Lighthouse Inn Mysteries 4 & 5 Bundle

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Lighthouse Inn Mysteries 4 & 5 Bundle Page 4

by Tim Myers

  No matter what happened between them, he had to know one way or another, once and for all, if there was a chance for romance with her.

  Sally Anne set down the basket and said, “You look like you’ve got the world’s troubles on your shoulders, Alex.”

  He said, “No, I’m just trying to put a few things in perspective.”

  Sally Anne nodded. “I heard about Emma’s ex showing up here dead. Do they know what happened yet?”

  Alex said, “I figured you’d have a better handle on that than I would. Your diner is a pretty popular place with the sheriff and everybody else in town.”

  “It’s funny, but we haven’t seen Armstrong since he got the call to come out here. Dad’s worried he’s starving himself to death,” she added with a grin.

  As Alex paid Sally Anne’s bill, he said, “I’ve got a question for you. How’d you like to be my eyes in town?”

  “You mean like a spy?” Sally Anne asked eagerly.

  “More of an observer,” Alex said. When he saw her smile dim, he added, “Okay, to be honest with you, it’s exactly like a spy.”

  Sally Anne said, “How cool. Just tell me what you want me to do.”

  “Right now, I need you to keep your eyes and ears open around the diner. I promised Mor I’d look into Sturbridge’s death, and I’m going to need your help in town now that both of my buildings are full.”

  Sally Anne said, “I was kind of hoping there’d be more skulking around.”

  Alex laughed. “I’ll see what I can come up with. Seriously, you don’t mind helping me?”

  “Alex, since I lost my fiancé to the Carolina football program and those perky cheerleaders they have there, I’ve got way too much time on my hands. This sounds like fun.” She paused, then added, “If it’s all the same to you though, I don’t think I’m going to tell Dad. He’s kind of overprotective of me.”

  “Don’t lie to him on my account,” Alex said, though he suddenly realized getting on Buck’s bad side might not be the smartest move, especially since the man was a former Golden Gloves boxer who still kept in shape by assaulting a punching bag in his basement.

  Sally Anne said, “Oh, he’s a pussycat, Alex. Besides, he really likes you.”

  Alex said, “Let’s make sure we keep it that way. Thanks for helping, Sally Anne.”

  “My pleasure.”

  Elise came out of her room and said, “I thought I heard voices out here.”

  Sally Anne said, “Hey, Elise. I was just leaving.”

  “Not on my account, I hope,” Elise said.

  “No, Dad’s waiting in the car.” She headed for the door and called out, “Bye now,” as she left.

  Elise looked at the basket, then said, “I wasn’t eavesdropping, but did I hear you ask Sally Anne to help you with your snooping?”

  “We’re going to have our hands full with our guests now that both buildings are at full capacity again, so I asked her to keep an eye on what’s going on around town.”

  Elise said, “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. Are you sure our date Saturday night is such a good idea? Someone should be here for our guests all the time.”

  A chill crept into Alex’s heart. “Elise, are you having second thoughts about going out with me?”

  She said, “Of course not.” Then, after hesitating, she added, “Why, are you?”

  Alex took her hands in his and said, “I know this is a big step for us, but don’t you think it’s time we found out exactly what this is between us?”

  Elise pulled away. “Alex, I don’t want to lose your friendship. I’ve got plenty of ex-boyfriends, but you’re the only best friend I’ve got.”

  Alex sighed. “Okay, so we’ll make a pact. If it doesn’t work out between us, we’ll stay friends, no matter what.” He added with a grin, “Besides, we’ll have to be, since we see each other every day.”

  Elise said, “You say that now, but what happens if it ends badly?”

  Alex thought about it a moment, then said, “Elise, I’d rather take that chance than miss out on something that could be the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  Alex wasn’t sure what he expected her reaction to be to his statement, but seeing her bolt to her room was not one of the possibilities he would have considered. Shaking his head, Alex finished his nightly closing duties, made a quick tour through both buildings, then walked out onto the porch of the Main Keeper’s Quarters.

  The lighthouse looked down at him, its lens darkened by the night. He was tempted to turn it on, despite what the Elkton Falls Town Council thought. It was a beacon that was made to be lit.

  With a mischievous grin, Alex decided to do it anyway. After grabbing a flashlight, he headed up the tower’s steps. Just a few brief seconds of light surely couldn’t hurt anything.

  As his hand reached for the plain button switch his grandfather had installed, Alex felt a flutter of anticipation in his stomach. He never got tired of lighting the beacon.

  When he pushed the button though, nothing happened. The old switch had finally died. He’d have to call Mor in the morning and have him take a look at it. Though Alex had the nominal skills to fix lots of things around the inn in a pinch, he normally left the electrical work to Mor. Disappointed that the light wouldn’t shine that night, Alex walked out onto the observation platform, playing his flashlight over the railing as he walked.

  Once he was securely in place, he turned off his light and looked out in the vast darkness around him. It took nearly fifteen minutes for his eyes to grow accustomed to the darkness. In the stillness of the night, the sounds around him were intensified and amplified. It was one of the many reasons he loved the lighthouse so much. The beacon had more shifting moods and facets than most folks ever suspected.

  The next morning, Alex found Elise setting up their continental breakfast bar for their guests, with fresh coffee, orange juice, and the supplies Sally Anne had dropped off the night before. The bar added to their expenses, but with the accompanying room rate increase, they actually made more profit off each guest who came to Hatteras West. It was one of Elise’s touches Alex liked so much, providing a nice service while raising their revenues at the same time.

  “That smells good,” he said.

  “The coffee?’’ Elise asked. “I’d be glad to get you a cup.”

  “You know me better than that. I like the smell, not the taste. So, when are we going to start offering sweet tea with our little spread here?”

  “Whenever you want to get up early and make it,” Elise said.

  “You’re in a good mood today.” Alex said.

  “I always wake up happy, you know that.”

  Alex said. “I do. We know each other’s patterns pretty well, don’t we?”

  Elise said softly. “So all the mystery’s gone, is that what you’re trying to say?”

  Alex laughed softly. “Just the opposite. I’m looking forward to seeing more of you than I already have.”

  “Not on the first date, you won’t” Elise said.

  Alex stammered, “That’s not what I meant. I was...what I meant to say...”

  She finally took pity on him and snapped him lightly with a tea towel she had used for the muffins. “You can stop squirming; I know exactly what you meant.”

  Alex was about to say something else when Lenora walked in. “That coffee smells like ambrosia.”

  “Help yourself,” Alex said.

  As she poured a cup and selected a blueberry muffin, Lenora said, “Alex, I was hoping you had some spare time this morning. I really need to speak with you.”

  “Sorry, I don’t normally have any free time until around lunch,” Alex said. “We keep pretty busy till then.” He and Elise worked at their housekeeping chores together in the mornings, though they would probably have to adjust their schedules now that they were running two separate buildings.

  “That will be fine. May I treat you to a meal at this Buck’s Grill I keep hearing about?”

��No need. We can go Dutch,” he said.

  “Ah, but then I can’t ask you my favor. I’ll meet you here at noon.”

  After she was gone, Elise said, “I know it’s none of my business, but what exactly was that all about?”

  “I don’t have the slightest idea. But hey, how can I say no to a free lunch?”

  “Well, you could always try ‘no’. Then there’s ‘no thank you’, ‘sorry I can’t’ and the old reliable ‘no Ma’am, but I appreciate you thinking of me’. Any of those would work.”

  Alex said, “It’s just lunch, and she is our guest. Besides, I’ve got to admit, this whole ‘favor’ thing she’s been dropping hints about has me intrigued. I can’t imagine what she wants.”

  Elise cocked her head to one side, then said, “No doubt that’s her intent. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough.”

  The bickering honeymoon couple joined them, filled their plates and mugs, then grabbed a table away from everyone else, presumably so they could have some privacy.

  Alex asked Elise, “So, should we keep tag teaming the rooms together, or should we split up now that we have so much ground to cover?”

  Elise said, “Tell you what. You take Main and I’ll handle Dual. We can do the sheets after lunch together, if you get back from your rendezvous in time.”

  Alex said, “I’ll be here. You know, it’s going to be kind of odd doing the rooms alone again.”

  “We’ve both gotten spoiled with the light workload. I’m afraid that’s about to end.”

  “I’ve got a feeling you’re right. Before I get started on my rooms, I’ve got to call Mor.”

  “Is it about Emma’s ex-husband?”

  Alex admitted sheepishly, “Actually, it’s a handyman job. I tried to turn on the lens last night and the switch was broken.”

  Elise looked surprised by the admission. “I thought the Town Council banned you from doing that.”

  He said, “I don’t know, all of a sudden I just had to see the light, fine or no fine.”

  Elise nodded. “I’m surprised the urge doesn’t hit you more often. Do me a favor the next time you get the yen.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Come get me first. I would love to see the sky lit up again.”

  Alex smiled. “I promise.”

  It left things on a much better note as Elise headed off to start on Dual.

  Mor picked up on the third ring when Alex called. “Mor or Les,” he said automatically.

  Alex said, “I thought you usually let Les answer the phone.”

  Mor said, “Believe me, it’s not by choice. He’s off visiting family in Florida, so for the next four days, I’m it. Has something happened with the case?”

  Alex admitted, “I haven’t heard a thing. How did your interview with the sheriff go?”

  “Armstrong blustered around a little, then he set me loose after Sandra quit putting up with his foolishness. I don’t know if he was just fishing, or if Sandra intimidated him, but we didn’t cover much ground. I hung around until he finished with Emma. She was in there less time than I was. He told us to hang around Elkton Falls, but that was about it.” Mor sighed. “Like I could just take off any time I wanted to with Les gone. So if you aren’t calling about the case, what’s up?”

  “The light switch for the lens is broken, at least I think that’s the problem, and I’d like you to take a look at it whenever you get the chance.”

  Mor said, “I know you don’t have permission to fire it up, Alex. What’s going on?”

  He explained, “What’s the use of having the world’s biggest night-light if you can’t turn it on now and then?”

  Mor chuckled. “That’s the spirit. I’ll try to make it out there this evening.”

  “No hurry, you don’t have to work at night on my account. I know you’ve got your hands full.”

  Mor said, “Think about it, Alex. You’re allowed to perform regular testing and maintenance on the light since it serves as an early warning notice for the county, am I right? Why don’t I show up tonight and we’ll try out the new switch when we can enjoy it? I’ll call Grady Hatch and tell him what we’re doing.”

  “That sounds great,” Alex said.

  Suddenly, Tracy Shook rushed into the inn. There was a look of urgency on her face that required immediate attention.

  Alex said, “I’ve got to go, Mor. See you tonight.”

  After he hung up with his friend, Alex said, “Tracy, what’s going on? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “Alex, is the sheriff here?”

  He said, “I haven’t seen him all morning. You look upset, Tracy. What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Oxford Hitchcock. He’s disappeared.”

  “Slow down,” Alex said. “What do you mean, he’s disappeared?”

  “We were supposed to speak at a dinner together last night for the Sons of the South, but he never showed up.”

  “So maybe he got his dates mixed up,” Alex said. “It happens.”

  “That’s his group, Alex, and he had the perfect opportunity to show me up. There’s not a chance in the world he forgot about it. I went by his house last night after the banquet, but nobody was home. Then this morning we had a breakfast debate scheduled for Hal’s radio show in Hickory, and I had to do it alone.”

  “I thought you’d be happy about the lack of competition,” Alex said.

  “This isn’t funny. Oxford and I are competitors, but we’re buddies too, no matter how much stress this campaign has put on our friendship. I’m worried something might have happened to him, so I’ve been looking for the sheriff. Maybe he can figure out what’s going on.”

  “I’m sure it’s nothing,” Alex said.

  “I wish I could believe that.” She sighed, then added, “I’ve been putting it off, but I guess I’m going to have to call the snake and see if he knows where Oxford is.”

  Alex knew she must be really worried if she was willing to call her ex-husband. “What’s his number? I’ll give him a call for you. “

  Tracy said, “Thanks. Alex. I’d really appreciate that.”

  Alex dialed Conner’s number, but after two rings, he got the answering machine.

  After he hung up, Alex said. “He wasn’t there, so I left a message for him to call me.”

  Tracy said. “Something’s not right, Alex. His calls are forwarded to his cell phone when his home number doesn’t answer. How many times did it ring before you got the machine?”

  “Twice,” Alex said. “Why?”

  Tracy picked up the phone, and as she punched in the number, she said, “I just hope he hasn’t changed the access code.”

  Her face went white as she listened intently.

  “What was it?” Alex asked.

  “Listen to this.” Tracy punched another number, and Alex heard Oxford’s voice in a near whisper on the recording. “Conner, I’m in real trouble here. I need…”

  And then the message died before he had the chance to say another word.

  Chapter 5

  Alex had her replay the message. After listening to it intently, he said, “Tracy, we both should probably forget we ever listened to this.”

  Tracy said, “Come on, you heard him, Alex. He’s in trouble, and Conner wasn’t there to help him. Not that I’m surprised, he was never there when I needed him either, but I can’t ignore what I just heard.”

  Alex said, “We need to think about this before we do anything rash. What can the sheriff do, based on what we just heard?” A sudden thought crossed his mind. “Tracy, you could get in serious trouble if Armstrong finds out you checked your ex-husband’s messages. It’s invading his privacy. Even if you get away with it, the voters aren’t going to be happy about it.”

  “I don’t care about any of that. Oxford is in trouble.”

  Alex thought about it a full minute, then said, “Tracy, let me try to get the sheriff into this without involving you. And do me a favor, stay away from Conner’s answering
machine from now on. I can’t see any way it’s a good thing for you to be doing it.”

  She ignored his chiding and shook the receiver at him. “Call the sheriff, Alex.”

  He agreed, and dialed the sheriff’s office. “He’s at Buck’s,” Alex was told, so he called the Grill.

  Armstrong came to the phone and said, “What’s up, Alex? I was just getting a bowl of oatmeal, but it can wait. Find another body out there?”

  “Bite your tongue,” Alex said. “I was wondering if you might have seen Oxford Hitchcock around. He was supposed to come out by the inn this morning, but he never showed up,” Alex lied.

  “Hang on a second, Alex,” Armstrong said. He must have put his hand over the phone to muffle his voice, but Alex could still hear as the sheriff asked the crowd at Buck’s if anyone had seen the missing mayoral candidate.

  Armstrong came back on the line a few seconds later and said, “Nope, he missed a meeting last night and one this morning, too. I wonder what he’s up to.”

  Alex had to handle the next part delicately. “I wonder who else might know where he’s at. Listen, if you see Oxford, give me a call, would you?”

  The sheriff said, “Sure thing, Alex. Hey, hang on a second. Here comes Conner Shook. If anybody knows where Oxford is, he’ll be the one.”

  Alex heard Armstrong ask, “Conner, you seen your candidate lately? He’s missing appointments all over town.”

  Conner swore in the background, and Alex heard Buck say loudly, “I don’t care if I am supporting your guy, there’s no swearing allowed in here.”

  He heard Conner quickly apologize, then the campaign manager said, “I went to Charlotte on one overnight business trip and the man falls apart on me. Let me check my messages. The battery on my cell phone was nearly dead last night, so I had to recharge it on the road this morning.”


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