Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman

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Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman Page 79

by Jeremy Adelman

  12. Alexander Gerschenkron, “Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective,” in ibid.

  13. SH to Helen Jaszi, Saturday, 1952, PP.

  14. SH to Helen Jaszi, 11 Aug. 1952, PP.

  15. AOH, “Lisa’s Questions,” p. 6, PP.

  16. Howard Ellis to AOH, 12 May 1952, box 39, folder 1, AOHP.

  17. Alacevich, Political Economy, p. 85.

  18. Informe Anual del Consejo Nacional, p. 37; Roger Sandilands to Osvaldo Feinstein, 9 Mar. 2003, in author’s possession.

  19. Jacques Torfs, The Basis of a Development Program for Colombia, Appendix A, National Accounts (Washington DC: IBRD, n.d.); “Informe Annual del Consejo Nacional de Planificación” (1953), p. 6, Banco de la Republica Archives; AOH, interview, 24 Mar. 2002; Burke Knapp to AOH, 7 Nov. 1952, box 39, folder 1, AOHP; AOH to Burke Knapp, 1 May 1954, box 39, folder 1, AOHP; “Conversation with Clifford Geertz and Albert Hirschman,” IAS, 27 Jan. 1976, box 10, folder 3, AOHP; AOH, “A Dissenter’s Confession: The Strategy of Economic Development Revisited,” in Rival Views of the Market and Other Recent Essays (New York: Viking, 1986), pp. 90–91.

  20. AOH to Howard Ellis, 18 Apr. 1953, box 39, folder 1, AOHP.

  21. AOH to Burke Knapp, 20 Nov. 1952, box 39, folder 1, AOHP.

  22. Research Project, “Case Studies of Instances of Successful Economic Development in Colombia,” 8 Mar. 1954, box 36, folder 4, AOHP.

  23. AOH to Knapp, 16 Sept. 1953, box 39, folder 1, AOHP.

  24. AOH, interview, 11 Mar. 2002.

  25. Memo, 15 May 1954, box 39, folder 3, AOHP.

  26. Burke Knapp to AOH, 10 May 1954, box 39, folder 1, AOHP; SH to Helen Jaszi, 14 Apr. 1954, PP; SH, interview, 8 Aug. 2005.

  27. AOH to George Jaszi, n.d., PP.

  28. AOH to UH, 2 Sept. 1953 and SH to Helen Jaszi, 4 Feb. 1954, PP.

  29. SH to Helen Jaszi, 5 July 1954, PP.

  30. “The Market for Pulp and Paper in Colombia,” 15 June 1956, box 37, folder 2, AOHP.

  31. “Colombia: Highlights of a Developing Economy”; “Present and Prospective Fiscal Position of the Empresas Municipales de Cali,” box 36, folder 6, AOHP.

  32. Dauzat interview, p. 17; SH to Helen Jaszi, 12 Jan. 1956, PP.

  33. AOH to George Jaszi, n.d., PP; 4 Feb. 1956 Entry by Montague Yudelman, folder 282, box 43, series 200, RG 2, RAC.

  34. “Nicaragua Notes,” Sunday, 28 Mar., box 36, folder 4, AOHP; SH to Helen Jaszi, 15 May 1955, PP.

  35. SH to Helen Jaszi, Saturday, 1952, PP.

  36. KS to author, 5 Oct. 2008, in author’s possession.

  37. Dauzat interview, p. 12.

  38. Lore Friedman, interview, 6 July 2004; SH to Helen Jaszi, 3 Sept. 1953, PP.

  39. SH, interview, 3 Mar. 2004.

  40. Lore Friedman, interview, 6 July 2004.

  41. SH, interview, 8 Aug. 2005.

  42. HH to AOH, 17 Sept. 1956, PP.

  43. AOH to George Jaszi, n.d., 1954, PP.

  44. Nils Gilman, Mandarins of the Future: Modernization Theory in Cold War America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003), pp. 161–165.

  45. “Economics and Investment Planning,” in Investment Criteria and Economic Growth mimeo (Cambridge, MA: Center for International Studies, M.I.T., 1954); published by Asia Publishing House, New York, 1961, p. 41.

  46. “Economic Policy in Underdeveloped Countries,” Economic Development and Cultural Change 5:4 (July 1957), pp. 362–370.

  47. SH to Helen Jaszi, 14 Feb. 1956, PP.

  CHAPTER 11: Following My Truth

  1. SH to Helen Jaszi, 9 Nov. 1952, PP; KS to author, 21 Aug. 2007, in author’s possession.

  2. AOH, interview, 6 July 2002, Lloyd Reynolds to AOH, 13 July 1956, and Tom Schelling to AOH, 6 Aug. 1956, Filename: Yale 1956–58, box 83, AOHP.

  3. AOH to Lloyd Reynolds, 7 Jan. 1981, box 11, folder 8, AOHP.

  4. Nils Gilman, Mandarins of the Future: Modernization Theory in Cold War America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003), pp. 190–197.

  5. AOH, interview, 6 July 2002; Thomas Schelling, interview, 2 Oct. 2008.

  6. Norman S. Buchanan to AOH, 28 Mar. 1957, folder 5196, box 607, series 200, RG 1.2, RAC; AOH to UH, 7 Apr. 1957.

  7. “Some Suggestions for Social Science and Economic Research in Latin America,” May 1958, folder 120, box 15, series 300, RG 1.2, RAC; “Albert O. Hirschman Diary, Brazil and Colombia, Aug. 12–Sept 12, 1957,” folder 336, box 46, series 300, RG 6 (1957), RAC.

  8. Alexandre Kafka, “The Theoretical Interpretation of Latin American Economic Development,” in Economic development for Latin America, ed. Howard Ellis (New York: Macmillan, 1961), p. 1; AOH, interview 15 July 2002.

  9. Albert O Hirschman Diary, Brazil and Colombia, folder 336, box 46, series 300, RG 6 (1957), RAC.

  10. AOH to UH, 12 Jan. 1957, PP.

  11. SH, interview, 16 Aug. 2005.

  12. AOH to UH, 12 Jan. 1957, PP; Some basic principles of Strategy can be found in “Investment Policies and ‘Dualism’ in Underdeveloped Countries,” American Economic Review 47:5 (September 1957), pp. 550–570.

  13. AOH to UH, 27 Jan. 1958, PP.

  14. “Outline of a Proposed Study, 1957–1958,” 1 Apr. 1957, folder 5196, box 607, series 200, RG 1.2, RAC.

  15. Strategy Notes, file 1, box 80, folder, 16, AOHP; Burke, Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol, in The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke (London: Henry G. Bohn), vol. 2, p. 29.

  16. Strategy Notes, file 2, box 80, folder 16, AOHP.

  17. Ibid.

  18. Ibid.

  19. Ibid.

  20. Ibid.

  21. Quotes from “For Lisa, 6 June 1967,” PP.

  22. AOH to UH, 19 Oct. 1957, PP.

  23. AOH, “Three Basic Ideas from My Book to Be Developed,” box 8, folder 13, AOHP.

  24. AOH, “The Economics of Development Planning,” Institute on ICA Development Programming, 15 May 1959, Strategy Notes, file 2, box 80, folder 16, AOHP. This paper would later appear as the preface of the 1961 paperback edition.

  25. AOH to UH, 23 Aug. 1958, PP.

  26. AOH to J.R. Hicks, 12 Aug. 1959, Strategy Fan Mail, box 80, folder 14, AOHP.

  27. Roy Harrod to AOH, 8 June 1963, Strategy Fan Mail, box 80, folder 14, AOHP.

  28. Hollis B. Chenery, American Economic Review 49:5 (December 1959), pp. 1063–1065.

  29. AOH to Coos Polak, 20 Aug. 1959, Strategy Fan Mail, box 80, folder 14, AOHP; AOH to Hollis Chenery, 8 Aug. 1959, Strategy Corresp., box 80, folder 12, AOHP.

  30. Amartya Sen, Economic Journal 70 (September 1960), p. 590–594; Amartya Sen, interview, 3 June 2010.

  31. C.P. Kindleberger, Yale Review 48 (Spring 1959), pp. 440–442.

  32. AOH to Paul Streeten, 5 May 1958, Strategy Corresp., box 80, folder 12, AOHP.

  CHAPTER 12: The Empirical Lantern

  1. AOH to UH, 19 Oct. 1957, PP.

  2. Kathryn Sikkink, Ideas and Institutions: Developmentalism in Brazil and Argentina (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991); Peter Hall, ed., The Political Power of Economic Ideas: Keynesianism across Nations (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989).

  3. AOH, “Some Suggestions for Social Science and Economic Research in Latin America,” May 1958, folder 120, box 15, series 300, RG 1.2, RAC.

  4. AOH to Leland C. De Vinney, 20 June 1958, folder 5196, box 607, series 200, RG 1.2, RAC.

  5. AOH, “Some Suggestions for Social Science and Economic Research on Latin America,” folder 120, box 15, series 300, RG 1.2, RAC; AOH to De Vinney, 23 July 1958, folder 5196, box 607, series 200, RG 1.2, RAC. I am grateful to conversations with Mary Morgan on these points. For more on “the field,” see Henrika Kuklick and Robert E. Kohler, introduction to Science in the Field, Osiris, vol. 11 (1986), pp. 1–10.

  6. Alex Abella, Soldiers of Reason: The RAND Corporation and the Rise of the American Empire (New York: Harcourt, 2008), p. 49; Saul Friedman, “The RAND Corporation and Our Policy Makers,” Atlantic (September 1963), 63; Joseph Kraft, “RAND: Ar
senal for Ideas,” Harper’s Magazine (July 1960), 74; Bruce L. R. Smith, The Rand Corporation: Case Study of a Nonprofit Advisory Corporation (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1966), 125–126.

  7. G. Marine, “ ‘Think Factory’ De Luxe–The Air Force’s Project RAND,” Nation 188 (1959), pp. 131–135.

  8. Friedman, “The RAND Corporation,” 63; Kraft, “RAND: Arsenal for Ideas,” 74.

  9. Charles Lindblom, memo to Hirschman, n.d., p. 8, box 68, folder 15, AOHP.

  10. AOH and SH, interview, 1 Aug. 2005; “Economic Development, Research and Development, and Policy Making: Some Converging Views,” in Bias for Hope: Essays on Development and Latin America (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1971), pp. 63–84.

  11. Charles Lindblom, memo to Hirschman, n.d., box 68, folder 15, AOHP.

  12. AOH, interview, 15 July 2002.

  13. “Soviet Bloc-Latin American Economic Relations and United States Policy,” Project RAND Research Memorandum, 28 Sept. 1959, box 80, folder 8, AOHP.

  14. AOH to Altiero Spinelli, 31 Mar. 1962, PP.

  15. AOH, “Second Thoughts on the Alliance for Progress,” The Reporter, 25 May 1961, reprinted in Bias for Hope, pp. 175–182.

  16. AOH, interview, 15 July 2002.

  17. AOH to UH, 14 June 1958 and 23 Aug. 1958, PP.

  18. AOH, interview, 29 July 2002.

  19. Economics 1 Lecture on Economic Development, June 1968, box 71, folder 3, AOHP.

  20. Colin Bradford, interview, 7 Aug. 2009.

  21. Richard Bird, interview 5 Aug. 2009; Peter Kenen, interview 10 Mar. 2010; Judith Tendler, interview, 2 Aug. 2009.

  22. Robert Picciotto to AOH, 7 Oct. 1985, AOH to Robert Picciotto, 14 Oct. 1985, box 59, folder 2, AOHP.

  23. Dauzat interview.

  24. “Staff Report, Annual Meeting of the Board, 1959,” Century Fund Archives, New York.

  25. Notes on “Draft Memorandum by AOH,” Century Fund Archives.

  26. AOH, interview, 22 July 2002.

  27. AOH, “Memorandum on Twentieth Century Fund Study on Latin America,” 24 Nov. 1959, box 69, folder 8, AOHP.

  28. AOH, “Ideologies of Development in Latin America,” in AOH (ed.), Latin American Issues (New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1961), esp. p. 36.

  29. 1960 Annual Report (NY: Twentieth Century Fund, 1960), pp. 31–32.

  30. “Some Notes by the Author,” box 69, folder 3, AOHP.

  31. Enrique Peñalosa to AOH, 29 Oct. 1962, box 68, folder 13, AOHP.

  32. AOH and SH, interview, 1 Aug. 2005.

  33. 1962 Annual Report (NY: Twentieth Century Fund, 1962), p. 35.

  34. Ibid.

  35. Enrique Peñalosa to AOH, 3 Dec. 1962, box 68, folder 13, AOHP.

  36. AOH, interview, 22 July 2002; Celso Furtado to AOH, 29 Jan. 1962, box 68, folder 13, AOHP.

  37. Lincoln Gordon to AOH, 29 Jan. 1962, box 69, folder 1, AOHP.

  38. “Fals Borda,” n.d.; Carlos Lleras Restrepo, box 40, folder 7, AOHP.

  39. “Albert O. Hirschman Diary, Brazil and Colombia, Aug. 12–Sept 12, 1957,” folder 336, box 46, series 300, RG 6 (1957), RAC.

  40. Fals-Borda, El Hombre y La Tierra en Boyacá: Bases Socio-Históricas para una Reforma Agraria (Bogotá: Documentos Cololmbianos, 1957); SH, email to author, 12 Sept. 2007.

  41. “Brazil,” box 39, folder 12, AOHP.

  42. Clotario Blest, Eduardo Frei, Salvador Allende, interviews by AOH, box 40, folder 3, AOHP.

  43. AOH, “Some Notes by the Author on Journeys Towards Progress,” p. 4, box 69, folder 3, AOHP.

  44. Lincoln Gordon to AOH, 3 Sept. 1963, box 68, folder 9, AOHP.

  45. AOH, interview, 29 July 2002; AOH, “Obstacles to Development,” box 10, folder 16, AOHP; “Obstacles to Development: A Classification and a Quasi-Vanishing Act,” Economic Development and Cultural Change 13:2 (July 1965), pp. 385–393.

  CHAPTER 13: Sing the Epic

  1. F. Champion Ward to AOH, 6 Dec. 1963, General Correspondence, 1963, C-1453, Ford Foundation Archives, New York.

  2. AOH to UH, 15 Mar. 1964, PP; Andrew W. Cordier to AOH, 23 Mar. 1964, PP.

  3. AOH to UH, 20 June 1964, PP.

  4. AOH to J. Burke Knapp, 14 Mar. 1963, Projects Evaluation—Professor Albert O. Hirschman—Vol. 1, Series No. 4225: Operations Policy Files, Projects and Studies—General 1946–68, WBGA–Hirschman Vol. 1; see also Michele Alacevich, “Albert O. Hirschman and Project Evaluation at the World Bank,” unpublished ms. in author’s possession.

  5. Alexander Stevenson, interview, 17 Oct. 2003; Robert E. Asher to Robert D. Calkins, memorandum, 18 Apr. 1964, WBGA–Hirschman Vol. 1.

  6. Alexander Stevenson to Escott Reid, office memorandum, 3 Mar. 1964, WBGA–Hirschman Vol. 1.

  7. Robert F. Skillings to Syed S. Husain, 26 Feb. 1964, WBGA–Hirschman Vol. 1.

  8. AOH to UH, 20 June 1964.

  9. Francine R. Frankel, India’s Political Economy, 1947–1977: The Gradual Revolution (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978), pp. 201–216.

  10. “India DVC,” DPO file, box 57, folder 2, AOHP.

  11. AOH to UH, 10 July 1965, PP.

  12. AOH, “Nigeria Notes,” DPO file, box 57, folder 2, AOHP.

  13. AOH, “Ideas-Miscellaneous,” DPO file, box 57, folder 2, AOHP.

  14. AOH, INDIA-DVC, p. 1, DPO file, box 57, folder 2, AOHP.

  15. Ibid., p. 4.

  16. AOH to UH, 4 Feb. 1965, PP.

  17. AOH, “Ideas-Miscellaneous, DPO file, box 57, folder 2, AOHP.

  18. AOH, “Uganda Notes,” DPO file, box 57, folder 2, AOHP.

  19. “AOH, “A Study of Selected World Bank Projects—Some Interim Observations,” August 1965, WBGA–Hirschman Vol. 1.

  20. Hans Adler, “Comments on Professor Hirschman,” 22 Sept. 1965; Mario Piccagli to H.B. Ripman, 22 Sept. 1965, WBGA–Hirschman Vol. 1.

  21. AOH to Kenneth Bohr, 18 Oct. 1965, WBGA–Hirschman Vol. 1.

  22. AOH to UH, 29 Sept. 1966, PP.

  23. AOH, “Thailand Notes,” DPO file, box 57, folder 2, AOHP.

  24. Ibid.; AOH to Walter Salant, 7 Feb. 1967, box 57, folder 1, AOHP.

  25. AOH, review of W. A. Lewis, Political Sciences Quarterly 82:1 (March 1967); “Out of Phase,” Encounter (September 1965), pp. 21–23.

  26. Sandy Stevenson to AOH, 29 Dec. 1967, box 10, folder 4, AOHP.

  27. Herman G. van der Tak to AOH, 20 Dec. 1966, box 57, folder 1, AOHP. Kenneth A. Bohr to AOH, 14 July 1966, AOH to Herman G. van der Tak, 27 Dec. 1966, Raihan Sharif, “Draft Check List of Points for Examining Project Design and Economic Evaluation of Projects,” 17 July 1967, WBGA–Hirschman Vol. 2.

  28. AOH to Tom Schelling, 27 July 1966, box 57, folder 15, AOHP.

  29. Walter Salant to AOH, 1 June 1966, WBGA–Hirschman Vol. 2; Nathan Rosenberg to AOH, 19 Jan. 1967 and AOH to Walter Salant, 7 Feb. 1967, box 57, folder 1, AOHP.

  30. Irving Kristol to AOH, 26 July 1966 and Goran Ohlin to OH, 13 Aug. 1966, box 57, folder 2, AOHP; Andrew Kamarck to AOH, 28 Oct. 1966, WBGA–Hirschman Vol. 2.

  31. AOH to Hans Singer, 9 Dec. 1968, box 57, folder 14, AOHP.

  32. Edward S. Mason and Robert E. Asher, The World Bank since Bretton Woods (Washington: Brookings Institution, 1973), p. 250.

  33. AOH, interview, 4 Aug. 2002.

  34. AOH to Theodore Moran, 2 Jan. 1973, box 68, folder 9, AOHP.

  35. AOH to UH, 3 July 1966; Alain Salomon, interview, 13 Apr. 2010.

  36. AOH to UH, 2 July and 3 Sept. 1967, PP.

  37. Fernando Henrique Cardoso, interview, 6 July 2012.

  38. AOH, “A Dissenter’s Confession: The Strategy of Economic Development Revisted,” in Rival Views, p. 104.

  39. AOH, “The Political Economy of Import-Substituting Industrialization in Latin America,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 82 (February 1968), pp. 2–32, reprinted in Bias for Hope, pp. 85–123; for more on fundamental vs. nonfundamental see AOH, “The Welfare State in Trouble,” in Rival Views, pp. 163–168; Fernando Henrique Cardoso, interview, 6 July 2012

  40. Ibid.

  41. “Underdevelopment, Obstacles to the Perception of Change, and Leadership,” Daedalus 97:3 (Summer 1968), pp. 925–937.

  42. Richard Bird, interview, 5 Aug. 2009.

  43. AOH, “Foreign Aid: A Critique and a Proposal,” Princeton Essays in International Finance, 69 (July 1969), reprinted in Bias for Hope, pp. 197–224; Sandy Stevenson to AOH, 29 Dec. 1967, box 10, folder 4, AOHP.

  CHAPTER 14: The God Who Helped

  1. AOH to Sam Bowles, 21 Jan. 1970, box 67, folder 1, AOHP.

  2. AOH to UH, n.d. and 2 July 1967, PP.

  3. Stanley Hoffmann, interview, 7 Nov. 2009.

  4. Sam Bowles, interview, 7 Oct. 2008.

  5. “Hirschman Receives Littauer Chair,” Harvard Crimson, 31 Mar. 1967.

  6. Richard Bird, interview, 5 Aug. 2009.

  7. “Faculty Radicals,” Harvard Crimson, 18 Nov. 1974.

  8. Peter Gourevitch, interview, 21 July 2011.

  9. AOH to UH, 14 Sept. 1965, PP.

  10. AOH to UH, 2 Sept. 1966, PP.

  11. SH, interview, 25 July 2005.

  12. Parmar Inderjeet, Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power (New York: Columbia University Press, 2012), pp. 200–208; AOH to Kalman Silvert, 3 Dec. 1967, General Correspondence, GEN-72, Ford Foundation Archives.

  13. “Competition vs Monopoly,” November 1967, box 60, folder 5, AOHP.

  14. Kenneth Arrow, interview, 6 Aug. 2009.

  15. Alexander Gerschenkron to AOH, 9 Nov. 1966, box 60, folder 6, AOHP.

  16. AOH to UH, 9 Dec. 1967, PP.

  17. Kalman Silvert to AOH, 15 Jan. 1968, General Correspondence, GEN-72, Ford Foundation Archives.

  18. AOH, Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1970), p. 105.

  19. AOH to UH, 10 July and 8 Sept. 1968, PP; Exit, Voice, and Loyalty, p. 101.

  20. AOH to UH, 20 Oct. 1968, PP.

  21. David C. Atkinson, In Theory and in Practice: Harvard’s Center for International Affairs (Cambridge MA: Center for International Affairs, 2007), p. 137.


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