Bad Girl Bill (Atlantic Divide)

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Bad Girl Bill (Atlantic Divide) Page 12

by Diane Saxon

  Wanting to feel flesh against flesh, he crawled onto the bed and slid his body on top of hers.

  Like a cat, she rubbed herself against him and sent him wild, undulated beneath him, until he entangled his hairy legs with her smooth, satin ones to keep her still.

  She drove him crazy with her innocent touch. Her clever, long fingers found his muscles and massaged in gentle, circular motions, enticing his body closer to hers. Her short, blunt nails gently scraped his skin, making him want to purr like the cat he thought she was.

  Kissing her tenderly, he dipped his tongue experimentally into her mouth, tempted her tongue to sample his, and sucked on her lower lip, tugging gently. His mouth continued its exploration, across her jaw, to the base of her ear, down her neck to spend some time at the juncture, where he paused to nibble. Onward, he continued his journey farther down.

  Breathless…she made him breathless as his hands glided over her skin, his mouth hot and wet, continued down to her breast, kissing the underside as he absorbed her warm, womanly scent. He took one dark, aroused nipple into his mouth and sucked deep, molding her other breast soothingly with his hand.

  His tongue slid across the taut bud, and with a cry of hunger, she sat up to capture his head in her arms and caress him. He paused to enjoy her response, and then gently pushed her back, so he could continue his descent over her ribs, down her stomach with openmouthed kisses now, to thrust his tongue into her navel. As he felt her body surge from the bed, he returned to touch her piercing with the tip of his tongue to arouse her senses, until she writhed under him.

  He knew she was ready, knew he could take her now, slip inside her and it would be done, the pain would be brief. But he needed more from her and she needed more from him, so he glided his mouth lower still, slid his body down hers, and he kissed his way over her black underwear. He felt her stiffen in protest and lifted his head from between her thighs to look directly into her beautiful brown eyes caught halfway between sultry passion and innocent shock.

  “I want to make love to you…trust me, Bill.” His voice came out brusquer than he realized. He was trying to hold back, appreciate her innocence, but her body told him she wanted so much more. Craved so much more.

  She leaned back on her elbows, curiosity shining in her eyes as they met his. He slid lower, gently gliding her thong off to nibble his way up the inner side of her silken thigh, all the time keeping eye contact with her. He opened his hot, wet mouth and sank into her inviting moistness.

  Her surprised cry of ecstasy had her jerking backward, but his hands held her hips captive, raising her up to meet him as his mouth continued its assault, his tongue seeking out her most tender parts. He sucked gently, and his tongue darted in and out as he teased her nub with his thumb. He felt her body gather as her muscles tensed in readiness.

  As her first orgasm ripped through her body, Michael growled with pleasure into her, using his teeth and tongue to send further ripples coursing through her as she gripped the sheets with her fingers. Her entire being convulsed with discovery as his mouth continued to coax her response, drawing her further into his dark world of ecstasy as he took pleasure in absorbing the aftershocks he felt flowing through her entire being.

  Her breath rasped through her chest as he moved to rest his cheek on her still-pulsating stomach, giving her a moment to let her pulse slow down while the aftershocks still rippled.

  “Holy shit, Michael.” Her deep, husky voice vibrated through him as he lay catching his breath. “If I’d known it was that good, I’d have taken Bobby Joe up on his offer ten years ago. I could have been writhing in ecstasy every weekend.”

  Her innocence completely baffled him. She had no idea, but she would soon. Rubbing his lips against the soft skin below her naval he chuckled lazily up at her.

  “That would make you only fourteen. First it would have been illegal, and second, I don’t think Bobby Joe would have had the skill to do that to you then.”

  “Well he might have. He’s ten years older than me.”

  He gave a cool glance up into her amused, deep brown eyes.

  “It’s just as well you didn’t take him up on the offer. He’d have been dead by now. One of your brothers would have killed him.”

  “Well, there is that, but it was on account of the fact his wife would have objected and weekends are a bit busy for me.” She gurgled as he pinched her flesh, her hips rose as his mouth blazed a trail up the center of her body.



  “We’re not finished, yet. In fact, I’ve only just begun.”

  “Holy cow!”

  Kneeling up beside her he reached over for the foil packet he had placed on the bed, noting Bill’s sudden intense interest. As he slid his pants off he heard her uninhibited gasp, and he could only hope it was appreciation. Rolling the condom onto his penis, he skimmed his eyes back to her.

  Her own eyes wide, mouth open she gaped at his penis. When she felt his attention on her she swallowed hard and shook her head.

  “That isn’t going to fit.”

  She was hard work.

  “Yeah, it’s going to fit, just…relax.”

  “Relax! It’ll be like shoving a…”

  He hauled her up by her shoulders till she knelt in front of him on the bed, fixed his mouth over hers, and kissed her hard until he felt her muscles ease.

  When she melted against him, he lay her back down, slid himself over her relaxed and boneless body. Taking her mouth with his, he watched her eyes intently, murmured unintelligible words to soothe, caressed her breast to distract, and nibbled her lips as he slowly guided his fullness toward her warm, silky, wet center. Desperate to be inside her. Unsure whether he could bear the pain of not being inside her.

  There was only going to be one chance with Bill, firm and fast. If he gave her another moment to think about it, another pause for thought, she’d probably stab him through the heart or shoot him with her gun.

  He held his breath, pushed in firmly, swallowed her pained cry with his mouth, and held himself deeply embedded within her tightness. Her nails clamped firmly into the flesh of his ass, and as he absorbed that sharp pain, he waited, his body completely still, he scrutinized her face.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Sure. You just ripped a hole in me, but I’m okay.”

  He leaned his forehead against hers and chuckled. There was no quarter from this woman. She always had to have the last say. So he waited silent, listening to her breathing regulate, and he felt her muscles relax, her moistness coat him. He lifted his hand and delicately stroked her high cheekbone. If he didn’t move soon, it was going to be the death of him. The blood from his brain resided in his penis, and that wasn’t moving any time soon.

  Her hand on his backside urged him closer, her fingers squeezed, her nails dug in.

  “Michael…don’t stop.” She murmured as her hips rose of their own volition, dropped away so he almost slid out of her, moved up again in her own rhythm her body squeezing him tight.

  It had never been his intention to stop, but he had intended slow and cautious. With a shuddering groan he took up the rhythm. Try as he might, she wouldn’t allow him to be slow, to be cautious. Caution wasn’t in Bill’s dictionary. As she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in tight, he gave up the reins and allowed her to set the pace.

  * * * *

  He had another condom. Of course he had another condom. He’d planned on seducing a woman, why wouldn’t he have brought another condom to the party?

  All provided she was up for another round. She’d not exactly acted like a shy, retiring virgin and let him take the lead, but Christ she’d complained long and hard when she went to the bathroom.

  He hadn’t planned to stay the night, but she made him laugh. She was such a diversion. She didn’t just make him laugh though. She made him lust. He wondered if she was up to a second time.

  She lay flat on her stomach, her arms and legs stretched out almost the full wi
dth of the bed, asleep. She was a greedy woman; she wanted it all. Not just the bed either. She’d demanded plenty of him too.

  Now it was his turn. He rubbed his lips against the smooth, downy skin of her neck, listened to her hum of pleasure. Planted hot, wet kisses over her shoulders, felt her lethargic writhe of desire. He skimmed long fingers down her spine as she undulated, across her backside, enticed her thighs apart to allow him access. Before she was fully awake, Michael slid one arm underneath her, raised her hips upward and slipped inside her from behind, his chest against her back, his face tucked in to nuzzle against the soft nape of her neck, his breathing deep and even.

  His fingers coaxed her as he moved slowly rhythmically back and forward. Languid and relaxed, she purred beneath him. Now he could give her slow, gentle, cautious. Now he could control the pace.

  * * * *

  White underpants and a pink T-shirt were probably not the best things to be caught wearing when you were confronted by your lover’s older brother leaning way too casual against the kitchen counter, a neat little pile of Bill’s clothing stacked on the kitchen table, a cup of coffee in one hand and a packet of unopened condoms in the other.

  “Hi.” Michael smiled calm and nonchalant. He’d been taught to confront the enemy, never back down. He stepped forward to pour himself a cup of black coffee, but his naked legs made him feel vulnerable. He didn’t want to get into it with Mac. They’d become good pals of late.

  “Hey.” Mac waggled the packet of condoms not too dissimilar from the way his little sister had the previous night. “You want to explain this?”

  Michael stared for a moment, took a sip of hot coffee, felt the burn on his tongue, and then poured another cup for Bill.

  “Yeah, your brothers are all perverts. You should have a word with them. Not a single useable condom amongst them. It’s not normal.” Picking up the two cups he wandered back toward the bedroom, calling over his shoulder, “And that’s all I have to say on the subject.”

  Chapter 13

  Wearing her usual straight-legged jeans, black leather jacket and beat-up boots when she picked him up in the truck, she still made his mouth water, whatever she wore. He just had to think about getting it off her and having a look at what underwear she had decided to adorn her body in.

  They hadn’t been able to keep their hands off each other for the past six days, and most of the time if she wasn’t at work, he was in her bed. All that exercise had to be doing him good.

  She’d asked him out, though, and he’d thought perhaps it was a good idea to surface for a while.

  The bar was dimly lit, and a haze of blue smoke hung over the six pool tables lined up along the left side of the room. The jukebox played a sad tune, and two couples shuffled around a small wooden dance floor to the right. Groups of men played pool and drank. Not his kind of place.

  Bill told him they were mainly Sam’s ranch hands, but tonight there was a whole bunch of them from the iron factory on the other side of town celebrating payday. They were big, rough men who normally kept to themselves, but on Friday nights they liked to drink each other under the table.

  Bill took their bottles of beer and found a pool table had just become free. She picked up a cue and started to instruct Michael on the rules of eight ball. He caught on pretty quick and decided snooker was far more complicated, and he liked the racier smack of the pool balls as they scattered all ways.

  Bill had him three games to one. In all fairness, Michael thought to himself, he was distracted watching her lean across the table as she stretched out those long, lean legs and made him think of better things than a pool table.

  He noticed she touched him every time she passed by on her circuit of the table, and when it was his shot, she rubbed up against him, her hand straying to stroke his arm, or his chest making him lose his concentration. When he smoothed his hand up her thigh and gave her backside a sly squeeze, she never batted an eye and thwacked the eight ball straight into the top left-hand pocket, straightening to give him a wild, bad-girl grin. He wasn’t going to be able to stay much longer…his thoughts were already on getting her naked again.


  Six factory workers racked up the table beside them, making plenty of noise, having already drank more than enough to be unsteady on their feet. One of them staggered slightly and bumped roughly into Bill, who steadied him until he could stand on his own again. He squinted at her as he attempted to focus, and she rolled her eyes in recognition as he sneered.

  “Well hell, if it isn’t our local deputy, without her bodyguards.” With a quick, dismissive look at Michael, he chuckled “I’ve never seen pretty boy, but I’m surprised to see you out on a date, if that’s what it is.”

  She could smell the beer and stale tobacco on his breath as he leered at her. She stood her ground.

  “Yeah, Kenny, I’m on a date here. Go on back to your pool game and enjoy the rest of your evening.” She patted his arm where she’d steadied him.

  Kenny didn’t back up. He leaned in close, showed her his yellowed teeth in a parody of a smile. Bill sensed the hush settle around them, felt the stillness as people became aware of a change in mood.

  “Well, Deputy, I’ve never seen you wear anything but men’s clothes. In fact everyone here thinks you might believe you’re a man.” She stayed silent as his foul beer breath blew across her face. She wanted to knock his teeth out for the insult, but he was a nasty drunk and in the morning, he’d probably apologize. It was best simply to walk away. “Looks like your date isn’t important enough for you to dress up for.”

  Bill sensed rather than saw Michael come around the end of the table toward them. She lifted her hand to stop him. She didn’t need this to escalate, and Michael interfering might just cause that to happen, so she sniggered like it was all a joke, put her hand on Kenny’s elbow to turn him back in the direction of his pals.

  “Well, Kenny, I think that’s between me and my date.” She was aware the other five men had shuffled closer together. The way they held themselves had changed, there was an alertness, a tension, a feeling of repressed excitement as they leaned in to encourage Kenny, like a pack of hyenas smelling a kill—their eyes were excited and intense.

  She knew in an instant she wasn’t going to be able to walk away. Scanning the room she did a quick assessment of how many more would join in, but the ranch hands who would step up were outnumbered four to one if it came to a full out brawl. Her eye caught the barman’s as he gave her a quick nod, picked up the phone, and stepped back into the shadows to make his call.

  She reckoned she had around eight minutes before the cavalry arrived, and if she could keep it contained to just the six of them and her, she might stand a chance. She and Michael might actually walk away without bloodshed. She knew from Michael’s sparring with her last week he wasn’t going to stand a chance. Likelihood was at least four of them would go for him. Bullies always went for the easy target, and they knew she wasn’t going down without a fight. Pretty blond boy was just about to get the shit kicked out of him unless she could create a diversion. Eight minutes. Delay tactics needed to be employed.

  “Well, Deputy,” Kenny turned, put his hand around her right wrist and pulled it up toward his face, “I always thought you was a lesbian, but seeing as you like to fuck with men, why don’t we just go on outside and me and my friends…” he sent a quick sly sideways glance at Michael, “…we’ll show you what real men can do.” His hot, alcohol-cracked tongue poked out of his dry lips, and he licked from the heel of her hand to the tip of her fingers, where he nipped the end of her middle one with his yellowed teeth.

  The hell with delay.

  It only took a second, a lightning quick reaction as she employed her whole body weight behind her left arm and smacked his nose straight on with the heel of her hand. He dropped her wrist as his nose exploded, and blood splattered across his face, her shirt, the pool table, and up the nicotine-stained wall beside him. Falling to his knees, he grabbed his face with both h
ands and screamed.

  “You broke my fuckin’ dose, you bitch.”

  “If you move an inch, I’m going to break your fucking neck, you shit. You’re under arrest for assaulting a police officer.”

  At the same time, she heard Michael’s quiet expulsion of breath from behind her.

  “Aaah, bugger.”

  With a swift kick to Kenny’s ribs, she sent him flopping sideways and snarled, “Stay down,” before instinct had her whirling to face the rest of the pack.

  The first one came in low, growling like a bear, intent on hurling her to the ground with the sheer size of his shoulders and beer belly and no technique.

  She neatly sidestepped his full-body rush, joined both hands together and chopped down hard on the back of his thick neck. She pushed her foot out in front of his as he flew by, and using his own weight as propulsion, launched him headfirst into the wall.

  She crouched low, her hands came straight back into a defensive position, and she spun around to face the next one only to be brought up short, spotting one of the pack already sat on the floor with tears in his eyes as he held his balls in his hands and rocked back and forward.

  Another had left a bloodstain streaking down the wall as his head cracked against it, and he slithered into an ungainly heap on the floor beside the first one. He had a rapidly swelling black eye and a bloodied lip.

  She watched with fascination as Michael delivered a swift blow with the pool cue to the abdomen of the third guy, who fell to his knees like a sack of shit, favoring what could have been broken ribs.

  The final one turned with a desperate expression on his face, pulled a knife, crouched low, and started to circle around from Michael’s left side, tossing the knife expertly from one hand to the other.

  As Bill stepped forward to intervene, Michael flicked the thick end of the cue under the assailants chin, snapped his head back, followed up by a hard prod to his chest with the blunt end; spinning the cue around he caught him neatly in the groin with another swift jab. As the guy staggered, Michael twirled the stick again and flicked it up behind the man’s knees, and by the time he hit the floor the thin end of the cue stick was already at his throat. He turned a peculiar shade of blue, as Michael stood coolly above him applying a firm pressure against his jugular. One sharp push, the man would be dead.


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