Rookie Mistake: A Sports Romance Novel (The Beasts of Baseball Book 1)

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Rookie Mistake: A Sports Romance Novel (The Beasts of Baseball Book 1) Page 51

by Ward,Alice

  “We idiots are known to do that. It’s a defense mechanism.”

  I nodded, already understanding what Zek was up to, but it hurt all the same.

  Clark moved to sit next to me. “You know the best defense against us?”

  “What’s that?” I shoved another large bite of salad into my mouth and glanced over at my brother.

  “A good offense. Don’t wait until he makes the move. Go make your own.” He chuckled. “And if that doesn’t work, get naked. That will do it every time.”

  “You’re gross.” I got up and walked toward the door. “I’m telling Cat on you.”

  “No! Anything but that.”


  The dinner with my brother and his family soothed my nerves significantly, and after leaving them, I stopped by my place and changed into a cotton dress with sandals. It was a little under dressed for the fall weather, but I wanted Zek to see me looking pretty — feminine.

  I parked my car at the bar just down the street from his house, and moved into the back part of his property. The need to act like a teenager again and sneak into his window rolled over me, but I realized how ridiculous I was being. I’d be lucky if I didn’t get hauled off by the cops, but it was a risk I was willing to take. There was no way I’d be able to see him if I went straight to the door and knocked. Havin been a lawyer for long enough, I knew there were time limits for visitation. I pulled my phone from my pocket and texted him quickly before I lost my nerve.

  Me: Hey. Where are you? I need to see you.

  Zek: I’m at the house. I wondered why you didn’t come this morning, but then I remembered. Because I’m a dick.

  Me: Can I come in?

  Zek: Where are you? Here at the house?

  Me: Yeah. I’m outside your bedroom window being creepy.

  Zek: That’s not creepy. It’s hot. I’ll let you in. Ronald is in the living room. There’s no way you’re coming through the door.

  Me: Delete the messages between us.

  I waited for a reply, but heard the creak of the window instead.

  “And why the hell did I wear a dress?” I groaned softly. Zek would have to help pull me up, which wouldn’t be too much trouble for him, but embarrassing to me.

  “Hey” Zek’s voice was low and filled with sleep. “Feels like we’re kids again.”.

  “Hey, yourself.” I moved closer, not really able to see much more than his outline in the darkness of his bedroom. “I didn’t know what your visiting hours were, and seeing that you didn’t call… I just came out here. I can go if you want.”

  Fuck. I was hurt, and it was going to come out. I had planned on just being sweet and reconnecting with him, but that had been a ruse in my own mind. I knew Zek Kellington far too well and for much too long to placate him with a false contentment that wasn’t mine.

  “Fuck no. Come here and give me your hands. I’ll pull you up. Put your foot on the house.” He leaned down, and I realized then that his hair was super short, and his shoulders wickedly larger.

  I lifted my hands to him, and pressed my foot against the side of the house as he half leaned out the window and wrapped his hand around my rear, using his grip to pull me in and over his shoulder.

  I yelped, but he grumbled at me as he sat me down in the bedroom. “Hush. I told you that I can’t have people here this late. You gotta keep quiet.”

  The thickness of his chest and abs stole my breath as my eyes acclimated to the darkness. He flipped on a lamp nearest him and reached out to touch the side of my face.

  “Wow,” I whispered and ran my fingers over his chest.

  “Wow as in you like it, or it’s too much?” He moved closer, and it felt as if someone had stolen all the air from the room.

  “I love it.” I took a step toward him and wrapped my arms around him, turning my face just enough to press my cheek to his warm chest. I breathed in deeply as tears burned my eyes, but I fought like hell to force them away.

  “You’re trembling. Is it cold out there?” He kissed the top of my head and moved back to close the window. After crawling into the bed, he motioned for me to join him. “Take off your shoes and get in here. We can bitch at each other while we warm up.”

  I leaned over and pulled my sandals from my feet, not considering another option. After slipping into the bed with him, I wrapped myself up in his hold and looked up to see him watching me intently.

  “You cut your hair.” I hated myself for stating the obvious, but I was at a loss for what to do or say.

  “They made us.” He moved down and touched his lips to mine before rolling over to press me to the bed with the thickness of his body. We groaned in tandem, and I couldn’t stop myself from wrapping my legs around him and melting into the kiss.

  The delicious warmth of his tongue rolled past mine, and my body lit on fire. I could fight the need to save him, to remake him, to please him all up to the point where he touched me.

  “God, I’ve missed you. I need you to forgive me.” He moved down and pressed hot kisses to my neck as my trembling got worse. I didn’t need anything or anyone but the man on top of me.

  “I already have. I hate you, but I’ve forgiven you.” I dug my nails into his back as he moved lower under the sheets. “Zek. No. I’m not ready—”

  “Be quiet. I already told you that the big bad wolf was in the living room. Don’t invite him in here and ruin our fun.” His words were whispered against my stomach as he tugged my dress up and pressed his mouth to my center.

  I arched my back hard as a long groan left me. I’d not let anyone touch me for the last year. Just having him near me was almost too much, but this…

  “No.” I gripped his shoulder as he pulled at the front of my panties, ripping the cloth from me, leaving me exposed.

  “Yes.” He slipped his hand under my knee and pulled it up just before licking at my sex in long drags.

  I closed my eyes and spread my legs farther for him, enjoying his dark laugh far too much. He hadn’t asked if I was with someone, or if I was there to make love to him. He’d simply assumed it.

  Reaching down, I gripped the back of his head and lifted my hips to force more of my flesh into his mouth. He didn’t disappoint, and within seconds, my orgasm hit.

  He reached up and cupped my mouth as I thrashed about, the emotion of being beneath him being the driving factor for how high I was flying.

  “Shhh, baby. Shit.” He continued to lap at me as I relaxed a little. Two strong fingers pressed into me, and I lifted my hips to take him in, feeling like the needy whore that I was, but only for him. “That’s it. Beautiful, Alisa. I can’t tell you how many times I dreamt of this, needing you, wanting you, baby.”

  I groaned again and rocked against his fingers as he worked me. His free hand moved from my mouth to squeeze my breasts as he pressed his mouth back over me and continued his assault. The low grunts that resonated all around me left my body aching for a long night underneath him, but we needed to figure a few things out… right?

  The passion was there, but was there anything else?

  I was ripped from my thoughts as fire burst across my stomach and raced up my center, spreading out everywhere and leaving me almost frantic.

  “Ride it. Take it from me.” He licked at me and slowed his fucking, teasing me through the orgasm instead. “So beautiful. I want the light on so I can watch you.”

  He kissed me a few more times before moving up to lay down beside me, breathless. “My God, you’re delicious.”

  I glanced over at him as I worked to catch my breath and still my racing heart. “I came over to talk, you wanton bastard.”

  He laughed and turned onto his side, forcing me on mine just before him. “Alright. Talk then. I’ve gotten a little bit of this intense need to fuck you out of my system, but make it quick. I can feel the second wave coming on fast.”

  “That’s not fair.” I moved up and pressed my lips to his as he reached around me and cupped my ass, kneading it as he licked and sucked at
my mouth.

  “Sure it is. We can talk on the phone tomorrow, and I’ll apologize a thousand times. Tonight, we need to fuck. You need it. I need it.” He pressed his teeth to the side of my neck and sucked hard. “Get on top of me and let me watch you take out your anger and frustration.”

  It wasn’t a question, but a command.

  I moved away from him as he worked his sweat pants from his lower half. I’d just started to climb on top of him when a knock resounded at the door behind me. I dropped down and held my breath.

  “Fuck,” he grumbled and got up, pulling on his pants and moving toward the door.

  I felt like a fifteen year old about to get caught by her daddy in the bed with a boy.

  “Hey, dude. Sorry to bother you. Everything alright?” A deep voice I’d never heard before resounded from the open door.

  “Yeah, just tired. I’m enjoying the comfort of my bed.” Zek was playing it off well.

  “I bet. Come help me get the garage open and then I’ll leave you be. I meant to ask you earlier to help me with it. There’s a code on it, and I think I got us locked out. My bike is sitting outside, and I’m sick about leaving it there.”

  “Alright. Let me grab my shoes. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

  I waited until Zek closed the door to get up. “I should go. I’m sorry for sneaking in, I just—”

  “Hell no.” He moved toward me and reached out, pulling me into a suffocating hug. “I want you here when I get back. Making love to you is my number one priority. This fucking place can burn down around us for all I care.”

  I pressed my fingers to his lips and took him in fully. His dark brown hair was cut close to his head, and the additional muscle made him look mean as hell, but his blue eyes still held every bit of warmth I’d grown accustom to.

  “No. I want to talk before we make love again. I need to know that this isn’t just about the sex, Zek.” I let my fingers slide down his neck and chest. “The sex would be great, but it’s never enough. I don’t just want your body.”

  “Did you wait for me?” He cupped my face in his large hands. “This year… did you wait for me, even though I told you not to?”

  “Yes.” Tears filled my eyes. “I didn’t have a choice.”

  “Because you love me.” He leaned down and kissed me softly a few times.

  “Yes. I always have. You know that.” I pressed myself against him and let out a shaky breath. “Let’s just take things slow and when the time comes, we can make the decision to rebuild things… together.”

  “You know I hate the thought of you putting your life—” He started, but I cut him off.

  “I’ll see you soon. If you need anything at all, call me.” I lifted to my toes and kissed him as my body screamed for me to stay. The heat between us would be titillating and was far beyond needed, but we had to settle our matters of the heart first. I wouldn’t short change myself if I could help it.

  “This isn’t over between us. Come back in this window another night, and I’ll make you scream until your throat hurts.” He nipped at my mouth, obviously less than happy about my decision to leave.

  “Promise?” I whispered and pulled from him, forgoing the search for my panties. They were wrecked and belonged where they were anyway. In his bed.




  Two weeks later…

  I’d been pacing the floor for the last two weeks with nothing on my mind but Alisa. I understood her need to sit down and talk things out, but her not coming back to visit for a few weeks was enough to make me crazy with lust. We’d spoken on the phone a few times, but mostly just checking in with each other.

  We needed to have the sit down talk she wanted so that we could move past her sense of self-protection where I was concerned. I needed access to her body, and once I got it, I wasn’t letting go as easily as I had a few weeks before.

  “You alright, man?” Ronald walked into the living room as I paced in front of the fire place, lost in my thoughts.

  “I’ve been better. I need to have lunch with my attorney, but I’d rather not do it here. We have a few sensitive things to discuss. I think being out in public around others would make things easier.” I turned and put my hands on my hips. “What’s the possibility of us taking her to lunch? Would that be something you’d consider us doing?”

  “Yeah. I’ll just sit at a table a few seats over from you.” He shrugged. “We should be good to go, but no fancy places. I hate that weird ambiance those places have. Like you gotta shit gold to sit at their tables.”

  “I get that more than you know.” I pulled my phone from my back pocket. “I’ll check in with her and we can get going if you’re good with it.”

  “I’m down.” He turned toward the TV and crossed his arms over his chest. “This damn news channel only shows the downfall of people. It’s depressing.”

  “That’s life most of the time.” I raised the phone up to my ear as it started to ring. Alisa answered almost immediately.

  “Alisa Manning.” Her tone was professional, but I could hear the soft lilt to it. She knew it was me.

  “Hey, baby. Come have lunch with me today. We need to talk about all the things you want to talk about. I’m done wearing a hole in the fucking floor waiting for you to come back to me.” Shit, I was rambling, but I couldn’t stop myself. “You have no idea how bad I need you, Alisa. My whole body aches. It’s been over a year without sex. I know you get where I’m going with this.” I pushed my bedroom door open, wanting to chill the fuck out and not show all my cards, but I couldn’t help it.

  She ignored my comments, which I was almost grateful for. “Your parole officer is okay with us going to lunch?”

  “Yeah. He’ll sit a little ways from us. We’ll come get you. Be ready in an hour.” I wasn’t leaving her any options to back out of seeing me. She was struggling with something, and I assumed it was us, but I didn’t care. I was being selfish, and she would slap me back if it got too bad. She had to understand. She’d been without a lover for the last year too, or at least I assumed that was the case from our fifteen minute make-out session two weeks back.

  “Alright. Come up to the office though. I have some papers you need to sign, and then we’ll go.” She sounded unsure, but maybe she was just nervous. The beautiful thing had been trembling the whole time I ate her out the last time we were together, maybe she just needed reminding that I saw her as the goddess she was, and nothing less.

  “Good. Take off the afternoon. After this talk, I’m bringing you home with me,” I growled into the phone, fully incapable of keeping myself in check. My cock was so hard that it hurt to have clothes on. I needed relief, and I knew I couldn’t find it with anyone or anything but my girl.

  “Okay. See you soon.” She dropped the call, and I pressed my back against the bedroom door and let out a soft groan. I had to be careful. The minute I got her alone again, I would explode in the need to make her mine, to mark her memory with the dominance of belonging to me and me alone. I hated that side of me, and it rarely showed up, but with Alisa Beeler, it would always be present.


  “You look like you’re contemplating a break-out.” Ronald glanced over at me as I maneuvered through all of the small, one-way streets in downtown.

  I let out a shaky breath and pulled into visitor parking just below Alisa’s office. I owed the guy beside me an explanation. He’d been incredibly accommodating, and to lie to him would just set us on a path I didn’t want. I had a year with him stuck to my side. I knew how to build good, honest relationships, and I would benefit greatly from one with him.

  “I’m not. Just woman troubles.”

  “Thought you didn’t have a woman.” He unbuckled and gave me a sideways glance.

  “This girl from my childhood showed up a little over a year ago when I needed her most. I’d forgotten how much I was in love with her, but seeing her was like a punch to the gut. She’s far too good for me, and yet, I can�
��t see my life without her. I’ve been trying to be good to her and push her away, but she’s fucking persistent, and honestly, I’m done fighting.” I unbuckled and got out of the car.

  “Who is she?” Ronald moved up to hold the door for us.

  “My lawyer.” I glanced over at him. “Talk about things being a little skewed.”

  “Oh shit.” He laughed and moved into the elevator. “The lawyer who won your first case or lost your second?”

  “Both. She’s been with me through all this shit. It’s time for me to man up and promise her anything she wants if she’ll just wait with me for one more year.” I ran my hand over my head and wished like hell my hair would grow back faster. I felt more like myself with it being a bit longer.

  “Well, you know what I said.” He patted my back as we got off the elevator. “I’m good with you having someone over as long as we follow the other rules. Just nothing too excessive. The house is fully monitored. Not that anyone looks at the feeds too often, but if they do, we want to make sure they don’t bring the hammer down on us.”

  “I appreciate that more than you know.” I stopped by the receptionist and smiled. “I’m here to see Alisa Manning.”

  “Sure, Mr. Kellington. We’re glad to see you out amongst the land of the free again. We’ve all been rooting for you.”

  I smiled at her before turning back to Ronald. “I need to sign a few papers, so feel free to come in with me.”

  “Naw, I’m good. I’ll wait here for you guys.” He walked over to one of the plush leather couches and sat down.

  “Zek.” Lizzy moved toward me as I turned and offered her a quick hug. “How are you?”

  “I’m good. Better.” I stepped back as she walked over to Ronald and spoke to him.

  Alisa walked down the hall toward me, captivating me with every part of her. From the confidence on her face to the stiffness of her shoulders to the slight tilt of her chin. The woman owned the place wherever she went. Her gray skirt and white button down shirt left my cock twitching in my slacks. She wore her clothes far too well, but it was the delicious silky skin underneath that I demanded access to.


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