Pirated Love

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Pirated Love Page 3

by K'Anne Meinel

  “Here, use this,” the captain handed her a jar of something that looked pasty and Claire held it to her nose to smell the most delicious scent.

  “What is this?” she asked, delighted.

  “It is Indian jasmine. I bought it for its delicious scent, but never found a use for it. It does not smell good on me.”

  “I have never smelled anything like it.” She inhaled it. Cautiously, she dipped a finger in the paste and was surprised to find it a soft soap.

  “I am not surprised. There are many things available in other countries of the world that England does not have yet.”

  The British accent was there, but there was something that was not quite British about it, a hint of something that Claire could not put her finger on. It was not that it was unpleasant, it just brought something to her voice that humanized it, made her unique. ‘More unique than being a female sea captain,’ she chuckled to herself as she began to smooth the pasty, soft soap on her body-by adding water, the soap went farther. The soap foam was delicious as it gave off the beautiful aroma; she delighted in rubbing it on her skin.

  The captain could feel herself becoming aroused as she watched the naked woman in her tub wash her skin. She was unconsciously beautiful in her delight and wonderment.

  Claire lifted her arm to wash behind her neck. “Oh no, I have forgotten to put up my hair!” She realized it was tumbling down her back and getting soaked in the water.

  “Do not worry about it, we will wash that as well,” the captain assured her as she sat down in a chair watching her captive bathe. It was quite enticing and she was enjoying it immensely. “Lay back and get it all completely wet,” she suggested.

  “It will take forever to dry,” Claire said in a pained voice and the captain nearly laughed as she complied. She sounded so...feminine in her complaints. She came up and her hair was slicked back. She worked the soap into her locks and lay back again to rinse a little and scrub her scalp until she heard no more bubbles popping in her ears, and then sat up. Claire lifted her legs one by one to smooth the soap on and wash them. The captain could see the blonde hairs, darker on her legs. Rising suddenly, she went to the locker again and, grabbing another jar she returned to the tub, with a cloth as well.

  “Oh, a washcloth?” Claire asked, eagerly reaching for the cloth, but the captain held it out of reach. Unless Claire wanted to rise out of the water that was hiding her naked body, she would have to sit and wait.

  “Nay, this is not for washing, but for wiping,” the captain explained. “Stand up!” she commanded.

  “What?” Claire looked up in consternation. Surely she had not heard correctly. Was her humiliation to begin already? It was bad enough the captain had allowed her no privacy to complete her bath, she had watched her the whole time. Was she going to have her stand naked before her? She reached for the blanket she had used to wrap herself in, but the captain used her stockinged foot to pull it out of reach.

  “Stand up!” she commanded again.

  Claire gulped and began to rise from the tub. She used her hand to hide between her legs and held her other arm across her breasts. The captain nearly laughed again.

  “Raise your arm above your head,” she commanded.

  “W-w-why?” she stuttered, alarmed. Raising her arm would mean she would not be able to hide her privates. She would be on view for the captain to see all.

  “Because I said so, and unless you want me to call two of my men in here to hold you as I want you, I suggest you comply,” she said sternly, her eyes suddenly hard; she was not willing to play games.

  Because Claire did not know the captain well, she did not know if the threat was real or not. Hesitantly, she began to raise her arm, the one across her breasts. Closing her eyes against her humiliation, she raised it above her head. She was surprised when the captain wiped some of the contents of her jar under her arm with the cloth.

  “Lower it and then raise the other arm,” she commanded, as she watched Claire and indicated what she wanted.

  Puzzled, Claire slowly complied, switching her hands to hide the V of her legs from view. Again the captain smeared the paste under her other arm.

  “Now, put your leg up on the side of the tub,” the captain ordered.

  Opening her eyes in curiosity, she did as the captain requested. She watched as the redhead smeared more of the paste on her cloth and then on her leg, all around it and well above the knee as well.

  Looking closely, the captain decided not to shock the virgin any more than she already had been today, choosing not to go any higher than mid-thigh. She quickly did the other leg as well. “Lift your arm again,” she ordered, and putting the paste aside she used the cloth, along with water from the tub, to wipe under first one arm and then the other. “Here, wipe that paste from your legs,” the captain handed her the cloth.

  Claire was amazed to find as the paste was removed, it also took the hair on her legs and thighs with it. Her skin left behind felt smooth and silky. She quickly covered her breasts and private area between her legs with her hands again when she had finished.

  The captain filled a bucket with warm water from the faucet and Claire watched her, wondering what was next. “Lightly soap your whole body again, including your neck and face,” she ordered.

  Puzzled, but willing, she took a smaller amount of the wonderful smelling jasmine soap and rubbing it in her hands, began to rub it all over her body, quickly slipping between her breasts when the captain was not looking. She wished she had the cloth to wash between her legs, but did not dare ask. She had never taken so odd a bath in her life. When she was done, her eyes were closed from the soap and she reached to cup her hands into the water and rinse them.

  “Wait, do not do that, you’ll get the hairs and soap in your eyes,” she was told.

  Her eyes were closed, but it did not stop her from realizing she was totally nude before another human being. She attempted to cover her breasts and private area again with her hands, but she heard a command to lift both arms. Her blush was not from the warm water.

  The captain took the bucket and began to pour it down the blonde’s beautiful body that was arousing her. She had to fill the bucket a second time, but it was worth it to see the body from every angle. The blonde never even opened her eyes and the captain enjoyed the view of her lush, young body. Taking a little pity on her, she grabbed a towel and handed it to the blonde. As she turned away to pull the plug, she said, “Here, wrap and dry yourself in this.”

  The towel was fairly large and Claire complied quickly, wiping the water out of her eyes as she watched the captain. “I thought you were going to take a bath?” she asked, as she stepped out of the tub and watched the water drain rapidly.

  “Not with that hair paste in the water,” the captain replied, as the drain quickly lowered the level in the tub. Handing the blonde a second towel she ordered, “Use that on your hair,” before turning away and beginning to unbutton her shirt. “You can get into bed and under the covers to stay warm,” she suggested.

  “But I do not have a nightgown!” she protested.

  The captain smirked, trying not to laugh at her naïveté, but as she had her back to Claire, she did not see. “You will not be needing one tonight,” she answered, as she pulled the shirt from her trousers and unbuttoned those as well.

  Never in her life had she gotten into a bed naked. Claire was shocked and dismayed, but as she realized the captain was getting undressed, she quickly complied.

  “Take that wet towel from around your body. I do not need my bed wet, thank you,” she told her without turning around. “You can hang it over the end of the bed to dry.”

  Claire whisked off the towel as she got under the covers, hiding her body from view. She leaned forward to throw the towel over the end of the bed where it rose for the bedstead. She eyed the swords, momentarily wondering if she could get at them in time to save herself from whatever fate the captain had in mind, and then thought again, visualizing the blood and gore-she
knew she could not do that.

  The captain rinsed out the tub with as little water as she could, before filling the tub once again with a small amount of hot and cold water. Since they had both bathed, she knew she would not be able to bathe again until they hit a storm or it rained to replenish their water supply. Water was not wasted out here and luxuries like the bath were only taken when there was plenty of water. She had indulged her captive and herself this once, but knew she would not again. She herself needed to wipe away the sweat of the battle they had today. Her captive though, who knew when was the last time she had more than a hand bath since she had left England. While she did not smell badly, there was enough odor to her skin that the captain felt like indulging her. Besides, it might relax her a bit. She herself could bathe with considerably less water and she kept her eyes lowered, but watched the blonde out of the corner of them. She saw her considering the swords that hung from the bedstead and decide not to attempt anything with them. She was not a fool; she had gauged her well.

  Quickly, she washed her body and her hair. She hated the salt water that seemed to always be in her locks, but it seemed the spray was always about when she was on deck, even on the bridge. She loved being a sea captain and this was a necessary evil. She worked a different soap into her hair, one she was running low on, but it helped protect her dried and damaged hair from the sea water and left it smooth and silky when she was done. She rinsed her hair and her body, using the hair remover on her own legs, privates, and underarms. Rinsing herself with a pail of cold water, she then unplugged the tub for the last time as she rose up and wrapped a towel around her own wet body and another around her hair.

  When the tub was empty, she rinsed it with a small amount of cold water one last time before lifting it back on its hinges into the cabinet and closing the doors. Rubbing her red tresses, she dried her hair as much as she could before hanging the towel up on a hook. Pulling out a brush, she began to pull the snarls from her long hair. When it was smooth down her back and considerably drier she pulled out the excess hair from the brush and walked over to her captive, who sat primly there in the bed, watching her warily and said, “Here, you might want to brush out your hair.” She walked back over to her closet, pulled out a robe and exchanged the damp towel for it,-unconscious of her nakedness-before covering it again with the robe, which she cinched tight.

  Claire began to brush out her blonde hair. Used to having help with the longer areas, she had difficulty reaching them. She did not dare let the blanket fall below her shoulders, which made it awkward and impossible to brush her hair out completely. It was then that she realized her maid Audrey had not been seen since the attack. She wondered what had become of her. She almost asked the captain, but kept her silence. She realized she could not expect help from the captain who had made this sinful bargain with her; she could only imagine the fate of her maid.

  The captain hung the towel that Claire had used, on a hook, as well as the two towels they had used for their hair. She sat back down at the table to study some papers before rolling them up and putting them in a hole in the desk. Lowering the lamps one by one, she left one on near the bed.

  Claire was still struggling with her hair and brushed it automatically as she realized the time had come for her sin to begin. She was afraid, she admitted to herself.

  “Here, let me do that,” the captain offered, as she held out her hand for the brush.

  A surprised Claire handed her the brush and turned to offer the captain her back to reach the longer tendrils of hair.

  The captain brushed out the long hair, admiring the way the light shone on the blonde colors. The washing had brought out some of the highlights that would be beautiful in the light of day. Now it was soft, not as soft as if she had used the captain’s hair soap, but soft enough in its own way. The captain brought a hank of it to her nose to feel the texture and smell it. It made her want to groan. She continued to brush it out until all the snarls were gone. She grinned to herself, she would put more snarls back in it. It was still damp, as was her own, and making love to this woman would cause many more snarls.

  She put the brush on the table and came back to the bed where the blonde had pulled the covers up to her chin and was staring at her in fright. “Move over,” she commanded, and slipped in next to Claire, robe and all. Lying on her side, she observed the blonde and quietly asked, “Why are you frightened?”

  There it was again, that slight accent within the British one. It did not sound quite so well…British at the moment. Claire looked at her in consternation. “Are you serious? What you intend for us to do is unnatural, it is a sin!” she answered vehemently, prudishly.

  The captain laughed, a genuine laugh, as she looked over at her. “Have you ever actually read the bible?” she asked, conversationally.

  Surprised, Claire looked back at her, glancing up at into those amazing green eyes that captivated her so. They had a lot more brown in them at the moment. She replied indignantly, “Of course I have!”

  “Then you would know that nowhere in the bible does it explicitly forbid two women to lie together,” she said it with a little smile, waiting for what she had said to sink in.

  Claire sat up, holding the sheet to her chest with her hand, not realizing how enticing it made her look. She looked over at the captain in surprise. “But it does!” she began, and then realized exactly what the captain had said and her denial died on her lips. She had studied the bible as part of her education, she knew it well. Books fascinated her and talking about it, debating it, had shown her teachers that she was reading it. As what the captain had said began to make sense, she thought over specific passages that referred to man sleeping with man. “But...” she began.

  The captain watched as the blonde realized what she had said and denied it, but then realized what she had pointed out was actually true. “I have read the bible too, in many languages; it only denies men from sleeping with men.”

  Claire looked at her incredulously. “It is implied,” she began primly and then realized what else the captain had said. “You read?”

  The captain laughed outright. “Aye, very much so. I have an excellent set of libraries in my homes.”

  “Homes?” the blonde asked, confused, as she glanced around the minimalist apartment they were in.

  “I do not always live on my ship. I prefer it, but I also have homes,” the captain answered.

  “But where do you...?” Claire started to ask, but was interrupted when the captain sat up and put her hand on her shoulder.

  “I will discuss things with you, but right now is not the time or the place.” Her eyebrow raised knowingly, giving her an intent look.

  Suddenly, Claire realized she was in bed with the red-haired captain and what their bargain was. She gulped, realizing she had no idea what that entailed exactly. She was naked under the sheets. She had never felt more vulnerable. “I…I do not know w-what to do?” she asked, hesitantly.

  The captain smiled as she leaned in. Holding the blonde’s chin with her fingertips she said, before she kissed her, “Trust me.” Her lips were smooth and gentle, coaxing the blonde’s open so she could plunge her tongue inside, licking carefully to entice Claire’s into her own. Claire was confused, she did not understand the feelings the captain was generating within her. This was wrong, was it not?

  “I do not even know your name,” she whispered, at the first chance. Her breathing was coming harder, almost quicker. She also felt really warm and wished that she could kick off the blankets that were covering her body.

  The captain smiled kindly. “Is that important to you?”

  To distract her, delay her, she nodded.

  The captain was not fooled, but allowed her captive her game. “It is Bettina, Tina to my friends,” she answered, before she kissed her again, this time harder and more forcefully, eliminating Claire’s ability to talk anymore. Slowly, she lowered the blonde back down to the bed as she kissed her into submission. Claire had stopped fighting h
er as she realized she was enjoying the kisses. Her fingers began to caress along Claire’s jawline; it felt light, feather light, but not ticklish. It was causing little sensations along her spine and into her stomach in odd little fluttery impressions. The captain touched along her neck, gently, lightly, and it caused her to shiver. Slowly, the captain lowered herself onto the blonde, feeling the warmth of her body through the sheets and through her robe. She began to suck gently on the blonde’s lower lip, pulling softly. She could hear the heated breathing coming from her captive and wondered if she realized she was becoming aroused.

  Claire was feeling odd. She was warm, she was tingling, and she did not understand these sensations, these feelings that were affecting her. She wondered if there was something in the food or wine she had consumed, but the captain had eaten the same food. She was enjoying the kisses from the captain, she admitted to herself. The touch of her fingers along her jaw and neck caused delicious little shivers. She could feel an embarrassing tightening of her nipples against the sheets; the sheets actually made an uncomfortable friction against her skin as the material touched the tips. She welcomed the feel of the captain’s body on her own. Strangely, it made her want to touch the captain as she was being touched, and this shamed her.

  Tina began to touch along her shoulder, and using her hand spread across it, she rubbed lightly with her thumb across the other woman’s collar bone, enjoying the feel of Claire’s delicate skin that had not been roughened by endless wind and sun. Her own skin had been buffered and battered, tanned and burned; it was soft, but not this soft. She felt an enormous attraction to this woman and was enjoying her body immensely. She moved her hand down the blonde’s arm, watching as goose bumps formed from the heat of her hand against the softness of Claire’s skin and grinning at the reaction she knew her victim was not aware of. Her caress moved further across the blonde’s chest as her lips moved along her jaw, tasting her skin, nuzzling along to her neck, her ear, gently breathing inside it, feeling the woman’s reaction beneath her to this sensation. Knowing she was this woman’s first, gave her a sense of power she could not describe. She sucked gently on the lobe, flicking her tongue along the ear, feeling the woman beneath her shudder in response.


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