Nowhere to Run (Stephanie Carovella)

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Nowhere to Run (Stephanie Carovella) Page 26

by Nina D'Angelo

  Gena slipped her hand into Stephanie’s, squeezing it reassuringly. “Jase told us you walked away from Dominic to protect him. It couldn’t have been an easy thing to do and I don’t know if I could have. I think he knew you still loved him. I don’t think he ever stopped believing you would come back to him again. He knew it was only a matter of waiting for you.”

  “And I lost him anyway,” Stephanie whispered. She smiled at Gena. “Jase is a good guy. I can see why Angel fell in love with him. He’s strong, and dependable. He’s exactly what she needed.”

  Her smile fading, she quickly changed the subject. “Did Delucci tell you about Leigh?”

  Gena nodded, absentmindedly stroking her thumb soothingly against Stephanie’s hand.

  “He followed me to England. He told me he knew he loved me and he just needed to make me love him.” Withdrawing her hand from Gena’s, she scowled. “He played me, Gena. He knew I was at my most vulnerable after Dominic died and he played me.”

  Her eyes flashed with anger. “I was a fool. I let him feed me lies and I believed every damn one of them. Instead of listening to my gut, I let him carry me away with his honeyed lies.”

  “You can’t blame yourself. Like you said, you were at your most vulnerable and he took advantage of it. Don’t worry, we will find out exactly how long he has been following you. Or if…” Unable to voice her thoughts, she lapsed into silence.

  “If my psycho husband is responsible for the murder of everyone I love?” Stephanie finished for her.

  Gena nodded unhappily. “You know Delucci is going to want to ask you more questions about Leigh. Some of the questions he’ll ask may be quite personal.”

  Stephanie snickered. “Because he didn’t already do so when he discussed my parents’ murder with everyone?” she asked sarcastically.

  Gena flashed Stephanie a cheeky grin, laughter dancing within her eyes. “You have a very good point.”

  Stephanie massaged her temples, uncomfortable with the idea Leigh may have been the one chasing her all along. “Gena, I know I made a mess of things with Leigh. I was sucked in by his lines, but I can’t imagine him a killer. It just doesn’t fit.”

  “Stephanie, can you really believe he isn’t? You said it yourself, he plied you with lies. He told you he followed you to England. He practically stalked you, and for God knows how long? Let me handle this for you. If you’re right, that’s great, but, Stephanie, don’t you think it’s just too much of a coincidence he knew exactly where to find you? Did you tell him you were coming home?” Gena argued.

  Stephanie tilted her head to one side, contemplating Gena’s argument, her thoughts racing. “No, Gena, I never told him I was coming home to L.A. I only told him I had to head back to the States for a family emergency.” Taking a deep sip of her coffee, she shifted uncomfortably. “I never told him where I was going. I don’t even think I ever mentioned to him I was from L.A. My God, Gena, he knew where I was. He followed me back here. He showed up at Angel’s funeral. I asked him how he knew where I was and he just brushed it off.”

  Setting her coffee on the ground by her feet, she placed her head in her hands and groaned. “Damn it Gena, he knew exactly where to find me.”

  Gena watched Stephanie stand up and begin to pace the room agitatedly. “Do you know where Leigh was when Angel was murdered? Stephanie, was he with you?”

  Stephanie shook her head. “No, he wasn’t. He was interstate on business. He flew out four days before Angel was murdered. I left him a note to explain my absence. He wasn’t even home when I left for L.A.”

  “What does he do?” Gena asked, her breath hitching in her throat. Her blood was pumping through her veins, excitement filling her. This was the first real break in their case, since Angel’s murder. They finally had a viable suspect.

  Stephanie shrugged. “I think he’s a programmer.” Giving Gena another shrug, she said, “I never really asked and, to be honest, I didn’t really care. I’m pretty sure he mentioned he was a computer programmer, though.”

  “You never asked?” Gena echoed. Swallowing down her disbelief, she asked, incredulously, “How could you marry someone you knew so little about?”

  Stephanie ignored her question, asking one of her own. “Have you seen Ana’s apartment yet?”

  Gena glared at her. “No, but I believe you have. What the hell were you thinking walking into a crime scene?”

  “I needed to see it. I thought it might give me more of an insight into him.” Stephanie said, watching Gena pull out a cigarette. She grinned when Gena held the pack out to her. Pulling up a cigarette, she slipped it between her fingers. Leaning forward, she let Gena light it. “So how is quitting going for you these days?” she teased.

  “Badly,” Gena mumbled, lighting her own cigarette. She took a deep drag before exhaling. Holding the cigarette between her fingertips, she moaned slightly. “Sometimes I think smoking is better than sex.”

  “Then you’re not doing it right,” Stephanie said, grinning at her. “You really need to quit these things, you know?”

  “Yeah, so I’ve been told. Now quit changing the subject. Tell me what you found out?”

  A slow smile crept on Stephanie’s face. Taking a drag of her own cigarette, she moved to lean against the door. “He photographs his victims. He likes to stop his games and take photos. It’s his version of foreplay. He stopped in the middle of torturing both Carolyn and Angel and photographed them in pain. He probably did the same to Ana. My guess is it gets him off. It excites the hell out of him to see them suffer. The greater their pain, the more satisfying it is for him. And, he stalks them, Gena. He stalks his victims and he takes photos of them. Ana’s apartment was covered with before shots of all his victims as well as during and after shots.” Stephanie looked down at her hands, surprised to find them shaking. Taking deep, even breaths, she didn’t speak until the trembling subsided.

  “I think he came back, Gena. He returned to the crime scene after he killed Ana. He returned to add the photos.”

  “No, I knew there were photos of the victims on the wall. Delucci’s already visited the crime scene. He told Jase and me about the crime scene and the photos. You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know.”

  Stephanie tapped her fingers impatiently against the doorframe. “No, Gena, he came back. Delucci may have visited the crime scene. He may have seen the photos but he didn’t see all the photos. He didn’t see the photos from last night.”

  “Last night?” Stephanie you’re not making any sense,” Gena said, annoyance creeping into her voice.

  “I’m talking about this,” Stephanie said, striding towards Gena and pulling a folded piece of paper from her jacket’s pocket. Unfolding it, she shoved it into Gena’s hands.

  Gena impatiently took the photo. “Where did you get...?” She began, holding up her head. “No, don’t even tell me. I don’t want to know.”

  “I took it from the crime scene,” Stephanie said bluntly, smiling when Gena groaned. “Don’t worry, there are more. Besides, do you really think he left fingerprints? What’s one little photo?”

  “Stephanie, this is evidence. You stole evidence. Damn it, you broke the law!” Gena exploded, exhaustion making her voice crack. She watched Stephanie fidgeting. She could almost see the adrenaline pumping through her, whereas she was tired. She was tired of chasing a ghost – a killer who seemed to be, not just one step ahead of them, but impossible to catch.

  She was sick and tired of her friends dying. She just wanted this nightmare to be over, so she could go back to living her life as normally as possible. She loved the thrill of the chase as much as anyone, but not when it meant watching her friends die one by one and not when it meant she was a human target in a serial killer’s sights.

  Leaning back in her chair, she cast a glance down at the photo again. “It’s against the law to steal evidence from a crime scene, you know this.”

  “So is killing people,” Stephanie countered. “Besides, I had to sho
w you. I knew you wouldn’t believe me if you didn’t see for yourself. Now tell me he didn’t come back. This couldn’t have been there when Delucci visited the crime scene. Look at where the photo was taken.”

  Gena looked at Stephanie in amusement. Her amusement faded when she studied the photo. Bringing it more closely to her eyes, she cursed. Stephanie was right. The photo had been taken last night. The killer had returned to the crime scene and added photos. She wondered how many. “You’re right, I’m wrong. He came back. I don’t know why he did. It doesn’t make sense. He’s taking risks doing so. There’s no logic for it.”

  “It’s all part of the game, Gena.”

  Gena placed the photo facedown onto the seat beside her. Stretching out her legs, she wrinkled her nose in confusion. “Maybe it is. I don’t understand his game as well as you, Stephanie. I’m not as experienced with it. Tell me, what message does he want to send us this time?” she asked sarcastically.

  Stephanie walked to the chair, flipping the photo over and pushing it towards Gena. “Look at the damn photo, Gena. Really look at it. Don’t just look at it to placate me. The message is in the photo itself.”

  “Stephanie, I’ve looked at the photo. It’s a photo of me from last night.”

  “Gena, stop focusing on what you’re wearing and concentrate on the surroundings,” Stephanie said, exasperated.

  Gena swiped the photo off the chair once more, scrutinizing it. She was unable to prevent the strangled sound coming from within her throat. “Stephanie, this was taken from inside Jesse’s house. The son of a bitch was in the house last night.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Leigh Walker dragged his eyes from the floor when Delucci and Jase walked into the interview room.

  “Where’s my wife?” he asked impatiently, shaking his blonde head in annoyance. “I want to see my wife. I want to see Stephanie.”

  Delucci smiled coolly, sliding into one of the chairs opposite Leigh. Jase did the same. “I’m afraid that’s going to be impossible. Your – Ms Carovella - has no interest in seeing you. She’s made this abundantly clear to us.”

  Leigh smirked. “She’s a little angry with me right now, but she’ll change her mind,” he said confidently.

  “I doubt it very much,” Jase muttered. Looking at the man opposite him, he could see what drew Stephanie to Leigh. With his cobalt baby blue eyes, dirty blonde hair and classic face structure, Leigh Walker had probably sent more than a few hearts racing. Jase felt confident enough to believe he knew Stephanie as well as anyone was capable of knowing her, and she didn’t come across as the type of person to fall for just a pretty face. She’d been drawn to Leigh Walker for another reason.

  He couldn’t help but think maybe the darker, seedier side of Leigh Walker was what attracted her to him. Stephanie certainly seemed to tap into a man’s primal instincts.

  “And you are?” Leigh asked icily.

  “Jase Devlin,” Jase shot back, coldly appraising Leigh. “That’s Detective Devlin to you.”

  “Detective Devlin’s been working closely with the L.A.P.D regarding a spate of recent murders. In fact, your wife – Stephanie – has been aiding us with our investigation,” Delucci said smoothly.

  “What makes you think your wife is going to change her mind?” Jase interrupted silkily.

  “She loves me. We’ve had words, but she’ll forgive me,” Leigh boasted. Seeing Jase’s look of disdain, he added defensively, “You don’t know my wife.”

  “Just how do you know your wife?” Delucci purred, eyeing Leigh speculatively. Leigh Walker was hiding something, he was sure of it, and he was determined to find out what it was.

  “How the hell do you think I know her? She’s my wife,” Leigh said, exasperation creeping into his voice.

  “Mr. Walker…” He smiled warmly at Leigh. “Do you mind if I call you Leigh?” When Leigh nodded, he started again. “Leigh, your wife – Stephanie Carovella, has stated you made comments back at Ana Ferrier’s apartment – the comments concerned her greatly.”

  Leigh relaxed, leaning back against his chair. He gave them both a wide smile. “Look guys, I was frustrated – angry even. Are either of you married? Haven’t you said things in the heat of the moment when you’ve been angry with your wife? I mean, come on, it’s not every day I find out my wife has been shacking up with another guy.”

  “This other guy, does he have a name?” Jase asked, arching an eyebrow. He refused to be sucked in by Leigh Walker’s brother-in-arms attitude.

  Leigh glared at Jase. “Does it matter? Don’t you think it gives me or any man the right to be furious? Wouldn’t you be angry if your wife cheated on you less than a month after you were married?”

  Jase shrugged. “I can’t answer your question since I’m not married. Besides, do you have any real proof she cheated on you?”

  “Will a photo be sufficient enough?” Leigh asked sarcastically. “The photo showed her in an embrace with him. He was at Angel Monroe’s funeral. His name’s Jesse Carlisle. Hell, he and I had words at the funeral. I told him to stay the fuck away from my wife. He’s her God damn ex-boyfriend.” Petulantly, Leigh snapped, “I want to see my wife. If I can see her, I can explain everything to her.”

  Delucci smiled apologetically, the smile not reaching his eyes. “Leigh, I understand your frustration, but seeing your wife isn’t possible. Stephanie is pressing charges against your for assault.” Pressing his palms against the desk, he said “I’m curious, how did you know where to find Ms Carovella? How did you know she would be at Ana Ferrier’s apartment?”

  “I didn’t. I followed her there.” Leigh said, laughing huskily. “My wife is a fitness freak. I knew it wouldn’t be too long before she went to Body Maxx. Whenever she’s in L.A, she always works out there. I waited for her. As soon as she left, I followed her.” He boasted. He reached for the glass of water in front of him, taking a deep gulp. He didn’t see the flash of concern sliding across Jase’s face.

  Jase leant back in his chair, his stance aping Leigh’s. “How did you know Stephanie worked out at Body Maxx?” he asked.

  Leigh’s gaze hardened and he lowered his eyes. “She must have told me.”

  “Just like she told you she was going to be at Angel Monroe’s funeral?”

  Leigh frowned, opening his mouth to speak. He closed it again, annoyance sliding over his face. Glaring defensively at Jase, he muttered, “She left a note explaining where she was.”

  “Now why don’t I believe you?” Jase asked mockingly.

  Leigh angrily slammed his palms onto the table in front of him. “I don’t have to take this shit. I’m not going to sit here and listen to you tell me I’m lying.” He began to rise, swallowing when Jase growled, “Sit back down, Mr. Walker. You’re not going anywhere until you start telling us the truth.”

  Leigh sat back down, slumping in his chair. He sulkily looked from Jase Devlin back to Frank Delucci. He swallowed his angry retort when he noticed Jase’s face was a mask of anger, his eyes glacial. Jase leant forward, speaking with icy fury, “Now I’m going to ask you again and you’re going to answer me truthfully. How did you know where Stephanie worked out?”

  Leigh tore his eyes from Jase’s, dropping it to the floor and shifting uneasily in his chair. “She’s been going there for years. Like I said, I knew as soon as she was in L.A, she’d start going there again,” he mumbled.

  “How did you know she was in L.A? Don’t even bother to tell us she told you in the note she left. She’s already advised us otherwise,” Jase bit out, resisting the urge to reach over and knock the smug smirk off Leigh Walker’s face.

  “I always know where my wife is,” Leigh said with a smirk. “I like to keep tabs on her.”

  “Just how long have you been keeping tabs on her?” Delucci asked, raising his own eyebrows speculatively.

  Leigh shrugged, not willing to answer the question. “Why don’t you ask her? It seems to me, no matter what I say, you’re going to already have an answer,�
� he snarled.

  “We’d prefer to hear it from you,” Delucci said, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.

  Smiling at Jase and Devlin, Leigh held out his hands in appeal. “Look guys, what’s the big deal? She’s my wife. I have the right to know where she is at all times.”

  Jase inclined his head. “We’re not saying you don’t have the right to know where your wife is. However, if say for some reason you were keeping tabs on her before she was your wife, now then you’d have a real problem,” Jase said in disgust.

  “Take, for example, if you were to follow her to another country just to integrate yourself into her life,” Delucci added, not missing the way Leigh blanched white.

  Flashing Leigh a predatory smile, he went in for the kill. “These are the kinds of accusations your wife is making against you, amongst the assault charges. They’re accusations we don’t take lightly.”

  Leigh straightened up in his chair, his relaxed demeanor disappearing. “I don’t think I want to answer any more questions without my lawyer. You’ve both labeled me guilty of God knows what without a trial. I don’t have to take this. I came here willingly to discuss the assault charges, and you’ve discussed everything but the charges Stephanie has laid against me. All I did was follow my wife. There’s no crime in this, especially since all I wanted to do was apologize and move towards a reconciliation. There’s absolutely no crime in this at all. I think I’d like to talk to my lawyer right now.”

  Jase leaned closer to Leigh, his eyes blazing brightly. “You do that, Walker, and while you’re discussing things with your lawyer, we’re going to do a little digging into your past. You better pray we don’t find anything tying you back to Stephanie or the spate of murders hitting L.A recently. Murders, you better have a god damn alibi for.”


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