An Engagement in Seattle

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An Engagement in Seattle Page 30

by Debbie Macomber

  He’d given Lesley both the freedom and the privacy to make whatever choice she wanted. He wouldn’t stand in her way, judge or condemn her if she decided not to go through with their marriage.

  He was about to lose the wife he wanted, and nobility didn’t offer much compensation.

  All he had to do was wait until she’d made up her mind. He had the distinct feeling that this was going to be a long night.

  “It shouldn’t be this hard,” Lesley wailed to her no-nonsense neighbor.

  “You’re right. It shouldn’t,” Daisy agreed. She stood next to Lesley’s refrigerator, one hand on her hip. “Look at it this way. You could let Chase go back to Alaska alone and spend the next year or two being lied to, manipulated and emotionally abused by a jerk. Or,” she added with a lazy smile, “you could marry a terrific man who adores you.”

  “Chase doesn’t adore me.”

  “Maybe not, but he is crazy about you.”

  “I’m not even sure that’s true.”

  “Haven’t you got eyes in your head?” Daisy asked sarcastically. “He chose you out of hundreds of women.”

  “Not exactly…”

  “Listen, if you want to argue with someone, let me bring in the boys. They’re much better at it than either of us. I don’t have time to play silly games with you. I’m calling this the way I see it. If you want to mess up your life, that’s your choice.”

  “I don’t,” Lesley insisted.

  “Then why don’t you phone Chase? You said he was waiting to hear from you.”

  “I know, but…”

  “Is there always going to be a but with you?” Daisy demanded impatiently. “Now, call the man before I get really mad.”

  Smiling, Lesley reached for the phone. She prayed she was doing the right thing. After wrestling all night with the decision, she got up and tearfully called Daisy, sobbing out her sorry tale. Daisy, who was already late for her classes, had listened intently. She seemed to know exactly what Lesley should do. She made it all sound so straightforward, so easy. It should’ve been, but it wasn’t, even now with the phone pressed to her ear.


  “Chase, it’s Lesley. I’m sorry to phone so early, but I thought you’d want to know as soon as possible.”

  There was a slight hesitation before he spoke. “It would simplify matters.”

  “I…want to go through with the marriage this evening.”

  “You’re sure?”

  He had to ask. Why couldn’t he just have left it alone? “Yes, I’m sure.” Her voice shook as if she was on the verge of tears.

  Daisy took the receiver from her hand. “She knows what she’s doing, Chase. Now don’t you worry, I’ll have her to the church on time.” Whatever Chase said made Daisy laugh. After a couple of minutes, she replaced the receiver. “You going to make it through the day without changing your mind?”

  “I…don’t have any choice, do I?”

  “None. If you stand that man up at the altar, I’m going to murder you and marry him myself. The boys would be thrilled.”

  Lesley laughed. “All right. I’ll see you back here at four. Don’t be late, Daisy, I’m going to need all the support I can get.”

  “What if Tony calls you?”

  “He probably will, but fortunately I don’t plan on being here. I’ve got a million things to do and I don’t intend to waste a single moment on Tony Field.”

  “Good.” Daisy beamed her a bright smile and was out the door a moment later.

  Being nervous came as a surprise to Chase. He’d expected to stand before the preacher he’d hired and repeat his vows without a qualm. He had no doubts, no regrets about making Lesley his bride. Just nerves.

  When she and her close friends, including Daisy and sons, arrived at the hotel for the simple wedding ceremony, Chase hadn’t been able to take his eyes off her. He’d never seen a more beautiful woman. He’d rented a tuxedo, although what had prompted that was beyond his comprehension. The tie felt like it was strangling him and the cummerbund reminded him of the time he’d broken his ribs. He knew Lesley would be pleased, though, and when she smiled at him, he was glad he’d made the effort.

  She’d chosen a soft peach dress, overlaid with white lace. She didn’t wear a veil but a pretty pearl headpiece with white silk flowers. The bouquet of white baby roses was clutched in her hands.

  Lesley had tried to call her mother and stepfather, wherever they were, but their cell phone wasn’t on. Apparently that was typical. Chase reassured her again that they’d tell them later, perhaps arrange to see them in the fall. He, too, was without family—he’d told her only that his parents had died, nothing more—so their guests were mostly Lesley’s friends.

  It was all rather informal. She introduced Chase to Lori and Jo Ann and a number of others, and he shook hands with each one. Minutes later, it was time for the ceremony.

  They stood with everyone gathered around them in the middle of the room. The minister said a few words about marriage and its significance, then asked them to repeat their vows.

  It was at that moment that Chase fully comprehended what was happening between Lesley and him. He pledged before God that he would love Lesley and meet her needs, both physical and emotional.

  The responsibility weighed on his mind. He’d given Lesley time to weigh the decision before agreeing to be his bride, never dreaming he needed to think about it, as well.

  He looked at Lesley as she said her vows. Her steady gaze met his and her voice was strong and clear, without hesitation. When it came time, he slipped the gold band on her finger. He noticed tears brightening her eyes, but her smile reassured him. He could only hope these were tears of joy and not regret.

  When he received permission to kiss his bride, Chase gently took her in his arms and kissed her. With everyone watching them, he made sure it was a short but intense kiss. A kiss that went on longer than he’d planned…

  Lesley’s eyes were laughing when they broke apart. “You’ll pay for that later, Chase Goodman,” she promised in a fervent whisper.

  Chase could hardly wait.

  There was enough food to feed twice as many people as their fifty or so guests. He wasn’t sure how many would be there, so he’d had the hotel staff handle everything. Lesley had given him the names of her friends and he’d invited several people, as well, including Sandra and her husband.

  Becky Bright was there, along with her cameraman. Lesley was wonderful during the interview, answering Becky’s questions without a hint of nervousness. He suspected it was because of her training as a teacher. Personally he was grateful she’d dealt with the reporter because he was at a loss for words.

  He’d considered the ceremony itself a mere formality, something that was necessary, a legal requirement, and that was all.

  Now he wasn’t so sure.

  The vows had gotten to him. He hadn’t truly taken the seriousness of his commitment to heart until he realized that these promises were more, much more, than a few mumbled words. They were vows, a soul-deep contract made between Lesley and himself. A contract that affected every single part of his life.

  “I’ve never seen a more beautiful bride,” he told her while they were going through the buffet line. They hadn’t had a moment alone all evening. His heart was crammed full with all the things he wanted to say to her, and couldn’t.

  “I’ve never seen a handsomer groom,” she whispered back and when she looked at him, her eyes softened.

  Chase filled his plate. “I meant what I said.” He knew that sounded melodramatic and a little trite, but he couldn’t keep it to himself any longer.

  “About what?” Lesley added a cherry tomato to her plate.

  “The vows. I wasn’t just repeating a bunch of meaningless phrases, I meant them, Lesley. I’m going to do everything in my power to be the right kind of husband to you.”

  She didn’t look at him, didn’t move, and he wondered, briefly, if he’d frightened her with his intensity, or perhaps
shocked her. “Lesley?”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered brokenly, staring down at the bowl of pasta salad.

  “I shouldn’t have told you that.” She was suffering from pangs of guilt, he reasoned. The ceremony obviously hadn’t affected her the way it had him.

  “No… Oh, Chase, that was the most beautiful thing you could’ve said.” She raised her eyes to his and he saw she was struggling to hold back tears. “I meant it, too, every word. I’m eager to show you how good a wife I intend to be.”

  Until the moment Lesley had walked into the hotel that afternoon, Chase wasn’t entirely convinced she’d show up for the wedding. All day he’d tried to brace himself in case she didn’t. Now she was his wife, and there was no turning back for either of them.

  “Where are you going for your honeymoon?” Daisy asked, filling her plate on the opposite side of the buffet table. “I meant to ask.”

  “Victoria,” Chase answered. He hadn’t said anything to Lesley, wanting to surprise her. That didn’t seem important now.

  “Victoria,” she repeated. “Oh, Chase, what a wonderful idea.”

  “I don’t imagine you’re going to do much sight seeing, though,” Daisy added with a suggestive chuckle.

  “Daisy!” Lesley said as she blushed becomingly.

  Their honeymoon. The words floated through his mind. Not knowing if Lesley would even be there for the wedding, he’d put off all thoughts as to what would follow.

  He’d wanted to make love with Lesley almost from the moment they’d met. But he was determined not to enter into the physical side of their relationship until they were both prepared to deal with it. To accept the emotional repercussions of that aspect of their lives—of their life together. He didn’t know about Lesley, but he was more than ready. He only hoped she was, too.

  Their guests didn’t seem in any hurry to leave. The champagne flowed freely, but Chase drank only a small amount. He needed a clear head.

  They left, under a spray of rice and birdseed. He placed Lesley’s suitcase in the back of his rental car and ran around to the front of the vehicle.

  “Ready?” he asked, smiling over at his wife. His wife. The word still felt awkward in his mind. Awkward, but very right. He’d accomplished what he’d set out to do. He’d gotten himself a bride.

  The one bride he’d wanted above all.


  “The honeymoon suite,” Lesley whispered as the bellman carried in their suitcases. “You booked us the honeymoon suite?”

  Chase gave the bellman a generous tip and let him out the door. “Why are you so surprised? We’re on our honeymoon, aren’t we?”

  “Yes, but, oh, I don’t know…” She walked around the room and ran her hand over the plush bedspread on the king-size bed. “Oh, Chase, look,” she said after she’d walked into the bathroom. “The tub’s huge.”

  “Imagine wasting all that water,” he teased, enjoying her excitement.

  “They left champagne and chocolates, too.”

  “I’ll file a complaint. How are any two people supposed to survive on that? A man needs real food.”

  “There’s always room service.”

  “Right,” he said, laughing. “I forgot about that.”

  “Oh, Chase, this is so lovely.” She seemed shy about touching him, stopping just short of his arms. He was a bit embarrassed himself, although he didn’t understand why. Lesley was his wife and he was her husband.

  “I…I think I’ll unpack,” she said, reaching for her suitcase.

  “Good idea.” There was definitely something wrong with him. Lesley should be in his arms by now, begging him to make love to her. Instead, they were standing back to back emptying their suitcases, as though they had every intention of wearing all those clothes.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked, just to make conversation.

  “No, but if you want to order something, go ahead.”

  “I’m fine.” No, he wasn’t. His temperature was rising by the minute.

  “I think I’ll take a bath,” she said next.

  “Good idea.” He realized after he spoke that she might find his enthusiasm a bit insulting, but by the time he thought to say something she was in the bathroom.

  The sound of running water filled the suite. He noted that she’d left the door ajar, but he wasn’t certain she’d done it on purpose.

  Focusing his attention on unpacking, Chase opened and closed several drawers, but his mind wasn’t on putting his clothes in any order. It was on Lesley in the other room.

  Lesley removing her clothes.

  Lesley stepping naked into the big tub.

  Lesley sighing that soft, womanly sigh of hers as she slipped into the steaming water.

  The image was so powerful that Chase sagged onto the edge of the bed. He didn’t know what was the matter with him. They were married, and he was acting like a choirboy.

  “Would you like me to wash your back?” he asked.


  Chase’s spirits lifted. That sounded encouraging. He smoothed back his hair and rolled up his sleeves before advancing into the bathroom.

  Lesley was exactly as he’d pictured her. She was lying in the tub, surrounded by frothy bubbles.

  The scent of blooming roses wafted up to him, and her pink toes were perched against the far end. The welcome he saw in her eyes made his heart beat so furiously that for a moment he couldn’t breathe.

  He cleared his throat. “How’s the water?” he asked, shoving his hands in his pants pockets.

  “It’s perfect.”

  “I see you’ve added a bunch of women’s stuff to that water.”

  “Women’s stuff?”

  “Bubble bath or whatever.”

  “Do you mind?”

  “Not in the least.” It was driving him slowly insane, but that didn’t bother him nearly as much as the view he had of her body. She raised one knee and the bubbles slid down her leg in a slow, tantalizing pattern.

  Her leg was pink from the steamy water and for the life of him, he couldn’t stop staring at it. For the life of him he couldn’t stop thinking about that same leg wrapped around his waist.…

  “The, uh, water looks inviting.” His tongue nearly stuck to the roof of his mouth, he was so excited.

  “Would you care to join me?”

  His heart was doing that crazy pounding again. “You sure? I mean…” Darned if he knew what he meant. “Should I bring the champagne and chocolates?”

  “Just the champagne. Let’s save the chocolates for later.”

  He nearly stumbled out of the room in his eagerness to get her what she wanted. He opened the bottle and the popping sound echoed like a small explosion. His hands trembled as he poured them each a flute of champagne. He carried them into the other room, then handed her the glass and sipped from his own, badly needing the temporary courage it offered. Then he realized Lesley hadn’t tasted hers.

  “I’ll wait until you’re in the bath with me,” she explained.

  “Oh.” That was when it occurred to him that he’d need to undress. He did his best not to be self-conscious, but didn’t know how well he succeeded. He wasn’t normally shy, but he’d lived alone for a lot of years and when he undressed there usually wasn’t someone watching his every move.

  He stepped into the tub and she moved forward to make room for him. He eased himself into the hot water, positioning himself behind her. She was slippery in his embrace and he tucked his arms around her waist and brought her up against him. He brushed his mouth over her hair and relaxed, closing his eyes.

  “You feel good,” he whispered. That had to be the understatement of the century.

  Lesley had gone still and so had he. It was as though they’d both lost the need to breathe. He cupped her breasts and she sighed as if this was what she’d been waiting for, as if she wondered what had taken him so long.

  Darned if he knew.

  He smiled, not with amusement, but with male pride and satisfaction.
  “You feel like silk,” he whispered, rubbing his hand down her smooth abdomen. She turned her head toward him, inviting his kiss.

  Chase didn’t disappoint her. He bent forward and kissed her slowly, seducing her mouth with his own. Soon he didn’t know who was seducing whom. They were both breathless by the time he lifted his head.

  They kissed again, the urgency of their need centered on their mouths as she buckled beneath him, gasping and moaning.

  Chase broke off the kiss. In one swift motion he stood, taking her with him. Water sloshed over the sides of the tub, but Chase hardly noticed. He carried Lesley to the bed and placed her on it, not caring if they were soaking wet or that they’d left a watery trail.

  When the loving was over, he rested his forehead against hers, his breath uneven. He could find no words to explain what had happened. No experience had ever been this intense. No woman had ever satisfied him so completely or brought him to the point of no return the way Lesley had.

  Whatever was between them, be it commitment or love or something he couldn’t define, it was out of his control.

  Everything with Lesley was beyond his experience. Everything with her was going to be brand-new.

  Butchart Gardens was breathtakingly beautiful. Chase and Lesley spent their first morning as husband and wife walking hand in hand along the meandering paths, over the footbridges and through the secret corners of the gardens. Lesley couldn’t remember ever seeing any place as beautiful, with a profusion of so many varieties of flowers that she soon lost count.

  By the time they stopped for lunch, Lesley was famished. Chase was, too, gauging by the amount of food he ordered.

  “I’ve got to build my strength up,” he told her.

  Lesley didn’t know she was still capable of blushing, not after the wondrous night they’d spent. She hadn’t known it was possible for any two people to make love so fervently or so frequently. Just when she was convinced she’d never survive another burst of pleasure, he’d convince her that she could. And she did.

  “You’re blushing.” Chase sounded shocked.


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