Sniper: Book Six (Princes of Prophecy)

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Sniper: Book Six (Princes of Prophecy) Page 4

by L. Ann Marie

  I replay that in my head and my eyes pop open. Shit. “It was a dream.” I’m too embarrassed to look at him so I close my eyes. I shouldn’t be around people unless I’m fully awake.

  “How did the biker fix that?”

  I cover my eyes with my arm. “It was just a dream.” I try to turn over but his hands are on me and I realize I’m naked. Shit I opened the door like this. I start laughing.

  “Why is this funny and how did the biker fix it?” He’s pissed again making me laugh more. “Beth.”

  “Sorry, but I just realized I opened the door naked.”

  He doesn’t say anything so I move my arm and look at him. He’s mad and this strikes me as funny too. “No one else was here. It was you in my dream and I’m not any good at conversation without coffee in me.”

  “If I’m in your dream then it’s me that fixes that,” he says softly.

  Seriously? “Since you weren’t here I had to improvise.”

  “No. You don’t improvise if I’m the cause. I’ll take care of it.”

  “I guess you should be here to do that then. Guys jerk off all the time. Women are no different.”

  He gives me a look. “If I need you, I’ll find you or wait until I see you.”

  I laugh. “That’s a lot of self-control given our schedules and the fact that you played my body like it was an instrument you’ve practiced on for years.”

  “Yeah it is. I played it that well?”

  My arm goes back over my eyes. “I need coffee before I say anything else.”

  He laughs. “I like the unfiltered honesty.” He moves my arm and kisses me. “I felt the same way precious Beth.”

  I smile at him. “Coffee?”

  He gets up laughing and walks away. I pull the pillow back over my face.

  * * *


  I take my boots off and carry the drink tray and bag back in the room smiling. The pillow is back on her face. I pull it off. “Coffee.”

  “That was too fast,” she mumbles but sits up.

  I watch the curves of her body and like how the ink moves with them. “Your art is beautiful.”

  She tips her cup to me making me smile. “I had it done two years ago in North Carolina. Just something for me to feel alive again. I love it too.” She looks at the bag. “Breakfast?”

  I pull out a bagel and hand it to her. It’s sour cream and onion. “Your favorite.”

  “I like that you remember everything.” She takes a bite. “Was Brantley okay?”

  I reach in for the other bagel. “Yeah. The crazy Brothers and ‘rents are there.”

  Her eyes get big. “It’s not even eight.”

  I nod. “They’re nuts. My dad flew the family down and Brothers were pulling in when I was leaving.”

  She doesn’t say anything and I think of her brother. She gets a look in her eyes that can only be sadness. I want her to meet my family, but I can’t even sleep here. What if I scare the shit out of her?

  “You should go be with your family,” she says.

  I look in her eyes. “I’ll see them later. Right now, I want to be with you. There are enough of them that they won’t miss me.”

  “I would.” She looks surprised she said it and closes her eyes.

  Leaning in I kiss her. “Thank you.”

  We finish the bagels and I get undressed. “I have a tattooed biker dream to get out of your head.”

  She watches every move I make and lets me take her coffee. “I don’t think it’s going to work with you looking like that.”

  I laugh and push her down so she’s flat on her back. “I had my own dream last night. Taking you hard and fast just like this.” I cover and lift her feet to my shoulders, put pillows under her, then slide in slow. With her pussy tipped up she’s at the perfect angle. “You’re already squeezing me tight.” She moans as I push in deep. As she gets louder I move faster watching her pussy take me in. “That looks so good precious.” She bucks into me. “Still Beth.” My arm tightens across her thighs and I put my hand on her pussy watching her face. Her eyes close halfway and I find that sexy as fuck. “Beautiful.” I’m hitting her hard and deep, watching her hands on her tits and her face showing only pleasure. I can’t get deep enough and lose control as soon as she starts tightening around me. She yells my name and I’m gone. I drop her legs and fall to my arms pumping into her as hard and fast as I can. I’m never going to get enough. Jesus. I let out a growl and come deep inside her. It wasn’t a crazy fuckin’ dream, she really feels that good. Barely breathing my mouth finds hers.

  She pulls away moaning. “Air.” I roll us so she’s on my chest and try for air. She’s quiet while we catch our breath.

  I am so fucked. I smile holding onto her. “Want to go for a ride to Newport?”

  She moans and her pussy grips me. “What time do you need to meet your family?”

  “Not until later. I need to talk to Brantley about Christian. He’s struggling with some shit. He’s like Jeremy, but doesn’t heal.”

  She sits up. “Is that really what he does? There was talk, but no one told us. What do you mean like him, but doesn’t heal?”

  Fuck. Since I’ve been up for-fuckin’-ever I don’t have the ‘need coffee’ excuse. “They see things. Shit that happens or will happen to the family or our Brothers. Christian is more sensitive than Jeremy, but he’s older. It takes a toll on him. He saw what happened yesterday, but couldn’t say.”

  Her eyes scrunch up. “Why didn’t he tell Brantley?”

  I sit up. “I can’t think with my dick in you.” I lift her and turn to the edge of the bed sitting her sideways on my lap. “If he tells about what he sees, it changes what was meant to be. Sometimes that has an impact on other people. Like bad consequences. He sees that too and has to decide what is best by the impact telling has on the outcome. Mucimi broke his arm and Brantley’s alive. I guess telling would have hurt someone more than that.”

  “Holy shit. Jeremy sees like that too? Is that why he wouldn’t let Lily and Holly go?” She has tears in her eyes. She’s so fuckin’ sweet.

  I kiss her head. “Partly I would guess, the other part is Jeremy heals, he was helping them.”

  She doesn’t say anything and I wonder if we’re just too weird. “I need to shower before I can go anywhere.”

  I carry her into the bathroom and shower her. She’s got the sweetest smile on, but doesn’t say anything.

  Chapter Six

  One week


  I text Taylor with a smirk on my face. Sexy tattooed biker keeps pulling me away from my work. He’s getting to be a problem. I laugh and put my phone away. Grabbing my lunch, I make my way to the cafeteria.

  “Precious Beth.” I spin around shocked. He takes my bag and lifts me over his shoulder.

  I’m laughing the whole time. Outside the cafeteria he puts me down and holds my hand walking fast. I follow wondering where we’re going. I only have twenty minutes left. “The cameras are off on this hall.”

  I laugh because he’s serious. “How did you find me?”

  He smiles back pulling me into a bathroom that has an out of order sign on it. “I tracked you.” He locks the door.

  I’m shaking my head and his hands hold it still so he can drop one of his scorching kisses on me.

  Before I can think of my next question, my hands are cuffed in front of me. I’m smiling like a lunatic. He is as crazy as his Brothers. He bends pulling my scrub bottoms off then puts my hands over his head. I hear his zipper and moan wrapping my legs around him. Never has anything like this happened to me. I can’t wait to tell Emma and he hasn’t done anything yet. He kisses me sliding in and I forget about Emma and kiss him back.

  “Lean back baby so this is good for you. Get my ring where you need it and I’ll do the rest.”

  I do and he does. Holy shit he does.

  When my body feels like it scattered around the room he kisses me again. “Air.”

  He laughs setting me dow
n. “Tell that fuckin’ biker he better stay out of your head.” He pulls a towel from his cargo pocket and wets it to wash me up. All I can do is smile. He’s so damn cute. When I’m dressed, he tells me my hair is messed up spinning me so I can see it in the mirror. The cuffs are gone and I fix my hair. He takes my hand and walks me out pulling the out of order sign as the door closes. I get a quick kiss and he’s gone.

  I watch him walk away and think I love him. It’s been like a month. I shake my head and get back to work. As it slows down I tell Emma what happened and she laughs hysterically. When she’s calm and wiping her eyes, she tells me again not to let him go.

  * * *


  I get back to Security and thank Jason for taking over for me. “When do we meet her?”

  “Soon. I was going to bring her to the Club this weekend.” I scan the leaderboard to see where everyone is. Nothing changed since I left.

  “Since I’m not getting any more, I’m out Brother.”

  I laugh as he walks out. There isn’t a Brother I know that would tell about sex with their old lady. Beth is more than a fuck for relief. Without the nights of hell, I’m hoping she’s a whole lot more.

  Dakota comes in with his class as I’m talking to mine about tomorrow’s sniper training.

  “Do you have experience as a sniper?” my class moron asks.

  Dakota laughs then looks at the moron. “Have I seen you here before?”

  I nod to him. “This is his third time back at training. Driscoll said if this time doesn’t work, he’s out.” The moron’s mouth falls open. “Asking relevant questions is one thing. Asking stupid shit can get you shot. You’ve been here for one of those. Keep it up, the kitty is at twelve hundred now. I’m just holding off for more money.” The class laughs.

  “I have seen him hit dead center at close to fifteen hundred yards,” Dakota says and the pussy pales.

  I laugh at the moron and dismiss the class. Brantley’s in Ops when I get there. He told me he’s not pissed anymore. He’s a better brother than me. I think I would have beat the shit out of them if my kid was hurt.

  “Any more Brothers giving you shit?”

  He smiles. “Not for a while.”

  I throw him chin. “Good, Clean-up isn’t used to dragging Brothers around the building.”

  Jason laughs. “Fuck off Taylor.” He pushes me, but he’s smiling.

  “Women masturbate like men? I mean as much as men?”

  He gives me a look. “Why the fuck would you ask that?”

  I open my mouth, but his hand raising stops me. “I don’t want to know. I don’t need the details in my fuckin’ head. If you’re asking, you’re doing it wrong. You make sure she’s taken care of first so she’s not taking care of herself. If you do it right she won’t be thinking of taking care of herself without you.”

  “I’m just asking if it’s true. We’re good, but she said something about a dream and before you give me more shit the dream was about me.”

  He shakes his head looking at the boards. “Didn’t I just say that I don’t need the details? I don’t need your shit in my head.”

  Jason cracks up.

  “It’s true,” a Security tech says.

  We all just look at her. I think we’re a little shocked. “Okay.” I have no fuckin’ clue what I’m supposed to say to her. ‘Good to know’ doesn’t feel right.

  Brantley looks at me. “Don’t you get Patches’ lists?”

  “Not since I’ve been back.”

  He looks surprised. “I’ll send you the fuckin’ list. You take care of her first. Always. Follow the list so you’re not in the middle of fuckin’ Ops asking these questions and I don’t have your shit in my head. We learned this shit growing up Brother. This isn’t the place for your relationship questions.”

  I laugh. “It’s just a question Brantley, relax.” Jason is still laughing.

  “What question?” Dakota asks walking in and Jason is off again.

  Brantley throws his good hand up. “This is why! I’ll send you the fuckin’ list when I get to my office.”

  He walks out and I laugh slapping Dakota on the back. “Jason will fill you in.” I jog down to my next class smiling. He’s so fuckin’ funny sometimes.

  Chapter Seven

  One week


  “Beth, one of Prez’s boys was taken from the daycare. I’m going to be back late.” He sounds like he’s running.

  “Go! Get him back don’t worry about me.” Holy shit!

  “Yeah. We’ll get him back. Gotta go.”

  I plop down on the chair. Holy shit. I know those boys. I’ve never known anyone that got kidnapped. Poor Lily. I wonder if there’s something I can do, but I don’t want to call him back.

  “Are you okay Beth?” Emma puts her hand on my shoulder.

  I am fine, it’s Lily and her boy that’s not. “Someone took one of the Knight boys from the daycare.”

  “Oh dear Lord.” She says a little prayer. “Your man will help get him back, he’s one of the special guys. They send them for the big stuff. They’ll find him.”

  I nod and hope she’s right. “Yeah.”

  “Go home baby and wait for your man. He’ll come to you once they find him.”

  I stand up feeling numb. “This is crazy. Taken from the daycare. I can’t believe anyone would get close. Those kids were guarded the whole time they were here. They even had MC guards.”

  She turns me. “They’ll get him back, mark my words Beth. Go wait for Taylor at home. He’ll show when they find him. Princes have a whole force of people to find him.”

  I walk away thinking of people stealing kids. I think I’d lose my mind if my kid was stolen. At the staff exit a biker is walking in and holds the door for me. “Beth?”

  I look at him thinking he looks familiar, but I can’t place him. “Yes.”

  “Steve Belisle, from high school.”

  It clicks. “Wow. Hi!” He’s grown way up since tenth grade.

  “I heard you got married and moved away.”

  I nod. “He was military. He didn’t make it back.” I get a sad look from him and I’m almost sorry I told him.

  “Sorry to hear that. It was good seeing you. I need to go see a friend.”

  “You too Steve.” I watch him walk away and think about David.

  I grieved for a long time. I loved him so much and he was taken too soon. With help through the military wives and the support group, I began living again. David was a good man, stable and loving. He was focused and a planner. Everything he did was planned and carried out. I drove him crazy, but he loved me. He was quiet and serious to my loud and spontaneous laughing.

  Taylor is his complete opposite. He laughs a lot and loves just doing, he doesn’t need a plan. He emits testosterone like a cologne, lingering wherever he is. His edgy and raw dominance doesn’t lose anything with the softer side he shows me. He takes care of me like I’m precious. Just like he calls me. I smile at that. He told me I hold the precious map to all his favorite treasures. I shake my head and walk to my car laughing. I can’t call Taylor now. He needs to find the Knight boy. I wonder if he’d show up if I told him I was daydreaming about him again.

  I don’t need to wonder. He would. I’d hope it was after the boy is safe and sound, but he’s a little crazy so I won’t chance it.

  At home, I flip the TV on and lay on the couch. We were going to the Club tonight. I bet it’s empty with everyone out looking for the Knight boy. They are protective of their families.

  * * *


  I look at my watch as I put the key in the door. I have a little more than four hours. I’m glad she gave me a key. Picking the lock gets old. I follow the glow to the living room and smile. She’s passed out on the couch. I wash up and undress running my hands through my hair.

  It’s been a fuck of a night, but it’s over. My brother is fuckin’ good and I’m so glad he is head of IT. Everything ran smooth from the minute
he got in. I’m proud of him.

  I lift her up and smile when her head flops on my chest. She’d sleep through anything. I kiss her head. “Just me Precious.”

  She moans when I put her on the bed. I follow and she rolls onto the crook of my arm. I love her right here. “Did you get him back?” she mumbles.

  “We did, he’s home safe and sound. I have about four hours and I have to get to work.”

  “Mmm, I’ll see you Wednesday. Thank you for getting him back.” I smile. She’s cute. Even half asleep she knows our schedules.

  I kiss her head and close my eyes.

  * * *

  I hear my alarm ping and open my eyes. Another good night. I think about all the times I wished I could wake up with a woman and smile. Today I woke up with not just a woman, but Beth draped across me like a blanket. It’s a good fuckin’ day and I know it in the first five minutes. I ease out from under her and kiss her head.

  Taking a quick shower, I dress and leave her a note on the mirror.

  I need to get her to my house or get clothes here. Since the Club is closer, I stop and change into clean clothes then get to Security.

  Chapter Eight

  One week


  I help fill the spreadsheets for Brantley. He keeps everyone focused on one area while he’s still collecting information and goes over everything coming in. I’ve watched how he works and have to admire his skill at keeping everything running. I have no idea how he knows how much time it will take to put it all together. There’s a fuck ton of information and he needs it all up and current to get to the planning meeting.

  Prez gets his information and tells us to sleep tonight. We have planning, then Ops. Since it’s a regular work day for me tomorrow on top of planning I leave at eleven.

  At Beth’s, I set the coffee maker before going to the bedroom. I drop my bag and lose my clothes. She doesn’t move when I slide in beside her making me smile. She sleeps through anything. I wrap myself around her and sleep.


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