Runes of Black Magic: A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy (A Demon's Fall series Book 3)

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Runes of Black Magic: A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy (A Demon's Fall series Book 3) Page 4

by G. Bailey

  “Kill me, assassin. Get it over with,” he spits out, his angry words barely recognisable. Keeper Grey gets to my side, placing his hand on my shoulder, and making me look to him. Every part of me wants to kill the man under me, but I know I’ve killed in front of the Protectors before. I also know I am not a killer unless I am forced into it. The man under me wants me to kill him, which makes me think this is all just a show for someone else. If I kill him, I play straight into their game, and from one look at Keeper Grey, I know he is thinking the same.

  “Let us deal with the traitor, princess. Remember who you are now. This fool wants you to kill him at a blessing and prove you are nothing more than a killer. I know you’re not, let us deal with him,” Keeper Grey suggests. I glance up at a very worried looking Connor, who nods in agreement with Keeper Grey’s words.

  “He has a point, Blue. Don’t let him ruin this day for you. Plus, we can find out who sent him if he is alive,” Connor points out. I have a funny feeling I know who sent this idiot after me, and there is no way he will say a word.

  “This man will be punished though?” I ask Keeper Grey because I don’t understand Protectors’ rules all that much, and he nods with a relieved, tense smile.

  “This fool attempted to kill a princess. And royal guards. The punishment will be dire and in line with our laws,” he tells me. I nod before lifting my fist and punching the man in his shocked face, hearing the satisfying break of his nose even as it hurts my knuckles. The man passes out as I hear gasps in the crowd of people and Connor’s light chuckle. I’m sure I hear him mumble something about “that’s my girl,” but I’m too busy looking around the people. They slowly stand up off the ground, and they all seem to look relieved that I am okay. None of them are running away. They are standing, looking stronger with a proud look on their faces.

  “The princess is like an action figure!” a little boy near the front says. I laugh a little before shaking my head at the boy who smiles back at me. I’ve never been a fan of kids, but that one is cute.

  “Fine. He is all yours,” I say, standing up off the passed out man. He looks like a Protector who used to come after me as a child. He even wears similar clothing.

  “I will take him to the dungeons,” Connor says, picking the man up like he weighs nothing and throwing him over his shoulder. Nix does the same to his man, coming to Connor’s side.

  “You okay, love?” Nix asks me as I pause, lost in my own thoughts.

  “Yeah, are you?” I ask back, and he rubs his ear.

  “Nothing a little healing won’t fix. I’m going with Connor to put this asshole away with his mate,” he explains, and I nod in understanding. Trex comes close to my side, with Star following him, licking her bloody lips. Seems she protected Trex this time, which is kinda what I would have asked to her do anyways. Maybe she just knew.

  “I will stay with Evie to guarantee her protection. Come back as soon as possible,” Trex says, his arm brushing against mine as he is so close. I glance up at him, seeing little cuts on his cheek and a nasty looking bruise appearing. I know he wouldn’t let me heal him, but part of me wants to. Connor and Nix look at me once more, their eyes clearly checking I’m okay again before Connor opens a portal, and they both walk through. I look over at the dead guys behind us and see that three keepers are making their bodies vanish one by one until there is only blood on the floor. Neat trick.

  “Please excuse the attack. Princess Evelina is new to our world, and yes, she has a troubled past in which she had to learn how to keep herself alive…but she is the child of Eella Ravenwood. So there is no reason to believe anything will go wrong if she is queen, and I hope no one else will be foolish enough to attack a princess again. Let’s continue with the ceremony,” Keeper Grey suggests, and there is hushed whispering in the crowds. I walk up to the archway with Keeper Grey at my side, pretending the silence in the crowd is completely normal.

  I slowly walk up the steps of the square, raised platform, and see that in the middle is a pure white crystal basin with swirling water in the middle of it. The water looks like a storm of gold and silver glitter, and it’s truly amazing to look at. I do pull my eyes away from the strange water when I feel like someone is watching me, only to see Erica who smirks at me before placing an innocent, worried expression on her stupid face.

  “Oh, sister. I was so worried. I do hope you’re okay!” she exclaims, still playing the innocent little bitch. I take a deep breath, calming myself before answering her.

  “I’m fine. That was nothing. Whoever sent those idiots after me could have done a better job. A few Protectors against a rightful heir who has trained to fight her entire life? Doesn’t seem logical,” I say, shrugging a shoulder, and she tightly smiles back at me.

  “I’m just glad to see you are well. I am sorry I couldn’t help you, but my guards protected me,” she replies, but I know she means the opposite and was hoping I got hurt. Keeper Grey flashes me a slightly annoyed look before stepping right in front of the crystal basin and waving a hand for me to come closer.

  “Welcome, Protectors, to the royal square. We are all here today to witness a royal blessing and welcome a new princess into our city and into our lives. Evelina Ravenwood is the youngest daughter of our beloved queen, Eella Ravenwood, and a rightful heir to our throne. As you all know, a blessing usually takes place around the age of three to five, so this is a very unusual day and something I believe will never be witnessed again. For those who have never witnessed a blessing, I believe a little history lesson on the place we stand today is needed. The blessing water is directly pulled from the cavern below where we stand, a place of pure magic, and only a royal or keepers can enter. The water can only be consumed by a royal, and it is said to offer them protection not only in this life, but the life after,” Keeper Grey’s voice echoes loudly around us, so that everyone can hear. “Please come to the water, Evelina.”

  I do as I’m asked and walk the little steps right up to the crystal basin until I’m standing over it, looking down at the swirling gold glitter mess of water. That cannot be healthy to drink. Let’s hope they don’t tell me that’s what I have to do.

  “Evelina will now drink the water as we chant the sacred words. As Evelina does not know how to speak runes, perhaps we should say them in the common tongue for a change,” he says, and there is murmuring around us that I try not to concentrate on. I really need to learn how to read and speak runes. Keeper Grey steps up onto the other side of the crystal basin and offers me a small silver glass. “Reach in and fill the water. You must drink an entire glass without pause,” he explains quietly to me as I accept the heavier than it looks glass. I reach the glass into the water, surprised to feel how warm it is around my hand before pulling out a full glass of it. I move the glass closer to me so I can see how the water is still swirling inside the glass. Creepy.

  Keeper Grey nods once at me, and I place the glass at my lips before drinking the water. I’m surprised when everything goes fuzzy as the sweet taste of the water hits my mouth, and I find myself only being able to focus on the chanting of the crowd around me.

  “Our people rise from the ashes. We rise from the dust. We are the Protectors of the Earth from which we rose. Time is pointless. Love is a price. Protecting those who are weaker is the only cost. Protectors will stand when no one else does. We are the Protectors who are blessed with the sacred runes…” I gasp as the water runs out, and my blurry vison fades as I lower the glass with my shaky hand.

  “Welcome to the Protectors, Princess Evelina Ravenwood,” Keeper Grey says, and there are cheers from the crowds after his words. When my vision is clear, I open my eyes to see Erica smile once at me in a seriously creepy way before she turns and walks away.


  “Really, I couldn’t eat anymore, but thank you,” I say, rejecting another cake that is offered to me as I walk away from the stands of food with Trex following me around. After the ceremony, the people set up a band, games and food. Keeper Grey has i
ntroduced me to dozens of people who I really wasn’t sure what to make of. I have always thought Protectors were stuck-up people in suits, but these people are pretty down-to-earth. They love nature, being Protectors, and each one had a story about my mother to tell me. Not one of those stories was anything but public things. The real things I want to know, like how my mated mother fell in love with an angel, I likely will never know. My father—if you can even call him that—clearly will never tell me.

  I already have a plate full of food as I try to escape to the tables, but the lady offering me the pink cakes looks heartbroken by my rejection, and I sigh. “Actually, I changed my mind. I would love one.” I don’t know when I decided to be nice, but I’m not sure I like it.

  “They were your mother’s favourite,” she carefully says as I try to place the cupcake on my overflowing plate. I pause at her words, paying more attention to the older Protector in front of me. She has long blonde hair that hits her waist, an older style dress with yellow flowers on it, and a bright smile. Trex stands a distance away from me, like a guard dog instead of my friend. A grumpy one at that.

  “You knew my mother?” I ask.

  “Not exactly. I used to work in the kitchens, and your mother used to sneak down to steal cupcakes and pepperoni out of the fridge often,” she says gently.

  “Sounds like an odd mix,” I say, chuckling a little. Though as I look at my plate of bacon and cakes, I can’t say much about odd food choices. I look back up at the woman who smiles sadly, before bowing her head.

  “I once saw her sneak an angel through the kitchens. They were very in love, she was happy and laughing. I didn’t say a word until this moment to anyone. I just thought you would like to know.” I don’t get to reply to her as she quickly walks away, leaving me staring into the crowds of Protectors she disappears into. I guess my mother and father were happy at some point. I figure she loved him, but how did that even happen? I know my mother fought in the angel war a long time ago, could she have met my father then? The more I stare into the crowd, the more I know there are no answers here. I search around the crowd until I find an empty table, then quickly walk over to it and sit down. I nibble on some bacon before eating the cupcake and looking over my shoulder as I put the wrapper down.

  “Sit down with me. Come on, it’s weird to have you just standing there,” I say to Trex, who is stood with his arms crossed, his sleeves rolled up and his jacket nowhere to be seen. The way he stands is imposing…and sexy. It’s pretty distracting until I look into his eyes and see how cold he is still acting. Like we aren’t friends and this is just a job to him.

  “After this morning, I think I should stand and keep an eye out, princess,” he says coldly, and I glare at him.

  “You’re going to make me eat on my own?” I ask, and he ignores me to stand straighter, and I roll my eyes at him.

  “Trex was always the serious, never-break-the-rules type. But I would never let a gorgeous princess like you eat alone,” a charming voice says, and I turn to my right to see a man smoothly slide into the seat next to me, his body extremely close to mine. This man looks like a model, a picture perfect one at that. His blond hair is styled to the side, his brown eyes are clear and almost sparkle, and the sleeves on his shirt are rolled up, showing off his muscular arms as he holds a hand out to me. “I’m Lance. Nice to meet you, gorgeous.”

  “The princess does not want you here,” Trex possessively states, and I’m surprised to see him leaning over me, his hands pressed into the sides of my chair as he glares at Lance from above my head. Wow, so one minute he won’t even sit with me and the next he gets to play the jealous boyfriend card? Uh-huh. No way.

  “I don’t want to eat alone, so why can’t Lance sit with me?” I innocently ask Trex, turning to look at him and regretting it when our faces are inches away and he looks murderous. Maybe winding him up wasn’t the best idea.

  “Fine, I will sit with you. Now he can leave,” Trex growls out. He moves back to pull the seat out next to me and sits in it, arms crossed.

  “Lance, lovely to meet you, but Trex is grumpy as fuck today, and it might be best if you find someone else to flirt with,” I suggest, and Lance laughs as he lifts my hand and kisses the back of it before letting go. Trex places his arm around my chair at the same time, and I just roll my eyes.

  “Of course, I don’t wish to make you uncomfortable. Keeper Grey has asked me to be your attendant at the ball, as Trex refused and you need a high powered Protector at your side. I thought we should meet before the ball where we will spend the night together. I will see you around, princess,” he says with a cheeky grin, confusing me and making Trex growl at him before Lance slides out his chair and walks off into the crowd. The moment he is out of sight, Trex moves his arm away and leans back in his chair with his arms crossed.

  “What is Lance talking about?” I turn to ask him, crossing my own arms.

  “Nothing,” Trex snaps, and I raise an eyebrow at him. “I made a mistake and thought it would be stupid for us to go together to the royal ball next week because of Erica. But there is no fucking way Lance is taking you, so I will instead,” he snaps.

  “Why don’t you want him taking me to this ball?” I ask instead of calling him out on his bullshit excuse. He just doesn’t want to spend time with me, and it hurts like a bitch that he doesn’t.

  “Lance has slept with half the city, both men and women,” he tells me. Not exactly giving me an answer.

  “And?” I drawl out.

  “He isn’t taking you out anywhere, Evie,” Trex states like he has a say in what I do in my own time.

  “Why? Just because he is a player, doesn’t mean he could play his way into my knickers,” I say, glaring at him. “Why are you afraid of me sleeping with him anyway? You’ve made it perfectly clear you don’t want to be with me. You’ve made it clear you don’t even want to spend time with me.”

  “I don’t want to hurt Nix. I never said I don’t want to be with you, Evie. I never said I don’t want to kiss you, treasure you and be with you all the fucking time,” he admits, and anything I was going to say to him just escapes my mind in the shock of Trex admitting he wants to be with me. I expect Trex to walk away again, but he doesn’t, instead he covers my hand with his, and we are both silent as I try to process the emotion he is showing me right now. I know he doesn’t want to hurt Nix, I don’t want to hurt him either, but avoiding Trex is nothing but painful for both of us. Why can’t Trex see that we could figure something out?

  “Hey guys, can I borrow Evie for a moment?” Connor says, almost making me jump out of my skin and stopping whatever this moment between us was. Trex nods, pulling his eyes from me and standing up.

  “She is all yours. I’m going to find Keeper Grey to sort out some issues. I won’t be far,” Trex replies, standing up and walking away with his hands in fists.

  “You okay, Blue?” Connor asks me, placing his hand on my shoulder when I don’t say anything for a while. Connor steps in front of me as I push my chair back and stand up.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. Just confused about, well, everything,” I tell him, and he nods in understanding.

  “I have a surprise for you that will make things better for a little bit. Come on,” Connor says, grinning at me and offering me a hand. I slide my hand into his, and he walks us away into the forest behind, only going a few trees in before he stops and opens a portal. Connor walks in the portal first, and I follow him through, still holding his hand. The portal takes us onto a roof, where stood on the other side of a pool is Azi, who turns to smile at me.

  “Surprise, Vi.”


  “Azi!” I say in relief, feeling like I can finally release the breath I was holding in as I see that he is okay. The sun is just setting behind him and the city, the glow of the roof lights showing me that Azi looks dirty, covered in dry blood, and his suit is a little ripped, but he is in one piece. He hasn’t shaved in a while as there is a light shadow of scruff on his lower face, and
his black hair is messy but still short.

  “You have about an hour or two before I will have to come back to get you. I will work some distractions for the crowd and explain you needed to go home to rest,” Connor says gently and lets go of my hand.

  “Thank you,” I say to Connor who winks at me before walking through the portal, and it disappears. I look back just as Azi gets to me, and I jump up, wrapping my legs around his waist as I kiss him. Azi groans lightly as his hands grab my ass, pulling me closer as I slide my hands into his hair as he deepens the kiss. I move my lips away from his, kissing across his prickly feeling jaw and to his neck.

  “Did you miss me, Vi?” he asks, chucking low which I feel vibrate against my lips on his neck. I lean back, biting my lip as I meet his red eyes that are swirling with longing and something else.

  “Yes. I was worried,” I admit honestly. “Don’t go again. I know you want to find Cex, but I can’t deal with not knowing you’re okay when everything is going to shit at the moment.”

  “Vi, you don’t have to worry about me,” Azi says, his fingers sliding through my hair. “I am an overlord demon who can handle himself.”

  “Except your brother is the same as you, maybe even more powerful. I just want to be at your side if you find him,” I say, lowering my voice.

  “I love you too, Vi. It’s okay to say it, you know,” he whispers, before lowering me to the floor.

  “If I say it and then lose you, it will just hurt more,” I reply, feeling more than vulnerable as I stare up at him. I’d prefer to be in a swamp of souls in Hell than have this conversation I have avoided for as long as possible.


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