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Dark Light Book Two

Page 28

by Rob Shepherd

  Jonas brought them back to the matter at hand. “We now know the mirrors don’t work. Neither do the cameras to a point. It has to look right at them to see It. The motion sensors are working. That could be to our favor. Tomorrow night is the full moon. We’ll make our move then. Mona, Holly and Thomas will stay behind.” Any fool could see Holly and Thomas were relieved. “Jerry now that you’ve seen firsthand what we’re up against, I’m expecting you to follow orders to the letter.” “Yes Sir. I don’t have a death wish.” “Glad to hear it. We have headsets so those left here will be monitoring the motion sensors. Hopefully we’ll get an idea of how many are out there. Go get some food and rest tomorrow will be long and I hope we all return.” Jonas still couldn’t shake the feeling he was missing something. The others filed out Mona, Sam and Tanner stayed behind. Mona spoke up. “Out with it Jonas, what’s troubling you?” “He shouldn’t have been able to grab him so easily. Tanner you remember what that thing smelled like. Brandon should have been able to get away. I stressed the stench to everyone. I don’t get it.” “Maybe he hasn’t been changed long enough to have the stench. You don’t really know how long that thing you fought up in Ontario was turned. Some of the research we did hinted that they could go dormant for a few years after the first year after the change. It’s just a thought.” Tanner was finding that going to be a father was changing him. He never would have just spoken up before. Jonas slowly nodded. “You may be right. Alright go scoot. Tomorrow will be here soon enough.” As they left Jonas turned and gave Mona a big hug. “If we get through this can we tell them we’re and item?” Mona laughed throwing her arms around his neck. “I think they’re on to us already. Come on love let’s go to bed.”

  The day dawned bright and most of the pack slept in. By one in the afternoon the last of them came into the kitchen. Jonas waited until they sat down to lay out the game plan. “We’re not waiting for nightfall. We’re heading out around three. If there’s anything left of his mind he’ll figure we will wait. Jerry, Chuck you’re going out in wolf form Leslie, you’re a natural with a bow. Better than me. Tanner you stay close to your lady in case she needs any help. That thing doesn’t look light to me. Of course have your bow handy as well. I thought about this long and hard.” He turned to a cabinet and opened it. He handed Tanner a 45 magnum and took one for himself as well. “If anyone gets bitten…put them down. I know that sounds harsh, but remember there’s no cure. None of us wants to end up like that.” They all nodded.

  Three o’clock came too soon and they headed out. Mona and the others watched the monitors closely. Holly spotted something first and grabbed Mona’s arm. “Look right there. Something tripped the sensor and our guys haven’t been gone long enough to have done it.” Mona passed it on to Jonas. One hour out and Chuck caught a scent. He nudged Jonas in the direction it came from. Jonas stood stock still and waited, his arrow ready to be lit. Suddenly he caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye. There were two wolves coming at him slowly. He got Tanner’s attention. Tanner stood ready then spotted them. It was a bitch trying to hit something that you really couldn’t see. Jonas indicated he’d take the one on the right and lit his arrow. He tapped his foot to three and they let fly. Unbelievably they both hit their mark and the two wolves were quickly reduced to ashes. Leslie went over and kicked the ashes around to scatter them.

  Back at the compound another sensor went off. East of where they were. Holly relayed the information to them and they changed course. Leslie was searching the ground for some sign of something. She found it hard to believe they couldn’t leave some sign. She wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings and wandered away from the others. All the sudden she caught a glimpse, but it was too late. She was too far from the others and she was grabbed on both sides. Her bow fell to the ground, useless. She screamed as they started to eat her alive. She could feel her intestines hitting the cold snow. One had ripped her arm off and was standing there eating it like a chicken drumstick. The other went for her throat. They were in such a feeding frenzy they didn’t notice Jonas and Tanner coming. Jonas hit his mark the first time and that one went down in flames. The other was too interested in eating Leslie’s heart to notice Tanner notch another arrow and find his mark this time. Another one was down. The little group got together to catch their wind. Jonas was panting. “I hope that’s it. Except for…well you know. Let’s keep moving.”

  Back at base Thomas was noticing something odd. “Mona, come look at this! Quick!” She rushed to the monitor and saw what he was pointing at. The thermal cameras were picking up something moving upright. The motion sensors were going off. Indicating it was moving back towards the compound. She grabbed the headset. “Jonas get back here, it’s coming right at us! I swear its Steven. He walk by a camera and looked at it.” “Mona, stay calm. Have Thomas and Holly get their bows ready just in case. If need be get to the room in the cellar. Nothing can get in there.” Mona repeated the instructions and hurried around to prepare. The second kill had brought them closer to the compound, but could they get there in time? Jonas and the rest were just turning the last curve to the compound when they heard screams. “God, that’s Mona!” The creature had busted down the door and grabbed Mona before the others could react. They watched in horror as It dragged her out the front door and held her in the air. Jonas and the rest of the pack came around in time to witness this. It seemed to be toying with her. She had stopped screaming and seemed to be waiting her fate. What had been Steven noticed Jonas and held Mona out to him. He motioned him closer and seemed to be want to make a trade; Mona for Jonas. “Jonas! No don’t do it the pack needs you!” Mona had tears pouring down her face. “I need you Mona. I’ll make the trade. You blame me for this don’t you Steven?” The creature just grunted and shook Mona harder, causing her to cry out in pain. Jerry thought fuck this. No one was paying any attention to him and he slipped around them. Sam spotted him and knew what was coming. Jerry nodded his noble head and winked at her. Sam pulled the flamethrower up just as Jerry leapt. The impact caused Steven to drop Mona, who crawled away sobbing. As soon as she was clear Sam let loose with a blast of flames. It was almost like watching a sickening ballet of beast and wolf going around and burning. The smell was horrible. Holly and Thomas rushed out with fire extinguishers, but it was too late. Jerry pushed away from the creature and they put him out. There was nothing to be done for him. Besides the burns, he had been bitten. Even if he survived the burns they all knew what would happen. Mona pulled herself from Jonas arms and took the pistol. She looked at the others. “He saved my life, now I’ll save his.” She pulled the trigger. Without a word she handed it back to Jonas and Sam led her into the house.

  A few hours later, after the carnage had been cleaned up, Jonas went looking for Mona. She was on the back porch. He walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her. She leaned her back into him. He kissed her temple. “That was a brave thing you did back there.”

  She shook her head and turned to face him. “No it wasn’t. It was the humane thing to do.” She looked out into the dark. “Do you think there are other Wilikos out there?” “I’m sure there are. Let’s just pray we never run into another. I’ve had enough excitement to last me a life time.” He took her hand and kissed it. “Come on let’s go in and fuss over the mom to be. She could use it and it’ll help all of us.”

  Mona let herself be led away, but she couldn’t help looking back into the dark and wondering…what if?


  By Joie Dunham Parent

  My shoulders are heavy, the skies are dark… though surrounded by friends, I feel alone. I continue to walk through this life, slowly sinking further and further into the shadows. The weight that was once easier to bear has now pushed me to my knees.

  Haggard and worn, emotionally bruised and psychologically abused. I turn to the person who has always been there for me… me. Yet, she isn’t answering. She checked out a long time ago. My heart is dead, body is frail, my mind is a blown circuit board. />
  Crawling now… toward any light I am able to see in the dark. Just one glimpse of hope. Cut hands, scarred knees, and so sore from reaching for help. No voice left to scream, and no will to continue the fight.

  I lie here, ALONE… no longer afraid, no longer cold, no longer empty. I am ready to submit to the weight.

  Then, from the cold night, I feel a sudden warmth. A touch, a hand…is pulling me back. Telling me I am not alone. The weight that was once mine to carry is shared with others. For I am lifted up, and carried out of the dark, into the light, and finally at peace.

  Alone no longer.

  Table of Contents




  The Poe Paradox

  The Eyes of Temptation

  The White Knight

  I Believe in Mary Worth


  Meaning of Life

  Last Train

  Family Reunion

  Good Father

  Granted Wishes

  The Fabled ‘Movingphotographic’ Device of Sigurður Pétursson

  Just A Little Miss-Understanding

  Ater Angelus

  In The Shadow


  Lady of the Boat

  Door to Door

  A Pink House After Midnight


  Angels in Blue-Black Skies


  A Full Wolf Moon – Retribution





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