327 Mount Mandara.
328 The river.
329 It is not obvious what an anukarsha is. It is something that was used to attract or pull and may have been some kind of hook.
330 Trivenu means three bamboo poles. One doesn’t know what part of the chariot this is, except that it is clearly a joint.
331 Not to be confused with the Kourava Dhritarashtra.
332 Samvartaka and Balahaka are the names of clouds that appear at the time of the destruction of the universe.
333 Indra, Varuna, Yama and Kubera respectively.
334 Sinivali is the day before the new moon. Anumati is the day before the full moon. Kuhu is the day of the new moon and Raka is the day of the full moon. These are also the names of goddesses associated with those days.
335 Meaning speech.
336 Famous sages.
337 Itihasa means the two epics and the Puranas. Since the Puranas have already been mentioned, it means only the two epics here.
338 The exclamation ‘vashat’ made at the time of offering an oblation.
339 Shiva.
340 The asuras.
341 Shiva’s names. Nilalohita means the one who is blue-red. Dhumra means the one who is dark-red or covered in smoke. Krittivasa means the one who is attired in skin.
342 Shiva’s name, the one with the matted hair.
343 Brahma.
344 Shiva.
345 Brahma.
346 Shiva.
347 Karna.
348 Parashurama.
349 Parashurama’s.
Chapter 1175(25)
350 All of this is with reference to horses.
Chapter 1176(26)
351 Hari is one of Indra’s names.
352 Shalya.
353 Shalya.
354 The sun god and the fire god respectively.
355 However, Karna had sworn to Kunti that he would not kill any of the Pandavas, other than Arjuna.
356 Therefore, the animals and birds were to the left and the left is inauspicious.
357 Meaning Bhishma and Drona.
358 These events are happening just before sunrise on the seventeenth day.
359 Shukracharya.
360 That is, die.
361 Referring to the quarrel between Karna and Shalya.
362 Duryodhana. Duryodhana is Dhritarashtra’s son and Dhritarashtra is Vichitravirya’s son.
363 Parashurama. That is, Parashurama gave Karna the chariot.
364 The chariot.
365 Upendra is Indra’s younger brother, that is, Vishnu. Here, it means Krishna.
366 This is a reference to the abduction of Subhadra, Krishna’s sister, described in Section 17 (Volume 2).
367 This is a reference to Arjuna’s duel with Shiva, described in Section 31 (Volume 2).
368 Arjuna’s name.
369 This is a reference to the burning of Khandava, described in Section 19 (Volume 2).
370 The gandharvas travel through the sky. This is a reference to the gandharvas capturing the Kouravas, described in Section 39 (Volume 3).
371 This is a reference to the Kourava attempt to seize Virata’s cattle, described in Section 47 (Volume 4).
Chapter 1177(27)
372 The word used is shyama. This means dark. But it also means a woman who hasn’t had a child or hasn’t been exposed to intercourse.
373 Kubera.
374 And are ready to be plucked.
375 The sun.
376 Meaning Garuda.
377 Arjuna.
378 There is a pun, because the word shalya means dart.
379 The serpent Ashvasena survived the conflagration in Khandava, described in Section 19 (Volume 2). To wreak vengeance on Arjuna, he hid himself in the tip of an arrow that Karna would use in the battle.
380 That is, prosperity.
381 Arjuna’s mother (Pritha/Kunti) and Krishna’s father (Vasudeva) were brother and sister. Therefore, Krishna is the son of Arjuna’s maternal uncle. Arjuna is the son of Krishna’s father’s sister.
382 Tarkshya is Garuda. Vishnu/Krishna has Garuda on his standard and Arjuna has an ape on his standard.
383 Madraka is the same as Madra.
384 More specifically, sidhu, liquor made from molasses. Actually, the negative nuance doesn’t seem to be on liquor, but on the fact that it is made from molasses.
385 Samskara. There are thirteen samskaras or sacraments. The list varies a bit. But one list is vivaha (marriage), garbhalambhana (conception), pumshavana (engendering a male child), simantonnayana (parting the hair, performed in the fourth month of pregnancy), jatakarma (birth rites), namakarana (naming), chudakarma (tonsure), annaprashana (first solid food), keshanta (first shaving of the head), upanayana (sacred thread), vidyarambha (commencement of studies), samavartana (graduation) and antyeshti (funeral rites).
386 Shalya’s words are being compared to the bite of a scorpion.
387 Parashurama.
Chapter 1178(28)
388 Duryodhana’s.
389 For the horses to bear.
390 Appropriate for a vaishya.
391 Rice mixed with milk and sugar.
392 The swans.
393 The swan.
394 The swan and the crow involved in the match.
395 The crow is thinking this.
396 The swan waited for the exhausted crow to catch up.
397 Garuda.
398 This is Shalya speaking again.
399 The swan’s.
400 The swan comforted the crow.
401 The seizure of the cattle, described in Section 47 (Volume 4).
402 Arjuna killed three of Karna’s brothers in Section 66 (Volume 5).
403 The incident described in Section 39 (Volume 3).
404 Parashurama, this is a reference to Section 54 (Volume 4).
Chapter 1179(29)
405 That is, Shalya has heard about these accounts, but without being present there himself.
406 Arjuna was Indra’s son.
407 At that time, Parashurama was sleeping, with his head on Karna’s thigh. Karna was scared of waking Parashurama up.
408 A brahmana wouldn’t have been able to bear the pain from an insect drilling through. Karna was cursed because he studied under Parashurama under the pretext of being a brahmana.
409 These were divine weapons. When summoned, they manifested themselves before the user.
410 The word used is tata. It means father, but is affectionately used towards anyone who is senior.
411 Seven paces or saptapada. This is symbolic.
412 Actually, the text uses the word god in the singular. But that doesn’t make it clear which god is meant. The use of the plural seems to convey the sense better.
413 Yama.
414 Kubera.
415 Homa means oblations into the fire. The homa cow thus produced milk products used for such oblations.
Chapter 1180(30)
416 The five rivers of the Punjab.
417 It is not evident why this should be reprehensible. It is sometimes suggested that the quadrangular spot was for slaughtering cattle and Subhanda was a store for liquor. Though possible, this doesn’t follow.
418 While the Bahlikas were originally from Bactria, there was a settlement around Punjab. Shakala is identified with Sialkot. The river Apaga is identified as Chandrabhaga (Chenab). Jat is believed to be derived from Jartika. The Madras lived in close proximity to the Bahlikas.
419 That is, the barley has been bought from others.
420 To acts of intercourse.
421 This is a reference to his mistress.
422 The red arsenic is probably on their foreheads and the collyrium on their eyes.
423 The idea is that the Bahlikas are robbers and bandits. They descend on passers-by along those forest paths and rob them.
424 Krishna chaturdashi.
425 It is a bit odd for the brahmana to say this. It will soon be clear that this is actually a quote.
426 There is spec
ulation about the location of Aratta, the name also occurring in Sumerian stories.
427 The Critical edition may have erred here. Non-critical versions say Bahlika, which fits the context more than Videha.
428 This is a reference to the brahmana, who was addressed by the rakshasi.
429 This seems to be the rakshasi speaking.
430 The bandits raped her.
431 Brahma.
432 Because the dharma followed was wrong.
433 Kalmashapada’s story has been recounted in Section 11 (Volume 1). In that account, Kalmashapada was a king who was possessed by a rakshasa.
434 The rakshasa.
435 The rakshasa.
436 Through omission, the Bahlikas are not protected by anyone.
437 This has been described in Section 59 (Volume 4).
Chapter 1181(31)
438 Karna.
439 As has been mentioned before, there is a consistency problem with the names of Duryodhana’s minor brothers. Chitrasena has already been killed in Section 69 (Volume 6).
440 Satyaki and Kritavarma respectively.
441 However, Shatanika, Nakula’s son, has already been mentioned.
442 Krishnaa, Droupadi.
443 There is a problem with translating this. The text uses the word hina, which should be translated as vile, inferior, or left out. Since there is no reason for Satyajit to be so described, we have translated this as youngest.
444 Though not explicitly stated, this is Sanjaya speaking again.
Chapter 1182(32)
445 Of the Pandavas.
446 Described in Section 35 (Volume 3).
447 Karna.
448 Both Uluka and Patatri were Shakuni’s sons.
449 Bhima.
450 Bhima.
451 Vrishasena.
452 Vrishasena.
453 Duhshasana.
454 Yudhishthira’s.
Chapter 1183(33)
455 Arrows that had heads like the tooth of a calf.
456 The two Panchalas who were protecting Yudhishthira’s chariot wheels. In shlokas excised in the Critical edition, their names are given as Chandradeva and Dandadhara.
457 Punarvasu is the seventh of the twenty-seven nakshatras. However, Punarvasu is actually a double star, Castor and Pollux in the constellation Gemini.
458 Since Satyasena has already been killed, there is an inconsistency.
459 Varahakarnas have heads like a boar’s ear, narachas are iron arrows, nalikas are hollow arrows, vatsadantas have heads like a calf’s tooth, vipathas are large arrows, kshurapras are sharp as razors and atakamukhas have heads that roam around freely (probably meaning multiple heads).
460 Yudhishthira.
461 There is implicit imagery of the stars.
462 Karna.
463 Shrutakirti (or Shrutakarma) was the son of Arjuna and Droupadi.
464 Karna’s.
465 Yudhishthira.
466 They died.
Chapter 1184(34)
467 This is a reference to the gambling match.
468 This has been described in Section 46 (Volume 4).
469 Bhima.
Chapter 1185(35)
470 Duryodhana.
471 The names of Duryodhana’s brothers. Not only is there an inconsistency about which of Duryodhana’s minor brothers was killed when, there is also inconsistency about the names of Duryodhana’s minor brothers.
472 Identical with Upanandaka.
473 Shakuni.
474 Yudhishthira.
475 Karna and Satyaki.
476 Satyaki.
Chapter 1186(36)
477 Unidentified weapon made out of iron.
478 Unidentified weapon, probably something like a mallet that was tied to a rope.
479 This shloka is not composed very well and there is repetition. The four kinds of forces are elephants, horses, chariots and infantry. What is meant is that each of these fought against the other three kinds of forces.
480 Shakragopas are cochineal insects, crimson in colour.
481 The word used is shyama. While the word also means dark, in this context, it means a lady who has not given birth, or is not married, and is therefore a virgin. Therefore, we have used the word young.
482 Because of the blood.
483 That is, with the wings lopped off. At one point, mountains were believed to have possessed wings.
484 Without being able to differentiate friend from foe.
485 Yama.
Chapter 1187(37)
486 The narayana army was given by Krishna to Duryodhana and an army of gopalas (cowherds) is also mentioned. In Section 49 (Volume 4), Duryodhana and Arjuna had to choose between an unarmed and neutral Krishna and his army. Arjuna opted for Krishna and Duryodhana for the narayana army. In descriptions of the war, the narayana army is often mentioned in conjunction with the samshaptakas, though the two are different. The samshaptakas were warriors, mostly from Trigarta, who had sworn to die rather than retreat. Arjuna destroyed most of the samshaptakas in Section 66 (Volume 6).
487 The king of Trigarta.
488 Chitraratha was the king of the gandharvas.
489 The name of Arjuna’s conch shell. The name of Krishna’s conch shell is Panchajanya.
490 Naga is a serpent. Their feet were tied down with serpents.
491 Taraka was a demon who was eventually killed by Kartikeya.
492 Suparna is Garuda, the enemy of serpents.
493 Divine weapon named after Indra.
Chapter 1188(38)
494 Duryodhana.
495 Kripa.
496 Shikhandi.
497 Shikhandi.
498 Shikhandi.
499 Suketu was a prince of Panchala.
500 Kripa’s.
501 Kripa.
502 This Parshata is Dhrishtadyumna. All of Drupada’s sons can be called Parshata.
503 Kritavarma was from the Vrishni lineage.
Chapter 1189(39)
504 Beings like birds could not descend from the sky to the earth.
505 These are the names of Droupadi’s sons, Prativindhya through Yudhishthira, Sutasoma through Bhima, Shrutakarma through Arjuna, Shatanika through Nakula and Shrutasena through Sahadeva. Shrutakarma and Shrutakirti should be the same, in which case, the text should say Shrutasena (Sahadeva’s son) instead of Shrutakirti.
506 Yudhishthira.
507 Satyaki’s.
508 The Pandava soldiers.
Chapter 1190(40)
509 Duryodhana.
510 Dhrishtadyumna’s.
511 The arrows are being compared to bees.
512 This adds up to nine arrows. One arrow was used for the bow, five for the horses and the charioteer and one for Duryodhana himself. We thus have a tally of sixteen arrows.
513 Dhrishtadyumna.
514 Not to be confused with Arjuna.
515 The name Rochamana has already been mentioned.
516 Karna.
517 The image is that of hunters pursuing and hunting wild elephants with the slapping of palms.
518 Krishna and Arjuna.
519 The snakes are Kadru’s offspring.
520 Sudakshina and his brother were from Kamboja. Arjuna killed Sudakshina in Section 69 (Volume 6).
521 Arujna.
522 Of the samshaptakas.
523 Ashvatthama’s.
524 Arjuna.
525 Ashvatthama.
Chapter 1191(41)
526 Yudhishthira.
Chapter 1192(42)
527 Karna. Vijaya was the name of Karna’s bow.
528 The arrows.
529 Dhrishtadyumna killed Drona.
530 Dhrishtadyumna.
531 Dhrishtadyumna.
532 However, Ashvatthama was immortal.
533 Dhrishtadyumna.
534 Ashvatthama.
535 Ashvatthama.
536 Ashvatthama was dragging Dhrishtadyumna by the hair.
537 Ashvatthama.
Chapter 1193(43)
538 Yudhishthira.
539 Sthunakarna is a broad-headed arrow, while pashupata is a divine weapon named after Pashupati or Shiva. Literally, indrajala means Indra’s net and signifies magic or illusion.
540 The names of these five are not indicated.
541 That is, the Kourava army.
542 The Panchalas.
543 If they die in the battle, the Panchalas will ascend to heaven.
544 Lake Manasa.
545 Obviously a king among the nishadas.
546 Bhima.
547 Chariots, elephants, horses and infantry.
Chapter 1194(44)
548 The inconsistency about Chitrasena has been mentioned earlier.
549 Shikhandi.
550 Vrishasena was Karna’s son.
551 Satyaki.
552 Though not clearly stated, this seems to be Duryodhana.
Chapter 1195(45)
553 Yudhishthira.
554 Arjuna.
555 Krishna is also one of Arjuna’s names and this Krishna is clearly Arjuna.
556 Arjuna’s name.
557 Divine weapon obtained from Bhargava, that is, Parashurama.
558 Other than men, animals.
559 Yama is the king of the dead.
560 That is, Krishna wanted to wait until Karna was exhausted.
561 Yudhishthira.
562 Ashvatthama. But this must be a typo. Ashvatthama was descended from the Bharadvaja lineage, not the Bhrigu lineage. The Critical edition states ‘the son of Bhrigu’. Instead of Bhrigu, other versions say guru. This fits, because Ashvatthama was Arjuna’s preceptor’s son.
563 Ajamidha is one of Yudhishthira’s names. Ajatashatru (one without enemies) is also one of Yudhishthira’s names.
564 This is a reference to fighting throughout the night, described in Section 70 (Volume 6).
565 Referring to the Kouravas.
566 Arjuna.
Mahabharata: Volume 7 Page 62