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Serial Page 1

by Piers Anthony



  WARNING: This book is not transferable. It is for your own personal use. If it is sold, shared, or given away, it is an infringement of the copyright of this work and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

  All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design: Alessia Brio

  Serial © 2008 Piers Anthony

  eXcessica publishing

  All rights reserved


  By Piers Anthony

  The security screen gave a silent alarm. Newton sat up in his pajamas, gazing at the screen. Someone was studying his premises, doing a systematic survey. A scintillatingly beautiful woman.

  He touched the intercom button. “Maria.”

  “Master,” she responded immediately.

  “Here to me. Bedroom.”

  “Can I fix hair, put on something sexy?” she asked eagerly.


  She did not respond. In a moment, she entered, garbed in drab work clothing that could not conceal her excellent figure. “Master?”

  “Someone is spying on the estate. A woman.”

  “I call police?”

  “No. Take the car this afternoon. Make sure you are seen leaving. Go to a motel for the night. See a movie. You have time off.”

  “Master, I no want time off!” she protested. “I want you rape me like you used to.”


  “Master, please. I still got body.” She tore open her blouse to reveal her full breasts. “You no need other woman.”

  Newton frowned. “Do not argue with me, Maria. You know that only annoys me.”

  “Then punish me! I argue, I disobey you.” She ripped off the rest of her clothing. “I bad girl! Spank me.”


  She stepped into him, pressing close, bearing him back on the bed, hungrily kissing him. “Punish me!” she repeated. “Torture me. I scream real good.”

  He heaved her off him, but she clung tenaciously. “Damn it, Maria! You know your status has changed. Get out of here.”

  “Rape me first!” Her hands were clawing at his pajamas. “Like before.”

  He struggled to free himself, but it was like wrestling with a tar baby. She would not be dislodged short of mayhem. Which was, of course, what she wanted.

  “Enough!” He slapped her face with his open hand. It smashed her lips against her teeth, and a smear of blood appeared.

  “Beat me!” she gasped. “Make me hurt!”

  The violence and blood aroused him, as she intended. He grasped her by the neck, pinned her to the bed, rolled on top of her, and wedged his erect member between her wide-spread legs. “Resist me,” he reminded her.

  “Yes! Yes! I fight you!” She hauled her legs together and struggled ineffectively to push his hands away.

  He squeezed her throat until her face reddened and her struggling weakened. She went limp. Then he rammed up between her loosened legs and into her vagina, thrusting once, twice, and climaxing. He put his face down to kiss her bruised mouth. She firmed her lips, kissing back avidly.

  Newton subsided, spent. “The irony is, you're no masochist, Maria,” he said. “You're a normal woman.”

  “I anything you want,” she said. “I wish you love me.”

  “Maria, you know my taste. You're no longer a caged bird. You no longer hate and fear me. It's over. Accept what I offer: decent employment.”

  “Not enough. You no love me, but I love you. The stockyard syndrome.”

  He had to smile. “ Stockholm .”

  “At least it like old time, right now. I felt your passion.”

  He rolled off her. “You play a dangerous game, Maria. I could have killed you in my rage.”

  “Then I die happy.” She was incorrigible. But she knew as well as he did that it was a bluff. He was a sadist and a rapist, but not a killer.

  “Now do what I tell you. Clean up, dress, go out to a motel later in the day. Use the grocery credit card to buy yourself something you like. Chocolate éclairs, perhaps.”

  She licked her lips, but shook her head. “They fatten me. I only jam them in hole and squeeze, pretend it you.”

  He had to laugh. His penis was huge and fat and soft, with custard for an emission? He wondered whether she would really do that. She just might. “I want to be alone tonight. To encourage her to come in.”

  “Master, you no know what that lady dog intend. Maybe she a cereal killer. Maybe she come to rob and rub out you.”

  Newton smiled grimly, not bothering to correct what he knew was her misspelling of serial. “Then maybe I will die happy. Look at her!” For now, the woman's image on the screen was sharp. “What a stunner.”

  “I jealous.” And of course, she was. But she got up, collected her things, and departed. She had no further reason to remain; she had after all succeeded in seducing him. That was a genuine, if minor, victory on her part.

  For Maria knew him for what he was. She had been his last victim, tricked into coming into this country undocumented for maidservant work, knowing very little English, then locked in his underground prison and forced into sexual slavery. She had been good for about six months, resisting bitterly as he repeatedly raped her, cursing him in her native tongue. But finally, she had come to accept her situation, and even to enjoy their sexual sessions. They were better, she confessed, than being always alone and totally bored. But as her resistance eased, becoming token, so did his passion. He had given her more freedom, so that she had the chance to run away. She had not taken it. Now she was truly his loyal maidservant—and longed to be his captive again. It was ironic.

  But she typified his larger problem: he was not turned on by conventional love. He preferred hate. The girls he captured inevitably ameliorated in the course of time, becoming resigned or accepting. That was like stale beer. So they had to be disposed of, to make way for the next. As a rule he did not like killing, using it only as a threat; it was too apt to stir up complications, even though no body would ever be found. It was easier to ship them off to some distant location with enough money to see them through a month or so while they found their bearings. They never knew his real name or location, calling him Master, so could not implicate him. Only Maria knew, and had become his tacit accomplice. But her continuing feeling for him was awkward.

  He gazed into the screen. He had an outdated security system that could fairly readily be nullified. That was the honey pot. His real system was unlikely even to be detected, and could not be nullified without lethal consequences. So he knew when intruders came. Generally, they were robbers, who would trip some hidden wire and summon the police. Or so they thought, not knowing that he signaled the police when he had verified the intruder's nature. This one was different: not only a woman, but an outstandingly voluptuous one.

  In fact, she just might be Militia. If so, this would be a night to remember. For Militia was a serial rapist who was female, notorious in sexual circles. She would be the ultimate in conquests. Newton fit the profile of her preferred victims. He had baited his trap, hoping she would come while knowing that the odds were against it.

  Luck was with him. That evening, he watched as s
he systematically nullified each guardian camera, not destroying them, merely turning them off briefly so that her passage was not recorded. It was possible to do that with less sophisticated equipment. She figured him for a typical patsy: a prominent wealthy bachelor who figured nothing like this could ever happen to him. Little did she know.

  In due course, she nulled the last one and achieved the house proper. Maria was gone, and of course, the intruder was aware of it, knowing him now to be alone. The perfect target. That was why she had come in now. She always caught her men alone.

  He dimmed the screen and lay back in his bed as if sleeping. She would find him soon enough. Then they would see.

  She was so quiet in the darkness that he wasn't even aware of her presence until he felt her lips on his. It was an electrifying kiss that both delighted and numbed his mouth with its potency.

  He moved his head, as if waking, trying to clear his face. But she had hold of his head and kept her mouth on his, maintaining the kiss for ten, fifteen, twenty seconds. His tongue involuntarily tried to penetrate between her lips to titillate her mouth, but that was tightly sealed. This was a strange kind of passion.

  Then at last, she pulled back. “Wake, lover,” she murmured.

  He pretended confusion. “Who—?”

  “I am Militia,” she said, confirming his hope. “I trust you have heard of me.”

  “I have,” he said. “But never expected to encounter you.” That much was true.

  “Your wet dream has been granted,” she said. “Let's have some light.” She moved away from him, found the switch by the door, and illuminated the bedroom.

  There she stood, even more lovely than the screen had indicated. Hourglass figure, starlet face, long dark reddish hair. And a prominent tattoo on her forehead: M. For Militia, of course.

  “You look great,” he said, affecting hesitancy. “But I'm not sure I—er—want to be on TV.”

  “You don't have a choice, Mister Oswald.” She opened a small suitcase he hadn't noticed before and took out three small battery powered TV cameras. She set them on floor, table, and bed stand, all focusing on the bed. Their little action lights came on.

  That made him wince . He didn't like having his real name used in this connection, and those cameras were dangerous. “Of course I have a choice!” he protested. “Such exposure would ruin my reputation.”

  She was slowly undressing. “Let me explain something to you, Newton .” Now she was using his first name, too. It was an indication of her certainty of power over him. “I am a businesswoman. I learned that as a prostitute I could make several hundred dollars a night. That did not suffice. So I found a better way. Now I make several tens of thousands of dollars a night. It varies directly with the prominence of the man I seduce. So naturally, I don't leave it to chance. The man is not given a choice. He performs, the video is made, and I receive my cut. I am in the process of becoming rich by being a serial female rapist. Tonight it will be your privilege to contribute.” Her blouse and bra were off, and her full firm sculptured breasts showed to considerable advantage. “Relax, as they say, and enjoy it.”

  “But it's impossible!” he said, his eyes fixed on those twin orbs. What a treat they were! “A woman can't rape a man.”

  “Of course she can, Newton . She just can't do it as crudely as a man rapes a woman. But with a little preparation she is more than able. Maybe you could say I am doing my bit to help liberate women from their outdated notions of inferiority.” Now she dropped her skirt and stood before him in lacy panties. The loss of her clothing detracted nothing from her appearance.

  “I don't believe it.” He was playing a role, because he knew she could and did rape men.

  She lifted one leg and then the other to remove her panties. This, too, was an evocative sight. “It is merely a matter of technique. A man can use brute force to rape an unconscious woman. The man, generally speaking, needs to be conscious for the woman to address him. Apart from that it becomes an almost meaningless distinction.”

  “Well, you're not going to rape me.” Please don't throw me in that brier patch!

  She came and put her hands on his pajama top. “We shall see, Newton .”

  “Hey.” He tried to resist, but she pushed his hands aside and pulled off the top. He seemed to be powerless to resist. Then she pushed him back on the bed and took hold of his pajama bottoms. He tried to clamp his legs together, but she put her hands on his knees and readily wedged them apart. In a moment, she had his groin clear, his erection showing.

  “You see, it is the man's greater physical strength that facilitates his power over the woman,” she said. “But now my strength is greater than yours. You can't resist me, literally.” She tweaked his hard penis. “I must say, this is a nice one.”

  “You can't do it,” he said.

  “First, I will do my little dance. That may make you not only willing but eager. I like eagerness.”

  “I'll bet. How did you drug me?”

  “It was the kiss. The drug is painted on my lips, over a sealant that prevents it from reaching me. Didn't you notice how long I held it? I had to be sure you received a sufficient dose. It will wear off after an hour or so, but by then, I'll be gone.”

  “Clever,” he said sourly.

  “Now pay attention. The drug weakens your muscles, but not your genital anatomy. You can get an excellent erection, if you try.”

  He was silent, as it was obvious that he already had a fully sufficient exhibit.

  She donned what looked like a small grass skirt, and a tasseled sort of halter, and danced. It was quickly apparent that these concealed nothing, and enormously enhanced what they showed. The skirt offered a provocative illusion of concealment, the flapping strands calling attention to the flesh beneath. The halter played similarly with the breasts. Her buttocks flashed and her breasts bounced teasingly.

  “New fashion?” he inquired. It was in his mind that if he could engage her in dialogue long enough, it might give the drug time to wear off. A faint chance, but better than nothing. Not that he would let her know if it did. He wanted the sex. He just preferred to be in control. Regardless, her display was excruciatingly sexy, by no coincidence.

  “No, this is an old fashion. It existed for at least twenty thousand years, as mankind spread across the globe from Africa . Marriageable girls wore it to advertise their availability and attract men. It has never been improved on.”

  He believed it. “Then why did they give it up?”

  “That is one of the mysteries of the ages. My guess is that as people ranged into colder climes they had to wear more clothing, reducing opportunities for incidental seductions. That was unfortunate.”

  He had to agree.

  Then she unbound her hair. Her long tresses swirled around her shoulders and the upper surfaces of her breasts, adding another element of seduction. She was one supremely beautiful creature.

  He couldn't help it: his erection swelled almost painfully. He did desire her, regardless of the circumstances.

  “I think you are ready,” she said, concluding her dance. “But I must take precautions, just in case.” She produced what looked like dentures. “Open your mouth.”

  “What the hell?”

  “Do it,” she snapped, poking her fingers into the corners of his jaw on either side so that the pain caused his mouth to open. Then she inserted the device. “It's a tooth guard, to prevent you from biting. And these are gloves, to prevent you from scratching.” She put them on his hands, and he lacked the strength to resist.

  She picked up one of the cameras and held it in her right hand, playing its lens up and down his body. Then she bore him back on the bed and straddled him, her solid thighs spread outside his. She played with his penis a moment with her left hand, making sure it was sufficiently rigid. Then slowly, carefully, she set it to her cleft and lowered her torso onto him, taking in his member inch by inch. She held the camera almost touchingly close, its lens orienting on that careful penetration, mi
ssing no detail. If he had had any doubt about the business nature of her effort, this abolished it. She cared more about the recording she was making than about any incidental pleasure he might be having. She jogged slightly, ensuring that the fit was exactly as she wanted it. He was all the way into her.

  Satisfied, she set the camera back on the table and stretched out on him, her breasts pressing against his chest. “I think you want it,” she murmured, kissing his locked open mouth. “But if you don't, it makes no difference. I will have my will of you regardless. Now you may cooperate by thrusting vigorously, or you may resist by lying passive, forcing me to evoke your emission. If I have to do it, I will withdraw at the last moment and cause you to jettison into air for the edification of the camera. I suspect you would rather spew into my core. Choose.”

  He tried to lie still, to win a moral victory. But she squeezed him internally, and he knew he was going to ejaculate regardless. He bucked, thrusting as hard as he could.

  “Good for you, Newton ,” she purred, smoothly riding him. “You have earned your reward: I am staying on you.”

  She did, and he had a powerful climax, spurting repeatedly into her. She lay on him, stroking his face with her hands, and kissing all around his blocked mouth.

  “Now wasn't that fun?” she asked. “Admit it: you were not completely unwilling.”

  “I'll buy the tapes,” he said, playing his role of a man desperate to avoid the embarrassment of such a video. “Leave the cameras here. How much?”

  She shook her head. “I think you don't completely understand, Newton . It isn't just the money. It's the power. I am amassing a collection of experiences that will put me in the record books. I need to have those tapes viewed, so that everyone knows that Militia has conquered another prominent man. You naturally prefer anonymity, but I prefer notoriety. In this instance, my will governs.”

  “The police will run you down. Even if you fuzz out your face, your body will identify you.”

  “Understand this, Newton : this is my identity. It is my mundane persona that is masked. There is no record of that. It has no forehead tattoo. I am Militia, complete and seductive. When I depart, so will my existence. Only when I send in the films will it even be known I was here.”


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