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Corsair Cove

Page 16

by Angela Ashton

  “That statement holds true for one and all, don’t you agree, Jacque?” she retorted, one brow raised and a smug grin playing on her lips.

  He returned the half grin. “Ah, me beauty, never doubt there are a few aspects of the personality that cannot be overlooked. Nor should they be.” With a salute of his glass, he took a hefty swallow, the chipped ice cold and refreshing as it slid down his throat.

  “Now you’re beginning to sound like my father. A good example might be your obsession with women.”

  “Touché.” With a nod he leaned back in the chair. Squinting one eye, he added, “But then, ‘tis not I ye have to concern yourself with as it is not I ye heart pines after, aye Cherie?”

  “If you’re in the mood to fish Jacque, bait a line and toss it over the side of the boat.” Glancing over her shoulder, she added somberly, “I believe there are a few poles below deck in the storage closet. Shall I get you one?”

  Jacque threw his head back and unleashed a deep robust laugh. She couldn’t help but laugh along with him.

  “Guilty as charged.” He held both hands up in surrender. “Perhaps by the end of our trip you’ll be able to look past my weaknesses, and see Sid for what he truly is.”

  “Oh? And what is that?”

  “Come now, lass. I’ve been in the presence of the swine but a few moments, as I’m sure you’ll recall, and by piecing that together with what you’ve told me about him, your father and the family business, I’d have to say I’m a bit surprised by ye own lack of wits. Any fool could have figured out by now that the man only wants to marry you to get his hands on ye father’s fortune. And now that…” he paused at the look on her face. Uh-oh. Once again, he’d let his tongue run too long untamed.

  Esa’s entire face was apple-red. Her chest heaved strenuously with her rising fury. Without so much as a word, she stood, picked up her drink and threw it in his face before storming below deck.

  Jacque’s mouth fell open. What had he said to trigger her foul temper this time? Grabbing a handful of napkins from the table, he blotted his tea-drenched face as he watch her bolt for the steps.

  Damnation, and they’d gotten off to such a fine start too!

  He wasn’t sure what exactly it was that upset her, but he’d bet his right hand it had something to do with her precious Sid. He’d only spoken the truth. Fickle wench.

  He harbored no doubt as to his intuitions regarding her felonious fiancé. The scurvy dung wanted Esa for what he thought he might gain through a serviceable marriage. Jacque let his head drop and rubbed his weary eyes. Perhaps things hadn’t changed all that much over the centuries.

  The scenery had altered a great deal, indeed, but not the people. They were still the same self-righteous, self-serving players in the deadly race called life that he’d left behind. In the end, when the race was over, who really won? The haves or the have-nots?

  No. With the passing of his beloved mother, he’d come to realize it wasn’t the material things a person had accumulated in a lifetime, but what they’d stored inside their hearts and shared with others that made them winners far beyond the grave.

  He settled the napkins atop his empty plate. His mother would have liked Esa. They were alike in many ways. Kind. Compassionate. Full of vinegar. Too bad they’d never meet. Too bad he’d not be around long enough to see the lass’s future secured, nor would he play a part in it.

  No, he need not draw too close to this one. For in his heart of hearts, he knew once he’d accomplished his mission, he’d be ripped from her side forever.

  Either way, his fate was sealed.

  A cold fist closed over his heart. His rescue angel deserved far better than the likes of the impish coward. The picture he’d found nestled between his bed and nightstand of Sid entwined in a lover’s embrace with a comely blonde spoke volumes and only confirmed his suspicions regarding the swindler.

  He’d wanted to take the incriminating evidence to Esa the moment he’d discovered it, to prove to her once and for all that she was wasting her time on the underhanded dungby, to sway the odds in his favor. Yet, as badly as he wanted to knock Sid off his pedestal, he couldn’t find it in his heart to hurt her. Had his travel through time softened his blithering mind? Perhaps. But he knew first hand what it felt like to have someone you thought you could trust, someone you thought you loved, someone you thought shared those same fragile, sacred emotions betray you.

  For the life of him, no matter how it might turn the tides in his favor, he did not want to see Esa in that kind of pain. She deserved better. Better than Sid, better than himself. The broken lass had no one. Yet another of life’s painful lessons he’d had the misfortune of experiencing first hand.

  Why did he care so much about her fate when she was nothing to him but a means to an end? He’d never wanted a woman as a permanent figure in his life, and that hadn’t changed. Wouldn’t change if he lived a thousand years.

  Though he craved the feel of her satiny-soft skin beneath him before they parted ways. He’d wanted her from the instant his weary eyes rested upon her angelic features, her hourglass shape. His body agonizingly reminded him of that fact with the slightest thought of her. And he seemed to think of her constantly.

  That was his original intent, wasn’t it? Now he’d have to work that much harder to lure her into his clutches. He was confident that by bedding her, the mounting desire to possess her would subside, thus allow him to focus on other things, like how he would return to complete his ill-fated mission.

  The tiny wrinkle just above her dainty little nose that appeared whenever she was giving him a thorough tongue-lashing, her spirited laughter and her pleasant companionship brought him joy the likes he’d never known.

  He didn’t like where all this was leading. There were so many beauties in the world, why should a man be tied to just one? No, marriage was not for Jacque LaFleur. He had no desire to be true to any one woman for any length of time. Not now, not ever.

  ~ * ~

  When Esa hadn’t come to the galley for dinner, Jacque left his half-eaten platter of stuffed salmon and rice to check on her. Making his way down the narrow paneled hallway, he tapped lightly on her cabin door. “Esa?”

  “Leave me alone,” came her venomous response after his third knock.

  “Quit behaving like a spoiled child and open the bloody door!” He jiggled the doorknob as though it would fall open at his command.

  The door finally swung open and the red, swollen features of Esa’s tear-streaked face caused his heart to bottom out. “You…you, you—pirate! I-I’ve had it up to my ears with your damned in-insults!” Her body shook with each sob. “I curse the day I met you LaFleur. I should have gone back to Sid.”

  “Avast! Easy with the curses lass, ye don’t know the power of ye words. You’ve no cause to be angry with me, I spoke but the truth of ye fortune-seeking fiancé.”

  “That’s a lie! Sid loves me for who I am. What the hell would you know about him anyway? You strut around like a barbaric peacock, as though the world is yours for the taking. You, Jacque, are the pot calling the kettle black! If anyone is a fortune-seeker, it is you-you…pirate!”

  “At least with a pirate, what ye see is what ye get.” He spun on his heels and left her standing in the doorway.

  “An honest thief?” She called after him, though she may as well have been talking to the wall for all he kept on walking. “Ha! That’s about as believable as a person traveling through time.”

  The door slammed behind him and Jacque berated himself for inquiring as to her welfare in the first place. Foolish to think the stubborn lass should come around and want to kiss and make up.

  ~ * ~

  The next day, the lively Candy appeared to be feeling better. When Esa arrived on the upper deck, the harlot was leisurely sprawled along a lounge chair in yet another barely-there gold satiny bikini. Jacque and Brad were engaged in conversation not far from the sun bathing goddess.

  Feeling like a beached whale, she wanted to
return to her room. She was surely inadequate in comparison to the man-made Barbie doll. Regardless of Jacque’s mindless ranting, she knew she was no raving beauty.

  She’d hoped to catch a few rays herself, but in no way would she stretch herself out next to Miss Perfect Physique USA to be scrutinized by the bug-eyed judges aboard the charter.

  She wished like hell she would have rejected Jacque’s invitation and returned home to Sid. What did he think of her since she hadn’t returned his calls? She couldn’t phone him, not now. What would she tell him—that she’d taken a cruise with the man he thought to be her lover already?

  The hole she had fallen into just kept getting deeper.

  Alcoholic beverages were usually reserved for special occasions, and it was far too early in the day for a cocktail, but that’s exactly what she needed. A good stiff drink. She’d refrained from drinking thus far so as not to lower her inhibitions and give in to her primitive lust for the miserable pirate. And she’d not worn a swimsuit to date for the same reason.

  Until now. It no longer mattered what she did or what she wore for she’d decided to stay away from Jacque until they docked in the next port, where she’d be on the first flight back to Fort Meyers.

  Thoughts of the devil only grant him life. Jacque approached her just when she turned her back in retreat. Where had he come from? He’d been standing on the other side of the deck just a moment ago. Sneaky swindler.

  “Esa, wait,” he called softly. It was that damned creamy plea, that husky voice could melt butter!

  Compelled by his words, she halted mid-stride. With a hesitant sigh, she spun round to face him. “What is it now, Jacque?”

  Talk about eye-candy. Her jaw nearly swept the deck. Wow! He stood before her, that massive chest bared except for the dark froth of hair and wearing nothing but a pair of skin-tight blue jeans that he must have painted on. Had she helped him select those when they were shopping?

  Good grief, she couldn’t think with him standing there, looking more appetizing than a double fudge sundae with extra, extra, extra whipped topping! Rippling, tanned, muscled, 100% alpha-male screamed at her to revel in its endless splendor.

  Run! That small voice rose up in warning. But she didn’t move. She couldn’t. Her feet had grown so heavy; they might well be glued to the wood planks of the boat.

  She fought hard to gather her thoughts. At all cost, she must remember that this forbidden sex toy was her enemy.

  ~ * ~

  Jacque sensed rather than saw Esa come on deck. The breeze carried a kiss of her lightly floral scent to taunt his sensitive nostrils. A low grunt escaped him when he turned to see her standing in one of the breast belts women in this century were so fond of wearing outdoors, and a pair of matching pink short britches.

  Instant erection. How long could he stand being teased by those full, round breasts suspended by naught but a string? His mouth watered as he devoured her hourglass figure. Godsteeth but she was everything a woman should be, everything a man dreamed of possessing!

  The bonny Candy was extraordinarily beautiful. Hell, he’d even toyed with the idea of bedding her when he’d first seen her and was somewhat surprised he hadn’t done so already. What had changed him? Perhaps it was because he need only wiggle his finger and he could have her. She’d made that quite clear with her body language and provocative flirting all morning. Brad seemed to pay her enticing attentions to him no mind. The fool.

  But all he could think of was Esa. The thrill of the hunt, he mused.

  “You look edible,” he purred. Her chest rose and fell as though he’d angered her again. Now what? Ripping his eyes from her highly desirable frame, he forced his gaze to rest on her tightly pinched face. Not that that made much difference. She was a natural beauty. And, were it possible, even more endearing in her fury.

  “Can we talk?” He battled to maintain eye contact, but his eyes refused to obey his brain’s command and kept wandering down her supremely molded front. His throbbing shaft threatened to burst through the seam of the blasted form-fitting pants.

  “There’s nothing to talk about, Jacque. This was a mistake. Just go back over there and resume your gawking at the silicone queen,” she snapped.

  Her jealousy pleased him.

  “Avast Cherie, I could have sworn your eyes were brown,” he teased. “But alas, I’d much rather gawk at you, me buxom beauty.” He allowed the breathy purr to return for it usually had an unwavering effect on a woman’s libido.

  “Right. Does she not have a family business to go along with her expensive figure?”

  Jacque threw his hands up in resignation. “Esa, If I’ve offended you, I’m sorry.”

  “But that is what you think isn’t it? That I have absolutely nothing to offer a man besides my father’s business?”

  “That’s not what I said at all.” He moved to touch her but caught himself, groaning as he remembered the revolting promise. Brazenly admiring her curves, he added, “No lass, ye have much more than that to offer a man.”

  “Oh forget it!” she spat. “There is just no talking to you Jacque. Your mind is on one thing and one thing only.”

  “Aye, mademoiselle.” He brought his head closer to hers. “You.”

  Losing his own turbulent battle, Jacque’s mouth covered hers in a passion-doused kiss. His inquisitive tongue forced her mouth open wider, allowing him full access to the sweetness sequestered within.

  To hell with the bloody promise, he decided, but just when he was about to scoop her up and carry her down the stairs and into his cabin, a smoky male’s voice broke the heated kiss and Esa jumped back a few paces, shoving him away.

  “Er…good morning Pete.” The blush on her face echoed her embarrassment. All of a sudden she seemed to find great interest in the deck work.

  “Esa. Jacque,” the silver haired gentleman nodded, a knowing smile playing about his round face. “I see you’re enjoying this lovely weather we’re having.”

  “Indeed,” Jacque stated through a broad smile.

  Esa threw him a look that could melt an iceberg. “We were, ah…just getting ready to have breakfast. Would you care to join us?” Jacque wanted to laugh for she wasn’t a very good liar.

  Pete shook his head. “No thanks, I’ve already had my breakfast. You young folk enjoy yourselves now.” He gifted them with another warm smile before strolling on his merry way.

  Jacque grinned and took a step toward his mouth watering prey, intent on picking up where they’d left off before the untimely interruption by the captain, but the determined wench placed a firm hand on his chest and halted him. His exposed skin still burned with the brand of her fingers when she pulled them back.

  “Stop it!” she hissed. “That man is a good friend of my fiancé thank you very much. Sid will no doubt hear about this as soon as we’ve docked.” She brushed passed him and started below, but seemed to think better of it—smart woman, of course he would follow her!—and opted to sit at the deck table instead.

  He casually slid into the seat next to her, which apparently was still too damned close for her comfort as she didn’t stay put very long.

  “Esa, why do ye fight it?” he asked, his voice gone husky with lust and one arm leaning on the now vacant chair.

  She swallowed. “Jacque, please, just leave me alone. I don’t want to talk about this now.” She practically fell over herself in attempt to join Candy and Brad on the opposite end of the deck.

  A frustrated sigh escaped him as he watched her scurry away. He couldn’t endure such torture another night. She wanted him as badly as he wanted her. It reeked from her quarrelsome eyes. And he would make her admit it.

  His wicked mind began scheming as he sat at the table and watched her peel the shorts over the soft curvature of her legs, exposing more of that highly desirable flesh.

  When she turned to deposit the shorts atop her bag, he was gifted with a full view of her perfectly rounded rear. An animalistic growl rose from deep in his gullet.

nbsp; Unable to stop himself from coveting her firm softness, he closed his eyes and tried, unsuccessfully, to envision anything that might take his mind off sex. Off her.

  A cold shower. That would be a start. At least it was a temporary fix. How did modern men control themselves around such a grand buffet of naked woman flesh?

  He strode over to the bar and poured both himself and Esa a glass of rum. He added a bit of pineapple and coconut juice to hers before topping it off with a few maraschino cherries. “Breakfast indeed!”

  ~ * ~

  Esa settled into the lounger next to Candy. “Beautiful day,” she acknowledged through a forced smile. She didn’t like the woman, but needed to free her mind of the many Jacque saturated thoughts.

  How easily she forgot herself around him. So enslaved was she by the rogue’s electrifying passion, she’d foolishly resigned herself to the smoldering kiss. Her insides were still a bit shaky. Another minute and he probably could have taken her right there on the spot—for God and everyone else to see.

  She hadn’t been aware of anything but the beefy sex icon attached to her face, and what scared the hell out of her was the fact that she didn’t care. Well, not at the time. Oh hell, if she were being honest with herself, she may as well admit she wanted the shameless rake. But somehow admitting it didn’t make it any easier to discount. Thank God Pete arrived when he had.

  Seeing no safe haven from which Jacque wouldn’t follow, she figured she may as well get a little sun. At least there would be other people around to serve as a distraction. With Candy around, she needn’t worry herself with her excess flesh as his eyes would be glued elsewhere. And isn’t that why she’d agreed to the additional passengers?

  “Fabulous,” Candy agreed, bringing a hand to her forehead in attempt to block the sun as she greeted, correction, inspected Esa. “How long have you two been dating?”

  “Excuse me?” Did she saying dating? Who?

  “You and Jacque, you are dating, aren’t you?” The synthetic woman quirked a thinly arched and somewhat snooty brow in her direction.


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