Guardians of Eternity 03 - Darkness Everlasting

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Guardians of Eternity 03 - Darkness Everlasting Page 32

by Alexandra Ivy

  And when he smiled ... sheesh. Darcy struggled not to drool.

  "Attempting a surprise, pet," he said, with a rueful grin. "Without much success, I must admit."

  She gave a slow shake of her head, her heart doing an odd flop as she abruptly realized what she was seeing.

  "Is that a Christmas tree?"


  Her gaze dropped to the gaudily wrapped boxes set on the floor. "And ... presents?"

  "I believe that is the tradition, is it not?"

  Her breath caught as he bent to pluck one of the boxes from the floor and moved to stand directly before her. It had been years since she had celebrated Christmas. And even in her youth it had never been a day that truly captured the warmth and peace she had so desperately needed. Not when she was so obviously unwanted.

  In this moment, however, her fantasies were complete.

  "Oh, Styx," she breathed as she took the box from his hand.

  His expression was unbelievably tender as he touched her cheek. "It's your first Christmas with your new family. I wanted it to be memorable."

  She moved close enough to press her face to his bare chest, reveling in the feel of his cool skin beneath her own.

  "It is perfect."

  "Open your present, my love," he urged.

  Pulling back, she hid her smile at his hint of impatience. How anyone thought this vampire aloof and indifferent was beyond her. She had never known anyone who cared more for others.

  With swift motions she tore the paper from the small velvet box, and with an eagerness that seemed to please Styx, she flipped open the lid to reveal the large, outrageously flawless ruby ring within.

  Stunned, she lifted her head to meet his searching gaze. "Good . . . heavens."

  Taking the box from her nervous fingers, Styx plucked the ring from its resting place and gently pushed it onto her finger.

  "I believe it is a human tradition to exchange rings between mates?" he said huskily.

  She gave a shaky laugh. "Yes, but this is much more than a wedding ring."

  His hand closed over her fingers. "It doesn't please you?"

  "It's beautiful, but it's too much. You shouldn't have—"

  "I wanted to," he interrupted firmly, his finger slipping beneath her chin as he gazed into her wide eyes. "I want you to be happy, Darcy."

  She gave a choked cry as she threw herself against him, slipping her arms around his waist as she rested her head in the curve of his shoulder.

  The ruby was beautiful. And the knowledge that Styx had obviously taken such care with his Christmas surprise made her want to cry with joy.

  But what filled her heart was the knowledge that this man was her mate. Her partner for life.

  "I am happy simply having you near," she said softly.

  His arms wrapped about her as his lips touched her forehead. "Even if I m the fiend who kidnapped you?"

  She chuckled as she remembered the night he had swept her from the bar. Who could have known her entire life would be changed forever?

  "Especially since you're the fiend who kidnapped me. If not for you I might still be hiding within myself, completely alone in the world. Or worse, 1 might be the captive of Salvatore."

  His arms tightened with annoyance. "Salvatore."

  Pulling back, she met his narrowed gaze. "Did you mean what you said? Will you negotiate with the Weres?"

  The dark eyes smoldered, but he gave a firm nod of his head. "I always keep my word, angel. I will go before the Commission as I promised. At least I will when they finally grant me an audience."

  She lifted her hand to his chest. "Thank you."

  "I can afford to be generous." His gaze lowered to the gaping neckline of her robe. "I have what I want."

  "You are a very wise leader," she murmured, a ready heat beginning to flow through her body.

  "Oh, very wise." Stepping back, he reached for the belt of her robe. "Now I believe it is time that I opened my own Christmas present."

  "But I didn't get you anything," she teased as he easily pushed aside the offending robe.

  His head lowered and he whispered against her lips. "My dear angel, you have given me everything."

  Please turn the page for an exciting sneak peek of the next installment of

  Alexandra Ivy's Guardians of Eternity series!

  Chapter One

  The reception room of the hotel on Michigan Avenue was a blaze of color. In the light of the chandelier, Chicago's movers and shakers strutted about like peacocks, occasionally glancing toward the massive fountain in the center of the room, where a handful of Hollywood B stars were posing for photographs with the guests for an obscene fee that supposedly went to some charity or another.

  The similarity to another evening was not lost on Anna as she once again hovered in a dark corner watching Conde Cezar move arrogantly through the room.

  Of course, that other evening had been nearly two hundred years ago. And while she hadn't physically aged a day (which she couldn't deny saved a buttload on plastic surgery and gym memberships), she wasn't that shy, spineless maiden who had to beg for a few crumbs from her aunt's table. That girl had died the night Conde Cezar had taken her hand and hauled her into a dark bedchamber.

  And good riddance to her.

  Her life might be all kinds of weird, but Anna had discovered she could take care of herself. In fact, she did a damn fine job of it. She would never go back to that timid girl in shabby muslin gowns (not to mention the corset from hell).

  That didn't, however, mean she had forgotten that fateful night.

  Or Conde Cezar.

  He had some explaining to do. Explaining on an epic scale.

  Which was the only reason she had traveled to Chicago from her current home in Los Angeles.

  Absently sipping the champagne that had been forced into her hand by one of the bare-chested waiters, Anna studied the man who had haunted her dreams.

  When she had read in the paper that the Conde would be traveling from Spain to attend this charity event, she had known that there was always the possibility the man would be a relative of the Conde she had known in London. The members of the aristocracy were obsessed with sticking their offspring with their own name. As if it weren't enough that they had to share DNA.

  One glance was enough to guarantee it was no relative.

  Mother Nature was too fickle to make such an exact duplicate of those lean, golden features; the dark, smoldering eyes; the to-die-for body. ...

  And that hair.

  As black as sin it fell in a smooth river to his shoulders. Tonight he had pulled back the top layer in a gold clasp, leaving the bottom to brush the expensive fabric of his tux.

  If there wasn't a woman in the room who wasn't imagining running her fingers through that glossy mane, then Anna would eat her silver-beaded bag. Conde Cezar only had to step into a room for the estrogen to charge into hyperdrive.

  A fact that was earning him more than a few I-wish-looks-could-kill glares from the Hollywood pretty boys by the fountain.

  Anna muttered a curse beneath her breath. She was allowing herself to be distracted.

  Okay, the man looked like some conquering conquistador. And those dark eyes held a sultry heat that could melt at a hundred paces. But she had already paid the price for being blinded by the luscious dark beauty.

  It wasn't happening again.

  Busily convincing herself that the tingles in the pit of her stomach were nothing more than expensive champagne bubbles, Anna stiffened as the unmistakable scent of apples filled the air.

  Before she ever turned she knew who it would be. The only question was . . . why?

  "Well, well. If it isn't Anna the Good Samaritan," Sybil Taylor drawled, her sweet smile edged with spite. "And at one of those charity events you claim are nothing more than an opportunity for the A-listers to preen for the paparazzi. I knew all that holier-than-thou attitude was nothing more than a sham."

  Anna didn't gag, but it was a near thing.r />
  Despite the fact that both women lived in L.A. and they were both lawyers, the two women couldn't be more opposite.

  Sybil was a tall, curvaceous dark-haired beauty with pale skin and large brown eyes. Anna, on the other hand, barely skimmed the five-foot mark with brown hair and hazel eyes. Sybil was a corporate lawyer who possessed the morals of a ... well actually she didn't possess the morals of anything. Anna, on the other hand, worked at a free law clinic that battled corporate greed on a daily basis.

  "Obviously I should have studied the guest list a bit more carefully," Anna retorted, caught off guard, but not entirely surprised by the sight of the woman. Sybil Taylor possessed a talent for rubbing elbows with the rich and famous, wherever they might be.

  "Oh, I would say that you studied the guest list as closely as every other woman in the room." Sybil deliberately glanced across the room where the Conde Cezar toyed with a heavy gold signet ring on his little finger. "Who is he?"

  For a heartbeat, Anna battled the urge to slap that pale, perfect face. Almost as if she resented the woman's interest in the Conde.

  Stupid, Anna.

  Stupid and dangerous.

  "Conde Cezar," she muttered.

  Sybil licked her lips, which were too full to be real. Of course, there wasn't much about Sybil Taylor that was real.

  "Euro trash or the real deal?" the woman demanded.

  Anna shrugged. "As far as I know the title is real enough."

  "He is... edible." Sybil ran her hands down the little black dress that made a valiant effort to cover her considerable curves. "Married?"

  "I haven't a clue."

  "Hmmmm. Gucci tux, Rolex watch, Italian leather shoes." She tapped a manicured nail against teeth that had to be capped. "Gay?"

  Anna had to remind her heart to beat. "Most definitely not."

  "All... I smell a history between the two of you. Do tell."

  Against her will, Anna's gaze strayed toward the tall, dark, thorn in her side.

  "You couldn't begin to imagine the history we share, Sybil."

  "Maybe not, but I can imagine all that dark, yummy goodness handcuffed to my bed while I have my way with him."

  "Handcuffs?" Anna swallowed a nervous laugh, instinctively tightening her grip on her bag. "I always wondered how you managed to keep a man in your bed."

  The dark eyes narrowed. "There hasn't been a man born who isn't desperate to have a taste of this body."

  "Desperate for a taste of that overused, silicone-implanted, Botox-injected body? A man could buy an inflatable doll with less plastic than you."

  "Why you ..." The woman gave a hiss. An honest to God hiss. "Stay out of my way, Anna Randal, or you will be nothing more than an oily spot on the bottom of my Pradas."

  Anna knew if she were a better person she would warn Sybil that Conde Cezar was something other than a wealthy, gorgeous aristocrat. That he was powerful and dangerous and something that wasn't even hitman.

  Thankfully, even after two centuries, she was still capable of being as petty as the next woman. A smile touched her lips as she watched Sybil sashay across the room.

  * * *

  Cezar had felt her presence long before he'd entered the reception room. He'd known the moment she had landed at O'Hara. The awareness of her tingled and shimmered within every inch of him.

  It would have been annoying as hell if it didn't feel so damn good.

  Growling low in his throat at the sensations that were directly connected to Miss Anna Randal, Cezar turned his head to glare at the approaching brunette. Not surprisingly, the woman turned on her heel and headed in the opposite direction.

  Tonight his attention was focused entirely on the woman standing in the corner. The way the light played over the satin honey of her hair, the flecks of gold in her hazel eyes, the silver gown that displayed way too much of the slender body.

  Besides, he didn't like fairies.

  There was a faint movement from behind him, and Cezar turned to find a tall raven-haired vampire appearing from the shadows. A neat trick considering he was a six-foot-five Aztec warrior who was draped in a cloak and wearing leather boots. Being the Anasso (the leader of all vampires) did have its benefits.

  "Styx," Cezar gave a dip of his head, not at all surprised to find that the vampire had followed him to the hotel.

  Since Cezar had arrived in Chicago along with the Commission, Styx had been hovering about him like a mother hen. It was obvious the ancient leader didn't like one of his vampires being in the control of the Oracles. He liked it even less that Cezar had refused to confess the sins that had landed him nearly two centuries of penance at the hands of the Commission.

  "Tell me again why I am not at home in the arms of my beautiful mate," Styx groused, completely disregarding the fact that Cezar hadn't invited him along.

  "It was your decision to call for the Oracles to travel to Chicago," he instead reminded the older man.

  "Yes, to make a ruling upon Salvatore's intrusion into Viper's territory, not to mention kidnapping my bride. A ruling that has been postponed indefinitely. I did not realize that they intended to take command of my lair and go into hibernation once they arrived." The fierce features hardened. Styx was still brooding on the Oracles insistence that he leave his dark and damp caves so they could use them for their own secretive purposes. His mate, Darcy, however seemed perfectly satisfied with the large, sweeping mansion they had moved into on the edge of Chicago. "And I most certainly did not realize they would be treating one of my brothers as their minion."

  "You do realize that while you may be lord and master of all vampires, the Oracles answer to no one?"

  Styx muttered something beneath his breath. Something about Oracles and the pits of hell. Then he replied, "You have never told me precisely how you ended up in their clutches."

  "It's not a story I share with anyone."

  "Not even the vampire who once rescued you from a nest of harpies?"

  Cezar gave a short laugh. "I never requested to be rescued, my lord. Indeed, I was quite happy to remain in their evil clutches. At least as long as mating season lasted."

  Styx rolled his eyes. "We are straying from the point."

  "And what is the point?"

  "Tell me why we are here." Styx glanced around the glittering throng with a hint of distaste. "As far as I can determine the guests are no more than simple humans with a few lesser demons and fey among the rabble."

  "Yes." Cezar considered the guests with a narrowed gaze. "A surprising number of fey, wouldn't you say?"

  "They always tend to gather when there's the scent of money in the air."


  Without warning Cezar felt a hand land on his shoulder, bringing his attention back to the growingly frustrated vampire at his side. Obviously Styx was coming to the end of his patience with Cezar's evasions.

  "Cezar, I have dared the wrath of the Oracles before. I will have you strung from the rafters unless you tell me why you are here wading through this miserable collection of lust and greed."

  Cezar grimaced. For the moment Styx was merely irritated. The moment he became truly mad all sorts of bad things would happen.

  The last thing he needed was a rampaging vampire scaring off his prey.

  "I am charged with keeping an eye upon a potential Commission member," he grudgingly confessed.

  "Potential ..." Styx stiffened. "By the gods, a new-Oracle has been discovered?"

  The elder vampire's shock was understandable. Less than a dozen Oracles had been discovered in the past ten millenniums. They were the rarest, most priceless creature to walk the earth.

  "She was revealed in the prophecies nearly two hundred years ago, but the information has been kept secret among the Commission."


  "She is very young and has yet to come into her powers. It was decided by the Commission that they would wait to approach her when she had matured and accepted her abilities."

  "Ah, that I understand. A yo
ung lady coming into her powers is a painful business at times." Styx rubbed his side, as if he was recalling a recent wound. "A wise man learns to be on guard at all times."

  Cezar gave a lift of his brows. "I thought Darcy had been bred not to shift?"

  "Shifting is only a small measure of a werewolf's powers."

  "Only the Anasso would choose a werewolf as his mate."

  The fierce features softened. "Actually it was not so much a choice as fate. As you will eventually discover."

  "Not as long as I am in the rule of the Commission," Cezar retorted, his cold tone warning that he wouldn't be pressed.

  Styx eyed him a long moment before giving a small nod of his head. "So if this potential Commission member is not yet prepared to become an Oracle, why are you here?"

  Instinctively Cezar glanced back at Anna. Unnecessary, of course. He was aware of her every movement, her every breath, her every heartbeat.

  "Over the past few years there have been a number of spells that we believe were aimed in her direction."

  "What sort of spells?"

  "The magic was fey, but the Oracles were unable to determine more than that."

  "Strange. Fey creatures rarely concern themselves in demon politics. What is their interest?"

  "Who can say? For now the Commission is only concerned with keeping the woman from harm." Cezar gave a faint shrug. "When you requested their presence in Chicago they charged me with the task of luring her here so I can offer protection."

  Styx scowled, making one human waiter faint and another bolt toward the nearest exit. "Fine, the girl is special. Why should you be the one forced to protect her?"

  A shudder swept through Cezar. One he was careful to hide from the heightened senses of his companion.

  "You doubt my abilities, my lord?"

  "Don't be an ass, Cezar. There is no one who has seen you in a fight who would doubt your abilities." With the ease of two friends who had known each other for centuries, Styx glanced at the perfect line of Cezar's tux jacket. They both knew beneath the elegance was a half dozen daggers. "I have seen you slice your way through a pack of Ipar demons without losing a step. But there are those on the Commission who possess powers that none would dare to oppose.'


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