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GBC, George B. Cortelyou
GBCD, George B. Cortelyou Diary, in George B. Cortelyou Papers
GBCP, George B. Cortelyou Papers
HMcCP, Hanna-McCormick Papers
ISM, Ida Saxton McKinley
JBF, Joseph B. Foraker
JBMP, John Bassett Moore Papers
LoC, Library of Congress
MAH, Marcus Alonzo Hanna
RBH, Rutherford B. Hayes
WMcK, William McKinley
WMcKP, William McKinley Papers
WMPL, William McKinley Presidential Library
at six-thirty that evening: “President in Buffalo,” Washington Post, September 5, 1901.
an estimated eight million: “Pan-American Exposition,” Wikipedia.
“a splendid little war”: quoted in Thomas, The War Lovers, p. 364.
“Brotherhood of the Nations”: quoted in “Our American Friends,” New York Times, June 15, 1901.
“unconcealed haughtiness”: Ibid.
“this grand and beautiful spectacle”: quoted in ibid.
“the masks that he wore”: quoted in Gould, The Spanish-American War and President McKinley, p. 2.
“a tantalizing enigma”: Zimmermann, p. 10.
“Here, you put on this overcoat”: quoted in Olcott, p. 2:359.
She swooned briefly: Anthony, p. 241.
“sensory overload”: Ibid.
The solicitous husband: Ibid.
“smiled happily”: “President in Buffalo.”
350-acre fairground: Miller, The President and the Assassin, p. 4.
389-foot-high Electric Tower: Ibid., p. 3.
green-brick mansion: “The Milburn Home,” New York Times, September 7, 1901.
at around ten: “President M’Kinley Favors Reciprocity,” New York Times, September 6, 1901.
“probably the greatest crowd”: Ibid.
116,000 people flocked: Miller, The President and the Assassin, p. 4.
“the timekeepers of progress”: WMcK, “Last Speech of William McKinley,” U.S. Senate, 58th Congress, 2nd Session, Document No. 268 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1904).
“It is the utterance of a man”: quoted in “Comment on President’s Speech,” New York Times, September 6, 1901.
particularly hearty applause: “President M’Kinley Favors Reciprocity.”
people broke through: “M’Kinley Points Way,” Washington Post, September 6, 1901.
“I warned him against this”: quoted in “Mr. Griggs Warned Mr. M’Kinley,” New York Times, September 7, 1901.
enjoy a solitary walk: Miller, The President and the Assassin, p. 8.
“Why should I?”: Olcott, p. 1:314.
fifty hands a minute: Halstead, The Illustrious Life of William McKinley, p. 428.
shook hands for twenty minutes: “M’Kinley Points Way.”
Lurking in the shadows: Miller, The President and the Assassin, pp. 5-6.
“the garden of the world”: quoted in Andrew R. L. Cayton, “The Significance of Ohio in the
Early American Republic,” in Cayton and Hobbs, The Center of a Great Empire, p. 1.
died in Massachusetts in 1823: Ibid., p. 3.
fifth largest population: Ibid.
by 1830 they had subdued: Cayton, Ohio, p. 16.
production of corn: Ibid., p. 22.
population of 2,339,502: Cayton, “The Significance of Ohio in the Early American Republic.”
“Ohio recapitulated”: quoted in ibid., p. 2.
“fully competent to govern”: quoted in ibid., p. 5.
“in a Country”: quoted in ibid.
320,000 men into blue uniforms: “Ohio in the American Civil War,” Wikipedia.
“David the Weaver”: Olcott, p. 1:3.
Scottish chieftain named Fionn laoch: S. S. Knabenshue, “The McKinleys of County Antrim,” unpublished manuscript, enclosed with letter to George B. Cortelyou, December 4, 1908, GBCP, Box 41.
316 acres: Olcott, p. 1:3.
fought in the American Revolution: Ibid.
William, born in 1807: Ibid., p. 4.
the Bible, Shakespeare, and Dante: Ibid., p. 5.
In 1829 William McKinley married: Porter, p. 40.
“a born gentlewoman”: Olcott, p. 1:6.
Hume’s History of England: Morgan, William McKinley and His America, p. 5.
“3 churches, 3 stores”: quoted in Olcott, p. 1:10.
“There wasn’t much of a town”: quoted in Morgan, William McKinley and His America, p. 5.
nine children: Porter, p. 41.
born January 29, 1843: Ibid., p. 42.
teacher named Alva Sanford: Olcott, p. 1:8.
“pure luxury”: quoted in Leech, In the Days of McKinley, p. 4.
founded in 1849: Olcott, p. 1:15.
“Will is good at anything”: quoted in ibid., p. 14.
never indulged in swear words: Ibid., p. 15.
“torrents of eloquence”: Ibid., p. 18.
“profess conversion”: Ibid., p. 19.
“It was seldom”: quoted in Morgan, William McKinley and His America, p. 8.
“speaking pieces”: Olcott, p. 1:19.
Everett Literary and Debating Society: Ibid., p. 20.
“very strong abolitionists”: quoted in Morgan, William McKinley and His America, p. 10.
liked to linger and discuss politics: Ibid.
money from their savings: Ibid., p. 11.
venturing toward treason: Ibid.
“boarding around”: Olcott, p. 1:21.
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