enough, he promised himself.

  He walked over to stand in front of Carly. She kept her gaze lowered—whether from shyness or trying to be submissive, Jace didn’t know. With a finger under her chin, he tipped her head up. He leaned forward and captured her mouth. Not in a gentle greeting. No, he had to show her that she was his, only his, even in this small way. Possessively, he swept his tongue inside her mouth. He smiled inwardly as he noticed the faint flavour of wine clinging to her lips. Had she been nervous and had a glass of wine to prepare for him?

  Pulling away, he looked into her glazed eyes. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you, sir,” she whispered.

  “It’s been a helluva long day,” he replied. “Is dinner ready?”

  “Yes, sir. Would you like to start?”

  Oh yeah. “Yes,” he said, moving away from her and sitting in the chair next to her.

  She hurried into the kitchen and returned quickly with a platter. After setting it in front of him, she stepped back and, once again, clasped her hands in front of her.

  “They’re savoury tarts. There are onion, mushroom and others. Please, s-sir,” she stuttered, “let me know when you are ready for the next course.”

  Jace nodded and selected one of the tiny pastries, popping it into his mouth. The sweet flavour of caramelised onions burst on his tongue and he hummed in appreciation. As always, he was impressed with her cooking. She’d obviously put a lot of effort into the meal. That pleased him greatly.

  After sampling the different flavours, he chose one and held it out to her. After a moment’s hesitation, she leaned forward and opened her mouth. Jace slid it inside and held back a groan when her lips closed around his fingers. She ran her tongue along the tips before straightening again.

  “Next course,” he said, a bit more sharply than he intended.

  “Yes, sir.” She removed the platter and returned to the kitchen. After a moment she placed a plate of salad before him. “A Caesar salad. If you prefer something else, I can do that.”

  He smiled slightly. “This will be fine.”

  “I’m glad. If…” she cleared her throat, “…if it pleases you, while you eat your salad, I’d like to dish up your main course.”

  He caught her gaze as he slid his hand over the rounded cheek of her ass. He pressed his lips to the side of her breast and inhaled her sweet scent. He glided his fingers along the seam of her ass, and was rewarded when her eyes slid shut and she shivered.

  “You may go,” he conceded and turned his attention to the food in front of him.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  In the kitchen, Carly braced her hands on the edge of the counter and drew in a shaky breath. Nothing had even happened yet, not really, and she was trembling and wet for him.

  After a few deep breaths, she straightened and began assembling Jace’s dish. Carefully, of course. She chuckled. It wasn’t everyday she pulled things from the oven fully exposed.

  Once complete, she returned to Jace’s side. She waited for him to indicate he was finished with the salad before exchanging plates.

  “Stuffed chicken Florentine with garlic mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables,” she explained. “Please, enjoy.”

  “Kneel beside me,” he ordered without looking at her.

  Excitement licked her insides as she lowered herself to her knees. She waited, rather impatiently, for further instruction. Jace didn’t seem to notice as he cut into his chicken and took a bite.

  “Excellent.” He speared another piece on his fork and held it to Carly’s lips.

  She took what was offered, and allowed herself to enjoy the explosion of flavours in her mouth—the mixture of cheeses with just a hint of nutmeg clinging to the moist chicken. She licked her lips and, once again, waited.

  “Spread your legs farther apart and place your hands behind your back.”

  Carly complied and cried out when he reached over and rolled one of her nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

  “Have you been thinking of me today, Carly?” he asked

  You know I have. “Yes, sir,” she replied.

  “Are you wet for me?” He pinched her nipple hard.

  Carly whimpered as a heat shot through her
core. “Yes, sir.”

  He released her and turned back to the plate in front of him. Throughout his meal, he would surprise her with a touch. She never knew if it’d be caressing or punishing, and honestly, she couldn’t say which one she craved more.

  “I’m finished. Please clear the table.”

  She stood on shaky legs and, as quickly as she could, removed the dishes to the kitchen. When finished, she came back to his side.

  “Would you like dessert now, sir?”

  At his nod, she went to the kitchen and arranged the dessert on a tray. She’d made his favourite—her bread pudding—along with a choice of three sauces to drizzle over the warm treat. Her hands shook as she carried it out to him.

  Jace rose and took the tray from her. Confused, Carly watched as he set it on the sideboard, then removed the candles from the table. He placed them next to tray. She didn’t know what to do next. Suddenly she was off her feet and in Jace’s arms. She didn’t even have a chance to hold on before he laid her on the table, her legs dangling over the edge.

  He ran a hand down her front, from her neck down to the curls shielding her pussy. He combed his fingers through, chuckling when she tilted her hips. Turning away, he reached for one of the tiny bowls on the dessert tray. He dipped his finger in and met her gaze.

  “What is this?” He tilted the bowl so she could see.

  “A b-b-bourbon cream sauce,” she managed, excitement coiling in her belly.

  He brought it to his mouth and sucked his finger clean. “Very nice.”

  Coating the digit again, he wiped the creamy sauce on first one of her nipples, then the other. He leaned forward and caught one of the pert tips between his lips. His tongue swirled deliciously before he pulled hard. Carly closed her eyes as lances of heat drove straight between her legs. He turned his attention to the other nipple, using his lips and tongue to make her writhe beneath him.

  Air kissed her wet nipples, causing them to pucker almost painfully. She forced her eyes open and her breath caught as he exchanged bowls.


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