Pirated Love

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Pirated Love Page 18

by K'Anne Meinel

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  Tina arranged for a seamstress to make several fashionable dresses for her wife. From a beautiful ball gown to everyday dresses she would be able to pack along for their voyage. She also allowed several pants and blouses to be fashioned to be worn on board the ship. Secretly, she had a blacksmith make blades for her wife for her smaller wrists. These would be lighter and easier on the smaller woman’s ability to handle the weapons. Tina had to trade for some Toledo steel, a mixture from Spain that was costly, but among some of the best steel in the world for making quality swords and blades. It was an expensive gift for her bride, but she wanted her to have the best.

  Four weeks later they were to begin provisioning her ship and the four others of her grandfather that had shown up as expected. The men had been given a large party, which had included all the members of the ships, as well as those in the village. The following night, just the officers and some of the members of the French aristocracy who had relocated to this section of the world were invited for a ball at the castle.

  Claire had fretted that she would not fit in. She had never been to a party in her life although her lessons had included dancing. She had a fine time at the village party and several men from the village, as well as the other ships, danced with her. She even managed to dance several times with Tina as many women danced together at this gathering. Tina was once again wearing her captain’s attire, including her sword and knife, and it was a good thing she was as she had to rescue Claire from over-amorous males. Women were rare in this area as the wilderness was still being explored and settled, and a pretty woman was in high demand. After these two incidents though, the men were more respectful. Tina was also able to determine which men were allowed to sail on their long voyage to the Orient based on their captain’s and first officer’s recommendations and her own personal interactions with the men. There were a few she wondered about still, but these could be replaced on the way, or they could leave, as every port had men available for hire.

  The ball was of a different caliber and both Tina and Claire were in gowns. Tina was not happy with wearing such a ridiculous outfit, but despite her shocking red hair, the browns suited her and made her look stunning, at least Claire thought so, as she admired her mate. The dances were different at so formal an affair, and Jacques had managed to find musical players who played the many dances that they all enjoyed. Some of the women who attended had looked askance at Tina, but were shocked to find she was just as aristocratic as they were, despite captaining a ship of her own. Her ‘friend’, Lady Von Hagen, was delightful, if a bit shy, and rumor had it that she would be sailing with the Red Bettina when they left.

  “Oh my, that was amazing!” Claire said, as she collapsed on their bed, dress and all.

  “Do you wish me to call the maid or would you like me to maid you,” Tina asked, with a glimmer in her eye at her blushing bride. She was flushed from all the activity and it was early in the morning before all the guests had left, those who were not staying at the castle. They would socialize a little more tomorrow, as the guests left by nightfall. Tomorrow night they would all be gone, and the following day, the ships would leave port.

  Claire smiled up at Tina, her own eyes glittering in anticipation. She had enjoyed the last two days of festivities and was amazed how possessive Tina could be, how jealous. She had kept it in check unless someone got rude or belligerent. A seemingly ‘unattached’ woman from England naturally generated some interest from single males who had come to the New World to make their fortune. There were more single males than single women. Even a widow could find herself remarried the same day she buried a husband out here. “Maid me,” she said, with a seductive smile. She had learned how to seduce her wife from watching Tina seduce her.

  In quick order, Tina began to unbutton the many pearl buttons that made up Claire’s ball gown. It was a shame the gown would not be used any time soon, but they could afford to have such a frivolous expenditure, and it would be packed in a cedar-lined trunk. Who knew what they would find as they traveled to the Far East, or if she would ever need it again. Meanwhile, Tina carefully unbuttoned the many buttons that would remove the blouse and then the skirt from her wife’s voluptuous figure before getting to her many petticoats and, eventually, her shift. It was of the finest silk and Claire had protested how fine it was, but she loved the feel of it against her skin. Tina had promised her silk shifts for the rest of her life after finding out how much her wife loved it. That was one expense that Claire would not mind.

  “That was something I will never forget as long as I live,” Claire enthused, as Tina unbuttoned. There was a constant whirl of activity. A dog trainer had been brought into the village to entertain and his little dogs had balanced on balls and done extraordinary tricks. Tina had laughed heartily when it was suggested that Sir Barkley be taught the same ones.

  Claire had watched, amazed, as the formerly scary captain taught little children to dance the dances, never laughing at their efforts, but encouraging them to join in and try. The children adored her, but it could be because she had given away a lot of candy to the village children. Claire knew it was because she adored them right back and enjoyed them. She felt only a small pang of regret that she would not be able to give Tina the children she deserved, but they had never spoken of it, so she did not bring it up.

  The ball had been elegant. Probably as elegant as one would hold in England or France, but then, as she had never attended one, Claire did not know. She had seen the beginning of what would have been her wedding ball, but as she did not stay for the end she would never know. The people here, for the most part, had been nice to her because of her association with the Beauchene family. David made a brief appearance in a formal outfit along with his male caretaker, but was soon rushed off, which no one seemed to really notice. The secret of his accident was still kept and if anyone thought it was odd that he disappeared, they could say he was a bit of a recluse up here on the promontory in his castle.

  Tina had heard that a few families had inquired about tying their family to hers through a marriage with David, but as they certainly could not allow that, they had to come up with a lie that would not come around again and harm their reputation. It was suggested, but never confirmed, that Claire was his fiancée, but they were keeping it quiet for the time. Tina did not like that, but she agreed with her grandfather for the sake of keeping their secret regarding the heir it would be for the best. She wondered if Claire had heard that one. She had not had a chance to tell it yet and she would not want her to be surprised by it.

  Right now though, she was not thinking of the ball or her brother, as she played maid to her pretty wife, who helped her out of her own gown.

  “I am glad you enjoyed yourself. Are you sure you do not want to stay so you can entertain more with these people?” she asked, concerned. She was afraid that she was taking Claire from civilization for this next trip.

  “You do want me to go do you not?” Claire returned just as uneasy as Tina.

  “I do, of course I do,” Tina assured her, taking her into her arms and holding her tight. “I am just worried that you might enjoy these entertainments and I cannot provide that on a ship. We could take you back to England if you wanted, and you could live on the family estate and entertain from there, or we could buy a townhouse in London...” she left off as Claire squirmed, so she could look up at her wife.

  “My place is with you, unless you do not want me anymore...” she began, but Tina stopped her.

  Placing her forehead on Claire’s, she sighed. “I just want you happy and this is going to be a long and hazardous voyage.”

  “I am happy with you. Please do not ask me to stay anywhere but with you,” she pleaded, softly.

  “Okay, I will quit mentioning it,” she said, pleased.

  “Just as long as it is not as bad as that storm where you tied me to the bed,” she teased.

  Tina pulled back so she could look into the cobalt blue of Claire’s ext
raordinary eyes. “Rounding the Cape is going to be hard. It is where two of the world’s biggest oceans meet and it will be rough. As we sail from the Atlantic Ocean into the Indian Ocean, the currents are bad and can cause shipwrecks.”

  “Why is it so bad, is it not all the same water?”

  Tina loosened her hold a little, for a moment, so she could answer her. “There is a current on the east coast of Africa called the Algulhas Current that brings warm water down the coast and this collides at the tip. Cape Town is the largest town closest to this. On the west coast of Africa, you have a current that comes all the way down from England, and due to the depths of the ocean is much colder.”

  “What is this current called?” she asked, showing she was paying attention to what Tina was telling her.

  “The Benguela Current,” she said, with a smile. “The churning caused by these two currents colliding causes a lot of unsettled water that can be difficult to sail through,” she told her.

  “So is there an actual point at Cape Town that you can see this?” she asked, astutely.

  “Nay it is actually farther east where the currents and winds drift that it happens. It is not directly at Cape Point, but actually at Algulhas Point that it occurs, and this can drift back and forth, so it is not an exact place at any given time. The winds down there can be quite horrific, hence the shipwrecks it can cause. That same wind stirs up the water and the currents and causes some big waves. Storms are horrific down there.”

  “Is this why you do not want me to go?” she asked, holding her lightly through her shift.

  “I do want you to go. I want you to see the wonders of the world, but I also want you safe. My worries conflict with each other as I know you would be safer here than at sea with me where I want you to be so I can see you every day.”

  Claire smiled up at her lover and wife and said, “I love you too much, darling, to be separated from you for two whole years. Things could happen here too, or in London, or at the estate your family owns. It would be years before either of us knew. I want to be with you.”

  “What did I do to deserve you?” she asked, bending slightly so she could put her forehead on her wife’s again.

  “You loved me and made me fall in love with you,” she said, huskily.


  Tina cuddled up behind Claire, slowly and sensually caressing the lush body that was Claire’s. As time went by, Claire began to twitch in her arms, finally trying to turn and return the caresses. Tina held her firmly in her arms, as firmly as she held the wheel of the great ship that she captained.

  At first, Claire thought Tina was punishing her in some way. She would not let Claire return the caresses and Claire did not know what to do with her own hands, but soon she was lost in a swirl of sensuality that her body responded to without thought, almost primeval as she twisted and writhed within the redhead’s arms.

  Tina slowly took Claire from behind, waiting until she could sense how aroused her wife was. She could scent her arousal, and her body had a fine sheen of sweat on it from her ministrations. Only the head of the dildo entered her wife’s body as her hand captured the blonde’s leg to throw over her own hip backwards. In this position, Tina’s hand reached down to the hard nub of flesh that stood up prominently between Claire’s legs and began to gently rub. Claire’s body jumped in response, but Tina easily held it firmly in place for her play.

  Claire was already panting from the love play, mindless with need, the feel of Tina’s hands on her body had been wonderful, but she did not understand what her wife wanted from her, and then she could not think coherently. As Tina’s body subtly moved against her, the thrusts slow and gentle, not too deep, she thought she understood. And then Tina’s fingers began to touch the flesh between her legs and her body felt like it was going to leap out of her skin.

  Tina draped Claire across her, contorting the blonde’s body in a way that allowed her lips access from her shoulder, and then to the engorged nipple awaiting her lips. Holding Claire exactly where she wanted her, she practically ravaged the body she desired so much. The scent of Claire’s need was heavy in the air, as well as the little mewing sounds that told Tina in so many ways how aroused her wife really was. She rubbed the hard flesh with her fingers, thrust a little harder with her hips, deeper and more determined, she sucked a little fiercer, the combination designed to drive Claire’s thoughts from her head. Tina succeeded admirably as suddenly the blonde’s body, without her consent, was sent into a paroxysm of convulsions. Tina held on firmly as Claire unconsciously ground against her, her hips driving the dildo deeper into her lush body, her hips connecting firmly with Tina’s. The little mews turned into cries of delight and then screams, which Tina captured with her mouth in anticipation as they rose in volume.

  Claire was breathless from the exertions of her body, the screams taking so much out of her. She was mindless with the need that only Tina could assuage in her over-heated body. Her body seemed to have no control as it jerked and writhed within the captain’s arms. As she began to become aware of the passing storm, she could quite clearly hear the steady heartbeat and feel the warmth of Tina’s hold on her. Her leg, which had clasped Tina’s body so firmly, finally fell to the bed, the muscle twitching from tightness and the unfamiliar position it had been in. Tina rubbed her hip a little, feeling the tautness of Claire’s muscle. Claire could feel the shakiness in her body from her orgasm. She finally stilled as those wonderful hands caressed her body down from the incredible storm they had caused within her. She became aware of another need, a need to hear the same moans and breathless whimpers that she knew she could wring from the captain. This time, when she squirmed to turn around, Tina allowed it.

  Tina was amused as Claire peppered her naked torso with butterfly kisses. She stopped laughing as Claire captured one of her extended nipples between those lips of hers. The feelings that slight tugging caused behind her navel were no laughing matter. She arched into her wife’s mouth as Claire caressed her now sweat-sheened body.

  Claire felt for and released the dildo straps from her wife’s body and flung it to the side of the bed as her lips traveled further down the taut flesh. She could scent her wife’s arousal and wanted to taste it. Tina let her, encouraging her by a hand placed gently on the back of her head. Claire could hear the catch in Tina’s breath as her lips encountered the flesh between her legs. The captain thrust her hips towards Claire’s face, back and forth as she began to grind the flesh into her wife’s mouth, faster and faster as her excitement took her. Her hand on the back of the blonde’s head became a death grip, the fingers tangled in the hair pulling her closer as Tina ground her wife’s face into her flesh. Harder and harder the grinding and thrusting became. Claire thought she could not breathe and then discovered she could through her nose. The sound of Tina’s almost animalistic grunts was music to ears; -her own body was aroused once again.

  Tina felt so good that the tingle she sought started in her center and spread down her legs, up her torso and out to her extremities. Her toes tingled from the lack of blood that seemed to drain from them, her fingers became numb, her body arched and bucked as everything centered at her core. She let go of Claire’s head lest she pluck her bald from her grip. Her fingers fisted the sheets and she gasped out her pleasure as the orgasm took her.

  Claire held on, the relief to her scalp enormous as Tina let go of her hair. She relished that the strong woman beneath her lost control, if only for a moment. Claire’s hand kneaded the strong ass that she used to hold the captain against her mouth. To top it off, she took two fingers and thrust them within the overheated redhead’s body.

  Tina, who thought she was done with the one orgasm, immediately climbed that mountain again. Her body responded to her wife’s ministrations, the slickness of her fingers inside her heated body telling her she needed more, the fullness of those same fingers filling her. And then Claire bent them, hitting a certain spot that sent her into another paroxysm of delighted fits. Her legs
wrapped around the blonde’s head and squeezed.

  Claire had thought that Tina’s fingers in her hair had been painful, the powerful thighs squeezing her head now told her otherwise. She held her breath waiting for her head to explode from the pressure. It was painful, but it was also powerful, knowing she could cause this within Tina’s body. All too soon the redhead regained her control and went limp, releasing Claire from her powerful grip. The blonde smiled as she kissed her way back up the redhead’s body, appreciating how muscular it was, wiping the cum from her face onto her wife’s body, in the form of kisses. She stopped momentarily to kiss each rosy-tipped breast, now flaccid on the pirate’s chest, before she cuddled into Tina’s body.

  Tina’s hands automatically came around and held Claire’s body to hers, sighing deeply at how satisfied she now felt. Each time their lovemaking seemed different and more fulfilling. Each time they discovered ways to excite and love one another more fully. They drifted off to sleep together, wrapped in each other’s arms.


  The day of their departure was chaotic despite the ships being well-loaded in the previous weeks with cargo that would fetch high prices in the Far East. Those who had been on such a trip before, including Tina, her grandfather, and several of the sailors on the various ships, all had known quickly what marketed well in these ports they would be sailing to. Many stops would be made for provisions, but also to trade to maximize their profits. Hard to find goods from their part of the word would fetch an absolute fortune in those ports. Tina had not bet her entire cargo on ginseng. The plant was found all over the northeast part of the America’s and was highly sought by the Orientals, but she had enough of it to be picked up along the way that this alone could make her fortune.


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