Stricken Trust (Stricken Rock)

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Stricken Trust (Stricken Rock) Page 4

by Logsdon, S. K.

  I catch my breath, get off the floor and turn on the water to the giant bath. I need to calm down and stop reeling from my self-pleasure session.

  I take off my soaked panties. There goes the third pair of the day. And I throw my tank on the floor, climb over the edge of the tub and drop into the hot relaxing water. Damn-it! I forgot a towel, my body products, shampoo and my razor. Mushy horned up brains will do that to you.

  Chapter Five

  Knock, Knock.

  “Yes, James?” I ask lying back in the tub, covering my privates with my hands.

  “Can I come in?” he asks hesitantly. I might have freaked him out. Go figure. I’m a damn weirdo. With a nymphomaniac syndrome.

  “If you promise that your cock is put away. You can.”

  He opens the door and peeks in.

  “He’s away, I promise. I put my shorts back on and my pj pants. Do I need to put a shirt on too?” he asks nicely.

  I shake my head. “What’s up?”

  “Well a few things. I wondered if you’d like your bath products, I noticed you forgot to bring them in. Your phones been going off down stairs so I brought it up, it’s in my pocket. And I want to talk to you about what just happened.” He treads lightly.

  “Yes, I’d love my bath stuff. I’d appreciate that. If you want you can do my phone for me or I can do it when I get out. And what about the other?”

  He shuts the toilet lid and sits down, leaning over he places his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. He’s most definitely stressed.

  “I’ll get your stuff once we talk about it. I want to know two things. Then you can ask whatever you want. Are you being honest when you say you don’t think he’s horrific looking?” he asks.

  Wow, he really is that self-conscious about it. Poor James. Of course I don’t. But maybe he thought I was still being sweet about it.

  “I’ll be honest James. I think it’s the opposite of horrific. I haven’t seen many male parts in person. So I don’t have a lot of experience. But I’ve seen some in porn. It’s very attractive. I mean it. And it’s not because I’m horny all the time or because I love you. It’s because I truly think that. If any woman wouldn’t suck or it or have sex with it, that’s their loss. You shouldn’t be going the bachelor route because of it. I’m positive I’m not the only woman on the planet who would find it that attractive. If anything I like it more because of its uniqueness,” I reassure him and give him a soft warm smile.

  He doesn’t look at me, he’s staring intently at the floor. So much for my smile.

  “Thank you,” he huffs.

  Oh, damn-it I think he’s about to cry again. I didn’t mean to do that. This is such a touchy subject for him. My poor Teddy Bear.

  “What’s the next?” I press to get him out of this sadness mode.

  “Why did you kiss me?”

  “I shouldn’t have,” I blurt back fast.

  “But why?” he pushes drawling out the question.

  “When you finished the story I didn’t think words could express how grateful I am that you’re alive and in my life. It just kind of happened. I’m sorry. I know I don’t say it all the time but you do mean the world to me. You’re my best friend, my Teddy Bear. Who I love with all my heart. I wanted you to know what.” I voice kindly. I know that wasn’t a smooth move on my part. I made things worse if anything. Especially for my sex drive.

  “You love me like Stacy?” he asks in a whisper. He still won’t look at me. He’s moping. And I hate that. I love the sweet steady James. Not the one sitting before me. This is so unlike him. He’s shy and reserved but he doesn’t mope. I’ve never seen him struck with sadness, not like this.

  “No. I love you different than Stacy. I’ve never been attracted to Stacy in a, you know way. I am you. So no, it’s not the same. You’re completely different people. I couldn’t love you both the same if I tried.”

  I’m being honest. I guess this bothers him — maybe he thinks I love Stacy more than him and if I had to choose I’d pick Stacy? I don’t fucking know. I just know that I love James and I love Stacy and I’m not choosing sides. They both are my best friends. One just happens to be gay and funny and sweet and bitchy. And the other is shy, self-conscious, sweet and adorable. Totally different in terms of personalities.

  “Ok, thanks.” He sulks further.

  “James talk to me. I don’t want to ruin our vacation because of this wall,” I plead lovingly.

  “I’ll go get your stuff. I’ll do the cell phone for you and I’ll talk to you about everything tomorrow once my head gets a little less cloudy,” he says, his voice low and saturated with desolation.

  He stands and leaves the room a few minutes later he’s back with my stuff and laying it on the side of the tub.

  “Do you want me to sleep in another room tonight?” I blatantly ask. I don’t want to make him uncomfortable. This is the best I can do.

  Now his eyes shoot into mine. He looks like I just smacked him with a wet towel.

  “No!” he nearly yells. “I don’t want that at all.”

  “Okay.” I giggle at his outburst. That was adorable. “Just let me get washed up, I’m tired. I’m going to hit the bed early tonight, okay? Been a little too emotional for me today. I’ll check my phone when I’m done. Just lay it in the bedroom. You don’t have to stay if you have other plans.”

  “I’ll leave you to wash up. But I’ll be in bed when you get out.”

  “With pants on, right?” I wink at him.

  He smiles. Finally. “Yes, as long as you wear more than those panties and a tank to bed.”

  He leaves and I scrub myself nice and clean. I can’t shave my pussy. I think I’ll ask Stacy to help when he gets here in another day. That would be nice. Then when I get back home I will stay bristly or I’ll pay to get waxed. But that shit hurts! Badly.

  I climb out of bath. Nix the body butter because after what happened with James I can’t have him help me tonight. I towel off thoroughly. Walk into the bedroom with towel tucked around me. And he’s lounging in bed reading a hard copy of a book, ankles crossed in pj pants, his back resting against the headboard.

  “What’d ya bring to read?” I ask, kneeling over my suit case to grab panties and an oversized T-shirt. Per Sir James’s request.

  “Inferno, by Dan Brown.”

  “Great book. You’ll love it.” I add, heading back into the bathroom.

  “Is there any book you haven’t read?” he teases.

  He’s back, my normal James has graced me with his presence again. Thank the lord!

  “Yes, plenty. But not that book or about a couple thousand others,” I call from inside the bathroom, I’m in here throwing on my pajamas.

  I come out and climb into bed next to him and grab my cell.

  I’ve got eight texts. Wow, I’m a popular chick tonight.

  Three from Claire, one from Stacy and four for Johnathan. That’s weird. Four. I’ve barely gotten four in a month.

  Claire- I’m glad you got in safe. Miss you lots.

  Claire- Sorry last text was so short. I guess I have a lot I want to say but I don’t think it’s good to put into a text.

  Claire- Aw hell, who cares. I miss you a lot. I know this is going to sound stupid. But I seriously masturbate to Anna every day. Sometimes twice a day. I’m sorry I’ve been gone so long. I wish I could be home before Thanksgiving. But I can’t. It won’t be back until the first week of December. I’m sending you a present so you don’t forget me. I wish I could be your present and the one who fucks your ass. I want to do that so badly babe. It nearly hurts how much I miss doing that. When B.O.B fucks you tomorrow, think of me. I miss you like crazy. I’m sure you’re asleep or going to be soon. So sleep well, lover. XOXOXO.

  Me to Claire- I miss you too and I think about you already when I use B.O.B. You’re not the only one who misses her girlfriend. I could never forget about you sweetie. Xoxoxo. Sleep well too.

  Stacy- So excited to be coming to visit. Kyl
e is flying with me now. We will be arriving at the same time. Do you need me to bring anything extra special? And I sure hope you have a bedroom far away from yours or James’s because I am going to be getting it on with my man.

  Oh, Stacy, Stacy, Stacy. That silly man. He is so in love it’s disgusting. But I couldn’t be happier for him. It’s about damn time. I’ve seen Kyle for like ten minutes since they’ve started dating, so this vacation will give us time to catch up. I hope he doesn’t dislike me as much now as he used to when we were kids. He did win Stacy, after all. Fingers crossed.

  Me to Stacy- I’m excited you are coming too. Nothing extra special. Except I do need some female help. Fat prego belly equals not able to shave my nether regions. You’re the only one I could ask to help. Do you think you could sacrifice twenty minutes of sex time to help out your best friend? Lol… And yes there is a bedroom on the other side of the house from mine and James’s room. So you’ll be set. Come and fuck as loud as you want. At least I know someone will be enjoying some sexy time. Love you xoxo

  Beep Beep- Jesus, Stacy is fast. He must be buzzing about traveling if he’s texting back this quick.

  Stacy-Yes of course I’ll shave your lady parts. It would be my pleasure. Not literally, but I’ll help. Ha-ha. You’re sharing a room with James when you have four to choose from? Why? You could have a bed to yourself, woman. You crazy beautiful pregnant best friend of mine. Love you more.

  Me to Stacy- You must be hyped up if your text back so fast. I like sleeping with James. He’s warm and cuddly, remember? Thanks for the lady parts help and I love you too, goodnight. I’m about to go to sleep. XOXO. See you soon.

  Time to hear from Johnathan

  J- Hey baby, just thought I’d check in and see how you are my cubs are doing. I miss you a lot. I’ve been doing real well. Getting my shit cleaned up. I love you.

  J- Hello my sexy woman. Who will be my wife. I miss you and I can’t wait until the day you let me fuck that pussy again. I want to come and come and come in it over and over. Hell yeah!

  Okay, he’s drunk. So much for A.A. My first drunken text from him since the third week of separation. I got about ten from him that night. They weren’t about fucking though. He kept asking me to take him back. He kept crying about how much he loves me and wants to be with me. It was the week after we found out we were having our son and daughter.

  J- Baby, why aren’t you texting me back? Can’t we talk about my coming in your pussy? I know you like it dirty. I’ll fuck your ass too if you let me. Shit, text me back woman. I’m fucking horny over here. I haven’t fucked anyone in like three weeks. Give me something. I’m trying to get better for you. Shit.

  J- Okay, this is ridiculous. I’ve texted three fucking times. I want to talk about fucking your sexy tight pussy. Get back to me please.

  “Looks like Johnathan’s drunk texting me,” I say to James

  He leans over from reading his book. And I show him the texts.

  “Guess he really wants to fuck you,” he chuckles and I lightheartedly push his arm.

  “At least somebody does. I guess,” I shrug nonchalantly and decide I’ll text him back.

  Me to J- Hello to you too mister. Your son and daughter are fine. They are sleeping right now, I think. I just had a bath so I’m going to sleep. Please don’t text me a bunch tonight. I’m tired. And I don’t want to talk about you fucking my pussy. It makes me horny and I don’t want to be that way. And no you may not fuck my ass. My asshole is for Claire only.

  J- Of course your pussy gets horny. My cock rocks. You let your girlfriend fuck your ass? Seriously? What does she do to it? I’m curious.

  Me to J- Yes, I let Claire fuck my ass. She uses her finger and her tongue. She’s kinky and has an anal fetish. So no you can’t touch mine or my pussy. You need to stay clean. Why are you drunk?

  J- Does getting your ass fucked by her make you come? And I’m not drunk on alcohol. I’m drunk on my love for you baby. You know I love you.

  I can just hear the slurring in his text. He is so damn drunk. I don’t want to talk about this with him.

  Me to J- Yes, it makes me come hard and a lot. And yes you are drunk on alcohol. What are you drinking?

  J- I can’t believe you come from anal. I need to fuck your ass with my dick and make you come that way. Hell yeah! You’d love it. God I’m hard. I told you I’m not drunk.

  Me to J- No anal play or pussy play for you. You’re supposed to be abstinent, remember? And yes you are. Now, what are you drinking?

  J- I should be drinking your fucking pussy. But you’re being a bitch and won’t let me fuck you or suck your cunt. Damn-it woman. Let me fuck you and suck your cunt. I’m coming over. I’m going to fuck you. Tell James to leave. He’s whipped. He’ll listen. Then I’m going to come in you and you’re going to suck my cock.

  Me to J- HA-HA I’m not home. So you can’t come and try to fuck me. James is not whipped. And stop being a dick and tell me what you’re drinking?

  J- I’m drinking beers and um some kind of weird fucking shots. They taste good. If you’re not home. Where are you? Did Claire take you out? Is she fucking your ass right now? I want to fuck your ass.

  Oh my god! He’s an asshole a lot but he’s worse when he’s drunk. But it’s kind of comical in a strange way. I can’t stop laughing and James has put me on ignore. He’s in the book zone. I live in that zone a lot. So I can relate.

  Me to J- I’m in Colorado with James in a cabin for the next two weeks. And no Claire is sadly in New York. Stop texting. Go home, be a good boy and go to bed. I’m going to go to sleep and tuck your daughter and son in for the night.

  J- Colorado? Is he proposing marriage? That’s the kind of place to propose. If he does you better tell him no. Your pussy is mine. James can’t have it. And apparently Claire already owns your ass. So I guess he can have your mouth. That’s a good one. We need to get a contract. Pussy is Johnathan’s, Claire Kennedy gets asshole and Calvin James claims mouth. Will you sign it? I’ll call a lawyer tomorrow if you will.

  Oh my fucking god! He did not just say that. I am cracking up. He sure is hilarious tonight. Funny as hell. Oh man! Johnathan, Johnathan, Johnathan. Crazy as all get out. I can hear his voice with all the slurring and hand gestures. This would be a conversation to see in person. It’s that funny.

  Me to J- If James proposes I’ll say yes. He treats me better than you do. And no I’m not signing anything. Knowing you, you’d put a clause saying you get to fuck my ear every other Thursday. So keep dreaming bucko and go to bed. I’m tired, stop making me laugh. I might pee my pants.

  J- Ooooo, fucking your ear. That’s a good one. A little small but so is your pussy. And it’s oh so sweet. I can still remember that smell. Damn you’re fine. Why won’t you marry me? You shouldn’t marry James. He’s too old. I’m a young vibrant stud. Ready to rock your world. With my ten inch cock. Fuck I’m horny. This absita fucking thing sucks. I’m forcing myself to jack my cock like ten times a damn day. I’d rather you suck it with those sweet luscious lips of yours.

  Me to J- Oh wow, that’s a sweet sentiment. Not. And James isn’t too old. He’s hot for being forty three. Now, go to bed. I’m done talking. Please don’t drive and be safe.

  J- Are you fucking your bodyguard? I think there was a movie about that. You shouldn’t do it.

  Me to J- Not that it’s any of your business. No, I’m not. But go to sleep. Goodnight Johnathan.

  J- I love you my sweet pussed lady. Sleep well. Kiss my kiddos night night from daddy.

  Me to J- Love you too, drunken crazy man.

  I sit my phone on my nightstand and click out the light. James is still reading his book and focusing on the words. I see two pages turned down already. Must be two good parts he likes. I love that he does that.

  “I’m going to bed, Teddy Bear.” I say to him cuddling down in the bed, slinging the covers up over my shoulders.

  He lays his book on his lap and sinks down in the bed next to me. So we are eye to e
ye. He leans over and places a sweet kiss on my lips. I feel my eyes spark to life, in amazement. His mouth is soft and tender. I lift my hand to his cheek and hold him to my mouth. Our lips touching. I breathe him in. My eyes close completely. I feel him. His touch and kindness. It’s like his delicate tenderness reaches into my body and washes all my worries away. He makes a light groaning noise and I retract my hands from his face and pull my lips from his, opening my eyes as I pull away from his magnetism. Snapping the gentle bond between us.

  James doesn’t say a word, he sits back and up starts to read again. My heart feels wonderful and at peace.

  Chapter Six

  It’s now Wednesday, the day Stacy is arriving. He should be here any minute now, with Kyle. Yesterday, James and I woke up and cuddled in bed like nothing happened the day before. He never spoke to me about what happened or what he said he was going to. I let it go because I’m not going to push him. He didn’t kiss me again yesterday either, which totally bummed me out. Why? I don’t freaking know. I was actually anti-horny yesterday too. For the first day in weeks. I only flicked the bic once, right before I took a dip in the relaxing whirlpool tub.

  This cabin is so relaxing. I haven’t heard from Johnathan or Claire again. Which sucks. But I’ll live, and I read a book in bed most of the day yesterday as James finished Inferno. We ate leftover chicken for dinner and I made sure to bring him up a Snickers bar when I went down to the kitchen. He loves those things. He took some time out to go for a run in the forest and some of his daily workout. Most days he does dumbbells, crunches, pushups and runs on the treadmill at home. Occasionally, if we have a slow paparazzi day he goes to the gym. But thanks to me he’s been too busy to hit it up regularly. His body doesn’t show any less musculature. So, I guess that’s good.

  Right now I’m lying on the same couch that I’ve fallen in love with. James is doing another work out. I hate to see him after he gets done. Especially yesterday, all hot and sweaty and sexy as hell. I truthfully can’t get his cock out of my mind. I’m like a love struck teenager. Without the love part, it’s more lust. I lust his cock. No, correction, my greedy pussy does. I do not.


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