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Page 17

by R. L. Mathewson

  “Hey,” Sloane said with a warm smile when she saw him.

  “I thought you could use a Coke,” Chase said as he placed the soda on the small table next to her.

  “Thank you,” she said, smiling as he leaned over and kissed her.

  “Are you sure that you don’t want to join us?” he asked, reaching up to run his fingertips along her jaw.

  “I’m sure. Go have fun with the guys,” Sloane said, brushing her lips against his one last time as she gave him a playful push back.

  “Are you sure?” Chase asked, pausing to make sure that he wasn’t abandoning her.

  Rolling her eyes, Sloane said, “Yes,” with a warm smile that had him rolling closer so that he could lean over and kiss her simply because he couldn’t help himself.

  “Go,” she said with a playful push that had him brushing his lips against hers one last time before he headed back inside.

  “I really love her,” Adam said with a dreamy sigh and an “Ow!” when Tristan reached over and slapped him upside his head.

  “I told you to stop looking at his sister,” Tyler said with a sad shake of his head as he finished dealing the cards out.

  “Professing my undying love shouldn’t count,” Adam muttered.

  “Yet it does,” Chase said as he found himself watching Sloane. God, she was–

  “When are you coming back?” came the question that had him frowning as he tore his gaze away from Sloane to find five sets of eyes watching him expectantly.

  “What are you talking about?” Chase asked, picking up his cards.

  “You’re teaching, right? I already signed up for your refresher course next month,” Adam said.

  “All of my tickets expired,” Chase reminded them, which for some reason was met with confused looks.

  “Not from what I heard. You have two more years before you have to renew,” Tyler said, popping a chip in his mouth.

  At Chase’s questioning look, he said, “Sloane.”

  “She’s been very busy. Has the captain wrapped around her little finger,” Adam said, shooting him a wink.

  “She called the captain?” Chase asked as he found himself once again watching Sloane.

  “She called the captain, the Office of Emergency Medical Services, the Red Cross, and the American Heart Association to make sure that all your certification were reinstated,” Tyler said, shrugging as he added, “You’re good to go.”

  “Which will work out well for us because I can’t stand the asshole they have teaching now,” Ben said, shaking his head in disgust as he grabbed another sandwich as Chase sat there, realizing just how lucky he really was.


  “Are you asleep?” came the softly whispered words that had Sloane smiling as she opened her eyes to find Chase leaning over to kiss her.

  “I might be,” she said, reaching up cup to his face in her hands as he brushed his lips against hers.

  “Why don’t you come to bed?” he asked, already reaching for her.

  “Will you let me sit on your lap if I do?” Sloane asked, sitting up so that she could climb onto his lap.

  “I think that can be arranged,” Chase murmured, looking thoughtful as he reached for the strings holding her bikini top closed.

  “Did the guys leave?” she asked, glancing past him at the kitchen patio doors.

  “Mmmhmm, they told me to tell you that they can’t wait until next week,” Chase said as he slowly pulled her bikini top free.

  “What happens next week?” she asked, shifting on his lap.

  “Poker night,” he said, dropping her bikini top on the patio floor before he reached for the bottom.

  “I thought they took turns hosting,” she said, not really caring as she reached for his shirt.

  “The guys decided that it would be for the best if they came here from now on,” Chase said as she pulled his shirt off.

  “Did they?” Sloane asked, her lips twitching as she ran her hands over his chest while he slowly pulled her bikini bottom free.

  “Mmmhmmm, they did,” Chase murmured as he leaned in and kissed her as he rolled them closer to the pool.

  “I thought you wanted to go to bed,” she said when he helped her climb off his lap.

  “And I do, but I’ve spent the better part of the night thinking about all the things that I wanted to do to you,” Chase explained as he set the locks on his wheelchair.

  “And now you’re planning on doing them?” Sloane asked, lowering herself into the pool as she watched him.

  “I thought I’d give it a try,” he said with an incredibly sexy grin as he shifted so that he could push his shorts down, freeing the part of him that she couldn’t seem to get enough of.

  “Are you going to tell me what you had in mind?” she asked, moving closer when he carefully lowered himself to the patio so that he could shift himself to the edge of the pool.

  “I thought I’d show you,” Chase said while she moved to stand between his legs as he leaned down to kiss her.

  “Did the other guy ever show up?” she found herself asking against his lips as she ran her hands over his thighs.

  “Who?” he asked, sounding distracted as he ran his hands over her shoulders.

  “I thought there were supposed to be six guys.”

  “One didn’t show up,” Chase said, not really sounding all that concerned as he kissed her.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, shifting so that she could kiss his chin.

  “Don’t be. I’m not,” he said on a groan when she wrapped her hand around him.

  “But you had a good time?” Sloane asked, slowly kissing her way down his chest as she ran her hand over him, tearing a groan from him.

  “I’m having a better time now,” Chase said, groaning when she ran her lips over the underside of his cock.

  “Are you?” she asked, glancing up at him as she pressed her lips against the curve of his cock.

  “God, yes,” he said, moaning when she took him in her mouth.

  For several minutes, she stood there doing the thing that she knew he loved, which made it her favorite thing in the world to do for him. She loved the way he responded, the way he moaned her name as he ran his hands over her, telling her just how fucking good her mouth felt on him, but she loved what he did when he couldn’t take it anymore.

  With one last groan, he lowered himself in the water and took her in his arms. God, she couldn’t seem to get enough of this man, Sloane thought as she wrapped her arms around him. As he kissed her, he ran his hands over her, pulling her closer as he slowly teased her, making her want him more with every passing second until she couldn’t get enough and found herself turned around in his arms.

  He continued kissing her as he cupped her breasts, gently squeezing them as he

  “Oh, shit! I’m sorry!” came the unexpected announcement that had Sloane breaking off the kiss to find a man wearing an Emerald Fire Department T-shirt with mused blonde hair that looked like it was from frustration more than styling, standing at the patio door with his hand over his eyes as he gestured toward the front of the house with the phone in his other hand. “I tried knocking, but nobody answered. I figured the game was going on in the back and I’m…shit, I’m sorry,” he said, sighing heavily as he turned around and took off before they could respond.

  “Umm, who was that?” Sloane asked as she moved closer to the side of the pool.

  “No one,” Chase murmured absently, pressing a kiss against the back of her neck as he reached over and grabbed onto the edge to hold himself up as he wrapped his other arm around her and–

  Slowly slid inside her, making her forget everything else.

  Chapter 31

  “I’m done,” Chase bit out, shaking his head as he glanced back at his wheelchair and

  Found himself groaning when the cruel woman that enjoyed torturing him cupped his face and pulled him down for a kiss that had him ignoring the muscles in his arms and legs straining to hold him up and forced himself to
move closer when she took a step back.

  “Only a few more steps,” Sloane said against his mouth as she continued to slowly pull back, giving him no other choice but to follow her because there was no way in hell that he was going to willingly stop kissing her.

  “You’re evil,” he felt the need to point out as he forced his legs to work as he released his grip on the bars so that he could slide his trembling hands down the bar, grab hold, and force his fucking legs to keep going.

  “And you’re walking,” the incredible woman that refused to give up on him said as he felt her lips pull up into a smile. She brushed her lips against his one last time before she pulled away so that he could see that he’d walked the entire length of the bars.

  “Holy shit…” Chase said, releasing a shuddering breath as he glanced over his shoulder and then…

  “Holy shit,” he said, chuckling as he glanced down at his legs.

  He walked.

  He fucking walked…

  “You did it!” Sloane said, smiling as she leaned up to kiss his cheek as he stood there trying to wrap his mind around the fact that he’d just walked and…

  “Pookie, I think I’m going to need that chair now,” Chase said as his legs threatened to give out.

  “Sorry,” Sloane said, shooting him a sympathetic wince as she quickly made her way to his wheelchair and rolled it over as he struggled to stay standing.

  As soon as she had the wheelchair ready, he forced his legs to work one last time, helping him turn around so that he could sit down and when he did, Sloane was there so that he could wrap his arms around her. God, he couldn’t believe that he did it.

  He’d walked.

  After resigning himself to living the rest of his life in that fucking chair, he’d walked.

  He’d fucking walked!

  “We need to celebrate,” the incredible woman in his arms said, smiling as she leaned down and kissed him.

  “What did you have in mind?” Chase asked, reaching up to cup her face in his hand as he slowly returned that kiss.

  “Well,” she said, shifting to get closer to him, “I was thinking that we could go home, grab a shower and then I’d take you out for a steak dinner where I would play hard to get until you took me home.”

  “Then what happens?” he asked, dropping his hand away so that he could roll them toward the door.

  “Then,” Sloane said, brushing her lips against his one last time before moving her lips next to his ear and whispered, “I let you fuck me in the hot tub,” making him groan.

  He absently waved to the volunteer at the desk, barely glancing at her as she hit the automated door button for him so that he could roll out onto the parking lot and was reminded just how truly fucked up the world was when he spotted Amy in her usual spot. Every time they came here, she was there, standing in her office window, watching his every fucking move. He wished that she’d do them both a favor and shut the fucking curtain. He’d considered telling Sloane that he wanted to find another place to do his therapy, but he couldn’t do that to her.

  Sloane loved working here and he…

  He would do anything to make her happy.

  “Are you okay?” Sloane asked, leaning in and kissed him, bringing his attention back to where it should be.

  “I’d be better if we skipped that steak dinner,” he said, kissing her as he rolled to a stop next to the car.

  He felt her lips twitch as she said, “I think we could arrange that.”

  “What about the shower?” he asked, reaching down to set his brakes.

  “What about it?” Sloane asked, brushing her lips against his as she climbed off his lap while he forced his legs to cooperate and kicked the footrests out of the way.

  “Will you let me fuck you in the shower, too?” Chase asked as he grabbed hold of the armrests and moved to stand up.

  “I might be persuaded to let you have your way with me in the shower, too,” she said with an incredibly sexy smile as she opened the passenger side door for him.

  “Then we have a deal,” Chase said, dropping a quick kiss on her lips before he climbed into the car, doing his best to ignore the pain tearing through his legs. God, they fucking hurt, but he’d take pain over not being able to feel his legs any fucking day of the week.

  Smiling, Sloane pushed his wheelchair toward the back of the car as he climbed in and found himself looking across the street to find the woman that he’d planned on spending the rest of his life with still watching him. She sent him a hurt look before she finally stepped away from the window. A year ago, that expression would have broken him, but now…

  He had what he wanted, Chase thought, closing his eyes and as he dropped his head back against the headrest. When Sloane climbed into the car, she didn’t say anything and he’d never been more grateful. He sat there for the next fifteen minutes, thinking about what it felt like to walk again because that was all that mattered, getting his life back and once he did…

  He wasn’t going to let anyone have that kind of hold over him again.

  “Who’s this?” Sloane asked, sounding curious as he felt the car slowly pull into his driveway.

  “What are you talking about?” Chase mumbled absently as he sat there, trying to mentally prepare himself for what was about to come.

  God, his legs were already fucking killing him.

  They might have to skip that shower and go straight to the hot

  “There’s an incredibly cute kid hugging a box by the front door,” Sloane said, making him frown as he opened his eyes and felt is stomach drop.

  “Shit!” Chase bit out as he quickly unsnapped his seatbelt and reached for the door.

  “What’s going on?” Sloane asked as she thankfully moved her ass and jumped out of the car so that by the time he managed to climb out of the car, she was there waiting with his wheelchair.

  “Nicholas,” was all he said as he wheeled himself around the car and

  “I’m sorry for not doing my chores and my homework and for teasing Jacob about his blanket, but I stopped doing it, see?” Nicholas rushed to explain as he put the box on the ground and started grabbing things to show him. “I started doing my homework and I got all Bs this year, but I-I can do better next year. And I started making my bed every morning and helping around the house more.”

  “What are you talking about, buddy?” Chase asked as he watched his nephew that he’d missed more than he’d realized, begin to pull out some of the things that he’d given him over the years. “You can have this back.”

  “What’s going on?” Chase asked, frowning while he watched as Nicholas continued to pull more stuff out of the box.

  “I’m sorry that I didn’t listen to you, but I’ll do better. Please stop being mad at me!” Nicholas said around a choked sob as he began placing everything back in the box so that he could pick it up only to end up dropping it and

  “Come here,” Chase said, reaching over and pulled the boy that looked like he’d grown six inches since the last time he saw him onto his lap.

  “I’m sorry,” Nicholas managed to get out as he wrapped his arms around Chase and held on tight, making him realize just how badly he’d fucked up.


  “He’s fine,” Sloane said, gesturing to Nicholas, who was laughing hysterically as Chase tipped his wheelchair back and dropped them both in the pool.

  “Oh, thank god,” Melissa said, releasing a shaky breath as she dropped down on the patio chair next to her while Sloane sat there, wondering what Chase had been like before the accident.

  “What’s going on?” Melissa asked, taking in the chaos surrounding them.

  “Chase challenged Nicholas to a game of basketball, but apparently, Chase cheats at basketball and Nicholas demanded a fair game. So, Chase called my brothers and organized a pickup game that ended with everyone agreeing that Chase does, in fact, cheat at basketball. That ended when my mother showed up with food,” Sloane said, gesturing toward her mother, who was most l
ikely putting together another plate of food for Chase.

  God, she spoiled him…

  “Is there a reason why they’re glaring at you?” Melissa asked, gesturing toward the other side of the pool where Sloane’s nieces and nephews were gathered, most likely trying to decide how they were going to torment her today.

  “Your brother is evil,” she said, reaching over to grab a Coke from the bucket of ice that one of her brothers had placed on the table earlier and handed it to Melissa.

  “He can be,” Melissa murmured in agreement, her lips twitching as she took a sip of her soda.

  A trio of adorable children walked onto the patio with a man that shared their dark hair only to break out into a run when they spotted Chase in the pool. “Uncle Chase!”

  “They missed him,” Melissa said with a sad smile as they watched the trio jump into the pool, shoes and all.

  “He definitely missed them,” Sloane said, unable to help but smile as Chase gathered the trio up in his arms and gave them a bear hug that had them squealing with laughter and

  “You love him,” Melissa said, sending her a curious glance.

  “I don’t know,” Sloane admitted even though it would have been so easy to say yes, but she knew that it was a mistake.

  “Fair enough,” Melissa murmured, taking another sip before adding, “Just so we’re clear, if you do anything to hurt my brother, I’ll destroy you.”

  “Crystal clear,” Sloane said because she had a feeling that Chase wasn’t going to be the one that ended up getting hurt when this was all over.

  Chapter 32

  “This was a bad idea,” Chase said, only to release a pained grunt when the insensitive woman who refused to allow him to skip this so that he could spend the morning between her legs dropped his bag on his lap.

  “This was a great idea,” Sloane murmured with a satisfied sigh as she made her way inside the fire station that he hadn’t set foot in since the morning of his last shift.

  For a moment, Chase could only sit there, staring at the old firehouse as he thought about that morning. He’d just come off a twenty-hour shift when the call came in. If he’d just kept walking to his car instead of jumping back on the truck…


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