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Acosta, José de, Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies
Adams, Robert
Algernon Fort
Algonkian languages
Alphonso, king of Naples
Anna, queen of England
Appomattox, Indian town
Archer, Gabriel:
on Blessing
Powhatans described by
preparations for departure
at sea
Argall, Samuel
Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities
Barbuda, plans to rendezvous at
Bedford, Lucy, Countess of
Bennit, Nicholas
cahows (Bermuda petrels)
castaways on
cemetery on
claim for England
desire to stay on
as Devil’s Islands
discord on
execution on
Gates [his] Bay
historic underwater sites protected by
as ideal spot
insects and pests
John Taylor the Water Poet writing about
map by Somers
memorials left on
myths about
palmetto trees
Bermuda (cont.)
plants of
postage stamps of
preparation for departure to Virginia
Sea Venture approaching
Sea Venture landing at
settlers remaining on
and Shakespeare’s Tempest
shipwrecks near
Somers Creek
Somers Day in
storms on
Strachey’s report on
transformation of
Bermuda Hundred, Virginia
Bermuda Maritime Museum
Bermúdez, Juan
Bird, George
Bird Islands
Blackfriars Theater, London
arrival at Jamestown
disappearance in hurricane
leaving England
Pierce mother and daughter as passengers on
return to England
Blunt, Humphrey
Bohun, Lawrence
Box, William
Brewster, Edward
Brian, William
Briars, Jeffery
Buck, Rev. Richard:
on Bermuda
in Jamestown
and Persons-Powell wedding
on Sea Venture
Butler, Nathaniel
Campion, Thomas
Canary Islands
Carter, Christopher
Catherine of Aragon
Césaire, Aimé, Une Tempête
Chapman, George, Memorable Maske
Children of the Revels
Clark, John
Correr, Marc Antonio
Coryate, Thomas
Crashaw, Rev. William
Dainty, arrival at Jamestown
Dale, Sir Thomas:
as acting governor
and Indian conflict
and Jamestown expansion
and Jamestown restoration
laws imposed by
as marshall
and Spanish incursion
and upriver fort
Davis, James
Delaware, Thomas West, Lord:
administrative actions of
arrival in Jamestown
illness of
and Indians
leaving for Virginia
named Virginia governor
at northern campsite
return to England
to West Indies for his health
Delaware, arrival at Jamestown
Delaware Bay, naming of
arrival in Virginia
construction of
leaving Bermuda
Devonshire pottery
arrival at Jamestown
disappearance in hurricane
leaving England
Discovery, sail to Bermuda for food
Donne, John:
and Jamestown expedition
and patronage
Strachey’s friendship with
Downing, Edmund
Dowse (drummer)
Drake, Sir Francis
Drayton, Michael
Drury, Sir Robert
Durham, Jimmie, Cherokee artist
Eason, Bermudas, birth of
Eason, Edward
Elizabeth, Princess
black plague in
class distinctions in
colonies of
economic changes in
and the glory of conquest
“old-style” calendar in
see also London
Evelyn, Robert
arrival at Jamestown
disappearance in hurricane
leaving England
Fernández de Oviedo, Gonzalo
History of the West Indies
Fletcher, John
Florio, John
Fort Charles
Fort Henry
Frederick V, Palatine ruler
Frobisher, Richard:
leaving Bermuda
Gates, Sir Thomas:
arrival in Virginia
on Bermuda
and boat-building
death of
and Delaware
and discord
early years of
example set by
feared lost
and hurricane
and Indian violence
as interim governor
in Jamestown
joining the expedition
landing at Bermuda
letters to England from
as lieutenant governor
and obligation to Virginia Company
on postage stamp
return to England
and written records
Globe Theatre, London
Glover, Thomas
Golding, Arthur
Gosnold, Bartholomew
Gray’s Inn, London
Hakluyt, Richard
Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Hamor, Ralph
Hartop, Job
Heird, Floyd
Henrico, Virginia
Henry, Prince
Henry VIII, king of England
arrival at Jamestown
return to England
Historic Jamestowne Archaearium
Hitchman, William
Hog Island
Hopkins, Stephen:
on Mayflower
mutiny by
on Sea Venture
Horton, Mistress:
on Bermuda
and Elizabeth Persons
on Sea Venture
Iopassus (Patawomeck Indian)
Irving, Washington
James, king of England
daughter of
and Shakespeare’s plays
and Virginia Company
abandonment plans
archaeological discoveries in
celebration of Delaware’s arrival at
colonial council of
colonial laws in
desperate life in
disease in
economic promise of
English investment in
English occupation of
execution for mutiny in
expansion of
First and Second Supplies to
food shortages in
Indian warfare with
laborers traveling to
lassitude in
miners in
mortality rate in
northern campsite
recruitment for
restoration of
search for silver in
settlers’ arrival from Bermuda
Starving Time in
Strachey’s reports on
Third Supply to
tradesmen traveling to
Virginia Company propaganda about
wine produced in
Jamestown Rediscovery project
Johnson, Robert:
and class distinctions
pamphlets by
Jonson, Ben
Bartholomew Fair
Eastward Hoe
News from the New World Discovered in the Moon
popularity of
Sejanus: His Fall
Strachey’s friendship with
Jourdain, Silvester:
on Bermuda life
on Bermuda myths
and Delaware’s arrival
Discovery of the Barmodas
and hurricane
and land sighting
and Shakespeare’s Tempest
Joyce, James, Ulysses
Indian town
renamed Fort Henry and Fort Charles
settlers living in
Kelso, William M.
King’s Men
and fire
and Shakespeare
and The Tempest
Kipling, Rudyard
“The Coiner,”
Knowles, Richard
Ladies of the Bedchamber
Lello, Henry
Lembri, Francisco
Lewis, Richard
arrival at Jamestown
disappearance in hurricane
leaving England
black plague in
livery companies (unions) of
Office of the Revels
population in
theatrical entertainment in
aboard Sea Venture
on Bermuda
as guide in Jamestown
and hurricane
leaving Bermuda
and Namontack’s disappearance
and Shakespeare’s Tempest
Madre de Dios
Magellan, Ferdinand
Marston, John
Martin, John
Martin, Richard
Martin, William
Marx, Leo, The Machine in the Garden
Masquing House, London
Menéndez de Avilés, Pedro
Meteren, Emanuel van
Molina, Diego de
Montaigne, Michel de, “Of the Cannibals,”
Mucedorus (play, Anon.)
Mulberry Island
Namontack of Tsenacomoco:
aboard Sea Venture
on Bermuda
disappearance of
and hurricane
and Shakespeare’s Tempest
visit to England
Nansemond River
Netherlands, treaty with Spain
Newport, Christopher:
on Bermuda
and cultural exchange
on Deliverance
early years of
feared lost
landing at Bermuda
and Namontack
return to England
return to Jamestown
as Sea Venture captain
and Spanish spies
New World:
books about
exploration of
Golden Age of
imposition of foreign culture in
indigenous people visiting Old World from
popular attention to
river passage to India sought in
savages in
and Shakespeare’s play
treasures from
Norwood, Richard, on Bermuda
Nova Britannia (Virginia Company)
Nuestra Señora del Rosario
O’Neal, Cothburn, The Dark Lady
Ovid, Metamorphoses
Oxford, Edward de Vere, Earl of
Paine, Henry
Paspahegh, Indian town
Patawomecks, trading for food
arrival in Virginia
construction of
leaving Bermuda
return to England
sail to Bermuda for food
Pearepoint, Francis
Percy, George
acting governor
and execution for mutiny
and Indians
in Jamestown
and Kecoughtan massacre
and Spanish spies
Perez, Marco Antonio
Persons, Elizabeth:
and hurricane
and Powell
on Sea Venture
Philes, Michael
Pierce, Joan (daughter)
Pierce, Joan (wife)
Pierce, William:
arrival in Jamestown
on Bermuda
prosperity of
on Sea Venture
Pigafetta, Antonio
Plymouth, England:
Mitre Inn in
Point Comfort
Portugal, New World colonies of
Portugal Current
Powell, Thomas:
on Bermuda
and Elizabeth Persons
and conversion to Christianity
dictionary of
English descriptions of
food of
Strachey’s interest in
traditional hairstyle of
A Brave Vessel: The True Tale of the Castaways Who Rescued Jamestown and Inspired Shakespeare'sThe Tempest Page 31