Searching for Faith

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Searching for Faith Page 9

by Kristen Middleton

  His timing couldn’t have been better. He’d seen her leave with Paul and Maddy, and had followed them. Even at the point, he hadn’t known exactly what he was going to do.

  After watching them clown around in the snow for a while, they finally disappeared into the cabin. By then he was both frustrated and anxious. Deciding that he might have to take Faith back by force, he hurried over to his car and grabbed his gun. He didn’t want to have to use it, but knew that desperate times sometimes called for desperate measures.

  As he was about to race back to their cabin, he noticed Faith running away from it and then Harold intercepting her. She looked upset and it had made him that much more determined to get her back. A few seconds later, Paul arrived and he brought her back to the cabin. Instead of going inside, however, they turned around and left again. Confused, he waited a few seconds and then followed them into the lodge. Noticing Eva, the front desk clerk, was away from her post, and that Paul had left Faith alone, he quickly sprang into action. The rest was history.

  He quickly drove out of the parking lot, aware that very soon, the police would be called and there’d be a hunt for her. They’d question everyone in the area, and eventually, come knocking at his door. Although he was tempted to leave town right away, he wanted to withdraw the money from his accounts and the banks weren’t open until morning. He wasn’t too worried, however. Even if the cops showed up, they’d never suspect him of taking the girl. They’d just want to know if he’d seen anything unusual.

  An idea suddenly came to him.


  In the morning, after he drained his savings, he’d use a payphone and leave an anonymous tip. He’d tell the police that he’d seen Harold with the girl and they’d focus their attention on the old man while he and Faith headed to Alaska.

  He smiled. It was a brilliant idea.

  Driving steadily on the slippery roads, it took him thirty minutes to reach the cabin. He pulled into the garage, closed the door, and carried Faith inside.

  “Maisie. Guess who I brought home?” he said as the Beagle barked, excited to see him. “Faith. She’s sleeping right now but don’t worry, you can play with her tomorrow. You two are going to be best buddies.”

  Maisie barked again.

  “I’m sure you’re hungry. I’ll let you out and feed you right after I put her to bed,” he told the puppy as he headed toward the basement stairs with Faith still cradled in his arms.

  Maisie followed him downstairs and into the bedroom.

  He turned on the light, walked over to the bed, and carefully set Faith onto the mattress. He then removed her jacket and shoes.

  “Sleep tight, Pumpkin,” he whispered, pulling the covers around her. “Tomorrow is a new beginning for both of us.”

  Kissing her forehead, he smiled and turned on the butterfly nightlight next to her bed. Then he walked out of the bedroom, turned off the light, and locked the door behind him.

  Chapter 17

  ALEX DROPPED CARISSA back off at her SUV, around eleven-thirty. The snow had finally stopped, although the roads were still slippery.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you back to the lodge?” he asked. “I’m sure they won’t mind if you leave your vehicle here overnight.”

  “No. I’ll be fine. Besides,” she nodded toward a truck that was clearing snow on the other side of the parking lot, “I’m sure they want to plow right here.”

  “I suppose. I can follow you, if you’d like?”

  Carissa appreciated his concern and thought that his ex-wife had been an idiot. “I’ll be fine. Really.”

  “Okay. So… I have the day off tomorrow. Would you like to meet for breakfast? You know… to talk about the investigation?”

  “Sure,” she replied and then told him where she was staying.

  “Excellent. Right up the road is this little place that has the best breakfast food in town,” he said. “It’s called the Copper Kettle.”

  “Yeah, I’ve seen it.” It looked like a small hole-in-the-wall but she enjoyed places like that. Hidden gems with mouthwatering food that usually only the locals knew about.

  “How about I pick you up at around nine?”

  “Sure,” she said and then told him her cabin number.

  “Sounds good.” He reached into his glove compartment and pulled out a business card. “Call me if something comes up or you have another vision.”

  “I will,” she replied. “I suppose I should give you my number.”

  “Yeah, that might be a good idea. Here,” he handed her his cell phone. “Add yourself to my Contact list.”

  She did what he asked and handed him back his phone.

  “Okay, then,” he said, putting it away. “Drive safely.”

  “I will. Thanks, Alex.”

  “No, thank you. The information you provided is going to help the case. I can feel it in my bones.”

  Carissa smiled grimly. If only she could do more, like locate the killer before he struck again. Even though she had a feeling he’d eventually end up at Gooseberry Falls, it wasn’t as if she could set up camp there and wait for him. “I hope so. Well, goodnight.”


  She got out, closed the door, and got into her SUV. Alex waited for her to start up her vehicle and then they went their separate ways.

  She took her time, driving back toward the lodge. On the way, Carissa decided to pull into the parking lot of the Gooseberry Falls State Park. She parked, turned off the radio, and then sat there, staring at the pathway leading to the Visiting Center and falls. For an instant, she thought about getting out and taking it, but knew it would be a waste of time. Nobody was around, it was quieter than a cemetery.

  Closing her eyes, she decided to try and meditate, to see if anything new would come to her. Taking deep, belly breaths, she inhaled and then exhaled several times, until she felt calm and steady. Carissa then picture a door opening in her mind, allowing any intuitive messages from beyond to be received. After several seconds, she began to see a butterfly nightlight. Concentrating on the image, Carissa sensed a child sleeping nearby.

  Suddenly, Carissa’s phone began to ring. Startled, she grabbed it out of her purse and noticed that it was Alex calling.

  “Did you make it back to the lodge yet?” he asked.

  The tone of his voice gave her goosebumps. “No. Why?”

  “A little girl was just reported missing there.”

  Her heart sank.

  Chapter 18

  “I DON’T UNDERSTAND. Why did you bring her back to the lodge in the first place? And what happened to Maddy?” asked Rachel as they rushed back to the cabin, trying to find Chloe. Everyone was frantically searching the resort for the missing girl and the police had been called.

  “I forgot my keycard, on the table, and she came back with me to get yours,” he said, looking distraught. “I told her to wait in the lounge-”

  “Why would you leave her alone in the lounge?” she cried in disbelief.

  “I thought she was safe,” he said angrily. “I didn’t expect her to run off again.”

  Rachel frowned. “What do you mean ‘again’?”

  “She got made about something and took off running. That’s when I forgot my keycard, trying to chase her down. Hell, maybe she’s just hiding out somewhere.”

  “Could she be with Maddy?”

  “Maddy said she hasn’t seen her,” he said as they climbed the steps to their cabin. I sent her a text a few minutes ago.

  Rachel unlocked the door. “Honey?” She flipped the lights on. “Are you in here?”

  “How in the hell would she get inside?” Paul snapped, following her in.

  “I don’t know. Maybe one of the employees brought her back? And don’t you dare snap at me,” Rachel said angrily as she moved toward Chloe’s bedroom. “You’re the one who lost our daughter and you’d better damn well hope we find her.”

  Swearing, Paul looked around the cabin, hoping that maybe she was hidi
ng somewhere.

  “She’s not here, Paul,” cried Rachel, heading back toward the front door. “I’m going to go look down by the lake.”

  His heart stopped as he imagined Chloe running back there and falling into the cold water. The water was freezing and the waves were so strong, anyone could get pulled under. He followed her back outside and ran into Maddy.

  “Have you seen her?” Paul asked tightly.

  Maddy had tears in her eyes. “No, Paul. I’m so sorry, I’ve looked everywhere.”

  “Dammit, she must still be angry with me. Where in the hell could she have went?” he said, running a hand through his hair.

  “Paul, she’s not back here,” said Rachel, rushing around the cabin toward them. Seeing Maddy, her face filled with hope. “Did you find her?”

  “No,” she said. “Not since she was heading back with Paul to the lodge.”

  “I don’t understand any of this. I thought she was going to stay with you, in your cabin?” asked Rachel, on the verge of hysteria.

  “Something happened and Chloe became upset,” said Maddy.

  “Nothing happened,” said Paul icily, glaring at Maddy. “She was just over-tired and had a tantrum.”

  “Rachel!” cried Mackenzie, racing down the path toward them with Brock close behind. “Did you find her yet?”

  “No,” said Rachel. She began to cry. “And this isn’t like her. She wouldn’t hide like this. What if… what if someone took her?”

  “Took her? But… I was only gone for a second,” Paul said in horror, staring ahead into the darkness.

  “That’s all anyone would need,” said Rachel, now fearing the worst. “They probably walked into the lodge, saw her there, and grabbed her. Oh my God, someone has my little girl!” she sobbed.

  Mackenzie put her arms around Rachel. “Don’t worry, Rachel, we’ll find her.”

  “I hope so, Mackenzie, because I couldn’t live without her,” she squeaked, shaking with fear.

  More of the wedding party showed up at the cabin, with flashlights, to help search for Chloe.

  “We’ll split up and look for her in the woods and by the lake,” said one of the groomsmen, Tom, who was also Brock’s brother.

  “Thank you,” said Rachel, wiping her tears. “All of you.”

  “Yes, thank you,” said Paul, who was also visibly shaken now.

  “Did anyone call the police?” asked Carol, who’d just arrived.

  “Yes,” said Rachel. “They’ve been called.”

  “We also spoke to the manager. In fact, he’s heading this way right now,” said Brock, waving his thumb.

  Rachel turned around and saw a short, squat man rushing toward them, wearing a jacket with the lodge’s logo.

  “Did you find your daughter, yet, Mr. and Mrs. Bloom?” he asked.

  “No,” said Paul.

  “I have my staff searching the grounds, too,” he said, slightly out of breath. “And the police should be arriving any minute.” He looked around the parking lot and toward the woods. “Do you think that she could be hiding somewhere?”

  “That’s what we thought at first,” said Rachel. “But, we can’t find her anywhere. And, she wouldn’t hide outside. She’d be too afraid of the dark.

  “I see,” he said. “Well, then, I’ll make sure we do everything we can to try and get her back for you.”

  “Have you spoken to the front desk attendant?” asked Rachel. “Maybe she saw something?”

  “Apparently, Eva had stepped away to use the bathroom when your daughter disappeared,” he replied, looking away.

  “What about cameras?” asked Paul. “Do you have any in the lounge? If someone took her, we can see who it was.”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact we do, and I was just going to suggest that,” said the manager.

  “Wait a second,” said Rachel, thinking back to earlier. “What about the swimming pool? She desperately wanted to go swimming earlier. Maybe she took off and is playing around by the pool?”

  “I can’t believe that I didn’t think about checking there,” said Paul. “I’ll go and check.”

  “We close and lock the pool area at eleven,” said the manager as Paul raced away. “I doubt that he’ll find her there, but I guess it’s still worth checking out.”

  “We can’t afford to leave any rock unturned,” said Carol, turning to Rachel. “Don’t worry, with all of us working together, we’ll find your daughter. I mean, she couldn’t be too far, right? The roads are bad, so if anyone did take her, they must be close-by.”

  Rachel, who was crying again, just nodded.

  “Mrs. Bloom, if you’d like to come with me, we can check the video footage from my office,” said the manager. “Hopefully, it picked up what happened.”

  “Okay,” said Rachel.

  “Wait a second. What about the photographer?” asked Maddy, who’d been silent for most of the time. “Harold? He was out here when Chloe ran away from us. I hate to even suggest this but… maybe he took her?”

  “No, I can’t imagine Harold doing something like that,” said the resort manager. “He’s an upstanding citizen. A school teacher. He’s not a kidnapper.”

  “Maybe, but if he was one of the last people to see my daughter, and we don’t find her soon, I want him questioned,” said Rachel. “Along with everyone else at this resort. Someone has got to know where she is or who might have taken her.”

  Chapter 19

  CARISSA ARRIVED BACK at the resort the same time two squad cars pulled into the parking lot. Although it was after midnight, the place was alive with people carrying flashlights and searching everywhere for the missing child.

  She parked her vehicle and quickly went to find the girl’s parents. Rushing into the lodge, she asked the front desk attendant where they might be.

  “The mother is in with the manager, looking through video coverage. I’m not sure where her husband is. Are you with the wedding party?”

  “No,” she replied. “I’m a friend. Where’s the manager’s office?”

  “Down that hallway and to the left,” said the young woman.

  Carissa turned and began walking that way when she heard the police officers step into the lodge. She wanted to talk to the parents before they monopolized the rest of their time.

  Finding the manager’s office, she knocked on the door loudly.

  “Yes?” called a man’s voice.

  Carissa opened up the door and stuck her head inside. “Excuse me, I’m looking for the missing girl’s mother. I heard she might be in here?”

  “That’s me,” said an attractive woman who looked close to Carissa’s age. There was mascara running down her face and it was obvious the woman was distraught.

  “Hi,” she said, stepping inside. She closed the door behind her. “My name is Carissa Jones and… I think that I can help you find your daughter.”

  Chapter 20

  RACHEL STARED AT the woman, a feeling of hope bubbling inside of her.

  “Have you seen her?” she asked, standing up.

  “Yes and no,” said the stranger, with an apologetic smile. “Not in the way you’re thinking.”

  Rachel frowned. “What do you know about my daughter?”

  The woman licked her lips. “A man kidnapped her and I think that we can find her if you’ll let me help.”

  “A man? Who?” asked Rachel, her eyes flashing angrily.

  Before Carissa could answer, there was another knock on the door.

  “Mr. Johnson, the police are here to talk to Mrs. Bloom,” said a woman from the other side of the door.

  “She’ll be right there, Eva,” he replied, staring at Carissa curiously.

  “Okay, I’ll let them know,” she replied.

  “Who has my daughter?” asked Rachel, shaking. “Please, tell me.”

  “I… don’t know exactly. He thinks your daughter is his, though, Mrs. Bloom. And that’s both good and bad. He won’t harm her until he realizes she’s not the one he wants.”
  Rachel was beginning to wonder if the woman was crazy. “I don’t understand. How do you know all of this?”

  “I’m a psychic.”

  Sighing, Rachel sank back down into the chair. “Oh God,” she said, closing her eyes. “And I thought that you could actually help us locate Chloe.”

  “I can. Listen to me,” said Carissa, walking over to her. She kneeled down. “I have helped locate missing children before. In fact, I drove all the way, from the cities, to help you find her before he hurts her.”

  That got Rachel’s attention. “Hurt her? He’s going to hurt my baby?”


  Carissa nodded. She didn’t want to sugar coat anything. She needed to light a fire under this woman’s feet so they could work together before her daughter was killed. “Believe me, he will kill her if we don’t act now.”

  Rachel’s hands began to tremble. “Wait a second. She just disappeared. How did you know she was going to go missing?”

  “I’m a pre-cog. I sometimes dream about things before they happen. Tell me something – your daughter has long blonde hair, blue eyes, and round cheeks. She loves to collect rocks and wanted to go swimming earlier...”

  “Yes. How did you know that?” Her eyes narrowed. “Were you spying on us?”

  “No. Like I said before, I’m a psychic and this stuff just comes to me.” She grabbed Rachel’s hand and closed her eyes. “You and your husband haven’t been getting along. He…. He’s been…” Carissa suddenly opened her eyes. Her husband was cheating on her. “I’m… sorry, Rachel.”

  “He’s been what?” she snapped. “What are you trying to say?”

  There was no way that Carissa was going to go down that road with her. The woman’s husband needed to be the one to tell her. “He’s keeping something from you. I won’t tell you what that is, because it’s not my business, but it has to do with why your daughter disappeared tonight.”

  Rachel’s face was so pale, she looked like a ghost. “I don’t want to believe you, but… it’s hard not to. Paul told me that she was angry with him, but he wouldn’t tell me why exactly.”


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