FORSAKEN: On The Edge 0f Oblivion (Beauty 0f Life Book 1)

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FORSAKEN: On The Edge 0f Oblivion (Beauty 0f Life Book 1) Page 13

by Laura Acton

  Lexa’s stance persisted, becoming extremely cold and distant with him. The only bright spot in his day was when he played with fire. Just to make her spark, he continued to tease her when no one else was around. Although, he didn’t quite understand why he was drawn to her. He enjoyed sex with plenty of women before, but somehow, Lexa seemed different. He couldn’t stop himself from provoking her—like a proverbial schoolboy yanking the braids of the schoolgirl he had a crush on.

  Hardy caught him staring at her once and read him the riot act for disrespecting Lexa. In some ways, he agreed with the tactical lead. He shouldn’t be ogling a teammate in that manner, but he couldn’t help it. Visions of the night they spent together kept replaying in his mind at the oddest moments.

  Dan quieted his train of thought. Now isn’t the time to be thinking about sexy Lexie, especially with Hardy scrutinizing me so closely. Refocusing his attention, he tuned into the conversation between Bram and Loki.

  He listened, hoping to learn about their lives, even though they wanted nothing to do with him. No one bothered to ask him anything about himself, like why he left the military, which was okay with him because he hated to talk about his past. It also left conversation killers unsaid. He never wanted to say I blew away my brother.

  As Bram did bicep curls, he asked, “Loki, did you find a bigger place?”

  Loki slowed the elliptical. “Yeah. Three bedrooms and the kitchen has double ovens. I think Ma will like it. I’m set to move-in next month.”

  “When is your ma due back from Italy?” Bram set the dumbbell down.

  “Just before Thanksgiving.”

  Lifting the weight with his other hand, Bram said, “If you need help moving the heavy stuff, call. Are your sisters coming to your place for Thanksgiving?”

  Ray piped in, “Hey if they do come, we can do double Thanksgiving again this year.”

  Loki laughed. “I’ll take you up on that, Bram. And I’ll see what Sonia and Gina think. It means they would have to travel and I only have three rooms. My place isn’t as large as my ex-stepfather’s home.”

  For darned sure, Loki thought. His stepfather’s, or rather former stepfather’s home contained seven bedrooms and a massive kitchen. He wouldn’t miss it at all and hoped Ma wouldn’t either. His ex-stepfather shocked them all when he divorced his mother. Narciso Ricigliano added salt to the wound when he married a woman half his age one week after the decree finalized.

  His ma went to Italy to stay with her sister after she learned the news, but wanted to return because her children and grandchildren lived here. So, Loki located a larger place so his mother could live with him and he could take care of her. She was the sweetest, most caring woman in the world and didn’t deserve to be treated like yesterday’s leftovers.

  Proud of how his kind-hearted friend stepped up and helped his mother, Ray grinned and suggested, “It will be cozy for a few days is all. I could put up one of your sisters at my apartment if you want.”

  “Nah, Sonia can take my room. Gina and her family can have the spare room. I think Ma would like to have us all together for Thanksgiving,” Loki replied. The more he thought about it, the more the idea grew on him. He would call his sisters tonight and start the ball rolling. They still had two months to plan things.

  Alan interrupted their workout as his voice came over the loudspeaker, “Alpha Team, need you to up early to take a critical call. Shots fired at Hayden Ironworks. Officer needs assistance. Getting more details.”

  The team raced for the locker rooms to change into their uniforms.

  TRF HQ – Men’s Locker Room – 5:30 a.m.

  Dan opened his locker. Crap! I’m gonna have to dress here. He maintained dressing in the showers for the past few weeks. Still not ready to expose his scars to them and field questions. That is if they bothered to notice.

  Unsure which would be worse, questions or disinterest, Dan stripped off his shorts and boxers then looked in his go bag for a fresh pair of underwear. Shit! I forgot to pack a change of boxers. Last night he fell asleep before he packed. Nightmares woke him six times. As a result, he rose late and rushed out to make it to work on time.

  Dan pulled on the pants eschewing underwear. He went commando when necessary in the field. This is no different … better than wearing sweat-soaked boxers. He put his boots on next, hoping the others would be changed before him and out the door before he removed his top.

  Loki chuckled. Commando? Wow! He shared an amused look with Ray. The soldier continued to be full of surprises. They went back to dressing.

  Jon glanced at Nick and mouthed ‘what the hell’ when they observed the rookie don uniform pants without boxers.

  Nick shrugged as he turned to retrieve a uniform shirt from the locker.

  Jon sat on the bench, picked up a boot, and began to slip his foot in. He would have to talk to the exasperating rookie. Going commando might cut it in the military but not with TRF. Jon thought about the time the whole rear end of his pants ripped when he caught them on a chain-link fence years ago. If that happened today, Broderick would flash everyone. Not good.

  Bram pulled his t-shirt over his head and glanced over at Dan. This was the first time he changed with them. “Christ! Dan, what the hell happened to your back?”

  Dan stopped as he reached for his black undershirt. Shit!

  Jon, Nick, Ray, and Loki turned to Broderick, and their jaws dropped open as they gaped at his shocking back … littered with long thin scars.

  Sucking in a breath, Dan decided to get it over with as he turned towards the guys to allow them a glimpse of his chest too.

  “Holy smokes! Dan?” Loki exclaimed loudly, his expression wide-eyed as he gawked at the scars. Dan’s chest appeared almost as badly marked as his scored back. He’s been lashed! The lines reminded Loki of the thin, red lines which crisscrossed his buttocks after he set off his first explosive in the backyard. His stepfather thrashed him so hard he couldn’t sit for a week.

  “They’re just scars. No big deal. Happened years ago.” Dan tugged on his shirt then turned back to his locker for his button-down uniform shirt.

  The team focused back on getting dressed, each having private reactions to the shocking discovery and Broderick’s casual comment.

  Bram wondered what caused that much scarring. Obvious he’s been whipped. When, why, and by who? Also, apparent, Dan hid his scars from us. Why? Well, that one is evident by our reaction. Dan likely didn’t appreciate our gawking. He turned his eyes away wondering if those scars had something to do with the fleeting lost look in Dan’s eyes.

  Nick shook his head as his mind raced. No big deal? The sight is terrible. Did he suffer child abuse or is the scarring from an incident while he was in the Army? This explains why he doesn’t change with us. His brief statement a clear indication he did not desire to discuss them. Nick decided to allow Dan his privacy.

  Jon’s mind reeled with shock. Scarring like that came from something horrific. Something which might lead to PTSD. I better keep an eye out for signs. We don’t need a loose cannon on the team.

  Ray tied his boots as he snuck another glance at Dan. As much as he didn’t like having a man forced onto their team, he wondered about him. What would cause a man to leave a position where he evidently excelled? With his shooting skills, he was ready-made to be a sniper. Why would he leave the military?

  Alan’s additional information interrupted their thoughts. “The undercover officer on scene reports five shooters. It appears to be a drug deal gone bad.”

  Hayden Ironworks

  Jon handed off a subject to the patrol officer. The call went to hell shortly after they arrived. The five subjects dispersed and an all-out firefight took place. He glanced at the EMS truck and spotted Lexa getting checked out.

  Striving to maintain cool professionalism on the outside his insides raged. Livid that the damned rookie broke from cover, jumped down, and shoved Lexa down into a pallet of iron bars in his haste. She struck her shoulder and head hard le
aving her dazed. Broderick then raced after one of the subjects who cut and run, leaving without backup, and going lone wolf.

  When the gunfire and grunts came over the headset, Jon was certain the brash rookie had killed the subject. But ten minutes later, after the team finished arresting the remaining living subjects, Broderick waltzed back to the scene leading the young subject back in cuffs.

  Jon wanted to let loose on Broderick here and now but held his tongue. Debrief would be a different story … the impetuous rookie would hear an earful for his rash actions.

  Dan stood quietly watching Lexa being examined. Not happy she had been hurt, but aware he saved her from much worse. When the target got a bead on her, he reacted instinctively. He protected her, ensuring she didn’t get shot. There was no time to call out. Even if he did, she would’ve probably ignored his warning. His only option was to jump down and move her.

  Unfortunately, he used more force than he wanted when he knocked Lexa out of the way. This target was only a kid. He could have taken him out with a quick shot, but so very tired of taking lives Dan didn’t want to unless there was no other option. When the kid bolted, he chased after him. He couldn’t let him escape, but he didn’t want to kill him. As they ran, the juvenile took several pot shots at him. The kid’s aim sucked. In the end, he gained the necessary ground to tackle him.

  His only regret was Lexa getting hurt. He wished he could’ve safeguarded her without knocking her down. Glancing at the team, he sighed. He would be on their shit lists for his actions, even though they were the right ones.

  Lexa brushed the medic’s hand away. “I’m fine.”

  “Did you lose consciousness?” The medic asked as he flashed the penlight in her eyes checking her pupil reactions.


  “She was dazed,” Loki said as he stood close to her.

  “I’m okay.” Lexa glanced at Loki, concern written all over his face.

  Nick strode up. “How’s my officer?” Inside he seethed at Broderick, but outwardly he needed to remain calm and collected.

  “I’m fine,” Lexa ground out.

  The paramedic nodded. “Pupils equal and reactive. No signs of a concussion right now, but you need to watch for them for the next twenty-four hours.” He got out a cold pack and handed it to her. “And you should ice your shoulder.” He turned to the sergeant and answered, “She is cleared for duty but should take it easy.”

  Relieved by the assessment, Nick grinned. Earlier, when he saw Lexa lying on the ground he didn’t know what happened and thought the worst—she had been killed in all the gunfire. “Lexa, we’re done here. Head back to HQ and do as instructed. I have to go to NRB and give my statement. Debrief will wait until Bram and Ray return from NRB.”

  Lexa hopped off the gurney and grabbed her button-down uniform shirt. Slipping into the garment, she gave a quick nod and winced.

  Catching sight of her grimace, Loki said, “I’m driving you back. You can rest on the way.”

  “I can drive,” Lexa cocked her head at Loki.

  Nick stepped in, having witnessed her careful movements. “Loki is driving. End of conversation.”

  Lexa blew out a frustrated breath. She was alright—sore but fine. She didn’t need to be coddled. The damned rookie was responsible for all this. Under the scrutiny of Boss, she yielded. “Yes, Boss.”

  “Come on.” Loki gently pulled Lexa toward the SUV.

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room

  Formulating his thoughts, knowing Hardy would lay into him once briefing began, Dan stared out the window, waiting for Bram, Ray, and Sarge to return. Bram and Ray had taken lethal shots. The Nonpartisan Review Board inspector secluded both of them, collected their weapons, put them in separate cars, and took them away.

  Dan remained ignorant of the whole NRB process. The agency wasn’t around when Dan served in the Fourteenth Division and no one explained the procedure to him. Though, he listened and deduced the NRB was a board of citizens tasked with keeping police accountable for their actions. Internal Affairs used to investigate officer-involved shootings, but apparently, the function had been handed off to NRB, although IA still existed.

  TRF was different from both the military and being a patrol officer. A lot to learn and put into practice. He studied the manuals every night in the few hours remaining before he slept. Fourteen-hour days were nothing new to him, but with little sleep and having to absorb so much the exhausting days ran together in an endless stream of criticism from his new team.

  Jon scanned his men when they entered. “Everything go okay with NRB?”

  Bram took his seat. “Yeah, open and shut. Ruled legal use of lethal force.”

  Nick assumed his normal position at the head of the long table with the call transcript and said, “Let’s start.” He began to take them through the record step by step. When they got to the point where Lexa was injured things became heated when Nick asked Lexa how she ended up on the ground dazed.

  “Broderick shoved me into the pallet.” Lexa glared at Dan.

  Unable to restrain himself any longer, Jon let loose. “Broderick, you broke cover, and your rash actions put your teammate at risk. She was dazed and wouldn’t have been able to defend herself if another subject had been around.”

  Expecting this, Dan sought to explain his action. “Sir. The target had a—”

  Jon cut him off. “Subject! Get it through your thick skull! Subject, not target. We don’t go in there just to kill everyone. Our job is to save lives. Not be a cowboy and go in guns blazing.”

  Dan raised his volume a bit as Jon’s words were unjust. “That isn’t what happened. I didn’t think—”

  Jon’s anger rose as he jerked his hands in front of him as if wringing Dan’s throat. “Obvious—you didn’t think! Lexa could’ve been killed today. You left her alone and vulnerable and without backup when you ran off after the subject on your own. That is not how we do it here.”

  Cut off again Dan strove to control his frustration. If only Jon allowed me to finish a statement, he would realize I took appropriate action. The other subjects were pinned down by Bram, Loki, and Ray. Dan tried again his voice going monotone as he buried his emotions. “You couldn’t see from your sniper perch. I was there. I acted—”

  “Zulu position! And you acted recklessly. Dammit, Broderick! This is not the military. You don’t go lone wolf. We are a team, but I’m your tactical leader and what I say goes out there. I cannot be worrying whether you are going to follow my orders. You are gonna get someone killed if you don’t change!” Jon shouted as the rookie’s emotionless demeanor fueled his temper.

  Christ, there is just no getting through Hardy’s thick head. Hardy shut him down and cut him off at every opportunity. Dan knew TRF was different and he wanted different. He was trying to make the transition, but Hardy just couldn’t see it. Dan was burning inside and couldn’t hold back anymore.

  Dan glared at Jon as he stood. He unleashed his pent-up rage as he bellowed, “I saved Lexa! She would be in the morgue right now if not for my actions! The target had her dead to rights and was going to shoot. Something you didn’t see from your location. I told you the position didn’t provide adequate coverage!

  “Did you bother to listen to me? No! I even saved the kid! I chased after him instead of killing him. I could’ve taken him out in a split second.”

  With his governor disengaged, pushed to his limit by his exhaustion and the continued stress of all he faced in his life, his face flushed with rage and his icy eyes bore into the tactical lead, as Dan said something he would normally not. “But you are blind to that because your goddamned head is shoved so far up your fucking ass!”

  Jon stood and raged back. “Broderick, you go too far! Do you know the meaning of teamwork?”

  Dan snorted. “You call this teamwork? Your way or the highway!”

  Incensed by the comments, Jon shot back, “Did you choose to leave the military or did they kick you out because you can’t follow orders and kille
d a teammate?”

  Gasping as if he had been sucker punched, flashes of Brody’s eyes obscured Dan’s vision. He followed orders which ended up killing his brother. Tears burned at the back of his eyes as the anguish and guilt flooded in. He stormed out of the room unwilling to reveal to them how Jon’s words affected him.

  “Broderick. get your ass back here! We’re not finished!”

  Dan ignored Hardy as he raced for the stairs heading for the roof. He needed a moment to regroup before he did something he would regret—like decking Jon. The urge to punch his lights out barely controlled.

  Nick sighed. He didn’t witness what happened so he couldn’t decide who was right. Tactical aspects were Jon’s to handle. Dan was a member of the tactical team and therefore Jon’s responsibility to mentor. The rookie had a lot to learn, and Jon was taking a hard tack with Dan.

  Their arguments in the past few weeks were heated. It was to Jon’s credit he allowed discussion on tactical items in debrief, but he was harsher on Dan than on any other rookie. But then again, they never had a rookie quite like Dan before.

  As Jon turned to go after Dan, Nick grabbed his arm. “Let him go cool off.”

  Damn, Broderick gets under my skin. Jon wanted nothing more than to go after the arrogant, reckless, soldier and give him a piece of his mind. When Nick stopped him, he blew out a breath.

  When Jon remained in place, Nick released his grip and then took off his hat and rubbed his face. This isn’t a right and proper situation. Gambrill should’ve asked for my input before dropping an ex-soldier onto my team. Nick studied the angry faces of the rest of the team. He said, “Everyone needs to cool down. Go grab some lunch.”

  Bram could tell Jon needed to put his head back on straight. His friend never behaved like this with rookies. Customarily, Jon acted as a cool-headed mentor. He wanted to speak with Jon in private and point out to him he was rather harsh. “Jon, wanna grab a burger?”

  “Yeah, sure.” Jon released another long breath as the anger started to ebb. He glanced at Bram and Ray realizing he should check how they were doing after having to take lethal action today. He worried most about Ray who rarely made a fatal shot. In the four years, he had been with the team, Ray had only taken two. Jon was about to invite him to join them, but Ray began to talk to Lexa and Loki.


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