FORSAKEN: On The Edge 0f Oblivion (Beauty 0f Life Book 1)

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FORSAKEN: On The Edge 0f Oblivion (Beauty 0f Life Book 1) Page 22

by Laura Acton

  Dan’s eyebrows rose, surprised at the number of sutures. He estimated ten at most, and didn’t want to admit he would do anything to avoid needles, even go so far as to tape together a slash he knew required sutures. “I was still on shift—only a little scratch. I did what was necessary at the time … I’ve had worse and still operated.”

  Gibbson had seen the scars covering Dan the first time he met him at NRB when he wore only his boxers. Yes, Dan has experienced worse. He let the issue drop for now. “So, you think that besides cutting you, the knife damaged the headset wires?”

  “Yeah. As I said, I just finished buttoning my shirt when the hostage call came in. I grabbed a spare vest and weapons which weren’t covered in mud, my headset, and ran for the SUV. The rest of the guys left, but Lexa waited for me. She drove fast, and we arrived only a few minutes after everyone else.”

  Dale made some notes. “So, let’s pick up from the point you found out your headset was down.”

  Taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly, Dan prepared to explain. “Several hostages decided to make a break for it, causing mayhem. Ray dove over the half wall to catch a pregnant hostage knocked off her feet when the others bolted. They showed no regard for her condition, only thinking of themselves. Ray caught her before she landed hard on her stomach.”

  Dan winced recalling the image. “The fall could’ve hurt her baby. Ray took the brunt of the impact, and as he focused on helping the woman stand, the subject seized him. He made Ray kneel behind the short wall and hold his arms straight up in the air—not a comfortable position.

  “Ray’s eyes went wide as he knelt. I tracked to where his eyes focused. Capturing his gaze, I acknowledged I observed the chain of grenades linked together and attached to the wall. From the expression on Ray’s face, I gathered Sarge and Bram had no idea they were there.”

  Dale interjected, “You’re saying your team was unaware of the explosives.”

  “I informed the team when I first got into place and noticed them, but with my headset not working, I’m sure they didn’t hear me. The grenades weren’t visible to Sarge or Bram. Nor from Jon’s angle. Not sure if Loki could see on cameras, but Ray’s surprise indicated Loki didn’t.”

  Making a note, Gibbson indicated for Dan to continue.

  “With no clue how negotiations progressed, I watched body language. When the weapon started to lower, I thought Sarge worked his magic again, but the man bent down to reach for the pin, making his intentions clear. Ray and I connected eyes at that moment. We both registered he intended to commit suicide and take everyone in the room with him.

  “Ray glanced at me, and I signaled for him to stay still. I only had a small area I could hit the target—I mean subject. His head was level with Ray’s bicep. My options were to shoot or allow the man to kill everyone. With only a split second to decide, I took the lethal shot even though I didn’t receive permission to fire. Ray’s arm moved, and my bullet hit him, but also neutralized the subject,” Dan concluded closing his eyes.

  What Dan didn’t disclose was his eyes locked with the subject’s in the final millisecond noting they were jade green like Brody’s. The combination of shooting a teammate and jade eyes threw him for a complete loop. Instantly transported back to the desert, seeing a flash of jade as he squeezed the trigger on his McMillan Tac-50 rifle. He had no way to stop and recall the bullet. When he found Brody, Dan knew exactly when he killed his brother.

  Dan’s head began pounding. He pushed those thoughts away. Opening his eyes and focused on Dale. “I climbed to the roof. After that, I’m fuzzy. I only remember little snippets like they are from a movie. Mostly, I recall intense pain and being confused. I think Hardy was upset with me. Gambrill said I did the NRB interview, but I’m drawing a blank on the entire time. Clarity comes back when I woke up here.”

  Dale nodded. “That’s most likely due to head trauma. Speaking of which, can you tell me how you got the lump on the back of your head and the footprint on your chest? The doctor believes those are a few days old.”

  Will my embarrassment not end? Dan sighed. “That happened two days ago, on a call at an ice cream parlor.” He began recounting the call facts. How the subject kicked him when he left himself open. How his back and head slammed into the metal freezer. He omitted details of the team laughing at him. He couldn’t bear telling anyone that part.

  When Dan concluded, Gibbson frowned slightly. He didn’t want to tell Dan, but he must. Dan needed to be aware of what Baldovino and McKenna did. “I need to tell you about an incident which happened to you at TRF headquarters after your interview.” Dale related the sorry tale of the locker room assault.

  Throbbing pain increased as Dan listened with his eyes closed. Not all of it physical, at least half if not more belonged in the emotional realm. Thoughts of being alone, unworthy, killing Brody, grazing Ray, and now the cause of Loki’s and Lexa’s meltdowns, invaded his mind. I’m such a failure.

  After he finished, Dale said, “By rights, you can file assault charges against Lexa and Loki.”

  Dan’s eyes flew open. “No. No. This is my fault. I shot Ray. They were only upset about Ray. I broke the cardinal rule. I caused harm to a teammate. I failed to protect him. I don’t want to file charges.”

  Dale stared at Dan. He didn’t understand Dan’s thinking. “From what you said, Ray moved into the line of fire. It isn’t your fault. And if Loki and Lexa were upset that would be okay. But what is not okay is that they laid hands on you. You have bruises from both of them.”

  “Bruises heal,” Dan said flatly. “Breaking their trust doesn’t. It’s something which never heals. It might scab over, but it doesn’t heal. I accept I’m at fault. No charges, Dale.” Dan closed his eyes and put an arm over his face. “Are we clear on that? If so, I’m tired, and I would like to rest.”

  Dale continued to stare. He recognized a bone-deep weariness. Dan’s words regarding trust left him with the impression the young man spoke from experience. He gave in. “Alright, we do this your way. No filing charges. I’m going to leave you … rest now. I’ll give copies of your statement to Gambrill and NRB.”

  “Thanks, Dale.” Exhaustion began to pull on Dan causing his lids to gradually shut as he struggled to keep them open.

  After closing his notebook, Gibbson stood and took one last look at Dan. He still needs someone in his corner. I will ensure everything is resolved in his favor with NRB and I have a few words for Gambrill too.

  Dan woke twenty minutes later. Once he found his clothes in the storage drawer, he dressed then called the nurse for discharge forms. She argued with him about leaving since the doctor had not cleared him for release, he would have to sign out against medical advice. It took Dan standing and starting to walk out for her to relent and provide the necessary AMA paperwork, which he signed with a flourish. Heading to the stairs, he made his escape.

  Outside the hospital, Dan flagged a cab down. He told the cabbie he didn’t have his wallet with him, but he would pay him double on arrival. The driver recognized the TRF logo on his black t-shirt and agreed.



  September 15

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room

  Nick, Commander Gambrill, and Dale Gibbson all sat at one end of the table. Dale relayed Dan’s statements regarding all three calls.

  Walter strove to maintain a professional demeanor, livid that Nick and his team treated Dan so cavalierly. Not a damned one of them checked on him, not only once, but twice, after physical confrontations with armed subjects. The black and white of the transcripts showed not a single member of the team asked. He read the teasing too, which infuriated him even more.

  Nick remained utterly speechless when confronted with the details of Dan’s injuries and at his insistence he didn’t want to press assault charges against Loki and Lexa, though he was thankful for the last.

  He began pondering Dan’s comment about suffering worse injuries. All the guys had seen his chest and back, his whole
body for that matter, in the locker room. The extent of his scarring shocked them the first time they saw it. Dan unquestionably received worse wounds, but, that didn’t excuse him from hiding his recent ones. Nick said weakly, “We didn’t know.”

  Professionalism flew out the window as Gambrill thundered, “You didn’t ask. Both times he became the butt of the team’s jokes. Did anyone stop to think maybe Broderick couldn’t rise, not because of the slippery surface, but because he had been hurt? All three times, Hardy laid into him for not following orders. From Broderick’s statements, it becomes clear his decisions and actions were spot-on. Risky, but right under the circumstances.”

  Chastened by the light shed by Dan’s reports on the team’s abysmal treatment of the rookie, Nick stated, “There is no excuse for my lapse in judgment and leadership. None whatsoever. I assume full responsibility for the failures. As the sergeant, the others take their lead from me.”

  Gambrill’s anger ebbed a bit at Nick’s sincere contrition and acceptance of his mistake. The one thing he knew for certain after heading TRF for years is people made mistakes they regretted. Even decent, insightful, caring people blundered. The measure of a person is in how they move forward once they recognize their error.

  About to comment further, his phone began ringing. Walter stopped to answer the unknown number. He sighed as Dr. White spoke. Confound it! The kid left against medical advice. “Thank you for calling. I’ll handle this.”

  Hanging up, Walter addressed Nick. “I must leave to deal with another issue. Before I go, let me make a few things clear. First and foremost, no officer should ever be subjected to the callous treatment this team dealt out to Constable Broderick. I expected better from my elite team.

  “As for repercussions, the entire team, including Broderick, is on unpaid administrative leave for the next week. NRB should be able to clear up this friendly fire mess by then. Pastore, I expect you to reestablish appropriate protocols and reset the team’s behaviors and attitudes so this never occurs again. You are the best person to determine the course of action for your team to meet my requirements.”

  Walter stood as he directed, “You have one month to fix this, or I begin cleaning house and making changes to teams. And I can tell you this, Broderick isn’t the one who will be swept out of TRF or Alpha Team. The records, from what I’ve seen, show Broderick performed above and beyond the call of duty. Yes, Broderick made rookie mistakes. Most notably, failing to take care of himself, but that is nothing new for him.”

  Gambrill realized his comments almost betrayed Dan’s confidence. He came very close to revealing his connection with Dan. He stopped himself and adjusted his remark. “But what rookie, or for that matter, senior member, has not made the same mistakes? Rookies need mentoring, even those with exceptional skills. You will straighten out this mess.” He paused at the door. “Are we clear, Sergeant?”

  “Crystal clear, sir.” As Gambrill left, something niggled in the back of Nick’s mind. The top-down decision to put Dan on this team made him wonder how well Gambrill knew Dan. Why did Gambrill thrust Dan onto my team? Six-member teams became the TRF standard after the budget cut seven years ago.

  Dale Gibbson rose and closed his notebook. “I need to deliver these details to Agent Thornbuckle. He was a bit upset about Dan’s lack of answers earlier. I’m sure this will clear everything up. Good day, Sergeant Pastore.”

  Nick stood. “Thank you. I’m glad you were in Dan’s corner today.”

  Gibbson nodded and kept his mouth shut as he left the room. He wanted to retort. I shouldn’t have been the only one, that’s your job. But his outburst wouldn’t solve anything, so he remained quiet.

  Sitting back down Nick started the process of analyzing the issues which he must resolve before he lost another family. Jon, Bram, Ray, Loki, and Lexa became his family, and he would do whatever necessary to keep them together. The commander did not issue idle threats, if he didn’t fix this within a month, Alpha Team in its current construct would be no more.

  From all appearances, Commander Gambrill insisted they embrace and adopt Dan, rather than treating him as an unwanted foster child. As intriguing a question as it was, the why of matters must be put on the back burner for now. More pressing problems required solutions. Who is Daniel Broderick? How do I connect with him? What similar and unique qualities does Dan possess which will benefit and strengthen a seven-member family? How can I help my family come to terms with how Dan joined?

  Washing away the bitter taste of two months of acrimony … an enormous task to achieve in only a single month. Nick must delve deep into the psyche of his impossible to interpret rookie. He needed to learn about him to assist the others in understanding and accepting Dan as a real family member. He called out to dispatch desk, “Tia, please bring me Dan’s personnel file.”

  Ten minutes later, he flipped open the folder. Time to dig into Dan’s documented history and psych evaluations. The rookie might be expressionless, but he was not soulless. With some time and a smidgeon of luck, Nick would gain enough insight to begin building a bridge to Dan which he could lead his team across. They would be stronger if they stood united as one on the same side of the divide.

  Bram’s Home

  Bram pulled into his driveway and switched off the ignition. He leaned back and closed his eyes. Everything is so messed up. Jon isn’t the only one wearing blinders. The blinders I wore for the past few months were painfully ripped off today. I don’t like what I see. I should’ve done more to help Jon recognize how wrong he is and persuade him to change before things got this bad. Nick, Jon, and I are the senior members, and we set the tone. We three failed miserably, and the whole team paid the price.

  A knock at the window startled Bram. He lifted his heavy eyelids and turned his head. Kellie, my soulmate, my beautiful wife, the mother of my four adorable daughters, my safe harbor. A reflexive sense of relief and slight grin blossomed as he opened the door, and unfurled his massive frame from their secondary, and smaller vehicle.

  Kellie De Haven regarded her husband. Although he wore a grin, it didn’t reach his eyes, and he appeared weary and beaten down. She smiled, shining like a beacon guiding him into port “You’re home early. Are you alright?”

  Bram tugged his lovely wife into a hug and clung to her, bending down and burying his head in the crook of her neck. He breathed in her scent. Home, warmth, tenderness, strength, and unconditional love … everything he associated with Kellie’s fragrance.

  An embrace like this clued Kellie into her husband’s state of mind. He was far from alright. She held him securely. He needed a dose of family, dinner, and then a quiet talk after their daughters were tucked into bed. She pulled back, kissed him tenderly. Clasping his hand, she said, “Come inside, dear. Our girls will be ecstatic you are home.”

  He allowed himself to be guided inside. The sounds of his little girls giggling reached his ears. Mooring his work thoughts to the quay a genuine smile grew as he disembarked the TRF Titanic as three of his four daughters raced to greet him, clamoring to be picked up as their high-pitched, jubilant voices screamed, “Daddy’s home.”

  Bram knelt, and six-year-old Leslie, four-year-old Emilie, and three-year-old Allie swamped him with hugs and kisses. He returned each in full measure as their joyfulness dispelled some of his fog bound mood.

  Kellie observed for a moment. She understood Bram well, and she could tell he struggled with a weighty burden today. Kellie wondered if he witnessed another suicide. Those affected his tender heart tremendously, especially when they lost a young person.

  With his size and occupation, many assumed he was a hard-core polar bear, unaffected by the cold, stark side of humanity. In actuality, Bram possessed a teddy bear’s heart. A kinder and gentler man she had never known. The things he dealt with on a daily basis sometimes weighed heavily on his soul.

  Bram wrapped all three girls in his strong arms, stood, and smiled at Kellie. “Where’s my sweet little Sharlie?”

apping. She’ll be waking soon,” Kellie answered as she headed for the kitchen to start dinner. She decided to fix beef stroganoff. Bram certainly could use one of his favorite comfort meals tonight.

  Bram followed as his girls eagerly shared their day with him. Allie babbled excitedly about her very first dance class. Emilie, no less enthusiastic, told him about her tumbling class. Leslie lay her cheek on his shoulder and absently trailed her little fingers on his back quietly waiting her turn.

  Their innocence ordinarily soothed him and restored his balance. Sadly, today it didn’t calm the emotional tempest raging in his mind. He bailed water on a sinking ship of their own making. They shot it full of holes as they all jumped to conclusions, ignored, and ultimately denounced Dan, never giving him an opportunity. They all aligned with Jon’s Captain Bligh persona and keelhauled Dan for no reason. He was no innocent in all of this … but perhaps it is high time for a mutiny and set Jon’s attitude adrift in a launch.

  Shame and a sense of dishonor filled him. He could hear the words of his father in his head now. My son, a strong man may capture what he desires by brute force, but it will never truly be his and will flee at the first opportunity. A real man nurtures gentleness and through compassion gains all which is worth having in this world … love and friendship.

  He sighed. On Dan’s first day, I asked him to give Jon a chance. Why didn’t I do the same thing for Dan? Why did I allow his appointment on the team and Jon’s mindset color my view? Bram needed answers those questions, and he had a lot to consider. Tonight, after the girls went to sleep, he would talk to Kellie. She would help him, reset the sails releasing his boat from the sandbar, and deftly navigate the shoals to bring him to a safe harbor.

  Jon’s Home

  Jon entered his home. It was quiet, too quiet. Jennifer, Kent, and Joey were at a soccer game this afternoon. One of many he missed. He became more like a ghost dad ever since he accepted the demanding tactical lead position. A job he didn’t take lightly because lives depended on his decisions.


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