Love Me Now (Encounters #4)

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Love Me Now (Encounters #4) Page 3

by Fifi Flowers

  “Smells sinful, thanks. And in case you didn’t figure it out, Pierce is on line one.”

  Moving past Lulu, I walked around my desk, took off my jacket and placed it on my chair, then sitting down, I picked up the phone.

  “I see you still have Lulu working for you. I absolutely adore her, but seriously why don’t you hire a sweet little honey paralegal with a great set of assets and fuck her over your desk.”

  “Lulu is perfect for me.” I shook my head at his suggestion, no way.

  “You mean she’s perfectly unattractive and perfectly untempting.”

  “She is adorable. And I don’t believe untempting is an actual word.”

  “You know damn well what I mean. I know you still want to keep focusing on finding your dream girl. Which brings me to why I’m calling, partially. I’m not going to be able to make the trip this year, I have an attachment that needs my full attention.”

  “Attachment? You mean a new flavor of the month, week or holiday season?”

  “To be honest… I’ve been tamed.”

  I had to laugh at the thought of Pierce being caged like a wild animal.

  “Seriously. I moved her into my apartment and I have no intension of detaching myself.” There was definitely no playful sound to his voice.

  “Holy shit! I don’t believe it!”

  Pierce was the last person I would imagine settling down. I was pretty sure that he had made a pledge to be a bachelor for life.

  “I know, so unlike me but she’s fucking amazing.”

  “I’m shocked. But I’m happy for you. I need to meet this one.” Ha! I needed proof.

  “Well, that’s the other reason that I’m calling. Gram suggested that I talk to you before I find myself in trouble with some nasty thugs. I’m hoping you can fly out and look over some contractual documents, maybe do some revisions, and pay them a visit.”

  “You know, I deal in entertainment law. Not criminal.”

  “It’s about Chloe.”


  “Remember the singer in the sex club that Joe took us to? I took off early… well, her name is Chloe. Anyway, before you say another word. Long story short, she is having trouble with the new management. I’ll send you the contract they sent to her… I know you’re heading up to ski soon, but if you could help me out.”

  “Well, actually the trip is off. You were the last one on my list. I was going to call you this week. My mother sprung the news on me that she and my father are spending the holiday with me. She told me enough was enough and that she’s not getting any younger. She said she’s tired of me running away and informed me that seven years was a long time to keep searching—time for me to look for someone new. I don’t know about that, but I agreed to spend the holidays with them.”

  “My God! I can’t believe it’s been that long. Sorry to say it, man, but I think I have to agree with her. If you haven’t found her by now…”

  “Fuck! I know it… She said she went every year. I thought I would see her again…”

  Leaning forward with my elbows on my desk, closing my eyes to see her face smiling at me, I ran my fingers through my hair. God, what I would give to see her again.

  “Hey… are you listening to me? Get her out of your head—do what I say, get a hot new assistant. But seriously, do you think you might be able to fly out?”

  “Thanks for your advice. However, I believe I will keep my dick in my pants at work. And to your request, sure—send me everything you have and I’ll look it over.”

  “Thanks, man. But let it out somewhere—hell, go to a bar. Or maybe pick up the first hot piece of ass you see when you land at O’Hare, a little out-of-town hookup and bang her memory out of your system. Shit! She’s probably married with kids by now… or for all you know she could be de…”

  “Never say that! I can handle her married… the other… no…”

  “Sorry, Nick. I didn’t mean to upset you. I don’t even know why I started to say that. I finally know how you feel when you find the one, but in your situation, it might be time to face facts. Chances are, you’re never going to see her again. Move on. Love you, buddy. I only want what’s best for you.”

  Sighing, I knew he was probably right, but it was a hard fact to face. Something made me want to hold on.

  “I know you do. I’ve got to run Lulu is buzzing me with more bad news. The last couple days have been crap! And by the way, it’s good to hear that someone has taken a whip to you. I’ll see you in Chicago soon.”

  “Thanks, I really appreciate it. And I know how hard this time of year is for you, and for what it’s worth, I truly wish that you would find her, I do. But after so long the chances of that happening are not in your favor. I want to see you happy.”

  “Thanks. Now stop with the sappy, sweetness—you’re scaring me a bit. Talk to you soon.”

  Getting off the phone with Pierce, I instantly thought about her. When didn’t I think about her? Especially during the Christmas season. Damn it… Where was she? Was she married? Did she have kids?

  With my last thought about kids, I shook my head from the past, and opened the files on my desk. Before me sat a thick folder detailing accusations of child abuse, child endangerment, child abandonment and more brought against a parent, who acted as manager, by his own flesh and blood.

  Calling my assistant into my office, we went over the documents and contracts and evidence laid out by both parties. This case was going to be long, involved, and plain nasty.

  Working in entertainment law, I dealt with studios, directors, actors, etcetera, etcetera, including child stars. That last type of client on my list was one I least enjoyed working with—anything that had to do with children in the industry rubbed me the wrong way. Of course, I knew that kids were needed to fill roles, but I couldn’t imagine taking my kid onto many sets that often put them in adult situations. Locations were run by adults not Our Gang kid productions. That business was fine for other children, but not for mine. I would want my kids to be running, skipping, jumping, and laughing. Basically, having a good time. Like the little girl I saw—while on my way to a studio meeting—wearing pigtails and riding a pink bicycle with training wheels on the sidewalk. She was smiling while being chased after by her mother… or maybe her nanny, I was driving through a Beverly Hills neighborhood. So who knew who the adult was, but whomever she was, the kid was just being a kid.

  “Hey boss. Go home. You’ve read and made me listen to enough depressing crap today. Go get it out of your head. I know I will be entertaining a big bottle of vino and listening to some soothing music. No TV. If I turned on the idiot-box to see a child actor I would not be enjoying one moment, but wondering if he was living a happy life. Swoosh! What a day!”

  “You’re right,” I said. Not needing to be encouraged further, I clicked off my computer and pushed away from my desk.

  Grabbing my coat and briefcase, I met Lulu outside my office where she was closing up shop for the day.

  “Good, you listened to me for a change. See you tomorrow.”

  “I’ll wait and walk out with you,” I said looking down at my own child-star-lookalike secretary sporting a wide smile complete with dimples. Thank God, I never read Miss Temple’s autobiography. If I had, I would have to look at Lulu in a different way after today’s mess. Instead, I saw her cheerfully tap dancing through the day like the cute curly-top actress she resembled—along with her smart mouth. Oh, how I loved my Lulu.

  “What are you smirking about? Not that I don’t prefer it to your holiday gloom.”

  I sighed, shaking my head as we walked to the elevator. Stepping inside, pushing the garage button, she rattled on about my behavior. I tuned her out as I often did until she grabbed my arm abruptly.

  “Oh… Oh by the way. I found the perfect woman today…”

  “…You really are a pimp after all.” I grinned anticipating her response.

  “Hold your reindeer, St Nick. Not that kind of woman. A decorator. I told you, I�
��m not finding you a hot candy cane to sham your mother.”

  “Hot Candy Cane?” I had to laugh at the things that spilled from that delightful woman’s mouth.

  “You know what I mean.” She elbowed me. “Also, still working on the duck killer… caterer. The holiday fluffer is contacting a friend of friend. I should have a confirmation tomorrow.”

  “Fluffer? Does she work in porn? What kind of decorating am I in for, Lulubelle?” She promptly hit me.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter!” I laughed good and loud and she joined me.

  Arriving on our parking lot level, I walked Lulu to her car then bent down and kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you for being you. Your wit makes even the shittiest days better and today was definitely one of them.”

  Tongue tied for once, she waved me away, got in her car and drove off.

  After a long day I was happy to be home to settle down with my Thai takeout order and an ice cold ale in front of my electric fireplace that I wished was real. One day I would move all of my antique furnishings into a real home with a real fireplace. I would have a real outdoor space instead of a balcony that I refused to use because quite frankly it scared the shit out of me. How did I ever manage to ride the ski lifts? Do not go there. Focus! Stay in the present!

  Striving for comfort while I stuffed my face with delicious spicy Pad Thai noodles, I headed to my bedroom to discard my fitted clothing. Once inside my walk-in closet, an old familiar fragrance hit me as I pulled on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt that sat folded on my dresser. Strange… I distinctly remembered throwing it off this morning. Last time I saw it, it was balled up on the floor. Not only was it up and folded, but it smelled oh, so good—causing my cock to stir. It couldn’t be her. It had to be the time of the year. The holidays must be once again playing tricks on my mind. Bringing her into my thoughts. Not that it was the only time I thought of her, but during the season—it was constant.

  Dressed to hit the slopes, having breakfast at the Inn, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her, surrounded by a group of girls. She looked adorable wearing a headband that pulled her hair back off of her perfect face. My heart thumped even louder as I paid attention to each of her beautiful features; her sparkling eyes, her cute nose covered with freckles, her rosy red cheeks and her full lips which I knew were soft and sweet. Enjoying the view, I took my time eating my eggs and bacon.

  As her friends, one by one, stood up from the table, I noticed that she was shaking her pretty head, and waving her hands as if she was shooing them off. And once they had completely abandoned her, I watched as she stood to leave, and noticed that she was not dressed in ski apparel. Instead, she was wearing tightly fitted jeans that hugged her nicely shaped ass along with a snug sweater that cupped her equally nice breasts. A vision of my hands caressing her pert tits had my pants snugging up. Thanks to her smile as she walked past me, I stopped my pervy stare and turned to see her walk across the lobby in the opposite direction of the exit to the mountain.

  “What are you waiting for?” I heard Pierce ask as my buddies around the table all chimed in.

  “Yeah man, go get her!” Gram cheered me on as well.

  “That come-fuck-me smile was an invitation!”

  “Fuck if you don’t tap that, I will.”

  Punching the owner of the last comment, I strolled out of the breakfast room just in time to watch her enter the lounge area. Stepping up next to her chair, I smiled down at her and asked, “No skiing today?”

  She shook her head. “I’m a big baby according to my friends. So be it. I prefer visibility when I ski, I’m not a daredevil.”

  “Are you going to stay here all day?”

  “Yes. I have plenty of books,” she said pointing to her large tote bag.

  Here was my chance to have her all to myself. “May I keep you company?”

  A light pink tint colored her beautiful face. “I’ll be fine. Go enjoy yourself.”

  “I’d rather spend time with you, Sugar, unless you would rather I leave you to read?” Please say no. Please tell me you want me to spend the day with you.

  Her answer was a simple shake of her head and a smile that melted me through and through.

  “Be right back. Don’t move.”

  Then quickly, I rushed off to my cabin, changed into a pair of jeans and sweater, and just as quickly re-joined her. I couldn’t get back to her side fast enough, in fear that I would lose her. Not that there was anywhere for her to go with the blizzard in full swing outside, but I wouldn’t chance her disappearing. I looked forward to cherishing every hour of the day in her presence.

  I had made the right decision to skip skiing down the slopes. Being with her alone was better than hanging with a bunch of guys any day—that was for certain. I loved the incredible day we spent together; talking, laughing, eating, and drinking hot chocolate until we graduated to sitting at the bar and partook in one too many libations. By the time our friends rolled in, we were both three sheets to the wind, and needing to close our tab. Our friends thought we needed more than that as they pulled us apart, and insisted that we go to dinner.

  “Don’t worry, lover boy, she and her friends are going to the same place as us.”

  Showered and dressed my head and my stomach were in no shape to go anywhere, but I wasn’t about to leave her to my vulture friends.

  Arriving at the Whiskey Creek restaurant, we joined the group of girls at a large table they had secured. Seeing her pat an empty seat next to her, I made a beeline. We quietly spoke to each other, ignoring the rest of the table. She didn’t feel any better than I did. With not much of an appetite, we agreed to share a medium rare steak and baked potato with a loaf of bread that could not be declined. Alcohol was, however, one thing both of us steered clear of for the rest of the night. The only other thing we agreed to indulge in was dessert, a huge slice of New York-style cheesecake with raspberry sauce on the side as she preferred hers plain. Finished with dinner, we mentioned heading back to the Inn, but our friends pulled us along into the bar area where a local rock band was performing. And we did manage to get on the dance floor for a few songs, but it wasn’t long before she whispered that she was ready to curl up in bed. Her words ran straight to my pants and I offered to accompany her back to the Inn. With a yes nod, we said our goodbyes, rushing out the door before any of them could block our escape.

  When I started to walk her to her door she asked me where I was staying: Did I have a room or a cabin? A cabin was my answer. Alone, was her next question and it caused me to raise an eyebrow to her grinning lips. None of her various inquiries had arisen throughout the day we spent together, but I wasn’t complaining at all—no, just the opposite. Grasping her hand, I changed our course and headed to my cabin. I wanted nothing more than to be buried deep inside of her. Not even the cold blast of air as we made our way could stop me from making her mine.

  And not even the cold shower could sooth the ache my body felt thinking about her. Remembering her touch, her taste… her smell. But I had to stop thinking of her. I had to stop torturing myself over a girl… a woman I spent a week with and never saw again. Although I hated to admit it, I needed to move on. I finally felt it. A new beginning was coming my way.

  Chapter Four


  “Maybe you should let him give you a tumble, Vic.”

  “No, I don’t think so. Besides he’s a client. You haven’t done him for that reason.”

  “I haven’t because he is my client, but technically he is not your client. I am your client. You are doing a design job for me on his house.”

  “A technicality.”

  “Well, whatever you want to call it. Your vaggine has not been taken care of in seven years… seven long years.”

  “That is not true. I give her plenty attention when she demands it.”

  “I’m not talking about her being denied a few good vibrations here and there. I’m talking about her being pampered by a live, living and breathing specimen with a big

  “Is it?”

  “It looks like it in those tight leather pants he wears.”

  “What am I saying? I am so not going there with him. And anyway he wants a threesome with you included, and well, you’re like a sister and I can’t go there with you.” My words were a little too loud and made Gracee laugh and sputter her coffee across the table. Wiping her spittle from the table with a paper napkin, I asked a reasonable question to stop her from laughing.

  “Is he finally letting you sell his house?”

  “Are you kidding? No way! After you threw out his 70s crap and redecorated it. He loves it. He says he will never part with it. Says it gives him a boner knowing pieces of you are in his house. He imagines fucking you in every room… well, maybe us.”

  “Ugh,” I sighed, shaking my head as the biggest smile appeared on her face.

  “So if I wasn’t sister-ish?”

  “No, I don’t think I’m a threesome kind of girl. But you are hot!” We laughed.

  “Good to know you find me attractive. But seriously, think about it.”

  “I’ve gone without for seven years, if I’m going to give it up to someone it’s not going to be a fly-by-the-night thing.”

  “Don’t shit me. I know you are still hoping that somehow, someday, somewhere you will find him again. I understand, Sweets, I do, but at some point you may have to give up that dream.”

  Shaking off the warm hand that she had covered mine with, I waved mine in front of my eyes. Damn it she was right, but during the holiday season it was especially hard to give up hope, and to not think about him.

  “Don’t make me cry. Tell me about your San Francisco trip. Tell me anything. Just for god-sakes, let’s change the subject.”

  “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. No more matchmaking. So where were you rushing in from?” Gracee inquired referring to me arriving earlier and sliding into the chair across from her at our favorite coffee shop, out of breath.


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