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The High Queen's Vow [The Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book IV]

Page 7

by Robbie Collins

  Ll'strin'll kept her sword at the ready, “She is not my Queen."

  Ern'seln’ moved forward, raising her sword, “You are not welcome at my Birth-Mother's funeral. Leave, or die."

  San'lr'in’ placed a hand upon Ern'seln's shoulder, “Remain quiet, Master-Apprentice. Be'rn’ may be your Birth-Mother, but she was also one of us, as a Master, and it is not your privilege to speak to another Master without permission. You know this is truth."

  Ern'seln obeyed her Queen, but kept her sword readied. San'lr'in’ had felt Ann'wn and her Private forces come near her, readied for a battle. She looked at Ann'wn for a moment, but decided to say nothing. She then turned back to Ll'strin'll, sorry that U'Aine’ wasn't among The Masters that had come.

  Giving no attention to either of the Masters, she said, “It is the moment for the funeral."

  Eanna moved forward, challenging Ll'strin'll as she saw that she had not yet re-sheathed her sword, so, “Traitor. At least replace your sword so that the funeral can begin."

  Ll'strin'll came forward to Eanna, “Prepare for your death, Eanna the worthless one. It is the moment that you need to die. I will take no more of you."

  Eanna raised her sword, more than ready to fight against Ll'strin'll, “Gladly I do so, Traitor. You are an embarrassment."

  They touched the tips of their swords and began the battle. Suddenly, another sword came down on both of theirs, breaking their swords in half. Shocked at such a feat, they looked to who now held the sword against them, knowing that the sword of a Master was amongst the strongest in The Realm.

  Seeing that San'lr'in’ had halted their battle, they were yet surprised at her ability to break their swords. Both just stared at her, caught well off-guard at San'lr'in's quick move against them.

  She spoke softly, but with her one eyebrow raised and her patience all but gone, “This is the Great Third Master's funeral. As is her due, we come to display our respect to her. No battle will occur among us this turn, or I will kill the one who next raises her sword."

  Ll'strin'll looked at The High Queen with hate, and saw that she now held The High Queen's sword to her, “You no longer fight as a Master when you use such a sword against me."

  The High Queen looked at her for a moment, raising her sword's tip to Ll'strin'll's throat. Softly and slowly, per her usual, she commanded, “No battle this turn, or you die. I have no regard for you, but it is your due to be amongst us for this moment. It is for this reason only that you now remain standing. Your opinions are nothing but as a traitor's words to Me, so waste not My moments."

  "I challenge you, San'lr'in'thel'ineln'."

  San'lr'in’ nicked Ll'strin'll's neck, drawing blood, then lowered her sword, “And I will accept at another moment. It will be good to have such as you removed from The Realm."

  Ll'strin'll moved her hand to her wound, then looked at it, seeing blood. She was more than angry, but held it in, “My moment will arrive soon, San'lr'in'thel'ineln'. And be warned—I taught you everything you know, so I know all your weaknesses."

  San'lr'in’ narrowed her eyes, wishing she could battle against this one at this moment, “I am a fool not to kill you upon this moment, but you are a fool to think you know so much as this. Prepare for your death, Traitor, and know that none of The Realm's true Masters will attend your funeral, as you are no Master amongst us."

  Ll'strin'll was slightly surprised at San'lr'in's apparent strength. Never prior had Ll'strin'll seen her so strong in both deed and word, and never prior against her.

  "You are strong upon these turns."

  The High Queen glared at her for a moment, then turned to Ann'wn, “Let us begin.” She then moved to the funeral pyre. As she did so, she placed her hand on Ern'seln's shoulder, “Stand beside Me, Master-Apprentice."

  When all was prepared, San'lr'in’ nodded to the warriors to begin, but Ann'wn suddenly interrupted her, “More strangers approach, Highness."

  Having gone unnoticed by The High Queen, seven travelers neared, kneeling fully before San'lr'in', “Most Great High Queen of The Realm."

  Ann'wn, Sam, Meera, An'ther'on and Uthrn were instantly present, swords already at the strangers’ necks, “State your purpose."

  "We request permission to attend the Great Third Master's funeral."

  The women lay fully upon the ground before The High Queen, as was their fashion. Their bodies were fully flattened upon the dry earth, with their arms straight out from their sides.

  San'lr'in’ studied them carefully, recognizing their garments but not knowing the identity of the strangers. She spoke quietly to them, guessing as to their true identity, “How is it you knew of her death?"

  The woman who spoke for the group glanced up for a slight moment at The High Queen, then cast her eyes quickly away, “We sensed it, Most Honored and Greatest High Queen."

  All saw that the women covered most of their faces with a veil that wrapped around their head, shielding even most of their hair from view, yet the remainder of their clothes was scant. The High Queen saw an all-but-covered mark upon the hand of the spokeswoman for the group, recognizing the mark instantly. But she held the knowledge to herself.

  "Rise. Tell Us who now stands before Us."

  The women rose, with the spokeswoman standing before The High Queen, yet keeping her glance removed from her.

  "We are just simple travelers, Highness. We met the Great Third Master long prior as she saved us from traitors of The Realm. We would like to give our final respects to her, as is her due."

  "You are not a Master.” The remark came from a guard.

  The woman suddenly and surprisingly removed one of the guard's swords from her grasp, moving it to just a breath away from The High Queen's neck, then as suddenly and quickly, tossed it up, catching it by the tip, offering the sword's hilt to The High Queen. The High Queen watched the woman's movements carefully, seeing great skill in her sword usage. The movements were so quick as to catch The High Queen's guards fully off-guard. Ann'wn made a move to kill the stranger, but The High Queen placed her hand on Ann'wn's arm, halting her.

  She then nodded, “You may remain. Do you wish to provide the song for the Master?"

  The woman bowed her head slightly, “We would be honored, Great Highness."

  The High Queen motioned for Ann'wn and the others to relax their swords. As they moved back to their prior positions, The High Queen studied the eyes of the spokeswoman for the group, seeking her identity, but the woman yet kept her eyes averted.

  San'lr'in’ turned back to the task at-hand, resting her hand lightly on Ern'seln's shoulder, sending her a message, Be strong, Master-Apprentice. Your Birth-Mother would have it so.

  She saw Ern'seln strengthen her body against her sadness, and saw that Ern'seln also didn't seem to recognize the strangers.

  The High Queen nodded to Ann'wn to begin the ceremony, thinking to herself, We bury overly many of The Realm's loyal daughters these turns.

  The newly arrived strangers began The Master's funeral song, a slow, sad melodic dirge with whistles and drums. The Masters quietly fought between themselves to carry Be'rn’ on her last journey, each side carrying one side of the flat plank on which Be'rn’ was laid. As the music began, they carefully lifted the plank, then slowly began Be'rn's last walk in this realm, carrying Be'rn's body over their heads, her sword resting lengthwise on top of her prone body, her hands grasping its hilt. She had been prepared in her Master's uniform, and if no one knew better, it looked only as if she now slept.

  The High Queen closed her eyes, trying to regain the emotional strength she knew she would need for this moment. When she opened her eyes, she watched Be'rn's last journey with great sadness.

  I am sorry, Be'rn', Third Master.

  Sle'nel’ watched her lover, seeing her stand rigidly unmoving, seeing her stand in her most formal of manners, seeing her stand as strong and unwavering, yet seeing her eyes cast a sadness that reached well into eternity.

  The remaining Masters finally joined
in the song, accompany the singers with drums giving forth their death roll. The song wailed and cried of the death of one of The Realm's great warriors, and The High Queen was pleased that Be'rn’ was receiving her proper due.

  The procession lasted for many moments, at a slow pace and with great dignity. Sle'nel’ saw that her lover's eyes never moved away from Be'rn's body.

  The Masters reached the funeral pyre and placed Be'rn's body gently upon it. The High Queen stepped close to the body, bringing Ern'seln with her. As the strangers and Masters continued Be'rn's final song, San'lr'in’ began her part of the ceremony by looking upward, raising her hands to the sky, then bringing them back to her, crossing them quickly, fisted, over her chest, as she bowed her head. With arms crossed over her breasts, she raised her head back to the sky.

  As the strangers and Masters continued singing the Master's funeral song, she began her portion of the ceremony, “Spirits of The Realm. Watchers of The Realm. Hear Me, as High Queen. The Realm is forced to relinquish a Great Master to you this turn. As we are greatly and deeply saddened for her departure, we also now celebrate her service to The Realm she so loved. Take her quickly to you, as this is Be'rn', the Great Third Master of The Realm. Guide her swiftly across the winds to her rest. We now honor her from this turn on, singing praises to her fully loyal and selfless deeds. And we all struggle to follow her generosity and steadfastness to The Realm. Her unshaken belief in her direction serves as the example we uphold. Her strength and dedication were that of a true Master, and of the greatest of Warriors."

  Unfolding her arms, she looked down at her, “Be'rn'. Master Teacher. Great Third Master. We are saddened in your departure from us. You have well earned your rest and our undying respect. You will be honored ever forward from this moment."

  She looked back up to the sky, her arms once again folded across her chest, but keeping her thoughts to herself, You take the wrong one this turn.

  She again unfolded her arms and returned her look to Be'rn', “I will miss you, Master Teacher.” As she kept her eyes upon Be'rn', all heard her say, “Here lies The Realm's most loyal of daughters. Here lies a life of dedication unequaled. Here lies a true warrior, and a true friend.” She raised her head to those who stood watching, “Who among you now takes her place? Who among you now completes her path?"

  She touched Ern'seln's shoulder lightly. Ern'seln moved close to her Birth-Mother, then looked at her High Queen, “I take her place, High Queen. As my Birth-Mother displayed, so shall I.” She turned back to her Birth-Mother, bowing her head, “Birth-Mother. Great Third Master. Master Teacher. I will miss you greatly."

  She moved back next to The High Queen. All the Masters and warriors then knelt onto one knee, clasped their fisted right hand to their heart, and bowed their head, “Master."

  After they rose, San'lr'in’ looked at Ern'seln, who nodded slightly to her. San'lr'in’ nodded to the sorcerers, who brought forward the torch. They handed it to Ern'seln, who took it and lit the pyre in several places. San'lr'in’ moved her hand slightly, raising the intensity of the fire, ensuring that the fire would burn hot and quick.

  When the fire engulfed Be'rn's body fully within it, San'lr'in’ closed her eyes for a moment, bowing her head, calling a spell to her. She opened her eyes, then reached into the fire with one hand, removing Be'rn's sword. She brought the red-hot glowing sword from the fire and held it close to her, holding it upright, while looking at it as if examining it.

  "A Master's sword. A gift to The Realm. A great sword of a greater Master.” She turned to Ern'seln, “A Master's sword is among the finest of swords in The Realm. It is cast as the heart of a Master: True. Strong. Willing. Fearless. It is cast from metals known only to the Masters, and is as rare in The Realm as the Masters themselves. When a Master dies, it is tradition that their sword dies with them. But Third Master Be'rn’ asked a last request of The Realm, and upon this turn, I grant this request."

  She touched the red-hot sword with her other hand, cooling it, then turned to Ern'seln, “This is the sword of a great, great Master. Your Birth-Mother's sword. It is now yours, Master-Apprentice, as this is your Birth-Mother's last request. Hold it ever close to you. Always use it as your Birth-Mother would, as the Great Third Master would desire of you. Make no errors with this sword, and depart not from what the Masters would have from you. With this sword, hold true to your path, as did your Birth-Mother."

  She raised it high for all to see, “This is now Master-Apprentice Ern'seln's sword."

  She lowered it and held the hilt to Ern'seln. Ern'seln took it, trying to clear the tears from her eyes. San'lr'in’ saw that Ll'strin'll looked well displeased about Be'rn's last request. She guessed that Ll'strin'll now knew that she would gain no hold on Ern'seln. While all waited, watching the funeral pyre take hold of the Great Third Master, the strangers and Masters continued their song until it was completed, providing the appropriate background for this most solemn and honored of ceremonies.

  When the ceremony was completed, San'lr'in’ looked back to the burning pyre and softly said, “Farewell, Great Third Master. You performed your duty to The Realm in the highest of bravery. I hope I do as well."

  As they watched the fire, the spokeswoman for the group of strangers began another song. It was a beautiful melody, and one that most of those present assumed was providing a story about the funeral of the Great Third Master. But as the song began, The High Queen jerked ever-so-slightly, being caught off-guard in the song's words:

  * * * *

  Listen well to my song, High Queen.

  To this story of treachery.

  There is a one now in The Realm

  Who is seeking a reckoning.

  * * * *

  A very old and bitter one

  Has provided some long lost spells

  To the one who is now returned

  Who is seeking his reprisal

  * * * *

  Be forewarned; be well prepared

  He seeks your death and seeks your reign

  He seeks to halt The Elves’ return

  He vows The Realm is his domain.

  * * * *

  His spells are strong, his sword is swift.

  He uses pain, their fragility

  He has mastered the innocents

  Achieving strength and loyalty

  * * * *

  Prior Masters stand at his side.

  Giving away abilities

  They bestow him their master powers

  Giving him your agility

  * * * *

  But despair not, my Great High Queen.

  All is not lost on disloyalty

  Prior Masters are at your side

  Trust in this strong facility

  * * * *

  Remain watchful, ever aware.

  As you were taught. As you well learned.

  You are High Queen. You are The Realm.

  Use your powers. Do not get burned.

  * * * *

  The First High Queen had a great sword.

  Use this weapon. Use it most well.

  He knows it not. He does not think.

  The weapon will undo his spells.

  * * * *

  You are High Queen. You are The Realm.

  Heed well my tale of treachery.

  You are well loved. Do not be harmed.

  Your reign has just begun, my Queen.

  * * * *

  Listen well to my song, High Queen.

  To this story of treachery.

  There is a one now in The Realm

  Who is seeking a reckoning.

  * * * *

  San'lr'in’ listened to the song, watching as the singer glanced at her occasionally, showing dark eyes to her. The High Queen glanced around, wondering if anyone else recognized the long-prior unused words of the Masters’ Secret Codes. As the woman sang the song of warning, using the long unused words, San'lr'in’ finally knew of her identity, without question.

  U'Aine. The Fourth Great Master.

  When the song ended, the woman knelt, made eye contact with her, bowed her head, rose, then quickly and silently departed.

  "Who was that, Highness?"

  San'lr'in’ turned to the voice, “Just a long-prior friend of Be'rn's, Force Leader."

  She placed her arm around Ern'seln, moving them away from the now raging fire. Knowing that the fire burned as needed, San'lr'in’ was now ready to leave. But she saw that Eanna and Ll'strin'll were once again preparing to fight each other.

  "I challenge you, Eanna. Prepare yourself."

  "I accept, Traitor."

  San'lr'in’ knew that Ll'strin'll would most certainly beat Eanna in the challenge, killing her, as Ll'strin'll was the First Great Master.

  She called to her long-prior former teacher, “Ll'strin'll."

  Ll'strin'll looked at her with intense hatred, “Do you interfere in our affairs once again, San'lr'in'thel'ineln'?"

  "Do I need remind you that you challenged Me prior to challenging Eanna?"

  "What of this?"

  "You must complete your challenge with Me, first, Traitor."

  "You just know she will lose and now seek to save her worthless life."

  "You are most certainly a traitor, and of this we know, but are you also now a liar?"

  Ll'strin'll's eyes filled with loathing, “A liar? Why do you call me as such?"

  "Did you not vow this, as a Master, that you must win your first challenge prior to beginning the next?"

  She glared at her, “You both will lose, anyway. I am First Master."

  "Then what difference will it make to fight Me first, Traitor? Or do you fear you will lose?"

  Ll'strin'll pushed Eanna away from her, then mounted, pulling on her horse's reigns fiercely, “So shall it be, then. We will meet soon, San'lr'in'thel'ineln'. Be forewarned. You have ruled this realm for overly long."

  She and Eanna watched as Ll'strin'll and her followers left, then Eanna turned to San'lr'in', “You had no need to do as such, Highness. I am well prepared to finally fight her."

  The High Queen placed her hand lightly on Eanna's shoulder, “And you will lose. You know not her abilities. They are far beyond yours. Remain well away from her."


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