Peggy Klaus

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  Good self-promotion starts with recognizing and reconciling the myths that keep you from talking about yourself and realizing your goals. Chapter 1 covers these myths, showcasing missed opportunities and the value of tooting your own horn with examples of good and bad bragging dialogues.

  Are you one of those people who can only think of the right things to say about themselves after the fact? Then read on.

  Good self-promotion is very individualized, and one-size-fits-all solutions don’t work. In Chapter 2, you’ll find my “Take 12” questionnaire, a self-evaluation tool keyed to helping you unearth your personal and professional history, identify your strengths, accomplishments, and personality traits, and zero in on the things that make you you. I’ll introduce you to the concepts of brag bites and bragologues, memorable sound bites and brief marketing monologues about yourself that can be drawn on in a moment’s notice—and used to your advantage—in any situation without coming off as pushy or disingenuous.

  Most of the remainder of the book is devoted to demonstrating how you can connect the dots to develop a unique and effective communication style best suited to your particular situation. Filled with tales of real-life bloopers and home runs, these chapters will show you how to translate your story into easy-to-use brag bites and bragologues that will successfully promote you wherever you go.

  Chapter 3 focuses on the basics of business bragging in and out of the office. It’s filled with schmoozing and cruising stories from the corporate world that show you how to maximize every encounter from elevator fly-bys to conversations with higher-ups at networking events to dealing with credit theft, which runs rampant in the corporate world.

  Chapter 4 shows you how to use the latest technology to further your cause—how to harness voice mail and e-mail for “techno-brag” when dealing with clients or with colleagues and bosses who are away from the office. This chapter addresses the challenges and opportunities of being kept in mind when out of sight or off the site.

  Chapters 5 and 6 focus on turning job interviews into job offers and performance appraisals into promotions and salary increases. “With more people in and out of the workforce for a variety of reasons, Chapter 7 is dedicated to those without “real” jobs who want to leverage networking as well as casual cocktail chatter to plant seeds for future opportunities. Chapter 8 provides examples of using your personal history to give your company credibility or to obtain funding when you’ve decided to brave it on your own.

  “But … bragging is egocentric, disgusting, obnoxious, self-aggrandizing, and just plain wrong.”

  Okay, so tell me how you really feel! This definition sounds very black and white, with no room for a middle ground. Listen to someone brag artfully, and I think you may just change your mind. In fact, I know you will.

  Before you hit the bragging trail, dump everything you ever learned in Presentation 101! Chapter 9 teaches you my trademark “brag nags”—key communication techniques that make for more dynamic bragging in any situation and with every audience. You’ll learn how to take the emotional temperature of the listener, how to be authentic at all times, and why you need to act like your best self, even on rainy days.

  Chapter 10 wraps it all up with a humorous author’s confession and, before I send you on your way, my Twelve Tooting Tips.

  Once you learn to apply the techniques that have transformed my clients over the years, you’ll see bragging in an entirely new light and discover a way to sell yourself hat doesn’t set you back, but actually sets you free.

  Happy bragging!

  Peggy Klaus

  Berkeley, California

  October 2002

  Bragging Dictionary

  Brag: To talk about your best self (interests, ideas, and accomplishments) with pride and passion in a conversational manner intended to excite admiration, interest, and wonder, without pretense or overstatement—in other words, without being obnoxious.

  Brag bites: Snippets of impressive information about one’s best self, expressed in a brief, quotable manner. They function as memory insurance so that people will remember something compelling about you. They can be dropped into conversations as single gems or woven together to create longer bragologues.

  Bragologues: Ranging from a thirty-second elevator pitch to a three-minute monologue, information about one’s self that is conveyed in a conversational, storylike fashion that’s memorable and elicits interest, excitement, and/or admiration.

  Brag bag: A collection of all the information about one’s best self that can be easily accessed: accomplishments, passions, and interests—the colorful details that describe who one is personally and professionally.

  Brag bomb: A complete failure in tooting one’s own horn, typically a result of misreading one’s audience, bad timing, and/or a lack of preparation.

  Brag nags: Friendly advice on how to deliver your bragging with style.

  Bragging “buts”: All the excuses and issues that are cited as reasons for not bragging.


  Bragging Myths We Live and Die By

  It ain’t bragging if you done it.



  It’s not my father’s workplace anymore, or even the one many of your mothers may have entered in the 1970s or ’80s. The days of job security in exchange for loyalty and hard work are long gone. For most, this isn’t news. Yet many of us fail to recognize the value of self-promotion in maneuvering today’s volatile and unpredictable workplace. Given the constant changes—mergers, management shifts, downsizing—you simply must let people in the organization know who you are and what you are accomplishing. Otherwise you’ll be passed over for promotions, in succession planning, or when the company is determining the best performers during layoffs.

  Even if you’re an ace at keeping your boss up to speed, remember, he or she might be gone tomorrow. You need to cover all your bases and stand out in the eyes of your boss’ boss and that boss’ boss and all the bosses right up to the big boss. “Your mission is made even more challenging when you consider what the Information Age has wrought: people who are overwhelmed by the daily onslaught of e-mails, voice mails, faxes, phone calls, and meetings upon meetings. They have little-to-no time or any real need to pay special attention to you.

  Planting for the Future

  As important as those on the inside of your company are for your survival, those on the outside are just as significant: recruiters, industry associates, personal friends and acquaintances, even your competitors. Even seemingly stable companies can collapse overnight. Just look at Enron and Arthur Andersen, among many others.

  Good self-promoters know this: They’re always planting seeds for the future. Karen, forty-two, a division head for a major global food corporation, is a good example. At an informal gathering, when asked how long she had been in the business and what she did, instead of the typical “I’ve worked with my company for fifteen years and run its dairy division,” she responded:

  Who ever thought I’d be in the food industry, especially after my mom forced me all those years to eat Cheez Whiz? [Everyone at the table erupted with laughter.] It must have been fate, but after I graduated with my MBA from Columbia, I got a call from a friend who told me about a few interesting openings. I began working for my company in 1985 in brand management, working my way up to marketing director. Two years ago, one of the company’s other divisions was really in the hole and they gave me the assignment of turning it around. I didn’t really know where to start, so I began talking to people on the floor. A lot of them had great ideas. From there, I got everyone involved and formed teams to pull in the various disciplines and put together a strategic vision. Today, I am the proud head of a dairy division that is number two in profitability worldwide.

  Smart self-promoters show up prepared. They value face time with others and are always ready with stories about themselves that break through the verbal clutter. They know that positive regard fr
om others isn’t going to “just happen” on job interviews, at performance appraisals, during presentations, or at networking functions. And it’s unlikely to “just happen” by marching into the CEO’s office and asking for an appointment to discuss how wonderful you are. It’s not going to happen unless you make it happen, and the crème-de-la-crème opportunities to self-promote are going to come your way when you least expect them.


  April 5, 2002: I am on a plane bound from New York to San Francisco and the thirty-something guy sitting next to me just blew it: He missed a golden opportunity to sell himself and his company.

  We had struck up a conversation and were happily chatting away about living in San Francisco when I asked him, “So what is it that you do?” “I’m a management consultant,” he replied. He didn’t continue, so I tried to engage him more by asking, “What’s your specialty in management consulting?” “Telecommunications,” he responded, followed again by dead silence. I took on the exercise of seeing if I could pull out some more information asking, “Who do you do it for?” He named one of the top five management-consulting firms, then stopped cold. I was just about to ask another question when something inside me snapped. I thought to myself, I’m not asking a fourth question. I’ve done enough digging. He’s not making it interesting or fun for me to talk with him.

  Missed Opportunities

  The first response from many clients hearing about this casual airplane encounter is to rattle off possible reasons why this fellow wasn’t more forthcoming. Maybe he was tired, or reluctant to start tooting his own horn on an airplane, afraid that he might divulge sensitive information to prying ears, possibly a competitor’s.

  “But … in my culture bragging is a big no-no.”

  I understand and truly respect your cultural mores and traditions. Yet I think there is some wiggle room in all cultures. I’m not asking you to talk about yourself like you’ve called in an American marching band. Bragging in my book is subtle and seamlessly works its way into social and business interactions. If you do it right, they won’t know what hit them.

  While sometimes that may be true, in this case we were already having a conversation. So the point is, the road traveled by a lackluster self-promoter is paved with missed opportunities. You need to act like your best self even with strangers on airplanes and even when you don’t feel like it. Before you quickly slam shut the book claiming this is exactly the reason you didn’t go into sales, consider the following: Mr. Telecommunications didn’t know who I was. I might have been a CTO of a company that could have used his consulting services. I might have been a recruiter who could come in handy one day when he’d gotten axed or one who was currently placing a specialist in the hottest new company in Silicon Valley. He didn’t know that, in fact, I am a consultant who works with Fortune 500 firms and could possibly introduce him to an executive of a company that could have become a major new account. He never found out.

  I wasn’t asking him to reveal the location of the Holy Grail. I was simply asking that he tell me more about himself. If he had engaged me and talked about what he did and got me excited about it, I might have been a good future contact. I might have handed him some business. At the very least, I would have remembered his story.


  I’ve gone to spend a few days with my friend in the hinterlands of western Massachusetts and I find myself in an unlikely place: a tae kwon do class that her five-year-old son is enrolled in. The grand master, a Korean black belt, begins the class by asking the students to recite in unison the five themes by which to live. Lined up in military-style precision, each child exhibiting impeccable posture, they shout:






  There it is. That last one. Don’t brag about yourself. Stating your value and accomplishments is risky because you might come across as pompous or make other people feel uncomfortable. It’s safer and much more appealing to be humble and understated. But will you get ahead?

  Humility is a virtue with biblical and spiritual roots that is taught the world over. In some areas of the world, such as Asia, humility is prized much the way we in America prize our freedom of speech. Early on we are taught humility for good reason. We haven’t developed the social skills to talk about our accomplishments and ourselves gracefully. Instead, as children we blurt out, “My daddy has lots of money,” “I’m better than you because …” or in the case of my friend’s son, “I have more land than anyone,” which he proudly proclaimed one morning between mouthfuls of Cheerios as his mother cringed. Our parents and mentors know it’s important to squelch this behavior right from the get-go or people aren’t going to like us. And they’re right.

  But the problem is this: Very few of us ever learn how to reconcile the virtue of humility with the need to promote ourselves in the workplace. When education and training do focus on selling ourselves, we’re taught to pay the greatest care and attention to our wardrobe, our hair, our hygiene, our table manners, and our résumé. Get those things right, it’s a slam dunk! There’s very little instruction on selling ourselves with ease and sincerity. Somehow we think if we personalize our message or get too excited, we are not being professional, when in fact this is exactly what makes us effective self-promoters.

  Wimping Out

  The tug-of-war between showing humility and showcasing our accomplishments is played out daily across working America, even in the brashest of industries. Recently, while conducting a workshop at a major Wall Street investment bank, I asked a group of young men and women to update me on any successes they had experienced since we’d last met when we worked on crafting more compelling sales pitches.

  From the back of the room, I overheard one guy encouraging Patty, a twenty-six-year-old, perfectly coiffed junior banker to share her success story. Even though she had just landed a $10 million account, Patty seemed reluctant. With prodding from the whole group, she finally stood up. With her eyes directed toward the floor, her shoulders shaped like an orangutan’s, and in a whispery voice that barely rose above the white noise of the conference room, she said:

  Oh, well, it’s really nothing. It was a team effort. There was this guy who I had read about in the paper, so I wrote him and later called his assistant, who said he wanted to meet with me. I went in and told him about the services of the bank and what we could do for him. He said it sounded interesting and asked where do we go from here? And I said, well, I’ll bring the portfolio manager and my senior banker with me and we’ll make an appointment. So we went back in two weeks. I led off the meeting, but the senior person did most of the talking, and we got a call yesterday and he’s giving us ten million dollars.

  And then she sat down.

  I asked the group for some feedback. The fellow who had initially urged her on was flabbergasted. “Patty, what was that? You heard about this guy, you called him up, you met with him, and he gave you ten million dollars! “You told it as if you had nothing to do with it. Quite frankly, you sounded like a wimp.”

  Patty replied, “Yeah, well, you know, a lot of people helped out. I didn’t want to sound like I was bragging and taking all the credit.”

  An Ah-Ha Moment for Patty

  Seeing that Patty was missing the point, I encouraged this co-worker to get up and act as though the story had happened to him. He said:

  Oh man, I read about this guy in the paper. I got really excited about it. I wrote him a fabulous letter. I called his assistant to set up a meeting with him. On the day of the appointment, I was nervous but we still had a great conversation. I was really on my game that day. And he said, “What’s the next step?” And I said, “I’ll come back with my boss and portfolio manager. You’re going to love them.” When we walked in two weeks later, I introduced everyone to set the stage. Then they did their thing. Just yesterday the guy cont
acted me to give us his ten-million-dollar account. I am so psyched! I nursed this baby from beginning to end.

  I asked the group to describe differences between the two versions of the story. The remarks were revealing: “David really owned it. He came across as excited about what happened. But he seemed authentic, too. He didn’t come off like he was stretching the truth. You could tell he was really proud of what he had done.”

  Patty said, “Now that I’ve seen him do it and people respond so positively, maybe it wouldn’t feel as uncomfortable to promote myself in this way.” Like so many others I have coached, Patty “was learning to overcome the whispers from her past, those similar to my father’s, like “You’re going to break an arm, patting yourself on the back too much.”


  It’s great if someone says something nice about you, but don’t hold your breath. Although letting others do the bragging for you is one tool in your goody bag, it isn’t your only tool. And it’s no substitute for you. No one is going to have your interests at heart the way you do. No one will ever tell your story and get people excited about you like you can. Plus, nine times out often, when those to whom you report talk positively about your work to others, it’s usually because there is something in it for them. Unfortunately, the accolade is often framed in such a way as to bolster them, more than you!

  “But … maybe if I just brag about others, they’ll brag about me.”

  I hear this one a lot, and there is some merit to what I call “quid pro-mote.” Yes, it’s great to acknowledge the accomplishments of others and hope that it’s reciprocated. But make sure that when others talk about you, they say what you want them to. And never count on this as your only bragging avenue—many people feel as uncomfortable bragging about others as they do bragging about themselves.


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