Runes of Black Magic: A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy (A Demon's Fall series Book 3)

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Runes of Black Magic: A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy (A Demon's Fall series Book 3) Page 7

by G. Bailey

  “Princess Evelina, and her guards. Welcome to the first royal test. Please stand by your sister,” Keeper Grey welcomes us, looking seriously not impressed with Azi being here. Ah well, too late to go back now. I smile widely as I step forward, my guys all moving to stand at the side. Star, however, comes up right next to me, sitting in the middle of Erica and me, her big body nearly pushing Erica over. Erica looks at Star with clear distaste as I eye up all the weapons attached to her body. She has big swords on her back, a lot of daggers and what looks like a whip with a deadly spike at the end wrapped around her arm. When I beat her, I want that whip. It already looks like it has my name on it.

  “The Protectors welcome the royals to the first test for the throne. As you all know, there are three tests before a queen is chosen. The first one held today is a test of endurance and tests the royal’s skills as a fighter. The second test is one of the mind and soul, and the third test is a secret. At the end of the tests, there will be one queen who is destined to have the throne. We will now take the princesses to the battle room which has been designed by us keepers. The rules of this test are simple. The first one to get the stone wins. To get to the stone, you must stop your opponent by any means necessary. Every keeper will be watching, and the winner will receive a blessed mark,” Keeper Grey tells us and stands back, waving a hand towards the row of keepers who step to the side, parting to make a gap for us to walk through.

  “Come, Star,” I gently say, and Star stretches as she gets up, knocking Erica once again.

  “She cannot be allowed to take that creature with her,” Erica snaps.

  “That creature is my familiar. I suggest you shut the fuck up and be more respectful, sis,” I snap, hearing more people whispering after my outburst. I am seriously not good at this whole being a respectable person in public when Erica is around. Or ever really. It’s a curse of always speaking exactly what’s on my mind before thinking.

  “I’m afraid she can. Star is a royal familiar now Princess Evelina has blessed her. Royal familiars are allowed in all of the tests,” Keeper Grey informs Erica, who huffs before storming off through the gap of keepers who stand still like statues, their faces hidden under their hoods.

  “Good luck. I know you can do this,” Trex says as I walk past all my guys, and I look up at him, nodding once. I’m surprised it is Trex that is being the encouraging one of the bunch. Though when I try to read his expression, it shocks me more to see how worried he seems. For a man that expresses how he can’t be with me or care about me, he sure does seem to care a lot.

  “I don’t need luck,” I quietly reply before lifting my head, forcing myself to focus. Each one of my guys grins at me with concern in their eyes, before they bow their heads. I walk through the gap with Star following not far behind me. On the other side is a small pathway to something outside, and I assume that’s the way to go. It’s creepy how silent it is as I walk down the pathway, and when I get outside with Star, a metal door locks behind me. I turn around, sliding out a dagger as I look at my surroundings while the wind whips against me. I guess the test has started. We are on a balcony that is just gravel and small concrete walls with one grey stone staircase in the middle that looks out of place. I look up and see the stone staircase goes all the way up into the clouds It doesn’t look safe to climb as it is broken in places, and it must be more windy up there. Luckily, I’m a good climber, I have to hope Erica isn’t. When I see a flash of dark hair not far up, I know Erica must be running up the stone staircase to get to the top first.

  “Stay here, Star. It’s not safe for you to climb this,” I tell her, and she whines, shaking her head, but I get the feeling from her that she will do as I ask anyways. I call my wings as I approach the stairs quickly, knowing my secret is out of the bag now. I wonder for a second if Keeper Grey had anything to do with the choice of the test before I jump up off the ground and fly into the air. I shoot up through the clouds and realise that they have built an entire level of glass up here at the top of the stairs. Erica climbs the last step just as she sees me, and I shoot towards her. I grab the stairs and climb onto the glass, spotting Erica running towards a glowing red stone in the middle of the glass. I jump and fly, passing Erica easily and pushing my shoulder into her as I pass, knocking her over as she screams at me. I gasp as something slams into my leg before I can get far. I fall to the glass with a thud and freeze for a second as the glass starts to crack under my hands. I quickly roll over, seeing a dagger in my lower leg, and I pull it out, trying not to scream as I look over to see Erica running for the stone once again. I know I don’t have time to heal myself before she gets to the stone, so I have to do something else. I look down at the blood-covered dagger before narrowing my eyes at my sister. Thanks for the weapon, sis. I fling the dagger back at her, watching it land in her hip, and she falls to the floor with a loud scream. I get up and limp to the stone as quickly as possible, keeping my eye on Erica as she pulls the dagger out and stands up like nothing happened. Erica smirks at me before running towards me this time, and I pull my sword out as she gets hers. How the hell is she running after being stabbed? Erica slams her sword into mine as I block, she’s pushing hard with her weight to knock me off. We both struggle for a long time, my eyes locked with hers, seeing nothing but hate for me in them.

  “How the fuck are you healed so quickly?” I spit out, struggling with the pain in my leg the longer we fight like this. I grit my teeth, pushing her back a little more as sweat gathers on my forehead. She is super fucking strong. It feels like I’m pushing against a damn rock.

  “The angels have abilities, you know. Like healing, for example, and super strength. If you kill an angel the right way, you can absorb their gift. Like healing instantly…and this,” I give her a confused look until I glance down and see ice quickly spreading all up my legs and across the glass. Erica suddenly pulls away and runs for the stone. Shit. I call my holy fire, setting my hand on fire and holding it to the ice, but it doesn’t melt. It doesn’t do anything. I pull a dagger out and try to chip away the ice, so I can get free instead, only making small dents in the ice. No matter what I do, the ice doesn’t budge much, and it keeps spreading over my stomach, up my chest and freezing my wings. This is not what I fucking planned. I watch in disgust as Erica grabs the stone, holding it in the air and a loud buzzing noise is heard.

  “You cheating bitch!” I scream at her, wriggling to get free.

  “I didn’t cheat. The rules say nothing about angel powers being banned,” Erica sweetly says and walks to the steps as I struggle to get free, glaring at my evil as fuck sister. Erica stands on the top step of the stairs and victoriously smiles at me.

  “You and Cex killed those angels for powers? You know Cex is only using you to get black magic. He doesn’t love you,” I tell her, and she narrows her eyes at me.

  “Cex does love me. When I am queen, he will be at my side, and you will see. Oh wait, no you won’t because you’re going to be a little too dead for that. Good luck trying to fly your way down. I hope you enjoy the fall, and good luck in Hell,” she taunts, before placing her hand on the glass. All the glass vibrates before it cracks and suddenly smashes into pieces, and then I’m falling with the glass through the air. I scream as I fall, wriggling to escape the ice as the wind whips past my ears, and all the air in my lungs feels like it’s been sucked out. Just as it becomes harder to breathe at all, and black spots dot in front of my eyes, something catches me, my body whacking against them with a force enough to hurt me. The ice melts away suddenly around me, and the person holding me in the middle of the air turns me around and slides an arm under my knees as I collapse. The last thing I see before passing out is my father, flying in the air, holding me close with a look that could even pass as pure concern.


  “What the hell happened up there? How did Erica win the test?” Trex growls out, his angry, murderous voice slowly waking me up. I don’t even want to wake up when I realise I lost the first test because Erica
damn well surprised me once again. I won’t fall for her tricks again, that’s for sure.

  “I am not allowed to discuss the tests. It is a rule, I am sorry, but there are two other tests. This does not mean Princess Evelina will not be queen, but it does mean she needs to win the next tests,” Keeper Grey replies as I force my eyes to open, and I see a white ceiling above me. My head feels fuzzy, but nothing else hurts, not even my leg. Someone must have healed it for me.

  “Seriously? You can’t tell us anything at all?” Connor replies from my right, his grumpy voice sounding exhausted.

  “No…only that Evelina was lucky her father turned up when he did. I, for one, would like to have a word with him about how he got through our wards,” Keeper Grey muses. So, it was my father who caught me and not some crazy dream. I’m sure it was me feeling crazy when I remember the concerned look he gave me before everything went dark. I don’t want to risk thinking my father might actually give a fuck about me until I’m sure he does. I keep telling myself, every time I think of my father, that he must have been a good man at some point who loved my mother, by the sounds of it.

  “I would like to know why he was here in the first place, but he buggered off without a word once he gave Evie to me,” Trex replies.

  “I’d like to know why he was here as well and maybe thank him for catching me,” I say, sitting up in the now silent room as I look around. Star is lying at the end of the bed, her head on my legs as she snoozes. We are back in my bedroom, and all the guys are around the room. Connor is close to my right with Nix next to him, whereas Azi is resting on the wall at the end of the bed. Trex and Keeper Grey are stood on my left, looking down at me. Trex’s shirt is covered in blood. No doubt my blood, if my father gave me to him after he caught me.

  “How are you feeling?” Keeper Grey asks as Trex hands me a glass of water he has, like he knows that is exactly what I need right now. I sip the water as I sit up, placing my other hand on my leg to feel that it is a little sore to touch, but there is no cut.

  “I healed you,” Trex explains.

  “Thanks,” I reply, and he nods, accepting the empty glass back off me and placing it on the bedside table. “Erica won, didn’t she?”

  “Yes. Keeper Grey will not tell us what happened in the test, but I hoped you would explain it,” Trex answers, whereas the others are playing the silent card.

  “I will leave you alone with your guards. Do not worry about losing the first test. I have always believed your value as a queen lies in what the next test has to offer,” Keeper Grey states, bowing his head low before walking out of the bedroom, leaving us all in silence. I hope I have some skills in the next tests, or I am screwed.

  “Evie?” Connor gently asks, and I shake my head out of my thoughts. If I don’t believe in myself, then no one will. I have to tell myself I can do it. I was born to do this, at least I think I was. Damn, I’m starting to think like an advert for hairspray or something.

  “Erica, well, she surprised me. Again,” I mutter, locking eyes with Azi. “The angels that they took, Erica has somehow taken their powers. She can self-heal instantly, freeze things which my fire doesn’t melt, and do something weird with her hand to make glass shatter,” I say. “I wasn’t expecting her to do that, and more than anything, I want to just fucking kill her for being a sly cow like usual.”

  “I’m going to take a wild guess those angels are dead,” Azi muses, rubbing his face. “How the hell my brother has gotten powerful enough to kill an angel—or my brothers for that matter—is concerning. The more we find out, the more I think we are missing something big that explains all this.”

  “I doubt we will be any closer to finding out what any time soon. Don’t worry, Evie, you can win the next two and beat her. No more surprises,” Connor says, trying to comfort me.

  “I’m not overly confident after today. I need bacon and some time to think,” I say with a groan as my head hurts. Nix gets up, gently kissing the side of my head like he can feel my pain before straightening up.

  “Bacon I can cook for you, love. You scared me today, seeing you on the ground passed out like that, the amount of blood from where the glass cut you...Trex got to you first, and it was a long wait to make sure you were okay,” he explains to me, and I nod in understanding. I couldn’t imagine seeing Nix like that.

  “Come on, serious guy. Let’s go and get our girl some bacon,” Connor says, putting an arm around Nix’s shoulder and walking him out, sending me a wink. I know he feels the same way as Nix does, but he doesn’t need to say it out loud.

  “Thanks again for healing me. Did my father stay around? What was he even doing there?” I ask Trex, not knowing if he has any answers, but it’s worth asking.

  “I am going to ask around, see if anyone has spotted your father since. I believe he came to watch you in the test,” Trex states, looking away from me and seeming tenser than ever before.

  “Why would he come to watch?” I muse quietly, not really expecting an answer.

  “Because you’re his daughter. Somewhere, quite deep down, is a man your mother loved once, and she was a good person and very loved by all who met her. I think he cares what happens to you, Evie, even if he hasn’t admitted it out loud yet,” Trex states, crossing his arms.

  “I think that is wishful thinking, Trexy,” I say and look down at my white shirt, pulling it up to smell it and feeling that my underwear is still on. It smells like Trex. “And thanks for the shirt. Who undressed me?”

  “I did,” Azi simply says, no apology in his tone. “We had to make sure you weren’t hurt anywhere else, Vi.”

  “That’s logical,” I nod, sinking back into the pillows as Azi comes to sit next to me on the bed, taking my hand in his.

  “I will leave you alone,” Trex suddenly says, drawing my attention back to my tense, grumpy giant watching us.

  “Trex, you don’t have to go. It’s a big bed, you could sit on this side,” I suggest, patting the empty space next to me. Trex glances at where Azi is holding my hand and straightens up as he stands up.

  “No. I will see you later,” Trex coldly says, his coldness hurting me and pissing me off more than I want to admit before he storms out of the room.

  “That man is a fucking idiot,” Azi mutters, shaking his head and smiling sadly at me. “If he doesn’t realise how lucky he is soon, he doesn’t deserve you.”

  “It’s nothing to do with me. I know that, even though how he treats me hurts like a bitch. It’s because of him and Nix. Trex thinks he must always protect Nix and that he can’t do anything that might hurt him. Like going after me when he knows how Nix feels. I get the need to protect your family, and I can’t hate Trex for it. His past is just as fucked up as mine, and it doesn’t make us people who know how to deal with emotions well,” I say, and Azi nods. I move over as he slides onto the bed, and I wordlessly put my head on his chest, letting him hold me close.

  “Do you think if I punched Trex in the head it would make him come to his senses?” Azi mutters, kissing the top of my head as he rubs circles with his thumb in the middle of my back.

  “I don’t think so, but it would be funny to see you try,” I admit, smiling.

  “I love you, Vi,” Azi whispers to me, distracting me with sweet kisses. Even though I didn’t win the test and I might not win everything, I won Azi’s heart. I’m not my sister. Azi really loves me. I know this isn’t the end of the battle for the throne anyway. Two more tests, and now more than ever, I can’t afford not to win.


  “Hello, sweetheart,” a purring voice says from behind me, and I turn around, staring down at Erica who is standing way too close in a dress that leaves little to the imagination and a black cloak clipped around her neck. I step back and try not to seem too annoyed by her presence like I feel inside. Since she won the first test two days ago, she has been making it clear to everyone that she is meant to be queen, and the first test is proof Evie is nothing. Though if anything, support for Evie seems to have
become stronger than ever, with Protectors singing a song made up for Evie about a lost queen who has finally come home to make the world a better place.

  The song is sung everywhere, and every day, Evie’s building is lined with flowers and gifts, which Evie won’t touch. She ordered for them to all be collected each day and sent to human and supernatural orphanages across the country. When word got out about where she was sending the gifts, the gifts multiplied the next day. Most think it’s a smart move on Evie’s part to get more Protectors on her side, but in reality, Evie did it because that was what she wanted to do.

  I keep my face neutral and passive as I face Erica, who seems too nervous as she looks around her. It’s an act I got used to doing when we were engaged, keeping a passive face on, no matter what I actually thought. I only ever agreed to the engagement because I thought it would be a good way to keep Nix and me safe for life, not because I ever saw anything in the spoilt woman in front of me. To think Evie and Erica are sisters is hard to swallow. They couldn’t be more opposite in every single way. Being around Evie is natural, and if my brother weren’t clearly in love with her, there would be nothing that could stop me trying to make her feel how I do for her. I try to shake my feelings for Evie for a moment to focus on her sister and why the hell she is talking to me.

  “What do you want? This isn’t your building, Erica, and don’t think I won’t throw you out, because you know I will, no matter who you are,” I tell her, and she pouts in a way I assume she thinks is attractive as she bats her eyelashes as well. I hated when she looked at me this way before. I think it makes her resemble a duck with something in her eye, which isn’t attractive to me. I much prefer a woman in work-out clothes, a serious look on her perfect lips, holding a bow and not even noticing the world as she finds her target.


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