Nowhere to Run (Stephanie Carovella)

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Nowhere to Run (Stephanie Carovella) Page 2

by Nina D'Angelo

  She’d loved passionately in her life, but after Dominic something deep inside of her shut down. She’d never truly let anyone get close enough for her to let them in. She’d never allowed herself to love again, or even entertained the possibility of it - until now.

  She rubbed her forehead wearily. Angel had been happy for her and accepted her decisions without any questions. She’d supported her choice after she’d left her high-flying career as a crime reporter and left L.A.

  Angel had understood, perhaps better than any of them, her decision to leave it all behind, and simply disappear. She’d supported her decision to move to a place where no one knew her or her past and stood by her when she decided to jump head first into a relationship with Leigh. Nothing between them was ever going to be easy, but with him she hoped to be at peace with herself.

  Angel had accepted Leigh into Stephanie’s life with warmth and encouragement. Stephanie would always be eternally grateful for this, especially when she, herself, was unsure it would last.

  She bit her lip nervously. She didn’t know how Ben and Jesse were going to react to Leigh, which is why she hadn’t told them she had remarried. She stared down at the simple white gold band which still felt foreign on her finger. Taking a deep breath she took the ring off, dropping it into her handbag.

  Angel had been thrilled when she’d told her she’d remarried and had supported her even when she’d wondered if it had been the right decision. Angel had been her family, her soul sister, someone who she had been able to share almost everything with.

  No matter where they were or what time it was, they’d always been able to pick up the phone and just talk. The loss she felt was crippling. It was as if another part of her was missing. Another part of her had died. It was why she needed to find out why Angel was murdered. She couldn’t let it rest until she knew the truth. Instinct told her that it wasn’t going to be easy. But, she was a fighter and she would fight hard until her best friend’s murder came to light.

  Chapter Two

  Ben Reynolds waited impatiently beside Jesse Carlisle for Flight BA095 to land.

  “It’s late. What if she’s not on it?” He snapped, quelling the urge to light up a cigarette. He’d quit smoking four weeks ago after Angel had forced him to and his girlfriend, Ana, was making him stick to his promise.

  Smiling, he knew if he lit up then Ana would make his life a living hell until he begged for forgiveness. She had that effect on him. There was only one other woman who could drive him just as crazy and she was 45 minutes late.

  He didn’t know what made him more nervous – the fact one of his best friends would be back where she belonged or the fact his heart seemed to be skipping an extra beat just at the thought of seeing her again.

  Not wanting to dwell on his feelings, he glanced at the man standing beside him. He didn’t like the way Jesse was reacting to Angel’s death. He acted like it wasn’t such a big deal; as if he hadn’t discovered one of his best friends raped and murdered. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t natural to grieve like this.

  Yet, he also understood Jesse’s desire to block the grief out. He hadn’t completely grieved himself. It was still too surreal for him. Every time he thought of Angel dead, his heart constricted. Nothing felt like it was ever going to be the same again.

  “Plane’s landing.” Jesse muttered, staring at Ben from behind dark shades he refused to take off. He started walking towards the arrivals terminal, not waiting for Ben to follow him.

  Part of him had dreaded seeing Ben again when he’d arrived back in L.A, and the same feelings were now reserved for Stephanie. He knew she’d tell him to mourn, but he couldn’t. He wouldn’t mourn until he buried the bastard who’d hurt Angel. He wouldn’t sleep until whoever killed Angel was sent to hell.

  Stephanie strode through L.A.X’s arrival terminal, scanning it for Jesse and Ben. Spotting them immediately, she slid on dark shades to hide her shadowed eyes.

  She was suddenly filled with a deep sadness, the urge to run to both Jesse and Ben and hold them tightly, almost overpowering her. She wanted to just hold them, and never let them go. Quelling the urge to cling to them and break down crying, she took a deep, calming breath.

  “And then there were only three,” she whispered to herself.

  Her smile faltering, she lifted her hand and waved. Drinking in the sight of both of them, she smiled at the obvious contrasts. She’d never been able to work out how she could have been involved with two men so completely different.

  Ben was blonde, with a dazzling smile and piercing blue eyes, which could rock a woman to the core. He was gentle and sweet, yet brutally honest. He also had a devastating effect on women, which was only heightened by the fact that he was so oblivious to it.

  Even now, standing in the airport in faded jeans molded to his thighs and a Green Day T-Shirt, he was unaware of the admiring stares.

  Stephanie smiled wryly. Knowing Ben as well as she did, he was craving a cigarette and wishing he hadn’t quit.

  She turned her attention to Jesse. Dark eyes, which were almost black and could pierce a woman’s very soul, watched her from behind sunglasses. Jesse was as intense as Ben was laid back, but with the same devastating effect on women. It was an effect he was well aware of. Even now, her body hummed in remembrance of his touch.

  She smiled widely. It never failed to shock people when they discovered these two polar opposites were best friends. Her smile faltered when she thought of Dominic, the man who had shared characteristics with both of them. He had brought them together as friends and had balanced out their friendship.

  Ben was the first to speak when she reached them.

  “I was afraid we’d missed you,” he said huskily, his arms automatically wrapping around her without hesitation.

  Stephanie’s own arms slipped around Ben, holding him tightly. She whispered, “Never.”

  Stepping back, she was surprised at Ben’s reluctance to let her go. Lacing her fingers through his briefly, she turned to Jesse. They stared at each other for a moment, both silently stepping forward, their arms awkwardly enveloping each other.

  “I’ve missed you,” Jesse whispered close to her ear, adding softly, “I just wish you were coming home under different circumstances.”

  Stephanie nodded, blinking back tears, her hold on him tightening. She hadn’t realized just how much she’d missed both Jesse and Ben until now. “Me too Jess, me too.”

  Stepping back, she pasted a fake grin on her lips. “Well, I guess I was wrong about never stepping back into this hellhole.”

  Jesse nodded, a lump developing in his throat. He cleared it quickly. “Come on. Let’s get the hell of here.”

  Stephanie moved in between Jesse and Ben, linking her arms with them. “Which one of you is going to take pity on me, and let me crash on your couch?”

  Ben opened his mouth to speak, but Jesse interrupted him. “Ana would freak if you stayed with Ben.”

  Stephanie nodded in understanding, not seeing the glare Ben shot Jesse. She shrugged nonchalantly. “It’s not a big deal. I’d be freaked if a skeleton from my boyfriend’s closet blew back into town.”

  Bumping Jesse with her hip, her lips twisted into a smile. “I guess it’s just you and me then, huh cowboy?”


  The man watched through the crowded terminal, his eyes traveling over the sleek lines of the redhead’s body. Scanning the terminal, he slowly began to follow her.

  He scowled. The whore actually thought she could stroll back into L.A as if nothing had ever happened. As if she hadn’t abandoned him. She had left him and walked away without even a goodbye. And, now she was back, acting like nothing in the world was wrong.

  Following her down the escalators, he whistled a jaunty tune, a smile plastered on his lips. Inside, the fury he felt made his blood boil. Yes, she had been bad. She would pay. Time and time again, she would pay. This time there was going to be no escape for her.


  Carolyn Mathe
rs frowned, slipping a hand through her red hair, her eyes darting nervously around L.A.X. Once the Darling of Hollywood, four years ago she had abruptly left all the fame and the glory behind.

  Forced into exile, she was making a comeback and she was going to do it with a vengeance. She would be someone again – a megastar. Promised a seven-film contract with Callendor Studios, there was nothing or no one to stop her. Not this time.

  Tapping her fingers impatiently against her Louis Vuitton handbag, she stepped onto the escalators. She hoped the studios hadn’t forgotten to send a Chauffeur to pick her up. They knew how nervous she was about coming back to L.A, especially after what had happened four years ago. They knew how skittish she was, after that maniac had almost killed her.

  A crazed fan – it’s what the police had told her. She knew better. She shuddered delicately, refusing to remember. She still had the emotional scars from the mental and physical abuse she had been put through.

  Even after all this time she still found it hard to close her eyes at night. She still woke up screaming. Night after night, time after time she woke up in a cold sweat. Her hand moved to her throat, tracing the faint scar from her attack. Quickly she removed her hand, nervously tightening her grip on her handbag.

  Her attacker had never been caught, and this made her apprehensive but the studios had promised her, promised her this time would be different. This time she would be protected.

  A hand on her shoulder made her jump, interrupting her thoughts.

  “Ms Mathers?”

  She spun around quickly, staring at the uniformed man with a puzzled frown. “Are you with Callendor?”

  He nodded, tipping his hat slightly. “I called out to you when you came out of the terminal, but you didn’t hear me.”

  He took his hat off, holding it to his chest. “I didn’t mean to startle you, but if I came back without you they’d have my head.”

  Carolyn laughed softly. “Well then, we can’t have that now, can we?” She teased softly, her blue eyes twinkling with mischief.

  Relief evident on his face, he indicated for her to follow him.

  “Take me to the car,” Carolyn commanded, friendliness giving way to professionalism. She’d seen the admiring glance he’d given her and it wouldn’t do her career any good to fraternize with the hired help.

  The Chauffeur nodded, leading her towards the darkened underground car park, his eyes scanning the area. Carolyn frowned, noticing for the first time how deserted the car park was. She shivered, memories of another isolated car park rippled through her.

  Shutting them out of her mind, she fought her inner terror and took a deep breath. She closed her mind to the thought of that, almost fateful, night and followed the Chauffeur to the Limousine.

  “Here we go, all safe and sound,” the Chauffeur said warmly, stopping to put her bags in the trunk. He unlocked the door, and opened it for her.

  Carolyn slipped quickly into the car. She sank into the backseat with relief, taking a ragged breath. Now she was in the car she felt safer, and would feel even better once they were out of this isolated car park.

  He wasn’t here. He couldn’t attack her. He couldn’t hurt her anymore. She wouldn’t let anything or anyone hurt her again. Yes, things would be better for her this time. She wasn’t going to be scared away so easily.

  “Comfortable?” the Chauffeur asked from the front seat, turning to smile at her. She nodded, quickly pressing a button to slide up the panel between them.

  The Chauffeur’s voice intercepted her thoughts through the intercom. “Why don’t you sit back and close your eyes, Ms Mathers? It must have been a long flight for you, and there are refreshments if you feel like something.”

  Carolyn smiled in pleasure. Now this was more like it. She’d forgotten how the studios pampered their stars every whim. She felt like the star she was already. She giggled softly. It wasn’t going to take long for her to get used to the high life again.

  Spotting her favorite brand of water she picked it up, giddy with delight. Callendor had, certainly, outdone their selves this time. Unscrewing the cap of the Evian bottle, she drank thirstily. It had been a long trip, and she could already feel the effects of jet lag taking hold of her.

  Yawning, she sank deeper into the backseat. Closing her eyes, she let darkness overcome her.


  He slid down the panel separating Carolyn Mathers from him. He smiled at the sight of her unconscious body, whistling softly to himself. Had his little princess really thought she could just slip back into the country without his knowing? He knew everything.

  Although she had come back to him, she still needed to pay. But, first he was going to keep her around for a while. He’d really missed her, and was going to show her just how much.

  Chapter Three

  Stephanie gently reached out to touch a photo of Angeline, Ben, Jesse, Dominic, and herself. She dropped her hand quickly, almost as if the picture had burnt her, hot tears blurring her vision.

  A hand touched her shoulder and she promptly wiped away her tears, not wanting Jesse to see she’d been crying.

  “Coffee...still one of your biggest weaknesses I bet,” Jesse murmured, handing her a mug.

  “And, you’re still the only man I know who can make real coffee,” she said, clasping it gratefully.

  She watched him reach behind her to pick up the photo. Smiling sadly, she quietly asked, “Do you remember the night this was taken?”

  Jesse nodded silently. When he spoke, his voice was gritty with emotion. “You had just discovered you were pregnant and Dominic was so proud; I’d never seen two people so in love. Ben had just signed his first record deal and was on a perpetual high. Angel was in love for the millionth time and my own career was on the rise.”

  With a bittersweet smile, he gripped the photo tighter. “It was one of the happiest times of my life,” he murmured.

  “Mine too,” Stephanie whispered, taking a hasty sip of coffee. Her gaze lingered on Dominic and she reached out, gently touching his smiling face. “God, I loved Dominic so much,” she said softly, her smile dimming.

  “I know Steph. I know you did,” Jesse said, drawing her closer and tucking his chin on her shoulder.

  She tilted her head up to look at Jesse again, a wistfulness on her face. “That was a different time Jesse and a different place. We were all so very different.”

  Jesse grunted in agreement. “We were younger, carefree, reckless, and definitely more foolish.” He shook his head. “We thought we were going to take on the world together, really kick it in the ass. We thought we were invincible.”

  Taking the photo from Stephanie, he gently placed it back onto the fireplace mantel. “We thought we were invincible and Dominic proved us all wrong,” he continued bitterly.

  Stephanie fell silent; an image of Dominic’s dancing emerald eyes and easy going smile came to mind. Another wave of pain shot through her, her thoughts turning to what she had lost when he’d died. As much as she cared for Leigh, her love for Dominic would always remain strong. He had been her anchor. The only man she’d completely given herself to, without any other thought but her love for him.

  It had almost killed her.

  Taking a deep breath, she suddenly wished she was anywhere but here. L.A held too many ghosts, too many memories and she wasn’t sure she was going to leave again unscathed.

  Wanting to think about anything but her ghosts or memories, she scrutinized Jesse, soaking in every detail. He looked older, as if the harsh reality of Angeline’s death coupled with the reality of the losses they’d shared in the past year were finally taking their toll. Their eyes met, both silently studying each other. Stephanie broke the silence.

  “Tell me about Angel’s death,” she said softly, leaning against the fireplace mantel.

  Jesse snorted in disbelief, a grim smile on his lips. “Hell, Stephanie, you take off for six months, with barely a word to anyone, and then stroll back into town as if nothing has changed,”
he bit out, seeing Stephanie’s closed off expression.

  Breaking off, he looped his thumbs into his jeans pockets and rocked back on his heels. “You don’t mince words, do you?” He paused, shrugging. “You’ve got contacts within the L.A.P.D. I’m sure, by now, you’ve not only read the report but also seen the crime scene photos. There’s not much more to tell.”

  He watched Stephanie cautiously, his smile grim. He knew the stubborn expression on her face. It told him Stephanie had no intention of leaving straight after Angel’s funeral. If he knew her as well as he thought he did, she’d find some way to provide her input into Angel’s murder.

  He smirked, knowing how Gena Evans would react to Stephanie poking around her crime scene. It wasn’t going to be pretty.

  Gena Evans and Stephanie Carovella were like fire and ice, night and day. Two women, that were equally fiery, stubborn, and almost always at odds with each other. Their last meeting had ended with their almost coming to blows, as they’d thrown angry words at each other. He’d never understood how their friendship had managed to stand the test of time, but something always drew them back to each other.

  Shaking his head, he decided to keep his thoughts to himself, until Stephanie was ready to voice her plan of action. He waited patiently for her to answer his careful reply to her loaded question.

  “I need to hear it from you,” Stephanie said, taking another deep breath. “I need to know what the photos and the report don’t tell me.”

  “Trust me Steph, you don’t want to know. You don’t need the nightmares,” Jesse said, wrapping his hand tightly around his own coffee cup.

  Her laughter was almost strangled, her voice harsh. “I already have the nightmares Jess...or did you forget that?”

  Jesse’s expression softened and he touched her arm gently. “Then there’s no need to add to them.”

  “Jess, I need to know.” Watching him shake his head negatively, Stephanie pushed on. “I need to know everything that happened that night. Tell me.” Taking the edge out of her voice, she whispered, “Please. I have to know.”


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