Nowhere to Run (Stephanie Carovella)

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Nowhere to Run (Stephanie Carovella) Page 37

by Nina D'Angelo

  Gena rolled her eyes. “As a former Detective, he doesn’t exactly have the best sources.”

  “Maybe not, but as an FBI agent his resources are unlimited,” Jake said, looking up from his file to a dumbfounded Gena.

  “An FBI agent?” Gena echoed, surprise sliding across her face.

  “Shit, you didn’t know,” Jake muttered, dropping his eyes to the file in front of him. “Is this Katrina Andrews’ file?”

  “Jake, don’t change the subject. Explain to me what you mean about Jase being an FBI agent,” Gena rasped, shaking her head in disbelief. “He can’t be, can he?” Not waiting for him to answer, she muttered, “How the hell do you know these things anyway?”

  “Gena, it’s my job to know these things,” Jake said gently, adding, “I’m sure there’s a reason Devlin didn’t tell you the Feds recruited him. A man like him doesn’t hide information like that without good reason.”

  Gena scowled, acknowledging Jake was right. She was still finding it difficult to believe Jase was FBI, but it all made sense now. The ability to access the file on Stephanie’s parents’ murder, the way he took control of her cases and integrated himself into interviewing Leigh Walker...the fact Delucci let him. Gena bit out an oath, realizing Delucci must have known Jase was FBI. The bastard had known all along and never mentioned it to her.

  Jake picked up a photo from Katrina’s file, studying it. “Is this the murder weapon?”

  Gena took the photo from Jake, nodding. “When we searched Walker’s apartment, we found the murder weapon. We found Katrina’s blood on it as well as Angel’s, Ana’s and Carolyn’s blood. There was another blood type we couldn’t match to anyone. Stephanie said she stabbed the killer in his thigh. I think it’s his blood. I added the photo to the file. I thought if I could research it, I’d be able to identify what type it was.”

  “Don’t bother,” Jake said slowly, lifting his eyes from where they were focused on the photo in Gena’s hand to meet her eyes. “I know exactly what kind of knife it is.”


  “Leigh Walker, now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time,” Foley said slowly, picking up a glass of water and taking a hasty sip. “A slippery son of a bitch if I’d ever met one. I was so sure he killed Katrina Andrews. He had the motive. He had the means, but somehow or another, he managed to worm his way out of our grasp.”

  “He’s also Stephanie Carovella’s soon to be ex-husband,” Jase said in disgust. “The son of a bitch stalked and followed her when she left L.A. He integrated himself into her life and married her. When she came back to L.A recently, he followed her here.”

  Foley shook his head. “No surprise there. All Katrina Andrews’ friends believed he was obsessed with Stephanie. He made the girl dress like her.” Snorting, he added, “Stephanie Carovella was the only one who didn’t seem to have a clue about Walker. When I asked her about a boyfriend, she said Katrina didn’t have one. Walker was smooth and careful. He made damn sure she didn’t know he existed.”

  Jase scowled. “It sounds like Walker. The guy’s smooth, but underneath the façade there’s something else.”

  “He’s a predator,” Foley said with a grim smile. “Here’s what the old files won’t tell you. I never had any proof, but I think Walker was a sexual predator. Around the time of Katrina Andrews’ murder, there was a spate of sex crimes around the campus and surrounding campuses. Each girl claimed they were attacked by a pair. One attacker approached them from the front, while another grabbed them from behind. They were quick. They were precise and once it was over, they disappeared without a trace. Not one girl could give anything but the basic of descriptions. The height and build of one of the attackers matched Leigh. He also knew several of the victims. We just never had the proof to nail him to the wall. When Katrina Andrews died, we thought we finally had him. One of the girls assaulted had scratched one of her attackers. We were hoping we’d be able to gather enough evidence on him to tie him to Katrina Andrews’ murder. In doing so, we could get a warrant for a DNA test.”

  “But someone came forth and gave him an alibi,” Jase finished for Foley. Foley nodded, disgruntled.

  “If I show you a photo, could you tell me if this was the person who supplied Walker with an alibi?” He asked Foley, opening up the file he held in his hand. Taking out a photo, he handed it to Foley.

  Foley studied it, scrutinizing it. “He looks a little older, but yes, he’s the one who was Walker’s alibi,” he finally said, shaking his head. “You think they know each other?”

  “The man you just identified is Jake Carlisle,” Jase said, cursing softly. Pointing to the photo of Jake, he said softly, “Are you sure that’s him?”

  Foley shook his head. “Agent Devlin, I think you’re mistaken. I have no idea who that man is.” He pointed to Jake before moving his finger to the man standing with his arm wrapped around Jake’s shoulder. “This is the man I’m talking about. He’s Leigh Walker’s alibi.”

  Jase lifted his eyes to Foley’s, panic running through him. “Are you sure? Are you absolutely certain this is Walker’s alibi?”

  “Boy, I may be old but I still have a photographic memory and I’m telling you this was Walker’s alibi,” Foley said grimly.

  “Son of a bitch,” Jase muttered. Pulling his cell out of his pocket, he dialed Stephanie’s phone number, growling when it went straight to voice message.


  Delucci tossed the video reel from the hotel room onto the pile of CDs he’d already gone through. Reaching for another CD, he inserted it into the computer and pressed play. He sat up when he saw the time sequences, adrenaline pumping through him.

  He didn’t have to wait long before Leigh Walker strolled into view. Stopping Walker looked directly into the camera, smiling widely before continuing down the hallway. He stopped outside Barbara Madden’s door.

  Delucci watched him knock, flash a badge and convince Barbara Madden to allow himself inside her hotel room. “God damn it, we had him in our custody and we let him go,” he muttered, fast forwarding the reel. He stopped it when a disheveled Walker left the hotel room four hours later. Again he looked at the camera and smiled. This time he waved and mouthed words.

  Delucci frowned, rewinding the tape. Pressing play again, he leaned forward, determined to catch what Leigh mouthed to the camera. Chills run through his veins when he realized what Walker was mouthing to the camera.

  I’ll be seeing you soon, Detective Delucci.


  Gena stared at Jake, adrenaline running through her. “What type of knife is it?” she asked excitedly.

  “It’s an OKC-3s Bayonet,” he said flatly, his lips thinning in displeasure. “They’re used in warfare. The son of a bitch used a fucking military knife on her.”

  Tossing Katrina’s file to one side, he looked at Gena. “I need to know where each girl was murdered, Gena. I need to know now.”

  Gena nodded mutely, unable to speak. Picking up each folder, she swallowed hard. “SDU,” she began.

  Jake shook his head. “Not the universities, Gena, the places. Tell me the God damn places,” he snapped, picking up one of the folders Stephanie had compiled it, looking through it hurriedly.

  “Jake, I don’t understand,” Gena said, meeting his eyes. She shivered at what she saw there. Starting again she said softly, “Stephanie wrote them down. I think she was trying to find a link.” Picking up a file, she opened it, pulling out Stephanie’s handwritten notes. “San Diego, Albany, Georgia. Bridgeport, California.” Squinting closer, she said, “Stephanie’s handwriting is terrible. I think she’s written San Antonio, Texas.”

  Jake took the piece of paper off her, running his eyes over the name. Clenching the paper in his fist, he growled between clenched teeth. “Military bases. Each god damn university is near a military base.”

  Looking at Gena with tormented eyes, he whispered, “Gena, I know who it is. I know who killed all those girls. I know who’s after Stephanie.”

sp; Breaking off, he slammed his fist against the table, making Gena jump. “Gena, he was already in the house. I let him into the fucking house.”

  “Jake I don’t under-”

  “It’s Rafe, Gena. Rafe’s the killer.”

  Gena stared at Jake in horror, her face turning ash white. “Jake, are you sure?”

  “Gena, each murder took place near a military base. He had the time and the access to come and go as he pleased. He killed those girls and used the god damn Marines as his alibi.”

  Gulping down his fury, Jake rasped, “Jesse asked us to protect Angel from her stalker. He gave us unlimited to his house, to her. Rafe used this against us. He’s been playing us the whole fucking time. Jesse and I handed Angel to him on a god damn platter.”

  “My god,” Gena whispered. She could feel herself tremble. “Stephanie! Jake, we need to warn Stephanie.”

  Jake swore fluently, shaking his head. “Gena, you don’t get it. It took me less than a second to realize who the killer was once I knew the places. She’s had ten years. She knows already.”

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Stephanie stood staring into the darkness, a glass of wine in her hands. Hearing her Butch Walker ringtone, she pulled her phone out her jeans pocket and checked the caller ID. It was Gena, yet again. She’d already tried to call Stephanie ten times, but each time Stephanie let it go to voicemail.

  Turning around, she placed the phone onto the table, next to the bottle of wine. Looking up, she froze at the sight of Rafe leaning against the balcony doors, watching her intently.

  “Honey, I’m home,” he drawled.

  Forcing herself to relax, Stephanie took a sip of wine, watching him walk towards her. Meeting her gaze, he silently picked up the bottle of wine.

  “Château Haut Brion Pessac-Léognan,” he murmured, arching an eyebrow. “Pricey.”

  Stephanie inclined her head. She took another sip of wine before speaking. “It’s actually a 2003 Château Haut Brion Pessac-Léognan.”

  Rafe whistled softly and smiled warmly at Stephanie, the smile not reaching his eyes.

  “I thought it was apt,” Stephanie said with a careless shrug. “After all, we’re finally together.”

  “We’re finally together,” Rafe echoed, a mixture of surprise and delight sliding across his face.

  “Why so surprised?” Stephanie asked throatily, leaning closer to him. With surprisingly steady hands, she reached out to touch his cheek. “After all, you’ve worked so hard to bring us here.”

  Dropping her hand away, she took the bottle from him. She briefly stepped away, moving to pick up the empty glass. “Would you like a glass of wine?”

  Rafe nodded, studying Stephanie, confusion running through him. “You’re not afraid of me, are you?”

  Stephanie looked up from the wine she was pouring, arching an eyebrow at him. “Should I be? Would it make you feel better to see me tremble and beg for mercy? If so, maybe you should leave again and I could pretend for you?”

  Rafe threw back his head, laughing huskily, missing the intense hatred sliding across Stephanie’s face before she carefully hid her true emotions, a smile pasted across her lips.

  His cold eyes met hers and he stepped closer, sliding his arm around her waist. “I knew you were perfect. From the first moment I saw you, you were perfect for me,” he whispered, capturing her mouth with his. Stephanie fought through her revulsion, telling herself it was the end game. Closing her eyes, she let him forcefully slide his tongue into her mouth. Pressing her body against his, she slid a hand up to grip his shoulder, kissing him back.

  Rafe broke away, studying Stephanie’s face, an almost reverent expression on his. “Perfect,” he breathed, as he reached his hand up to stroke her cheek before it slid down her face to her throat and then even lower to cup her breast. He watched Stephanie’s eyes flutter closed again, as she pressed deeper into his hand, a moan sliding from her lips.

  “You’re so god damn perfect,” he groaned, rubbing his fingers against her breast before he pinched her nipple tightly.

  Stephanie bit down a groan of pain, fighting the revulsion flooding through her. Faking a moan of pleasure, she opened her eyes, staring into Rafe’s cold, flat eyes.

  Moving her hand from his shoulders to his neck, she thrust herself into his hand, running her tongue along his bottom lip. She tugged at his bottom lip hard, smiling when he growled within his throat.

  Stepping back from him, she calmly handed his glass of wine. “Shall we make a toast to us?”


  Gena frantically grabbed her car keys, terror overwhelming her. Shakily, she looked at Jake. “We need to get to her before Rafe does.”

  Jake nodded in agreement, reaching out to steady Gena when she swayed. “Gena, you’re in no state to drive. Let me -”

  “Jake, I’m fine. I’m just worried. I’ve tried calling Stephanie and she’s not answering. What if he’s already got her? What if he…?” She gasped heavily, wrapping her arm around her stomach.

  “I’ll drive,” Jake said firmly, trying to take the car keys off her. Watching her shake her head frantically, he growled, “Gena, be realistic. Rafe is a killer, and he’s damn good at it. You’re going to need me.”

  “No. I need you to get to Ben and Jesse’s. I need you to keep them safe. If anything happened to them...” She stopped, shaking her head. “I can’t lose them too.”

  Seeing his stubborn expression, she said quietly, “Don’t you see, Jake? This isn’t just the endgame for Stephanie and him, but also for me. I need to end this. I need to see it through.”

  Jake glared at her. Realizing she wasn’t going to change her mind, he nodded curtly. “I don’t like this, Gena, but I understand. Just promise me one thing, promise you’ll come back to me in one piece.”

  Gena clenched the car keys tighter in her fist, emotions raging through her. Watching Jake move towards her, she reached for him at the same time he reached for her. “I love you, Jake. I always have,” she whispered. Pressing her lips firmly to his, she kissed him passionately before she stepped back.

  Turning her back on him, she strode into her bedroom. She opened her bedside drawer and picked up the gun she kept inside. Instinctively checking the chambers, she counted the bullets. 17. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, praying Stephanie was

  still alive.


  Jase ran down the hallways of Cedar-Senai, dialing Stephanie’s number and cursing when the phone went straight to voicemail again. When he reached Cynthia’s room, he ignored the guards standing outside and jerked open the door.

  Cynthia jumped when Jase burst into the room, gripping her panic button nervously. Seeing Jase’s tightened expression, she tensed in apprehension. “Jase, what is it? What’s wrong?”

  “I need to show you a photo Cyn, and I need to know if this is the man who abducted you,” Jase bit out, his body taut with fury. Not waiting for her response, he pulled out a folded photo from the back of his jeans pocket. Unfolding it, he thrust it into her hands.

  Cynthia looked down at the photo, her throat tightening with emotion. Panic gripped her and she nodded frantically, pushing the photo away from her. She watched it fall to the floor and closed her eyes tightly, tears burning her eyes.

  “Is it him Cyn? I need you to tell me,” Jase whispered, his voice hoarse with pain.

  Cynthia opened her eyes, meeting Jase’s anguished expression with her own. “Yes. That’s him. That’s the man who took me,” she whispered.

  Jase slammed his fist into the wall, cursing violently. She flinched at his reaction, shrinking back. “Jase, I don’t understand…”

  He ignored her, dialing Gena’s number. Hearing her pick up, he said quickly. “Gena, I’m with Cynthia. I showed her Rafe’s photo. It’s him. The son of a bitch was in front of us the whole time.”


  Rafe took the glass from Stephanie, watching her as she took a sip of her own. He was surprised. He had expected her to tremble.
He had expected her anger, her pain and her terror. He hadn’t expected her to kiss him with the same passion he felt for her. He felt connected to her. It unnerved him.

  “Can I ask you why?” she said, watching him take a gulp of his wine.

  “Why?” he asked, taking another sip of his wine.

  “Why did you choose me?” Stephanie said, taking her cell and the bottle of wine off the table and wordlessly moving inside. Rafe silently followed her down the hallway, into the kitchen.

  “I was surprised to find you here,” he confessed.

  Stephanie put the bottle of wine on the bench, moving to the stovetop to lift the lid. She cast a glance in his direction, smiling slightly. “I thought this was the perfect place for our reunion,” she said quietly. When he arched his eyebrow questioningly, she added, “It’s the last place they will look. They will look for me at Jase Devlin’s.”

  “Ah yes, Detective Devlin or, shall I say, FBI Agent Jason Devlin. You fucked him,” Rafe said, his eyes flashing furiously. He moved around the kitchen, until he was standing in front of the knife rack. He pulled one halfway out, fingering the handle lovingly.

  Stephanie smiled coldly at him. “It was a means to an end. I wanted to know what he knew about me – about you.”

  “And?” Rafe drawled, studying the woman in front of him. She was beautiful – beautiful, deadly, and so full of surprises. He wanted to trust her, but he couldn’t. Not yet. She still had to prove herself to him. To prove she wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with her. She needed to show him she wouldn’t let anyone get between them.

  “He knows nothing. He thinks Leigh’s the killer,” Stephanie lied smoothly. “You made sure of that.”

  “Ah yes, Leigh,” Rafe said, pulling the knife out of the rack further. He dragged the tip of the knife against the kitchen bench. Not taking his eyes off her, he edged closer, scrutinizing her for any sign she was playing him. Instead, she met his gaze head-on.


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