The Maven Knight (The Maven Knight Trilogy Book 1)

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The Maven Knight (The Maven Knight Trilogy Book 1) Page 21

by Matthew Romeo

Abrax nods his head as we both start to examine each of the tombs and the names engraved. Minutes drag by as we search for a Suzerain of Cycle 3. It almost seems hopeless in this mass of honeycomb-like tombs. But then, I spot something.

  Nera of Z’hart: Cycle 3.

  Promptly I activate it—and as the tomb opens I see the ancient remains of a Maven woman. Clutched over her heart like Amycus, is another ruby kryo. I sigh with relief.

  We have our keys.

  Venturing to the end of the chamber, Abrax and I simultaneously place the ruby shards of energy into the dials. They click into place and the dials start rotating slowly. Another great hiss springs from the vault’s golden door, and mechanical snaps echo in the chamber. My heart pounds in my chest. The excitement grips me. I can see Devin and Abrax similarly enthralled by the moment.

  The vault’s door opens and reveals a nook carved out of the dark ore native to Z’hart. And laden upon a metal pedestal within the nook, is the Tome.

  Chapter 26: Tálir

  Old Friends

  A PYRAMID-LIKE DEVICE sits upon the metal pedestal; its sides are hewn from both bronze and gold. Carved into each of its sides are runes encircling the symbol of an eye. The size of an apple, the device sits upon the pedestal—waiting to be claimed over the Cycles. We’ve found the Tome.

  ​Cautiously, Abrax moves forward to retrieve the Tome from its pedestal. We’re both still wary of booby-traps. Yet, the old man meets no resistance as he picks up the device. He holds it in his palm for a long moment, amazed that he’s found this legendary item. His eyes almost seem watery for a moment.

  ​“Devin,” Abrax says, turning towards us. I retract my helmet to show my delight. “Your bag, please.”

  ​Devin takes off his light satchel and hands it over to Abrax. The old man gingerly places the Tome inside the bag before handing it to me. “Guard this at all costs, Tálir,” he says with a hint of melodrama.

  ​I give him a nod and sling the satchel over my shoulder as we prepare to leave. As we exit the vault chamber and into the secondary catacombs, all seems well for our excursion.

  ​Something moves within the shadows of the tunnel ahead. I can hear footsteps and the clanking of armor. Even with the entire chamber before us, I can see someone approaching us from within the tunnel. Have we been followed? Abrax and I prepare our armor for defensive countermeasures. Devin does the same, drawing his shortsword and dagger. The helmets within our Maven suits are still retracted when a voice echoes from the darkness.

  “Impressive, Abrax,” the voice says with a cold haughtiness. “Even after all these years, you figured it out. Well done.”

  The voice is cool, collected, and arrogant. It’s as if whomever it is addresses us like we are children caught misbehaving. Then I sense the familiarity of the voice. The tinge of arrogance, the collected vernacular, and the ominous presence. I’ve heard it before, if only briefly.

  There’s no way… I think.

  Out from the shadowy tunnel, flanked by four Imperial guards, Septem enters the catacombs.


  “Ey fancy seeing you here, pal!” Devin jeers, clearly restraining the urge to lunge at our visitor. Hatred stains his eyes.

  The Imperials flanking Septem stiffen in response to Devin. They raise their bowrifles slightly, but Septem waves them down with a collective gesture. Unlike the guards at the gate, these Imperials don’t sport the Maven armor over their arms. They are dressed in the traditional silver armor that covers their torsos, arms, legs, and faces. Violet capes are clipped to their shoulders.

  Septem has barely changed since last I saw him, when he leaped out of the convoy before the crash. But I detest him all the more, for he now sports Maven armor as well. While incomplete, his look sort of reminds me of Abrax’s. Only his forearms, calves, chest, and shoulders wear the bronze metal. And the dark leather jacket that drapes to his knees matches his curtain-like hair.

  I can see his conceited demeanor etched in his posture. “I’m surprised you all survived the Roil that hit after I left,” he responds taciturnly. “I can assume Abrax here helped with that. Normally I’d be impressed with such tenacity. But then, a dog has just as much willpower to survive.”

  Devin takes a threatening step forward, but Abrax holds up an arm to keep him back. The golden light shines brightly between the standoff. If they open fire on us, we have no cover in the empty chamber. Just Abrax’s Shield Form. We’ll need strategy to get out of here.

  I try to keep him talking so I can formulate a plan. “How did you find this place, Septem?” I ask, his green eyes dart to me. “How did you even know we were here?”

  His pale face shows no measure of emotion, but he snorts in amusement. “Abrax isn’t the only one who’s been tirelessly researching about this place,” Septem says, taking a step forward. “He passed along a bit of his enthusiasm when he taught me years ago. As for how I knew you were here, well… let’s just say that I have a lot of resources in this city. But let’s not waste our time with how I found you. How about we focus on what’s going to happen next?”

  I look and see Abrax regarding Septem with an odd expression. It’s a mixture of both pride and disgust, like he’s both proud and ashamed. Then it clicks.

  “Septem was your last se’bau, Abrax,” I conclude with a bit of apprehensive shock. “The one that failed you.”

  Septem sniffs with revulsion, and I see his eyes narrow slightly. Abrax scratches at his beard and responds, “While Spud here was one of the many students I taught, he wasn’t my true se’bau. That role was given to someone who was much, much worse than he.”

  Devin snorts a laugh. “Spud?” he asks, twirling his sword casually.

  “He was a late bloomer.”

  “I can see your time in exile hasn’t improved your maturity, old man,” Septem says dangerously. He’s clearly vexed by the title, but he hides it well. “Perhaps that’s why you weren’t fit to lead the Remnant. You prized compassion, and compassion is for those too weak to make the hard choices.”

  The old man’s silver eyebrows rise into his forehead. “Oho. Someone’s balls finally dropped,” he says in a mocking way. “But that’s where you’re wrong, Spud. Compassion, loyalty, and friendship are what truly make Maven Knights. You never did adhere to that simple, humbling philosophy.”

  Septem takes another step into the chamber as the Imperials spread out a bit more. I can now see the sword strapped to his back. His fingers seem to be itching for it. But he refrains. I still cannot find a strategy to escape and I’m starting to swell in resentment. Septem is too hard to read. He shows no emotion, he seems composed, and I’m sure even my speed won’t drop him. Dammit.

  “All those things you just spoke of are nothing but childish delusions,” Septem glowers. “What truly makes a Maven Knight is the ability to do what’s necessary. To sacrifice such unnecessary delusions.”

  “Sounds like someone has never been loved,” I point out. Both kryos have been loaded and I feel the power of my suit.

  Septem barely acknowledges me. I boil with frustration at his arrogant demeanor. A desire to showcase my power starts to rise in my chest. I want to strike that smug look off of his face. I keep it at bay, barely.

  “As much as I love catching up, Abrax, I trust you know why I’m here,” Septem says as his hands still twitch for the sword. The Imperials aim their bowrifles at us, and I can see the red hue within the barrels. “You’ve done a brilliant job of getting the Tome for me. No one else in the Remnant believed me when I wanted to find this place. Fate has an interesting sense of humor. Now, hand it over.”

  His voice turns dangerous and I hear the metallic clicks as the bowrifles prime. The Imperials spread out within the chamber in a classic attempt to flank our sides. Keeping my mind on strategy, I think of a feint we can employ. If we drive towards their center, they’ll close ranks in an attempt to box us in. They’ll likely focus on Abrax due to his mastery and they won’t consider me too much of a threat. If they
focus on the queen, the knight and bishop can pick them off. I can use their targeting focus against them. A simple game of chess.

  I take a few steps forward, but I don’t attack just yet. I want to goad them into a fight. “See that’s all well and good, Septem…” I say, bouncing a bit of arrogance back at him. “But finders keepers. And from what I’ve heard, you’re not man enough to back up your words. So why don’t you back down. Lest I show you what it truly means to be a Maven Knight.”

  “Don’t be a fool, Tálir!” Abrax hisses. I glance back to him and give him a wink, telling him to trust me. I turn back and grin at Septem.

  His gaunt face leans back in and icy, nonchalant way. I see his lip faintly curl into a snarl. He’s disgusted by my words. Perfect. I’ve got him hooked.

  “You are a child playing with toys, Tálir,” Septem sneers, cracking his left knuckle. “It’s a shame Romulus couldn’t have taught you earlier how to use a Maven’s armor. But then, your father always was a spineless little worm.”

  There’s an arctic pause. My patience has run out.

  Rage stains my eyes and fuels my impulses. I forget about strategy. My fury guides my actions. Snapping my right arm forward, I unleash scorching tangles of emerald energy that hurl towards Septem’s face. I smirk maliciously, not just for realizing my speed at attacking but for seeing the slow reaction time of my opponent. However, he seems unfazed by my attack and merely arches an eyebrow.

  Something creeps up in my chest, warning me of my mistake. And I soon find out why.

  In a blur, Septem unsheathes the sword strapped to his back and slashes it through the air—practically batting my energy away. His blade suddenly erupts crimson flames as it repels my attack in a shower of sparks. As the sparks fade, he twirls the sword and the magic flames continue to envelope the blade. He’s using ruby kryos! With my mouth agape, I finally note the strange design of his weapon. The hilt and scabbard are made of the same bronze metal as our armor, and I can see hints of esoteric wiring and chambers in its design.

  His sword has been forged with Maven technology. Capable of harnessing kryo magic just like our suits did. A legendary relic.

  Alright, I think with mild trepidation. That’s new.

  “Dammit, Tálir!” Abrax shouts in disappointment. He immediately activates his helmet and generates a Shield and rushes in front of me. “You thundering dumbass!”

  His Shield forms like a large umbrella before us, covering both Devin and me. Bowrifle fire soon hails from the four Imperials, the red energy bolts whiz towards us. I snap out of my hate-filled trance, realizing the mistake I’d made. The guards have us pinned even as Septem charges forward. The queen moves while the knights and bishops cover. He played me just like I had tried to play him. Sly bastard!

  Swinging his sword down like an axe, Septem bashes the fiery blade against Abrax’s Shield. I can almost see the energy field crack from the impact. Abrax winces as he tries to focus. I’m stunned at the power Septem has at his disposal. He bashes against the Shield again and it cracks even further.

  I struggle to think of a strategy. Abrax’s Shield cannot hold back the bowrifle fire and Septem’s sword for much longer. Septem’s face is still eerily collected even as he swings his blade. But I see something behind him. Two of the Imperials are letting their rifles cool down. I look at Devin and he knows my plan.

  As Septem prepares for another blow, Devin and I both roll out from under the Shield’s protection. My helmet forms around my face. I channel a 25% charge and fire a Stream upon one of the Imperials. Devin simultaneously throws one of his daggers. Both soldiers are caught unawares by the surprise counterattack. The Stream blasts the guard nearest to me backwards into the stone wall while a dagger slices into the jugular of the other.

  Abrax’s Shield crumbles. I blast another Stream at Septem as Devin tackles the old man to the ground, escaping the fire of energy bolts. My magic causes Septem to block it with his blade, taking a few steps back. Emerald and ruby sparks fountain.

  Focusing as much as I can, I fling myself between the Imperials and my companions. Bending my right arm at ninety degrees, I focus on one singular thought: a Shield. A gasp escapes me as a 30% output suddenly generates a thin Shield between me and the Imperials. Their bowrifle bolts pound against my energy, but only for a moment.

  Their rifles soon overheat—and they curse even as we act upon their weakness. My Shield crumbles like a pane of glass. Devin tosses another dagger into the throat of an Imperial as Abrax unleashes a Stream powerful enough to knock out the final guard. The odds are back in our favor. I smirk with sadistic delight. My animal instincts have taken over in the heat of battle.

  Septem still blocks the exit. He flourishes his blazing sword with haughtiness. Widening his stance, Septem seems like he’s ready to take on all three of us. He’s that sure of himself? There’s only one way to find out.

  Abrax and I both start to unleash Stream attacks as Devin charges in with his sword held high. Using the sword, Septem fiercely blocks every surge of energy we send his way. A crimson Shield forms upon his left wrist as Devin closes in. I’m staggered. Septem uses the Shield to parry our magic while implementing his sword to block Devin.

  Septem parries a few blows from Devin before using the Shield to bash him away. My dark haired companion is flung meters away; ruby energy sears his breastplate. I feel so much lesser seeing the power demonstrated by a foe. Not only do I learn about different shades of kryos, but the enhanced power they give to just one man. He’s holding the three of us at bay like it’s nothing.

  20% output. My Stream attacks are useless—even Abrax’s energy cannot pierce the ruby Shield. My HUD reads Output Charge: 5%, so I quickly reload two fresh kryos into my gauntlets. But Septem uses this delay against me.

  Dissipating his Shield, he blasts Abrax away with magic emanating from his palm. In the same motion, he twirls his sword and swings it like a bat towards me. A ruby wave of magic catches me in the chest and I’m flung backwards.

  With a crunch, I smack against the rock wall—my vision falters from the impact. A burning sensation emanates from my chest and I can smell roasting metal.

  Muffled shouts are drowned out by the ringing in my ears. Spots appear in my vision. I try to move. Yet, my limbs barely move. There’s no way! My armor seems to be locked in certain areas, making my movements sluggish. I struggle to stand, but end up falling forward to the ground. Septem had used magic to lock up my armor.

  This can’t be happening, I think in a panic. This is pathetic!

  Tilting my head up, I can see through my visor that Septem is approaching me. Ruby fire swirls around the blade as he flourishes it. I close my eyes, preparing for the pain. For the darkness of death. We can’t beat him. We’ve lost.

  Something explodes. My eyes snap open and I see emerald fire in the spot where Septem had been. I scan the room and find that he’s been blasted into the far side away from the exit. Practically wedged in, Septem struggles to free himself from being imbedded in the stone wall. Abrax walks into my view and sends another Stream at Septem. Energy pours from both of his hands—pummeling our opponent for continuous seconds.

  Devin rushes over to me and hoists me up from the ground, his legs falter under my weight. Abrax assists him after a moment. Limping away, I see Abrax unleash a final Stream attack to push Septem deeper into the wall. Stone crumbles around him as he’s pinned and stunned. Yet, we still retreat.

  “Why are we leaving him?” I protest as we enter the dark tunnels. My arms are around both of their shoulders as my body hangs limp. “Let’s kill him while we have the chance!”

  “No,” Abrax says firmly, retracting his helmet. There is a deep pain in his voice that echoes in the tunnels. “We need to go! More Imperials are likely coming. While he may be a bastard, I owe him mercy. As an old friend.”

  Chapter 27: Sarina

  The Lady of the Silver Palm

  MY EYES SNAP OPEN. I wake suddenly to find myself comfortably sprawle
d on a pristine couch near the edge of a large, oval-shaped room. Stately and elegant, the curved walls are painted with shades of violet and silver. Multicolored carpets line the floors, their designs foreign and abstract. More lavish couches and chairs line the perimeter and twin chestnut doors close over the exit. A silver armored Imperial is perched by the door in a nonthreatening way. My collapsed spear rests on a table near him. It isn’t a prison cell as I’d expected. The guards have placed me here for care rather than imprisonment. I’m not sure which one is worse.

  Sitting up, I note an elongated antique table and chairs situated in the center of the room. Various foods and drinks are laden upon the table, and the smell of roasted beef fills my nostrils. The Imperial notices my activity but does nothing, merely nodding through his helm. A faint breeze touches my neck. I turn and see a veranda that opens to show the city several stories below us. Night has fallen and a rain storm has kicked up.

  I know exactly where I am. The Citadel, I say to myself as apprehension crawls in my chest. The estate tower of House Z’hart.


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