Wifely Duty

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Wifely Duty Page 3

by Joannie Kay

  Glenna did not reply. She did not wish to upset her husband further, and arguing with him over keeping a ledger would be foolish. It was not an uncommon practice, and she would comply.

  "I am going to give you fifty with the strop, Glenna. For lying to me, for trying to manipulate me, for having no regard for money... Do you feel this is fair?"

  "You have already soaped me for lying, Charles... Please, could you not consider that enough this one time?" her eyes were full of misery and remorse.

  He caressed her cheek. "Very well. You will receive forty, and you will stay in place for each one. If you get up, you will get the entire fifty."

  He piled pillows on the bed, and Glenna found herself over them, presenting her bottom for a strapping that was going to be very painful. Charles did not keep her waiting, either. He gave her the first lick, and then the second right below the first. She cried out, but she held her bottom where he wanted it. The next few licks caught the underside of her cheeks, and she was sure her backside would never heal. Her upper thighs were next, but it was the tender area between her cheeks and thighs that hurt the worst. Charles seemed to target them for the worst of the strokes, and it was all Glenna could do to accept the sound thrashing. One thing was certain, she was going to behave herself from now on.

  "You may rest now, Glenna. I will fix us some lunch, and after we have eaten you will receive some instruction in doing your wifely duty. The lessons will not be painful... unless you refuse to obey, and then you will be soundly spanked." Charles leaned down and kissed her, wiping tears from her cheek with his thumbs.

  Glenna fell asleep, and did not hear when Charles called her to come and eat.

  Charles frowned when she did not answer, and he went upstairs and found her sleeping soundly. His frown was replaced with a smile as he saw her lying there, looking so beautiful. A woman like Glenna was made for loving, not to behave like a cold-hearted bitch. Charles wanted to awaken her passion... and he would, even if he had to spank her daily for a while to get her past her inhibitions.

  "Sweetheart, our lunch is ready..." he woke her, and was relieved when she gave him a smile. "That's it, honey. Come on downstairs."

  "May I at least put on a robe?" she asked, her modesty returning.

  "Not today, Glenna." He was fully prepared to take her hairbrush to her backside again, but Glenna surprised him and walked downstairs without another word. He suspected the welts on her backside had a lot to do with her decision.

  "I am positive I cannot sit down," she told him. "I am so sore, Charles!"

  "Sitting on a sore bottom is one of the consequences of a spanking," he said kindly. "At least these chairs have some padding. The ones in the kitchen are bare wood."

  Glenna sat gingerly, trying to ignore the fact she was sitting at the dining room table stark naked. Their meal was simple. Charles was not a cook. He had cut slices of ham and cheese, and there was an apple for each of them, and a tall glass of milk. Glenna didn't complain. It was food, and she was starving. Once her appetite was satisfied, her doubts resurfaced. What would the afternoon bring? Charles said it would not be painful, but that he would spank her if necessary! Glenna was sure that nothing in her world would be the same after this day.

  "Are you angry with me for punishing you, Glenna?" Charles asked as he finished the last of his meal.

  "No," she admitted, stunned to realize it was true.

  "Why do you suppose that is?" he asked with a smile.

  "Because I did lie to you, and I was not ill. I was trying to manipulate you, Charles... and because I had no idea how much money I spent since we married. I went overboard, and I realize that now. I will strive to do better in the future," she promised sincerely.

  "I would say it was a morning well spent then," Charles replied with a real smile. "This afternoon is going to be a lesson of a different sort, Glenna. You are going to need to forget everything your mother told you about sharing a marital bed." When she did not reply, he said, "I want you to go upstairs now, stand in front of your mirror, and look at how lovely you are. Your body is nothing to be ashamed of. I want you to touch your breasts and between your legs. I want you to see what I see when I look at you... and when I come upstairs, you are going to open yourself for me and let me get a good look and touch at what you have been hiding under a gown and sheets."

  "Oh Charles!" she closed her eyes in embarrassment.

  "I am going to bring a peeled switch upstairs when I come to join you. Hesitation or arguing is going to get you striped, honey. Making love between a man and a woman is not filthy or something to be ashamed of. It is natural, and meant to be enjoyed. I do not want to have to stripe you to get you to cooperate, but I will if it is the only way I can reach you."

  Glenna got up and went upstairs. Standing in front of the mirror and touching herself was so hard. Her mother said that such things were evil. But Charles said it was not, and Charles would switch her if she failed to obey him. Her breasts felt full and firm, and her nipples were swollen and hard. The same tightness was in her groin, and Glenna touched her mound. It did not feel especially good when Charles entered her sometimes. He was large, and she was small. When she had complained to her mother, that prim and proper woman told her that it was a woman's lot in life, and she should just close her eyes and think of other things while she did her duty. Charles said he wanted her to enjoy his touch. She was shocked to see tears on her face. What if something was wrong with her? She did not want Charles to whip her with the switch!

  When he came into the room a few minutes later, though, he was carrying the peeled switch, and Glenna could not help shuddering. "I do not want a switching, Charles, but I am not sure I can do what you ask of me..."

  "Are you willing to try, honey?" he asked patiently; he did not want to switch her sore bottom.

  She nodded, but he could see she was afraid.

  "I am not planning to hurt you, Glenna. I love you. Lovemaking should not be unpleasant. It should be pleasurable for both of us." He opened the bedroom door, and laid the switch on a table in the hallway. He returned, and said, "The switch will stay outside this room as long as you remain willing to try." Charles approached her, and his hands were gentle as he touched her. "All I am asking is that you try it my way, Glenna. No gown, no fumbling in the dark, no blankets tucked up to your chin, no closing your eyes and praying that it will be over soon."

  "Sometimes it hurts, Charles," she told him in a small, frightened voice.

  "That is because your body is too dry." He caressed her cheek, "We will take this nice and slow, honey, and do it right."

  Glenna leaned against him when his hands were gentle as he touched her breasts. She was shocked that there was no lingering soreness from earlier, and Charles' touch was giving her pleasure, not pain. His warm lips trailed kisses over her neck and shoulders, and the sensations he created within her were pleasurable ones.

  "You are a beautiful woman, Glenna," Charles reassured her. "Does my touching you like this cause you any pain?" he asked.


  "Do you enjoy it?" he asked, positive he knew what her answer would be.

  "Oh yes!" Charles swept her off her feet and carried her to the bed, and Glenna prepared herself for the distasteful act ahead, wishing he would have touched her just a bit more before... "Ohhhh!" she gasped in surprise when his hand stroked her inner thigh. She could not believe the tingling feelings of pleasure Charles' touch was creating within her.

  "Is this frightening or upsetting, honey?" Charles asked softly, making no attempt to do anything more than caress her. He wanted her to relax and learn to trust him.

  "I am not frightened, Charles," Glenna answered. "You have never touched me like this before," she whispered.

  "I have wanted to," he said simply. His lips found her breasts, and Glenna moaned in pleasure. Charles was determined to take things very slow, and show his wife that there was no shame in their joining.

  "Are you still going to respect me, Charles
?" Glenna had to know.

  "You are my wife, Mrs. Foster. What we do here, we do together, as man and wife. There is no shame involved, and I will always respect you," he stated firmly, looking her in the eye. "Do you believe me?"

  Glenna looked at him seriously for a few moments, and then nodded. "I can see that you are truly serious, Charles. I will try to please you," she shyly agreed.

  "That is exactly what I want to hear, honey," he smiled encouragingly. Charles continued to stroke her, and speak softly, and Glenna was fairly purring before he slid his hands up her inner thighs to touch her more intimately. He was more than a little satisfied when she opened her legs for him, and the fact he found her dripping with her own juices pleased him. He gave her nothing but pleasure, and found it delightful to watch her face as she cried out her release.

  Glenna was shaken. She had no idea what had happened to her, but it felt wonderful. Charles was smiling at her, and stroking her gently. She could not believe she had behaved with such abandon, especially after all the things her mother taught her about proper behavior. "Was that supposed to happen, Charles?" she asked, close to tears.

  "I would have been disappointed if it did not happen, wife," he said calmly. "You reached your pleasure, which is what making love is all about.

  "I did not know it could happen," she whispered. "Will it happen ever again?" she wanted to know.

  "Oh yes, most assuredly," Charles promised. "I intend to see to it personally."

  Glenna blushed as he stood to remove his shirt.

  "The next lesson will be for you to acquaint yourself with my body as I have been doing with yours. I am positive your Mother told you it was sinful and not the least bit modest to look upon your husband, but that is just stuff and nonsense. We are legally wed, and nothing we do in the privacy of this room is wrong as so long as we both enjoy and take pleasure from the act. I would very much like for you to touch me, Glenna."

  Glenna did not dare resist when he took her hand and placed it on his face. "Take your time, honey. We have all afternoon."

  Glenna found it was easy to stroke his cheek. She had often done that in moments of affection. She did love Charles, and the tender look in his eyes was telling her that he was pleased with her efforts. She also felt less vulnerable since he was without a stitch of his clothing, even though she had not dared to glance below his waist! There was something so wicked about being naked during the day with her husband...! Glenna started when Charles stroked her hip. She decided he had very nice, broad shoulders, and the muscles in his upper arms were huge. No wonder he was able to spank so very hard! she promptly decided, frowning.

  "You do not like my arms?" Charles chuckled.

  "I would wish you were not so strong when you wield a strap or a hairbrush!" she retorted.

  "Ahhh, pouting a bit, are you, wife?" Charles teased lightly.

  "I am very sore, Charles," she replied.

  "And repentant?" he questioned.

  "Yes, sir," she admitted.

  "I am sure there will be other occasions over the years in which you will be in need of a correction, Glenna, but I will hope that it will need not be so severe," he kissed the tip of her nose. He was sure she was not aware that her hands had moved lower, and he was positive she had no idea of how her inexperienced touch was affecting him. He was hard, and it was going to take restraint to keep from rushing ahead too soon. He wanted her to go slowly, and be comfortable with what was happening. He should have insisted on this right after they married, but Glenna was a dutiful daughter, and believed everything her mother told her.

  "Do you feel tingly when I touch you like this?" Glenna asked curiously.

  "You can tell I am excited, wife, because my manhood hardens," he answered truthfully, gently taking her hand and putting it on him.

  "Ohhh!" Glenna was embarrassed.

  "It is a part of me, just as your breasts and this," he touched her between her legs," is a part of you, wife. I like to be touched here, and it gives me pleasure when you stroke me." He showed her what he meant, and Glenna smiled in pleasure when he moaned.

  She decided that perhaps Charles was right after all, and she relaxed.

  There was no pain when Charles entered her, and Glenna was shocked when that same pleasure stole over her once again while he moved within her. She cried out, and it was only moments before Charles joined her. He held her close afterwards, and Glenna felt cherished and loved. They napped, then woke and made love again, and Glenna was positive she was the luckiest and the happiest woman alive.


  "Charles, I have remained inside this house for five days now. I am sure that Mother is beside herself with worry," Glenna said over breakfast. "May I please go to visit with her this morning?"

  "This is day six of seven days of confinement, wife. It is a punishment, and I will not retract it."

  "But why ever not? Have I not done everything you have asked of me, Charles? I have tried to become a good wife to you. I have even taken more of an interest in the kitchen as you requested. I am only asking for an hour or two to go and visit Mother so that I may tell her I am well. I would not have her think ill of you for keeping me confined to the house for so long."

  "What your Mother thinks of me, Glenna, is of no concern to me. I sent round a message to your Father explaining that you would be home for the week, and that you were not receiving visitors. Your Mother is aware you are not ill. You will remain within this house today and all of tomorrow. Is that clear?"

  "What is clear is that you are being a bully! I have done my best and would think I have earned a reprieve. I wish to visit with my Mother, Charles!"

  "You not only will not get a reprieve, you have earned yourself a spanking at bedtime tonight. You will spend some time today writing an essay as to why you have earned a spanking."

  Chapter Four

  Glenna was outraged. She had catered to Charles' each and every whim for the past five days, and it was beastly of him to deny her a visit to her parents' home. Once Charles was out the door, she swept up the stairs, put on her hat and gloves, and left the house by the front door. So what if she left for a couple of hours? Charles need not know, and she told Mary she would fire her without a reference if she tattled on her.

  Glenna's fiery temper gave purpose to her steps, and she made the walk to her parents' home in record time. She opened the door and walked inside, and practically knocked her father down in the process.

  "Daughter, I am surprised to see you..." Elmer Crabtree grabbed her to steady her. "The note I received from Charles stated you would be spending a week at home without company."

  "Charles was wrong, Father! I needed some fresh air and decided to come for a visit."

  "I see. Are you sure it is wise to defy your husband?"

  "Oh, Father... It is not a crime to visit with you and Mother!" Glenna protested.

  "It most certainly is not!" Pearl agreed as she came downstairs. "I cannot believe that Charles confined you to the house, and that he dared to forbid me to visit you!"

  "Pearl, Glenna is Charles' wife. He has a right to expect obedience from her."

  "I will not be denied my child, Elmer, and if you were half a man, you would have stood up to Charles!" Pearl scolded her husband, her tongue as sharp as ever.

  "I will be leaving now," Elmer said sadly. He leaned down to kiss Glenna's cheek. "It is good to see you, daughter," he said, and then walked out the door without a word to his shrewish wife.

  "Well, that was rude!" Pearl complained.

  "Mother, you are so mean to Father sometimes," Glenna was shocked enough to comment.

  "That is none of your business, Glenna. Come upstairs with me while we talk. You need to sort through the dresses you left here and decide what you would do with them." Pearl led the way upstairs to Glenna's old bedroom, and said, "While we sort through these, I would have an explanation of what you did to make your husband confine you to the house for so long?"

had several reasons, Mother."

  "Such as?"

  "Overspending, for one," Glenna was reluctant to discuss the sexual side of her marriage with her mother.

  "He is a very wealthy man. You are entitled to spend what you wish," Pearl was astonished.

  "I went overboard, Mother."

  "Nonsense. How much did you spend?"

  Glenna replied, and Pearl shook her head. "Charles is being stingy. He can well afford to buy you anything you desire. And to confine you to the house for meeting with your friends and shopping is just too much!" Pearl was planning to deliver a scathing lecture to the young man the minute she set eyes on him.

  "Mother, it would be best if you stayed out of this matter," Glenna said nervously. "Charles will be displeased..."

  "You sound frightened of him."

  "I am not frightened!" Glenna denied, not about to confide in her mother that her new husband believed in spanking to maintain order in the home. She knew well what her opinionated mother's reaction would be to that bit of news.

  "Well, I will straighten him out."

  "Mother, do not!"

  "Glenna, what are you not telling me?" Pearl demanded, her hands on her hips.

  "Mother, I really need to be getting home now." She had an essay to write, and a spanking to prepare for.

  "You are not going anywhere until you answer me, Glenna! Is he abusing you, child?"

  "Of course not, Mother. Marriage is nothing like you said it would be. I enjoy Charles' touch!" she rashly declared. "I cannot believe you told me that decent women could not enjoy their wifely duty!"

  "Oh my, what has he done to you? What sort of depraved things has he made you do?" Pearl was immediately horrified.

  "It is not like that, Mother! Charles just taught me that it is well done to give and receive pleasure. He said there is no shame in enjoying our bed." Glenna was immediately aware she had shocked her mother nearly to the point of being speechless.


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