Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman

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Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman Page 87

by Jeremy Adelman

Le Nouvel Observateur (newspaper), 636

  Novalis (Georg von Hardenburg), 633

  nuclear secrets, 274

  nuclear weapons, 449. See also atomic bomb

  Nurkse, Ragnar, 300, 329, 362

  O (Gruppe Leninistiche Organisation). See ORG

  oar-pulling, 548

  The Obstacles to Change in Latin America (Véliz), 412

  obstacles to development, 329, 341–42, 350, 379, 381, 409–13, 418, 435

  O’Donnell, Guillermo, 466–68, 470–74, 476–80, 483, 501, 509, 543, 560, 575, 579, 608

  Odyssey (Homer), 9

  Offe, Claus, 532–33, 559–60, 603, 617–18, 620, 630

  Offe, Sabine, 87, 603, 616–18

  Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 7, 221, 223, 226–28, 232–37, 241–42, 252, 255, 284–85, 287–88

  Ohlin, Bertil, 126

  Ohlin, Goran, 405

  Ollenhauer, Erich, 68

  Olson, Mancur, 448, 534, 547–49, 551–56, 576, 585, 591, 593, 614; The Logic of Collective Action, 533–35

  Operation Latin America, 361

  Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 199–200, 288, 367, 493–94

  opportunism, 189

  optimism and hopefulness, 11, 70, 94, 99, 268, 348, 392–93, 435, 438, 451, 462–63, 466, 484, 486–87, 493, 500, 509, 515–16, 533, 551–53, 581, 584, 594, 597, 612

  ORG (Gruppe Leninistische Organisation), 68–69, 103, 104

  organic intellectuals, 377

  Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 546, 560, 561

  Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 266, 270–72

  Organizzazione per la Vigilanza e la Repressione dell’Antifascismo (OVRA), 147, 151, 155

  orthodoxy: in development field, 322–23, 328–31; in economics, 13, 259, 263–65, 268–69, 279, 332, 335

  Ortíz, Fernando, Cuban Counterpoint, 461

  Orwell, George, 132, 135, 136

  Oscar (cousin), 158, 181–82, 187–88

  Ospina Pérez, Mariano, 298, 300

  OSS, 287. See Office of Strategic Services

  Ostjuden (Eastern Jews), 25–26, 33–36, 50, 154, 221

  Ostwerke, 47–48

  Oszlak, Oscar, 433, 480, 579, 581

  overcommitment, 554

  OVRA. See Organizzazione per la Vigilanza e la Repressione dell’Antifascismo

  Owens, Jesse, 127

  Packenham, Robert, 365

  painting, 652

  Pakistan, 390, 462

  palindromes, 7

  Papandreou, Andreas, 449

  Papandreou, George, 449

  Paris, France: as crossroads, 154; espionage and intrigue in, 155; H and, 38, 82–118, 128–29, 151–65, 248; Italian exiles in, 112–13, 129–30; refugees in, 87, 97–100, 152–55

  Parsons, Talcott, 495

  Partido d’Azione (PA), 229

  Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista (POUM), 132–33, 135, 136

  Partido Socialista di Unità Proletaria (PSUI), 230

  Party of Action, 113

  Pascal, Blaise, 439, 535

  Passell, Peter, 614

  passions, 504, 510–24, 526

  past, H’s relationship to and disclosure of his, 2, 11, 83, 95, 120, 134–35, 188, 190–91, 195, 206, 289, 292, 419, 500, 571–72, 603–4, 608, 609, 617, 619–22, 648–49

  Pasvolsky, Leo, 182

  Patocka Memorial Lecture, 644

  Patterson, Orlando, 501

  Payne, James L., 434–35

  Paz, Octavio, 417, 439, 456, 463, 466

  Pazos, Felipe, 366–67

  peace, 161–62, 212–13

  Pearl Harbor, 207, 219

  Peñalosa, Enrique, 306, 372, 375–76, 378

  pendulum metaphor, 522, 552, 554–56, 558, 563, 594

  People and Stories (Gente y Cuentos), 580, 590

  perfection, impossibility of, 14, 381, 450, 522, 564, 565, 584

  Pergamon Press, 587

  Perón, Isabel, 480

  Perón, Juan, 374, 410, 521

  Perroux, François, 381, 435

  Pertini, Sandro, 152

  Peru, 387, 409, 579, 589–90

  perverse effects, 630, 636

  perversity thesis, 633

  pessimism and defeatism, 214–15, 239, 307–8, 312, 380, 382, 421, 451, 463–66, 486–87, 500, 533–34, 547, 556, 623, 654. See also futilism

  Pétain, Philippe, 167–69, 178–80

  Peterson, Ruth, 182

  petites idées, 115–16, 145–46, 198, 236, 283, 349, 393, 420–22, 435, 441, 482, 503, 576, 582, 610, 620, 631, 647. See also details, particulars, and fine-grained analysis

  Petrusewicz, Marta, 647

  Physiocrats, 503

  Piatier, Henri, 161

  Piatigorsky, Gregor, 254

  Piccagli, Mario, 399

  Picciotto, Robert, 654

  Pichi, Padre, 581

  Pincherle, Bruno, 108

  Pincherle, Gino, 108, 243

  Pinochet, Augusto, 473, 478, 482, 515, 523, 591, 598, 600, 623, 625

  Pinto, Aníbal, 409–10, 421, 624, 626

  Piore, Michael, 654

  Pizzorno, Alessandro, 532–33

  planning: abstract and theoretical approach to, 306–7, 338–40, 345–46, 402, 544; in Colombian development, 297–310. See also development

  Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System, 402

  Playboy (magazine), 429

  Pliny the Elder, 144

  Plural (magazine), 466

  Pocock, John, 505–6, 514, 521; The Machiavellian Moment, 506, 514

  Polak, J. J. (Coos), 351

  Poland, 164–65

  Polish Academy of Sciences, 631

  political economy, 76, 93, 125, 383, 446, 452, 503, 563, 601, 647. See also international political economy

  Political Theory (journal), 520

  politics: in Berlin, 66–67, 78–79; economics in relation to, 161, 207–17, 450, 502–24; ends/means question in, 199; H’s involvement in, 65–67, 69–81, 117, 147–49, 287, 291, 572; Italian, 112–13, 117, 147–48, 229–30; postwar, 262; in Weimar Republic, 62–63, 65–66, 68–81. See also alternatives, in politics and historical explanation

  Popper, Karl, 450

  Popular Front, 103, 113, 126, 127, 128, 130, 153

  population growth, 141

  Portugal, 172, 173, 176, 184

  positivism, 545, 568

  possibilism, 3–4, 11, 236, 450–54, 552. See also change, openness as condition for

  post-modernism, 539

  POUM. See Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista

  poverty, 299–300, 321–22, 329

  Powelson, Jack, 587

  Prebisch, Raúl, 338, 354, 613; The Economic Development of Latin America and its Principal Problems, 303

  preferences, 459, 518, 546, 549–50. See also meta-preferences

  Price, Donald, 383

  price theory, 401

  Princeton, New Jersey, 499

  Princeton University, 461–62, 471, 475–80, 484, 491, 493–501, 505–6, 532–33, 537–42, 545, 547–48, 550–51, 599–602. See also Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Princeton

  Princeton University Press, 510, 557

  private goods, 533, 690n4

  private life, 551–66, 586–87, 593–94. See also individualism

  prizes. See awards and honors

  problem solving, 265, 301, 304, 311, 313, 347–48, 357–59, 369, 377–79, 584–85, 597

  Program in Social Change, Princeton University, 494–96, 537, 540–41

  program support, 414

  project lending, 414

  protectionism, 161, 205

  Prussia, 21, 23–24, 53–54

  psychology: behavioral sciences and, 340–41; cognitive dissonance, 436, 439; criticisms of, from structuralist perspective, 466; economic development and, 341–42, 348; of epochal transitions, 464; on exit vs. voice, 442–43; and the heart, 526; in historical explanation, 211; H’s study of, 340; in literature, 144; in Ludwig’s biographies, 59; methodological individu
alism and, 123–24; of the self, 437–38; social psychology, 435. See also disappointment; human nature; passions

  public choice economics, 447–48, 550, 593, 633

  Public Choice Society, 448

  public debate, 5–6

  public goods, 521, 533, 690n4

  Public Interest (journal), 405–6, 635

  public life, 551–66, 586–87, 593–94. See also common interests

  Pusey, Nathan, 428

  Putnam, Hilary, 647

  Quarterly Journal of Economics, 204, 457

  Queuille, Henri, 267

  Quilmes, Argentina, 579–81

  Quixote, Don, 11

  quotations, H’s collection of, 145, 206, 236, 491, 504, 535, 609

  RAB. See Research and Analysis Branch

  race, 150, 429, 440

  Radetti, Giorgio, 108

  radio, 197

  RAND Corporation, 355–57, 359–61

  Ráquira, Argentina, 582

  Rassam, Amal, 542

  rational actor theories, 557, 565, 568

  Rawls, John, 532–33, 535, 618, 619; A Theory of Justice, 562

  reactionary response, to social crisis, 14, 427, 446, 629–37. See also conservatism

  reading groups (tutorials), 56–59, 65

  reading habits, 59, 92–93, 479, 489–93, 550. See also books and bookstores; literature: H’s affinity for

  Reagan, Ronald, 428–29, 446, 555, 556, 594–95, 605, 627–28, 633

  realism, 111, 209, 526, 536

  realpolitik, 209

  reconstruction, postwar, 249, 259–76, 295

  recuperation, 438

  Red Army Faction, 617

  Red Scare, 278

  re-entry, 445

  reform: criticisms of, 450, 462; H and, 11, 415, 422–23; in Latin America, 369, 372–80, 384; multiple strategies for, 274; nature and significance of, 14–15; possibility of, 437; resilience and, 239; resistance to, 380–81, 629–37; revolution vs., 370, 373, 379–80, 384, 415, 466; tension and, 342, 379; theory of, 552; types of reformer, 342; in Weimar Republic, 72; workings of, 342

  reformmongering, 376, 379–80, 384, 426, 435, 452

  refugees: in Paris, 87, 97–100, 152–55; rescuing of, from France, 171–83, 607–8, 648–49, 652; US attitude toward, 181–82; in WWII, 168, 170–71, 184

  regrets. See tragedy, loss, and regrets, in H’s life

  regulation, international trade, 202, 212–16, 266

  Reid, Joseph, Jr., 446

  Rein, Lia, 70, 72, 97, 100, 103, 151, 255, 612, 636

  Rein, Mark, 70, 72, 100–101, 103, 107, 129, 136–37, 148, 200

  Rein, Rafael (aka Rafael Abramovitch), 70, 100–101, 103, 105, 135, 137–38, 171

  Rein, Rosa, 101, 137–38, 148

  Reinhardt, Max, 19, 20

  relative deprivation theory, 466

  religion, H’s thought on his family’s, 241

  remittances and care packages, 188, 256–57, 260, 264, 320

  Renaissance, 506–7

  Renault, 481

  Reporter (newspaper), 361

  republicanism, 505–6, 514, 515

  Republican Party, US, 260, 263, 325, 555, 594–95

  reputation, 455, 575, 583, 599–600. See also awards and honors; influence of H

  rescue operation, in France during WWII, 171–83, 607–8, 648–49, 652

  Research and Analysis Branch (RAB), 223, 226, 227

  research ethics, 574

  retirement, 599–638

  retrospection, 609–10

  Rév, István, 631

  reviews. See critical reception

  reviews, of institutions, 386–407, 576–85

  revolution, social change through, 14, 70, 354, 370, 373, 379–80, 384, 411, 415–16, 434, 450–52, 463, 466, 654

  Reyna, José Luis, 473

  Reynolds, Lloyd, 326, 331–32

  Rhodes, Hanka, 316

  Ricardo, David, 125, 126

  Richelieu, Cardinal, 610

  Richter, Leopoldo, 316

  Riesman, David, 356, 405, 449, 564, 566

  Right, political: criticisms of, 546–47, 555, 557, 631–32; in France, 127, 129; in Germany, 65, 68, 72, 77; in Latin America, 410–11, 420–21, 484–85; and loyalty, 446; and public-private debate, 555; rhetoric and politics of, 534, 628–37; in United States, 534, 555, 557, 628–37; on the welfare state, 546–47

  Ripman, Hugh, 399

  Rist, Charles, 159

  Robbins, Lionel, 121–23, 156, 159, 298; Nature and Significance of Economic Science, 545

  Roberts, Bryan, 576

  Robinson, Austin, 351

  Robinson, Thomas, 639

  Rockefeller, Nelson, 416

  Rockefeller Foundation, 159, 161, 162, 181–82, 187–90, 194, 202, 204–5, 220, 293, 332–33, 354, 450, 574–75, 596

  Roda, Juan Antonio, 316, 372, 499

  Roda, Maria, 372

  Roditi, Harold, 249, 257

  Rodrik, Dani, 653

  Rohan, Duke of, 503

  Rohatyn, Felix, 628

  Röhm, Ernst, 99, 101

  Rojas Pinilla, Gustavo, 298, 309

  Rokkan, Stein, 448

  Romania, 164, 211

  romantic relationships, 43–44, 70, 97, 158, 176, 619

  Rome, Italy, 249, 257

  Romer, Paul, 639

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 181–82, 214, 236

  Rorty, Richard, 567

  Rosa, Robert, 267

  Rose, Daniel, 628

  Rosenberg, Nathan, 404

  Rosenberg, Wolfgang, 61, 63

  Rosenstein-Rodan, Paul, 300, 303, 322, 330, 333–34, 615

  Rosenthal, Gert, 484

  Rosenwald, Julius, 181

  Rosovsky, Henry, 419, 458, 498

  Rosselli, Carlo, 113, 129–30, 133–34, 136, 150; Socialismo liberale, 117

  Rosselli brothers, 113, 130, 236

  Rossi, Ada, 229

  Rossi, Ernesto, 152, 229

  Rossi-Doria, Manlio, 229

  Rostow, Walt W., 321–22, 330, 416; The Stages of Economic Growth, 330

  Rothschild, Emma, 546, 639, 654; Economic Sentiments, 520

  Rothschild, Michael, 417, 418, 460

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 508, 535–36, 572; Government of Poland, 521

  rowing, 61–62, 62

  Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 286

  Rubinstein, Arthur, 254

  Rueschemeyer, Dietrich, 602

  Rusconi, Claudia, 647

  Russell, Bertrand, 647

  Russia, 531, 603–4

  Rustow, Dankwart (Dan), 362, 412

  Rutgers University, 606

  Ruthenia, 164

  Ryan, Alan, 520

  Ryan, Hugh, 316

  Saba, Umberto, 143, 145, 152, 235–36

  Sabel, Charles, 654

  Sachs, Jeffrey, 653

  Sachs-Klein Mission, 378

  Sadove, Robert, 386

  Sadun, Piero, 234–35

  Said, Edward, 3

  Saint Simon, Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de, 144

  SAJ. See Workers Socialist Youth

  Salant, Walter, 404–5

  Salaün, Yves, 305

  Salinas de Gotari, Carlos, 624

  Salomon, Alain, 408, 425–26, 640–41, 644, 657

  Salomon, Grégoire, 652

  Salomon, Jean-Jacques, 546

  Samper, Gabriela, 316

  Samuelson, Paul, Foundations of Economic Analysis, 545

  Santa Monica, California, 356

  Santiso, Javier, 602

  Sanyal, Bishwapriya, 654

  Sartori, Giovanni, 448

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 114, 237, 249, 645

  Sauvage, Pierre, 649

  Schelling, Thomas, 293, 326, 331–32, 343, 345, 356, 404, 418, 449, 457, 459, 569, 614, 650; The Strategy of Conflict, 332

  Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von, 633

  Schlegel, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich, 633

  Schmidt, Erich, 67–69, 103

  Schmitt, Carl, 625

Schmitter, Philippe, 458, 472–74, 575

  Scholem, Gershom, 22, 23

  Schön, Donald A., 654

  School of Historical Studies, Princeton University, 542

  School of Social Science, IAS, Princeton University, 500–501, 506, 532–33, 537–42, 545, 600–601

  Schultz, Theodore, 615

  Schuman, Robert, 259

  Schumpeter, Joseph, 123, 209, 550

  Schutzbund, 72

  Schutzstaffel (SS), 78, 99, 155

  Schwarz, Roberto, 551

  Scialoja, Toti, 234

  science, social/behavioral sciences in relation to, 340–41, 433–35, 539

  Sciences Po. See École libre des sciences politiques

  Scitovsky, Tibor, 122; The Joyless Economy, 548–49

  Scott, Joan, 559

  Scott, Rebecca, 575

  Scottish Enlightenment, 503, 629

  Secret Intelligence (SI) Branch, of OSS, 226–27, 244, 246

  Secret Intelligence Service, British (SIS), 155

  security file, 284–94

  seductiveness, 527–28, 640

  Selassie, Haile, 139

  self, concepts of, 517, 522. See also human nature

  self-correcting markets, 259

  self-interest, 510–11, 513–17, 586–87

  self-refutation, 647

  self-subversion, 610, 639, 646

  Sen, Amartya, 351, 494, 541, 549–50, 554, 576, 614, 616, 639, 655; “Behaviour and the Concept of Preference,” 549–50; Collective Choice and Social Welfare, 549–50; “Rational Fools,” 550

  Sen, Eva (niece), 550

  Sereni, Emilio “Mimmo,” 112, 147, 148

  Serra, José, 475, 480, 501, 505, 627

  Serra, Monica, 475

  Serra Puche, Jaime, 624

  Sewell, William (Bill), 501, 538–40

  Shah, Shekhar, 597

  Shalala, Donna, 628

  Shefter, Martin, 532

  Shils, Edward, 494

  Shirer, John, 257

  Shklar, Judith, 452, 479

  show trials, Soviet, 100, 104, 138

  SI. See Secret Intelligence (SI) Branch, of OSS

  Sicherheitsdienst (SD), 155

  Siena, Italy, 233, 240–41

  Signac, Paul, 42

  Silvers, Robert, 623, 635

  Silvert, Kalman, 421, 423–24

  Simmons, Adele, 601

  Simon, Gertrude, 37, 39, 81, 525, 620

  Simons, A., 36

  Singer, Hans, 406

  skepticism, 12–13, 338–39, 341

  Skillings, Robert F., 387–88

  Skinner, Quentin, 10, 466, 501, 505–8, 513, 514, 538, 540–42, 550, 558, 562, 564, 572, 599, 630; Foundations of Modern Political Thought, 507

  Skocpol, Theda, 542, 602

  small ideas. See petites idées

  small-scale analysis. See details, particulars, and fine-grained analysis

  Smedley, Agnes, Daughter of the Earth, 73

  Smelser, Neil, 541


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