by Justin Wayne
The fire within the stove illuminated the inn with the same golden glow Merlon had come to cherish; the same color, tone, and even the wood, but the feel of it couldn’t have been more wrong. He didn’t feel warm at all within the light and shivered as a cold tingle ran down his spine. He stared into the coals and watched the orange and black embers smolder.
With a sigh the dwarf fighter stood and made his way to the door.
“Where are you going?” Thom asked and followed him across the room. The others watched him go with similar expressions displayed.
Merlon frowned and shifted uncomfortably. “Just need some fresh air is all. Thought I’d go visit me house for a spell.” His face blushed a sort of scarlet beneath his beard and he shuffled his feet. “I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Don’t you want something to eat? This stew can’t wait for Outsider anymore so it’d best be eaten now.” Bryn offered and lifted an empty bowl toward the kettle.
The old dwarf shook his hairy head and hung his silver totem around his neck from a chain. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back in plenty o time to eat. I don’t miss me supper.”
Thom bit his tongue to hold back from asking if he could go with him until he was sure it would bleed. Merlon threw open the door with a heavy tug and instantly the roaring wind blasted through with a powerful chill that nearly extinguished the fire and filled every inch of the room; cutting through their clothes like a knife and creeping into their bones.
As one they flinched and wrapped their arms about themselves tighter even after the door had shut. Thom raced to the window and wiped the fog from the glass with his sleeve. Peering over the windowsill on his tiptoes he watched Merlon fade away then disappear completely into the storm.