by Miki
I call the sheriff’s department from my tablet. They’re sending help. There isn’t much we can do except make sure the people and any animals are safe. I knock on several of the cabin doors in the area and tell them to pack; they may need to evacuate. I give them details to start getting medicines and clothes packed.
Mica pulls me to move in another direction. I follow. The fire is spreading farther and faster than before. The winds have whipped up. We warn everyone we can find, “Leave now.” When the fire trucks get near us, we clear out.
Mica and Spar have rejoined us, and we’re flying again. About a mile down the road, there’s a car with its top down. Inside are a couple of young people putting their clothes on, fast. “The car isn’t the only thing with its top down,” I tell Spar. “I figure they must have been getting busy and didn’t notice how bad the fire was.”
The fire’s already surrounded them. “Mica, we need to get them out of here now.”
We both turn to Kino and he sings the two teenagers to sleep. Mica flies in and grabs the boy, while Spar grabs the girl. The kids are dead weight, but my goyles lift them like they’re babies and soar with them to safety.
The best thing we could think to do was to bring them to the Ranger’s Station. I fly ahead in stealth mode. Quiet as I can, I land and change, letting my human blood take over my appearance. Mica and Spar set them down on the ground. I walk up to them and the guys melt into the forest behind them. I’ve got to put on the act of my life. When Kino stops singing, they wake up. “Hi there, my name is Officer Macbard. How do you feel?”
The guy takes his girl’s hand and looks at her, his mouth agape. She doesn’t hesitate and starts talking. She goes into her story, starting with the devil saving them from the fire. I’m doing everything I can to not roll my eyes as Mica, in glamor, comes up behind them.
He says, “I have been called many things, ma’am. I might have been called the devil a time or two. When I pulled you from your car, you were both knocked out. You probably dreamed the devil part.”
“What are your names?” I ask the surprised teenagers.
“Jimmy Danforth and Vanessa Cutter,” they tell me. Two of the most prominent family names is Cueva Hallow.
“Well, Jimmy and Vanessa, it isn’t safe right now, so we can’t call for someone to pick you up. We’ll take you home. I just need to call our boss and check out a vehicle.” I call Murphy telling him about the fire. I use the excuse that Mica and I were riding around to see if I could handle working again so I can tell the doctor I’ve tried, and it’s all good.
He says, “No problem. Take the Ranger SUV you usually drive. I drove it yesterday and the tank is full. Text me the kid’s names and I’ll fill out the report. Oh, also text me the location of the car.”
“I’ll do that,” I tell him. So I did, right then, so I wouldn’t forget. “Hey kids, I’ll get the SUV and be right back. Stay here with Officer Jacobs.”
I can detect Kino and Spar in the forest after I round the side of the main building. I take off toward them. They wait for me.
“Are you both okay? No burns or anything?” They both reply they’re fine. “You guys can go home. You heard that we need to take those teenagers home. It’ll take me about two hours to get back to Navan. Alert Mega and make sure he knows there’s a fire.”
We take Vanessa home first. Her family lives right on the river—meaning the river is about a football field away from her back door. Ritzy neighborhood. I walk her up to the front door. Using my persuasion, I try to back up Mica’s story, so I can reinforce the belief. Making sure she locks the door, I leave. I do the same with Jimmy, only he wants us to leave him at the diner.
After finishing with the kids, we make good time back to the Ranger Station. We head straight into the woods before we change and fly home.
“Mica, do the Elites patrol around here at night? If not, let’s set that up. Just to keep people safe.”
We head back to Navan at top speed. We clean up in my room again. This is also becoming a habit. I like it. I’ll see if Dana will create some closet space for my consorts’ clothes. We have a meeting with the High Guild and we’re already late, according to the calendar Clifton made for me. I send him a short message to let him know we are on the way as soon as we shower off the smoke smell.
“Come on, Mica, shower with me.”
The look on his face is so serious. “I won’t be able to keep my hands to myself, princess.”
“Neither will I, but we need to hurry. I don’t want our first time to be a quickie. Is that okay with you?”
“Everything with you is okay with me.”
This is going to be a test. I can’t help it I start lathering up and as soon as I touch myself he groans. Can I cum just from the sound? Maybe not, but I’m well on the way. I smash myself up against him. I’m the queen boss here and they’ll have to wait a few for me. I’m glad my shower is open like in a locker room. Mica wouldn’t fit in a regular sized shower. Checking out his erection I can’t wait to see how that fits. I have never seen junk quite that large in my life. I look in his eyes asking if I can touch. He says yes. I take him in my lathered hand and pump softly. He steps closer to me kissing my neck, sending tingles to my toes, best feeling ever.
He reaches for my hot, wet pussy, and nope, I was wrong—this is now the best feeling. He holds my hand still and tells me he can’t wait, it’s been a long time. He’s too excited and can’t hold back. Okay, me first then. He slams me against the wall. I can balance by putting the sole of my foot on the wall and my knee on his shoulder. He leans in and kisses my clit. I lean into him, putting my hands on his horns. My body takes over with perfect rhythm. I grind into his tongue. In seconds, I orgasm as he holds my ass. It’s too much, and I try to back away, but he doesn’t let me and I rapidly cum again. Oh, that is good. I reach for his rock-hard penis, sinking to my knees and lick the head while pumping him with my hand. He comes for me quickly.
I stand. My legs are shaky. I’m going to have to start working them more. We clean each other up. I tell him he’s amazing, and I never want to be without him. How can a woman be so lucky anyway?
He tells me I’m the prize, not him. I’ll never be without him if he can help it.
Terminus Debrief
When we enter the conference room there’re a few grins, as Clifton says, “Your Majesty. Now we can start the meeting.”
“Your pardon, my most ardent taskmaster.” I grin at him. “You may start.”
He begins, “The first order of business concerns the ex-HG members who paid for Spar to be killed.”
“Excuse me,” I interrupted, “what do you mean by ‘ex-HG?’”
“My pardon, I mean the High Guild members you removed.”
“Thank you, Count.” I like it. I must be rubbing off on him.
His smile was genuine as he continued. “We traced the money, discovering it came from the four ex-HG members’ accounts equally. Those funds were dispersed among the five nomads who tried to kill Spar. We also found these ex-HG members had been spelled into hiring the hitmen by the nomad mage. This was done as soon as Spar was brought into Navan. They were spelled again when you removed them from the High Guild. This time, the spell included disloyalty to you, my queen. Each of them said they were told to hire help to kill Spar and his girlfriend. These ex-HG Members knew you were the rightful queen. The spell convinced them they were doing the right thing anyway.”
“Did Traver or his family add any funds to this mutiny?” I asked.
“Your Majesty, we found Traver did not contribute to this fund. We assume he was trying to lay the groundwork for laying the blame on others.”
“Thank you, please continue.”
“The nomads did not even know there were dragons in the world again. The mage is one of Barat’s rejects. He has been trying to get away from Baratium with his life for ages. He spelled the ex-HG gargoyles under the impression he was protectin
g the Ceorfan. According to Traver’s account, you are not a real dragon, but a puppet of Jericho who should not be queen. You and Jericho have hatched a plan together so you could procure the dragons’ treasure.”
Jericho says, “That is preposterous!”
“Wait! What? There’s dragon treasure?” Then to myself, “That’s something I haven’t thought about!” I almost want to laugh at Jericho’s outburst, if it weren’t such a serious problem.
“Shall we try the same options as before, but with a protection? They can leave, never to return, and have their names etched in the city as traitors. Or stay and pledge fealty with a spell that they can’t work harm to anyone, man or beast? We’ll do the pledges in the arena for all the Guild to see and take part in. I want to have a short speech concerning our purpose as the Ceorfan Guild. In it, I’ll welcome all the nomads to be friends and known to us.”
Clifton seconds and the vote carries. “Mega, you take all actions for the prisoners. I’ll plan the pledge party at the arena.”
Clifton begins again, “The next order of business concerns John Cooper, your old ranger friend. Evidence was collected by the Ducere team assigned. Pictures, video, telephone calls, receipts proving his location, and witness accounts verifying conduct unbecoming a Federal Officer, dereliction of duty, possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute in a Federal Park, colluding with a foreign government—the list goes on… you get the picture. This information was mailed in a file to Captain Murphy’s home address. John has already been detained and is now awaiting trial. He implicated the others he has been working with. They have also been detained.”
“That’s wonderful! Brilliant job, too,” I comment.
Clifton continues, “I have two dates open for Spar’s integration party. Saint Patrick’s Day, March 17th, or the 24th? We can also combine it into an integration and naming the royal Consorts Princes’ party. What are your wishes, Majesty?”
“I like Saint Patrick’s Day and, yes, let’s make it a dual party, if that’s all right with Spar?”
“I’m fine with a dual party,” says Spar. Mica seconds. The motion carries. Clifton is assigned the task of setting up the party.
“Now, Majesty, do you have news to report?”
“Yes. I want to tell you all the children from the battle are healed and doing well. TASS has found them foster parents and they should be in their new homes soon.
“Likewise, my Ducere and I have practiced many battle and fighting scenarios. But we missed everything to do with helping the wounded. That’s something we’ll be working on. It went very well, having my consorts with me. But in a real battle, I’d need someone to help with the wounded and others to protect the medics. I would like you, Jericho, to start a medical corps for battles. I will of course need to work with them to plan how we’ll handle the flow during battles. Hopefully only one battle. Does anyone want to help Jericho with this task?” One of the guild members, Amethyst, says she would love to if Jericho is agreed. Seconded and carried.
“I’d like the Elites to set up a patrol of the area around Navan at night. I’d also like to invite more humans into Navan. These humans are those who can be trusted to guard during daylight hours. I can ask TASS if they’re able to provide them. That being said, loyalty is an issue. TASS requires that personnel sign a non-disclosure agreement. It acknowledges all property owned by the party would be forfeit. Given that requirement, they have had very few violators.” Mega seconds. Motion carries.
“I’d also like a daily meeting of this guild. I’d like it to be a breakfast meeting. Thirty minutes after sunset is when I want the meetings. I want them over quickly, lasting only thirty minutes to, at most, one hour. I ask each member here to bring me a topic of interest for the Ceorfan Guild as a whole. We need to meet the Guild’s needs and I can’t if I don’t know what we need.” Amethyst seconds, motion carried.
Clifton asks if there are any other subjects that need to be taken care of tonight. Finding none, he dismisses us with the closing, “You are dismissed. Have a good night and thank you for serving.”
I like that closing. It reminds us why we’re here.
“Come on guys, I’m starving. I want pizza. You think they’ll deliver?” We all laugh.
A sneak peek…
Turn the page to read a chapter of the next book in the
Ceorfan Gargoyle Series –
Hewn, Chapter One
Here I am, sitting in the pristine examination room at Dr. Vargas’s office. He’s finished his exam. I have a good idea he’s happy.
“Kendra Macbard, I’ve known you since you were a little girl. If I didn’t know how you heal, I wouldn’t believe these tests results and would run them again.” Doctor Vargas flips though my records. “I think you are more than ready to go back to your job for the Ranger’s Service. No restrictions. Do you agree, or do you have some problem I don’t know about?” says the good Dr. Vargas.
“No sir, no problems. I’m more than ready to return to work.” I’ll be able to get inside information much easier at work, meaning I can take care of my people better. I can’t let them down like I have been. Having to have two of our number executed for treason in the short time I’ve been queen is terrible. Well, at least they can’t call me Bloody Mary, though I’ve got to do better. I must find ways to improve their lives.
On my way out of the doctor’s office, I overhear two ladies in the waiting room gossiping about the Cutter girl. The one says to the other, “Did you hear? She has gone perfectly insane. Spouting that drivel about the devil saving her and that awful Danforth boy.”
Oh no, this is my fault. I sigh. I’ve got to help Vanessa. Gossip, it only hurts people.
I’d made a date with Chris to meet for lunch. Today is her day off. I want pizza, so we’re going to get some. I’ll also take some home to the guys too. Wow. I view Navan as home instead of my dinky little apartment. A dinky little apartment that I need to check on while I’m in town.
I get to Mama’s Bistro on Main and there’s the always-dependable Chris, waiting for me. I get a hug before we sit. “Well, chica, I’ve been given a clean bill of health by the good Dr. Vargas. He says I can go back to work tomorrow. Did you put me on the schedule?”
“You better believe I did, Kendra. We’re so short-handed, it’ll be a blessing for you to be there tomorrow. Your new partner is there today. Too bad about him losing family and all. But he’s back too. Did you hear about John?”
Chris tells me all about John selling drugs, then getting caught. I act surprised before I ask a few questions to make it seem real. We laugh for our whole lunch. I have a good time. She has a hair appointment, so she needs to go. She tells me, “Kendra, you look great. Maybe I should get shot so it would make me look better.” We laugh. I tell her she’s a pretty lady and she knows it.
I order several pizzas to go, for the guys tonight. On second thought, I better make that six. I put them in Jasper’s back seat, then head to my apartment. When I get there, Brian the doorman greets me as he opens the door.
When I get off the elevator, I’m disjointed; the place belongs in an old movie, not my life. Unlocking my door, I close and lock it behind me. It’s different, not like home anymore. I pack a few of my uniforms for work. Check the fridge to be sure nothing is ruined. No, it’s empty and clean. Huh, I’ll bet some stone dude is taking care of me. I love them.
Wait, yeah, it’s true. I’m not denying it. I’m not going to choose between them, either. I want to love and be loved. I’m going to do my best and see what happens. This isn’t home anymore. I’ll keep it—we need a place in town for a base—but that’s it.
I take my uniforms to Jasper, load up, and drive away, pausing to look back at my life. I’ll leave Jasper at one of the Ranger cabins that no one visits. Then I’ll stop to pick up Mica from work. He won’t mind helping me carry stuff when we fly home.
Back in Navan, my
room has had a makeover. Yay! Dana is here, putting in some closets made of stone—like my cave walls, but more functional. I see Dana’s touch in the kitchen too. He has manipulated the stone; I have several gorgeous rock shelves. We spend a lot of time here. I bet more now that I can fit in some supplies instead of having to go to the lunchroom for everything. He put up some of the prettiest red glass lights for me. I set the pizza on my table. Mica gets some out, starting to eat right away.
“Work is going well. There’s a lot of it to catch up. I’ll show you everything tomorrow,” he says between bites.
“Yeah, I suspected we might be behind. Get your shower. I’m changing. The others should be awake by the time you’re finished. We can go to the High Guild meeting together. If we get it over fast enough, we can get back here, watch a movie, eat pizza, and drink a beer, then go flying.”
“Sounds good to me, beautiful.”
Clifton brings the meeting to order as Jericho interrupts, “This cannot wait, Your Majesty.”
“What can’t wait, Jericho?”
“The crystal cave is lit up with lights all of its own making. Usually, it’s a signal to enter and sleep, so I can dream. Do you recollect me informing you of the dreams one has when sleeping in the cave? It wouldn’t let me enter today. I desire your presence, or that of one of your brothers, to ascertain whether it will allow one of you to sleep in the cave. The dream cave was used by the dragon kings and queens, until I was the only one available to use it.”
“I’ll go with you when this meeting is over, if you don’t mind waiting, Jericho.”
We finish the rest of the guild business after he agrees. Rising to leave, the guys and I go with Jericho to his laboratory. I step up to the little enclave. It’s strobing colored lights. My skin thrills from the light. It’s saying it needs me. Taking a deep breath, I sit on the smooth stone seat inside the cave.