Forbidden Secrets (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #5

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Forbidden Secrets (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #5 Page 6

by Teresa Gabelman

  “But she’s not.” Malcolm looked toward Leda and then away.

  Before she knew what was happening, she was pushed toward Steve as Taz went for Malcolm straight across the table. Malcolm was no match for his speed or strength. In a blink of an eye, Taz had him pinned to the floor with a wicked blade against his throat.

  “She has a bounty on her head?” Taz growled.

  Leda pulled away from Steve so she could see Malcolm’s face as he answered.

  “Yes,” he wheezed, not even fighting as the knife pressed harder against his throat.

  “Taz, stop.” Leda put her hand on his shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me?” A knot of gut-wrenching betrayal formed in her stomach.

  “Because I needed the money to get my sister out of here,” Malcolm said as tears rolled from his eyes. “But I changed my mind, Leda. You’re my family. I can’t—”

  “Shut up!” Taz pushed harder on the knife; a streak of thin red blood curved down toward the floor. “How much?”

  “He just raised it,” Malcolm said, then swallowed carefully. “To… fifty thousand.”

  “Oh my God.” Leda’s legs wobbled, but Steve was there to keep her upright.

  “I swear, Leda,” Malcolm cried out, his eyes wide with fear. “I couldn’t do—”

  “Slit his fucking throat,” Steve growled beside her.

  “Any last words, motherfucker?” Taz hissed as he readied himself to do what Steve ordered.

  “Oh God!” Malcolm tried to fight one last time, but Taz was too strong. “Please, my sister didn’t know anything. I swear. Please help her, but don’t hurt her. Leda, please.”

  Leda stared at her childhood friend with such remorse it almost brought her to her knees. This was all her uncle’s doing. “You searched for me with them, didn’t you?”

  “Only once, I swear it,” Malcolm cried. “Only once, and I came home alone to drink myself to death because of the fear that I might have actually been the one to find you.”

  “Would you have turned me over?” Leda knew her voice was cracking, but she didn’t care. There was no hiding her devastation.

  Malcolm squeezed his eyes shut. “I honestly don’t know.” He didn’t reopen his eyes. “I swear to God, I hope I wouldn’t have, just like I changed my mind to turn you over when Minor came in the door. I swear, Leda, I just couldn’t do it.”

  “I don’t believe him,” Steve said as he glared down at Malcolm.

  “Then why would I have tried to contact someone to get her?” Malcolm pleaded his case. “I could have just turned her over, collected the money and been done with it.”

  “Ehh, still pretty fucking shady.” Steve acted like he was weighing his options of what to say next. “Fuck it. I say send the bastard to Hell. Just thinking of doing something like that is a piece-of-shit loser move.”

  “No.” Leda leaned down to reach for the knife, but Taz used his shoulder to nudge her away. “Let him go, Taz.”

  “Oh my God.” Jamie’s voice caused them all to look up, except her brother who was seconds from death. “Malcolm!”

  Chapter 9

  Taz’s rage was close to being out of control. To think Leda had been alone with this asshole before he and Steve arrived sent fear and anxiety throughout his body and mind. Just another inch and he could easily make sure this bastard was never a threat to Leda ever again. What stopped him from doing just that? Her. Leda’s voice had the power to stop his hand from making that fatal move.

  Hearing an unfamiliar voice had Taz looking that way, but he still controlled the bastard underneath him. A pregnant woman stood just inside the door, staring at him in horror.

  “Let him go,” Leda urged him. “Please.”

  Looking back down at the man, Taz sneered as he pressed the knife even harder at one side while he lifted it slightly on the other, just so the man knew how close to death he had come. “If you even think about causing her harm, I will hunt you and kill you slowly, with so much pain and suffering you can’t even imagine it in your worst nightmares.”

  “I swear it,” Malcolm promised as another tear slipped from his eyes. “I never wanted to hurt Leda. She’s my family.”

  “She is nothing to you,” Taz warned as he released the knife from the man’s throat.

  Malcolm’s hand went instantly to his neck as Taz stood, making sure his body was between this bastard and Leda. He didn’t trust him, not even an inch. He hoped to hell releasing him wasn’t something he was going to regret later.

  “You won’t.” Malcolm stared at Taz. “You won’t regret this,” Malcolm swore, as if he could read Taz’s mind.

  Before Taz could warn him again, the pregnant woman ran to Malcolm’s side. “What’s going on, Leda?” she asked, looking at Taz. “Who are you, and why did you have a knife to my brother’s throat?”

  “Your brother planned on turning Leda in for a bounty.” Steve didn’t hesitate to answer with true disgust in his voice. “And you’re damn lucky he’s breathing right now. I wanted his head.”

  “Malcolm?” Jamie stepped away from her brother in horror. “Please tell me that’s not true.”

  Leda went to step forward, but Taz stopped her. “Did you know there was a bounty?” she asked.

  Jamie shook her head, but her words contradicted the action. “We’ve heard rumors. If you don’t work for the alpha, you’re not privileged with information. We’ve never known what happened to you or little Sam. Every day I’ve prayed you made it, and then to see you in the restaurant…. Why did you come back?” She turned toward her brother without waiting for an answer and slapped him hard across the face. “You lied to me. I asked you if the rumors were true. You told me they weren’t. You knew she and Sam were still alive.”

  Malcolm didn’t even rub the red handprint on his face. He just moved to head for the fridge.

  “I swear, if you go for a beer, I will shove it up your ass,” Jamie bellowed, her eyes blazing fire. “Why, Malcolm? Why would you do something like this, and to Leda? My God, to Sam. He idolized you.”

  Taz watched Malcolm stop; his shoulders turned inward at each word his sister spoke as if he were deflating. His head hung low with his back turned toward them all. “Because I can’t stand to see you with Minor. It was the only way I could think to get you away from him, Jamie.”

  “You had no right to put that on yourself. Dammit, Malcolm! How could you do this?” Jamie’s eyes filled with tears and her hands went to her face. “I’m so sorry, Leda.”

  Stepping around him, Leda took the woman in her arms. “It’s okay.” Her voice was calm, and Taz was impressed with her compassion. He was still reeling at the thought of how close she had come to being…. He couldn’t even think about it. His eyes flared back to Malcolm, wanting to kill him all over again.

  “You really don’t know what it’s been like here since that night.” Jamie held onto Leda, her face buried against her neck. “It’s inhumane, the way they treat us.”

  Taz watched Leda’s shoulders stiffen at the woman’s words. She was taking this personally, which was dangerous.

  “We do have a plan,” Steve added, then sighed. “But your bro kinda mucked that up.”

  Taz watched the woman’s eyes light up. He wasn’t sure if he even trusted this woman. No, he didn’t. He trusted no one when it came to Leda. Only himself.

  He glanced at Steve and shook his head, warning him to keep quiet. Steve nodded but continued talking. Jesus.

  “Honestly, not sure how much we can say, because fifty grand is a lot of money.” Steve frowned, crossing his arms. “Some would even say enough to turn in your own kid.”

  “Can it get us out of here? Away from this place?” Jamie’s voice cracked with emotion as she stared first at Steve, then Taz and finally back to Leda. “Please, I’ll do anything to get away.”

  “Even turn over the woman you just hugged?” Taz put out there, just to see her reaction.

  Jamie sneered his way, her eyes narrowing. “Never.” She then gla
nced at Malcolm, who had finally turned around to face them, but his eyes were downcast. “I’m loyal to the true Kingsman alpha, and that was Leda’s father. A man who took us in without question and treated us like his own.”

  Jamie’s gaze met Taz’s, and he believed the truth she spoke, to a point.

  “I swear on my baby’s first breath,” she sealed her promise.

  To swear on your unborn child was unheard of. “Jamie,” Leda whispered, her eyes watering. “You don’t have to—”

  “Obviously I do since my name is associated with his.” Jamie glared at her brother. “I will do anything you need me to do to make this happen.”

  “Jamie, you can’t,” Malcolm finally said. “If Minor finds out, he’ll kill you.”

  “Fuck Minor,” Jamie spat, earning a large smile from Steve.

  “I like her.” Steve nodded, then glanced toward Malcolm. “You, not so much.”

  Taz frowned, realizing they needed to trust someone for this plan to work, and other than having Leda fight her uncle, which no way in hell was that happening, this was their only option. “I’ll call Dell.”

  “I’ve already called Sloan, and they’re ready to go.” Steve held up his phone. “One text and he’ll coordinate with your peeps.”

  “What’s the plan?” Jamie asked, but no one answered her, clearly indicating the trust wasn’t there 100 percent.

  Leda watched Taz walk away but stay close enough, no doubt so his eyes were on Malcolm, who was staring at her. She really didn’t know what to say to him; her heart hurt terribly. He had been so close to betraying her, and she didn’t know if she could ever forgive or trust him.

  Taz walked back over, his face a mask of fierce hardness. “I just talked to Dell over the speaker with Garrett, Marcus, and Hunter. They’re getting everyone together now.”

  “Oh damn.” Steve rubbed his hands together. “There’s going to be some major ass kicking going down in this place tonight.”

  “And they all agreed that the ones who have been loyal to her father are welcome into the pack as long as they pledge their loyalty to Dell, until her brother is old enough to make a decision to take over his rightful place,” Taz announced, his eyes on Leda.

  Jamie’s gasp turned into sobs of happiness. “Is this really happening?”

  “Sounds like it,” Steve replied, then glanced at Malcolm. “Guess you better be getting your shit straight, man. I’ve got a friend who can read you like a book, and believe me when I tell you I’ll be using him to find out exactly what the fuck you’re about.”

  “I need to talk to Dell.” Leda didn’t feel as excited as everyone else. “This is going to bring Allen to Lee County. I’m not only putting Sam in danger but everyone else by doing this.”

  “He knows the risks, Leda,” Taz reassured her. “But when he gets here, you can talk to him. Okay?”

  Leda nodded as other worries plagued her. “How are they all going to come in without being seen?”

  Jamie snorted bitterly. “Minor and the rest of the assholes are probably drunk by now.” She rolled her eyes. “How do you think I’m here? When the alpha is away, little boys play. They think they’re unbeatable and never have watchers as they should. Right, Malcolm?”

  “Yeah.” Malcolm’s voice sounded gravelly. “It’s true. They’re unbeatable.”

  “No one is unbeatable.” Taz’s eyes narrowed.

  “How are we going to decide who comes and who’s loyal?” Leda asked, not wanting to walk anyone into Lee County who didn’t belong.

  “Oh, we have our ways.” Steve winked at her, then frowned when Taz growled at him again. “Man, chill the hell out. It’s just a wink.”

  “Keep it open when looking at her unless you want to start wearing a patch… permanently,” Taz warned, wrapping his arm around Leda.

  “I don’t feel good about this, Taz,” Leda confided, not knowing who else to trust. “This is going to lead him straight to Sam.”

  “No one is going to lay a finger on Sam,” Taz promised her. “I swear it. And no one is going to harm you either.”

  “But this is my fight,” she whispered, still not sure about the plan and how fast this was all taken out of her control. Maybe she didn’t have the full grasp of what she was doing, but she had a plan. This was far from it. Yet Taz’s promise of safety for her and her brother warmed her heart like nothing ever had.

  “Not anymore,” he whispered, holding her tighter, though she still didn’t feel at peace. A large knot of doom lodged in her heart, and she was afraid it was going to explode. Everything she had ever held dear could come to an end. Her eyes met Taz’s, and she prayed this time that wouldn’t be the case.

  Chapter 10

  Taz knew Leda was torn. The hours they sat waiting for the Warriors and the wolves to show were eating away at her. He could see her indecision growing. Finally, she was talking with Jamie and seemed to have relaxed. He watched her closely, loving the way she became expressive with her hands as she got excited with a story she was telling.

  “You should let me—”

  Both Taz and Steve said no at the same time, not letting Malcolm finish whatever he was about to say.

  “You aren’t doing shit until my buddy gets here.” Steve was texting on his phone, not even looking at Malcolm. “Until then, shut it.”

  Someone knocked on the back door, sending Steve and Taz into action. Taz looked toward Jamie. “Open it, but stay clear, just in case it’s not our guys.”

  Jamie nodded as Taz motioned Leda toward him. Once she was within reach, he stashed her behind him as Steve got into place. Jamie opened the door slowly, keeping her body positioned away from Taz and Steve.

  “Jamie?” an unrecognizable man’s voice asked. He saw Steve relax and knew this was one of the Warriors.

  “Sloan,” Steve said, then rushed over to open the door more. Fourteen vampire Warriors walked into the house, each sizing everyone up.

  “Dell isn’t here yet?” the man who Taz knew was the leader of the Warriors asked as he glanced toward Taz.

  “No, they had a little farther to travel than you,” Taz replied as he held out his hand. “I’m Taz. Thanks for coming.”

  Sloan gave him a nod and a firm handshake. Introductions were made all around, and then there was Malcolm.

  “Adam,” Steve called out. “I need your expertise, my man.”

  Taz watched a younger guy walk toward Steve. He had heard of the different powers some of the Warriors possessed and was curious to see exactly what this guy named Adam could tell them.

  “This is Malcolm,” Steve said as all the Warriors gathered around, staring at the man. “He was once a good family friend to Leda.”

  “I still am.” Malcolm frowned, his eyes narrowing.

  “That remains to be seen,” Steve growled, glancing toward Jamie, then back to Malcolm. “Leda showed up here without knowing there’s a bounty on her head by her uncle. This guy remained quiet about the fact. Though he didn’t turn her over when he easily could have, there are some trust issues.”

  There was another knock on the door. Everyone became deadly still, staring at it. “Wolves or unwanted company?” Damon asked, his voice as deadly as his eyes.

  “No one uses the back door, so it has to be the wolves,” Jamie replied and went to answer it. Slade stopped her and Taz knew he was the doctor. He’d been to Lee County several times with his mate, Jill, who stood beside him. She took Jamie’s arm, gently moving her out of the line of danger.

  “Allow me.” Slade waited until the women were safely away before nodding to Jared to open the door.

  “Well hell, you’re still ugly,” Jared said as he stepped out of the way so Hunter could walk in.

  “And you’re still not funny.” Hunter snorted as they shook hands. “That your minivan we parked next to across the road?”

  “Fuck no!” Jared snorted, then glanced at Steve. “I’ll give you one guess who’s driving that.”

  “Why all the hate on my mi
nivan? It’s multifunctional.” Steve frowned with a hiss. “Damn, can’t a man drive a family car without getting shit for it?”

  “No!” many voices rang out.

  Dell was the last to enter the room, his eyes immediately going to Taz and then Leda. His frown deepened. “We have a lot to catch up on,” Dell said as everyone looked past Taz to Leda. He wanted to push her farther behind him but knew it was their alpha’s right to reprimand her. He just hoped Dell didn’t go too far with it, because no way in hell did he want to tango with that big son of a bitch.

  “You’re all just in time.” Steve saved Leda from more of a Dell-lashing, drawing everyone’s attention toward him. He explained again what Malcolm had almost done. There were a few growls coming from the large group, which barely fit in the house.

  “How much is the bounty?” This was from Garrett, who had yet to say a word to Leda. Taz wondered about that as well.

  “Fifty thousand,” Steve answered, then glared at Malcolm.

  Every eye went to Leda, and a few whistled at the amount. “He got that money to pay out, or is this just a bullshit amount?” Marcus asked.

  “No, he has it,” Malcolm replied, his eyes going past Taz to Leda. “He’s had all control over the finances from Leda’s parents.”

  “And you think he would actually pay it?” Duncan’s eyes narrowed in disbelief.

  “For her, he would.” Malcolm glanced at Leda, then away quickly. “No doubt about it.”

  “Damn, girl.” Hunter glanced at her. “You better be nice to me. That’s a nice chunk of change.”

  “Exactly. So you see, we have trust issues here. Malcolm says he’s had a change of heart, but that’s a lot of cha-ching, and I don’t fully believe him.” Steve glanced at Adam. “Will you do the honors of letting us know if he lives or if he’s going to die by Taz over there? Inquiring minds want to know.”

  “Malcolm, you be truthful,” Jamie warned her brother with a frown.


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