Rookie Mistake: A Sports Romance Novel (The Beasts of Baseball Book 1)

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Rookie Mistake: A Sports Romance Novel (The Beasts of Baseball Book 1) Page 54

by Ward,Alice

  “Why are you here, Dillon? Is the firm paying you to follow me around?” I glanced around the busy hallway to see if anyone else was with him.

  “What? No.” He ran his fingers through his black hair and tilted his head. “Lizzy asked me to come wait for you. She’s a little worried about you because of something that came out on the news this morning. She wanted me to tell you that some chick is out of the hospital and you need to be careful.”

  Ice water ran through my veins as I took a step back and glanced around the crowd again. Melissa Mills was dangerous. I didn’t care what anyone said about her. The bitch was missing the part of her brain that spoke reason. I could still see the look on her face in my mind’s eye from the night she came to visit me. She wasn’t stable, and she could fool the masses, but I knew she was crazy.

  “Alisa?” Dillon touched my arms tentatively. “You okay? What can I do to help?”

  “Hm?” I glanced around again. “Nothing. I’m going back to the office and talk with Ronnie a little, and then head out. Thank you for coming to tell me.”

  “You want to ride back to the office together?” He looked hopeful.

  “No, but thank you.” I moved past him and kept my wits about me as I walked quickly to my car. I wasn’t scared of Melissa necessarily, but knowing that she was willing to pull a knife on Zek left me a little leery. I wasn’t sure if he was aware of the situation, but I didn’t want to scare him. I could talk to him when I got back to his house.

  I drove in silence all the way back to the office as my mind moved through the possibility that she could very well go after Zek. I would have to check in with Lizzy to see if Zek had alerted her to Melissa breaking out or if she got the news from some other place. I would assume that the poor girl would run straight to her father, but that would probably be her worse bet. Jon Mills didn’t give two shits about anyone but himself. He had proven that by going on with his life while Melissa rotted in the mental hospital. She’d been in and out over the last year from what I understood through Lizzy, but her latest scandal had her back for good.

  I couldn’t imagine having a group of doctors and scientist poking and prodding at me to try to understand my compulsive need to destroy men. Then again, it wasn’t my problem and I’d be best to let it all go. There was too much of a chance that I would work myself into a frenzy by the time I got to Zek’s, and he didn’t need to see me bent out of shape over Melissa. She didn’t matter to either of us. I was over thinking things as per usual.

  After making my way back up to our floor, I dropped my things into my office and knocked on Ronnie’s open door.

  The older man glanced up and waved me in.

  “Alisa. How are you? Come on in and take a load off.” He motioned for me to take the seat in front of his desk.

  I did, but sat on the edge of the chair, making sure to keep myself locked into a professional stance around him all the time. I’d heard too many horror stories of people getting comfortable around partners in various firms only to be let go or misunderstood and hit on. It wasn’t happening to me, at least not because of anything I was doing.

  “The case went well today, and Ms. Lena is quite happy with where we ended up on the divorce.” I pressed my hands to my thighs and waited for him to nod.

  “We knew you were the best fit for that one. Thank you for picking up the slack. Sickness happens, right?” He gave me a warm smile.

  “Absolutely. I need to touch base with you on something that has me a little uncomfortable.”

  “Of course. Speak your mind.” He leaned forward and pressed his forearms to the desk in front of him.

  “It’s Dillon. I know he’s got a great work history and that we’re really excited to have him here, but he’s offensive, and honestly I’m tired of him hitting on me. I’d really appreciate it if one of you could remind him of what appropriate office behavior might look like. I’ve said no to him more times than I can count.” I tried to keep my voice steady, but the anger rising inside of me caused it to pitch a little.

  “Really? Wow. I never would have thought Dillon was that type of guy.” Ronnie leaned back in his chair. “He asked you out for a date or what?”

  “For lunch. And breakfast. And dinner.” I shrugged. “He’s being subtle about it, but today he offended my age in hopes of getting me to move toward going out with him. It was rude and tacky.”

  “Offended your age? How old are you? Thirty-five? Thirty-six? You’re just a spring chicken.” He chuckled and picked up a file on his desk. “I’ll talk to the kid, but I think you might be overreacting just a little. He’s only asking you to share a meal with him. Unless there’s something more to it, I’m not sure I find the situation too dire.”

  I took the file, a little shocked by his words. After standing, I pressed the file to my chest and hugged it tightly.

  “I’m thirty-one, and I find it offensive. You weren’t there, and if you’re unwilling to talk with him, I’ll have someone else do it. Thanks for your time.” I turned and walked to the door as he called out to me.

  “Alisa. You’re being overly sensitive. Get out of here and have a beer. You need to rest as much as the rest of us. Okay?” He offered me another smile, but I didn’t return the gesture.

  My stomach was sick with the thought of him not only refusing to help me, but turning my concerns into something trivial and childish. It was all of a sudden my fault that Dillon was an overbearing ass.

  I walked out and stopped by my office to pick up my purse before walking to the front door. Lizzy’s door was closed, and I figured I could just call her later. Besides, I wanted to pack up my things and get over to Zek’s. He would make me feel better, and more than anyone, he would know what to do about Dillon. He might blow a gasket over everything, but so what. Someone needed to.

  Traffic wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be, and I made it to my apartment in fifteen minutes, which was the first bright spot in the day. I took a deep breath as I walked in, but stopped short, noticing cologne yet knowing no one had been in my apartment who might wear it.

  “You know, refusing a man over and over is liable to leave him a little more needy than he might prefer to be.”

  I jerked around to see Dillon standing in the doorway to my bedroom. Every cell in my body lit up with fear.

  “What are you doing here?” I took a step back, trying to rationally think through how to get the fuck out of the apartment without him blocking my way. There was only a few steps between me and the door.

  “I’m here to collect you. You coming without a fight, or do I get to put my hands all over you while I take you down?”

  I didn’t wait another minute before turning and running toward the door. He was faster than I imagined possible, and I fought like hell against him until the chemical on the napkin pressed to my mouth and nose caused the room to dim and finally go black.

  The last thing I remembered was his lips pressed to my ear, making promises I prayed like hell he wouldn’t keep.




  “Dude. Sit down. Everything’s fine.” Ronald tapped the table in front of him. “Please. You’re making me worry.”

  “I can’t. She means everything to me. Why the fuck isn’t she answering her phone? I’m on the edge of losing my shit.” I pressed my palms to my eyes and growled loudly. “I wasn’t there for Mark when he went through his surgery because I fucked up my life, and now Alisa isn’t answering her goddamn phone, and the psycho bitch that started most of this downward spiral is on the loose. I just have a horrible feeling about this.”

  “Then let’s go. Let’s go check the city for her. I’ll tag you as being with me in the system. We just have to make sure we stop by a drug store or something to show them we’re not out having a good time.” He stood and shrugged. “I don’t want anything to happen to your girl. I know what that can do to a man.”

  He spoke from something that seemed like experience. I would have to pre
ss him on it later, but right now, I needed to find Alisa and make sure that my worst fears hadn’t morphed into reality.

  “Alright. I’ll drive. I’ll call my brother and sister-in-law to see who saw her last. It’s just not like her to be late and not call. Something is up, but maybe she’s just in a late court hearing or something.” I grabbed my keys and walked toward the door without another thought. If Ronald was going to let me look for Alisa, then I was going to move full-speed ahead with the hope that he wouldn’t change his mind.

  “A case that runs until nine at night? No fucking way.” Ronald jogged beside me to the car, and got in as I hit my head on the ceiling.

  I growled in pain, but started the car and tried to slow my racing heart. After pulling out of the driveway, I dialed Lizzy’s number and pressed speaker on the dash.

  “Zek. What’s up?” My brother was on the line. Lizzy must have been home by then and Mark grabbed her phone.

  “Can you ask Lizzy if she’s seen Alisa? I haven’t spoken to her since before lunch, and I’m a little worried.” I pursed my lips and waited for my brother to talk to his wife. My first stop would be Alisa’s place, then the office, and then I was calling Jon Mills. He had to have seen Melissa.

  “She said she hasn’t seen her since before lunch.” Mark’s voice lost volume as Lizzy’s filled up the airwaves.

  “Zek. Where are you?”

  “I’m headed to her house. Ronald is with me. I just have a bad feeling, Liz. I know something is wrong. She wouldn’t have left me hanging this long. Do you think she knows about Melissa?” I was almost panting as the air in the car seemed so fucking hard to access.

  Ronald patted my shoulder and gave me a ‘chill the fuck out’ look. I nodded, working to breathe through my nose and calm myself. If anything happened to Alisa, the rest of the story would be history. I wasn’t interested in living a life without her now that I knew we were going to commit fully. Especially not if her getting hurt was my fault. She was knee deep in the shit storm I’d created, no doubt.

  “Yes. I sent one of our attorneys over there to tell her the news.”

  “Did she not come back to the office after the case?” I reached up and turned the air conditioner on as my heart started to race.

  “Yeah, Ronnie said she did. I’ll call up there and see if she’s around while you check her place. Mark and I will get in the car now too. Just stay in touch, and if you see her or talk to her, just let us know so we can stop searching.” Lizzy’s tone was tight and filled with worry.

  “Alright. Help me, okay?” A hot ball of despair lodged in my throat and my entire body locked up. “Just help me.”

  “We’ll find her, Zek. I promise.” My brother tried to offer comfort, but he knew me well enough to know that none would be accepted until I had Alisa back in my arms.

  “Thanks.” I dropped the call and let out a long sigh. “Why does this shit keep happening? It was one goddamn mistake, and I’m having to pay for it ten times over.”

  “You don’t know if anything is happening or not. Just keep yourself together, man, and we’ll find her. Your brother and his wife will help, and you and I can tear down the city looking for her, okay? No worries at all. We’ll find her.” He tried to reassure me, but the more I thought about it, the sicker I got.

  My worst fear would be to show up at her place and find her dead, but I couldn’t let myself go there. I’d be physically sick if I even thought about the trauma of having her gone forever. I didn’t like her, or have a crush on her, I adored her with every ounce of my heart and soul. I couldn’t lose this girl.

  Why did it take so fucking long for me to realize that? And why now? Why when there’s a possibility that she’s gone?

  “Where are we headed, Zek? I gotta put in the details on my phone to keep us clean and clear.” Ronald pulled me from my thoughts, and I was grateful for him.

  “Longington Way Apartments. They’re right on the edge of the city.” I pressed the gas and moved past a few cars as terror surged through me. The phone rang, and I almost lost my grip on the wheel trying to get to it.


  “She’s not at the office. Mark and I are in the car headed that way, but Ronnie just checked the building and said she headed home. I’m sure she’s there, on the couch asleep. She’s been taking on a lot lately, Zek.” Lizzy’s voice was soft and caring, but I didn’t care. Nothing would help dampen my fear until I saw her alive and well.

  “I pray that’s the case. Check at the office and call me back. If you think of anything else she might have mentioned… where she was or who she was seeing during the day that might jog your memory or help us at all. Please call back.”

  “Of course. Be careful, Zek. Mark’s worried that you’re overreacting and are liable to get hurt. Just be safe.”

  I started to snap back with something nasty, but decided on a simple ‘okay’ and hung up the phone again.

  “Who else can you call? Is there anyone else she hangs out with? A mom, dad, sister, best friend?” Ronald turned the music up just a little on the radio and turned his gaze onto me.

  “No. She’s close to her parents, but she would have mentioned that. She doesn’t have any siblings other than Clark, and her friends have all fallen by the wayside thanks to her divorce. They were friends of her and her ex-husband’s, so she doesn’t talk to any of them anymore.” I let out a long sigh. “I need to call her brother and see if he knows anything, but he’s going to freak the fuck out.”

  “So what. Call him. You don’t want him finding out that you knew something and didn’t call him if something happens to her.”

  I jerked my face toward him and grimaced. “Keep that negative shit to yourself.”

  “Alright, man. Just call the guy. She might be asleep on his couch if they’re close. Besides, this is the guy you were best friends in school with, right? It won’t seem weird having you call out of the blue and ask about Alisa if that’s the case.”

  He had a point.

  “No, it won’t.” I pressed Clark’s number and turned off the freeway to the street that led to Alisa’s apartment.

  “Hey, buddy. What’s going on?” Clark’s voice was warm and had an excited sound to it. He never failed to make me feel important, when I really didn’t deserve to have any warmth from him. If my sister was in love with a dick like me, I’d beat the guy to a pulp.

  “Hey, man. Have you seen Alisa? I wanted to touch base with her, but can’t seem to find her.” I held my breath and said a short prayer that she was there with him.

  “No, but you know how she is. She’s probably got her head in a book, or several books. She came over for dinner about two weeks ago, and we chatted briefly last week, but nothing since then.” He paused. “Is something wrong? I can hear panic in your voice. This isn’t about that girl escaping the hospital, right?”

  “No. Yes. Fuck, I don’t know. I’m worried about her, man. She should have called or texted hours ago. I don’t know what to think, but I can’t help but think the worst. I’m headed to her house with my parole officer just to settle my nerves. I’m sure she’s fallen asleep on her couch, but I just feel—”

  “Shit. Now I’m a bundle of nerves. I’ll head to her place now. I’ll call mom and dad just to make sure she’s not out there.” The sound of him moving around filled up the car.

  “Just don’t scare them, Clark. I’m sure I’m overreacting, but I just can’t sit here when I feel like my insides are going to bust open. I’m fucking scared.”

  “Great. Now I am too. Shit. Alright. Keep in touch and find her for us. Hopefully it’s just a fluke and we can all get together for a long night of beers and pizza and laugh about it soon.”

  “I hope so. Keep in touch.” I dropped the call and glanced over at Ronald. “I got one more trick up my sleeve and that’s it.”

  “Pull it out. This shit isn’t looking good.” He leaned back in his seat and turned his face from mine.

  I hated like hell to call Jon M
ills, but with Alisa possibly in trouble or in harm’s way, I had no choice. I dialed his number and turned into the parking lot at Alisa’s place. He answered on the first ring, his voice pinched with anxiety like I’d only heard him sound a few times.


  “Jon, tell me where Melissa is. You know I didn’t do that shit to her, and she’s out of the hospital—”

  He cut me off. “Shut the fuck up and find your girlfriend. Melissa showed up this morning talking crazy and acting like she used to when Dana didn’t give the girl her medicine.”

  “Where is she now, Jon?” I parked the car and got out as I pulled the phone from my pocket and pressed it to my ear. I lost a bit of what he said as the phone reconnected to the hand-held device, but cut him off. “Tell me that again. I lost part of it.”

  We ran toward Alisa’s apartment to find the door slightly ajar. I didn’t pause, but raced in to see her purse on the floor and no sign of her.

  “I said that Melissa has paranoia-schizophrenia and is bipolar. She’s not stable, and where I would defend her to the end because she’s my daughter, I’m telling you that she’s after you. I should have called the cops, but I couldn’t. I was praying they would find her without my help. I didn’t need any more guilt on my shoulders.”

  “Find her, Jon. Alisa is missing.” I hit the end button and dropped the phone in my pocket as I moved through the tiny apartment. “Alisa? Baby? Where are you?”

  Insanity threatened to steal my voice as the room grew darker. I pressed my hand to the wall beside me and turned to find Ronald standing in the kitchen.

  “Something went wrong here, Zek. Her purse is all over the floor and the door was open? I don’t like it.” He moved down the hall, but I couldn’t force myself to follow.

  “She down there?” I called out with a shaky voice. My whole upper body was starting to shake due to the heavy dose of adrenaline pumping through me.

  “No, man. She’s nowhere in the house.” He walked back into the living room as my phone rang.


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