The High Queen's Vow [The Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book IV]

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The High Queen's Vow [The Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book IV] Page 8

by Robbie Collins

  "But you will fight her, High Queen, and you should do not so, as we cannot lose you."

  The High Queen smiled lightly, “You think I will lose, Eanna? Place not such a wager, as you will lose this as well. But go now, and be safe. And heed My words—keep your distance from her."

  Eanna bowed her head, “Yes, Highness. We also make our way to El'fs'nd'lle, and will hopefully be waiting for you. My Queen?"

  "Eanna. What is it you desire from Me?"

  "Who was that stranger? The singer. She seemed most familiar, and she held the sword well."

  "Sorcery. Only this. Just a woman who Be'rn’ had befriended long prior. But a good singer as well."

  "She was not a Master, Highness?"

  She laughed lightly, “A Master? Surely not. You have My leave, Eanna."

  She turned away from Eanna, having had enough of the Masters, and examined the fire. Seeing that it yet burned with great intensity, The High Queen looked to Ann'wn, “Are we prepared to leave, Force Leader?"

  "Yes, Highness. My Queen?"

  "Tell Me."

  "I am sorry for the loss of Be'rn', Highness."

  She looked for a moment at Ann'wn, knowing well she knew about such loss as this, but finding little to say in response. Finally, she sighed, “Thank you, Force Leader. It is always a sad moment when we lose as such."

  The attendants placed The High Queen's cloak upon her, then she mounted her horse as all others also prepared for their departure. Yet not fully recovered from the prior turn, she was weary, having used even further of her energies on the necessary funeral for her long-prior teacher.

  She looked to her side and saw Sle'nel'. Without a word, she held out her hand to her, desiring the peace this Elf so easily gave to her. Sle'nel’ grasped her Queen's hand firmly, squeezing it softly, but also saying nothing, seeing the deep sadness in her Queen. For a brief moment, they looked into each other's eyes as their hands held firm, then San'lr'in’ closed her eyes, moving herself away from the moment for fear she might give in to it. They gently let go of each other's hands, as San'lr'in’ placed her cloak's hood over her head, grateful for the distance it afforded her from all others. She nodded to Ann'wn, and once again, the group continued overly their long journey.

  * * * *

  Ann'wn had An'ther'on lead the travelers for the remainder of the turn, wanting to ride closer to her Queen and to The Healer. As now the custom, many of the Black Guard had already left to scout for enemies.

  She came up beside The Healer, who rode slightly behind The High Queen, “The Elf is quiet these turns."

  The Healer nodded, glancing over to Sle'nel', “She has spoken to no one these two turns, except to Sele', but observes fully. I have heard that it is an Elf's nature to stand at such a distance. Where do we now head, Force Leader?"

  "We head to where the lightning struck."

  The Healer looked surprised, “What is there?"

  "The High Queen now searches for the Master of the Dark Sorcery."

  "What does this lightning strike have to do with such?"

  "The High Queen knows not who it is, but uses the lightning to find where this Master of the Dark Sorcery used his sorcery to call the long-prior dead forces to him. She also is quiet this turn."

  "She will sleep this turn as we journey, as she used over-commanding powers prior turn. I felt her exhaustion while we helped her in her meditations. The weight of her exhaustion surprised even me. I know not how she continued through the funeral, as the eve gave her little rest in this regard."

  Ann'wn looked at The High Queen, seeing that San'lr'in’ was beginning to slump over onto her horse, a sign Ann'wn knew well. They traveled for the remainder of the lighted turn, then made camp at the edge of what The High Queen had told her would be the last water they would see for many turns. As the horses came to a halt, The High Queen yet slept. Ann'wn and An'ther'on lowered her gently off her horse, and Ann'wn carried her to her already prepared tent. For such a powerful Queen, Ann'wn thought her a light woman, and admired her great beauty. She was amazed that The High Queen could sleep so soundly, noticing that The High Queen relaxed her head against her.

  She laid her gently down in the already prepared bed, then left. The Healer examined The High Queen, concerned, “She sleeps overly deep."

  Both Sele’ and Sle'nel’ were also beside San'lr'in'. Sle'nel’ placed her hand to her Queen's cheek, “She sacrifices much of herself to The Realm."

  Sele’ touched her Queen's head lightly, “It is as you say, Healer. She seems to have moved herself into a state of deep unconsciousness. I think she lies heavy with sorrow, from the funeral."

  The Healer looked at Sele’ for a moment, thinking of her words, then once again examined her Queen. Frowning, she looked back up, “Can you help me to bring her away from this place?"

  Sele’ nodded, looking older by the turn, “I can try, if you guide me."

  Sele’ and The Healer worked on bringing their Queen back into The Realm, and far away from the overly deep sleep she had placed on herself. It took much effort on both their parts, but they finally accomplished their task.

  "Thank you, Young One. You did well."

  "I followed your lead, only, Healer. You are as High Queen has said, a great Healer."

  The Healer looked at Sle'nel', “I would guess that she will sleep until the morn. I am sorry, Elf, but she is over-exhausted."

  Sle'nel’ nodded only, and knelt back down beside her Queen.

  The Healer left the tent thinking that she also would just go to her own tent and try to forget the turn's overly many unexplainable events. As she exited the tent, Ann'wn held out a plate of food for her, “You need to eat. You also are well exhausted. Come. We will sit by the fire until you are finished. Then you need to sleep."

  The Healer looked down at the plate of food, thinking she didn't want it, but noticed that she thought it smelled inviting. She placed a hand up to Ann'wn's cheek, “Thank you, Force Leader. Without this care, I would have gone straight to my bed. I am unused to such kind treatment."

  They sat together on a log, quietly eating. For all their desire of each other, Ann'wn could tell that The Healer was overly tired.

  "You are quiet."

  "As are you."

  "I have slept not in over a turn, as I have been tending to our Queen."

  "You are beautiful when tired. Your hair has not been tended in over a turn, yet it lies about you as if it well cared for. And your eyes sparkle."

  She laughed softly, “You are an easy flatterer, Force Leader. You have had one overly-many lovers."

  Ann'wn looked offended, teasing her, “Me? Why, Healer, you stab me in the heart."

  The Healer smiled, placed down her empty plate, and leaned against Ann'wn. Ann'wn's heart jumped at the pleasure of the feeling; at the easiness of it.

  "And I love your strength. You are just always there when needed."

  She looked up into Ann'wn's eyes, seeing that they were staring at her, “What are you thinking, Force Leader?"

  Ann'wn placed her arm around The Healer and brought her more closely to her, “I was wondering what your answer was to my question prior to the interruption."

  "Have you no doubts about this, Force Leader?"

  "In full truth, no."

  The Healer heard Ann'wn's response, but was enjoying the softness of the moment as she leaned against Ann'wn's shoulder. It had been many cycles since she had taken such comfort from another.

  After a few moments of listening to The Healer's breathing, Ann'wn knew that The Healer had drifted off to sleep. She rose quietly, then picked up The Healer and carried her to her tent. After gently laying her on the ground-bed, she removed The Healer's outer garments and covered her. Ann'wn crouched near her and thought about this possible relationship as she stared at The Healer's beauty. She then finally made her decision. She rose, removed her own garments, laid beside The Healer, and wrapped her into her arms.

  In the morn, in a tent close to The High Q
ueen's, Ann'wn woke, sensing someone near her. She opened her eyes, recalling that she held The Healer in her arms. She recalled the long prior eve to her as she watched over her sleeping Healer. She desired this woman's touch beyond endurance, yet was strangely satisfied in lying next to her for the moment.

  Shr'dler'in woke lightly in the early morn, interrupted in her sleep by Ann'wn's change in breathing. She woke her mind enough to know that her head was cradled between the Force Leader's arm and chest, her body burrowed in close to her. She moved her hand to Ann'wn's breast, holding it, knowing that even if she didn't think this a good idea of moving themselves together, her body would no longer be halted in its desire of the Force Leader's strong touch. She kissed Ann'wn's breast, while teasing the other one between her fingers.

  Ann'wn moaned her reply.

  The Healer needed no more motivation, and moved her hand between Ann'wn's naked and highly muscled thighs, touching deeply and urgently into her increasing moisture and warmth. Ann'wn also moved into the moment, and for the remainder of the early morn, they gave in to their long-prior cravings of each other.

  After their first moments joined together, Ann'wn lay holding The Healer in her arms, desiring her further, yet fully contented in the partnership, “I love touching your body, Healer."

  The Healer was thinking the same of Ann'wn's, “Why?"

  "It is so soft and comforting."

  "And I love yours, but for the opposite reason. Yours is so firm and strong. It makes me feel so safe and desired."

  Ann'wn touched The Healer's face, yet enjoying her most welcomed softness, “You make me feel like no other ever has."

  The Healer laughed, “Tired? Exhausted?"

  Ann'wn moved her body between The Healer's legs, making her to open them widely, while she kissed her breasts and touched deeply and urgently into the place that she longed desired, “No. I cannot seem to tire of you. This is the feeling I meant."

  But The Healer could no longer hear her, as she moaned in pleasure and need of her wonderfully strong lover.

  After a much-needed quiet eve, The High Queen opened her mind to The Realm, wondering where she was. She sensed Sle'nel’ next to her, and was pleased. She sighed, then moved slightly into her.

  "You are awake."

  The High Queen opened her eyes, “My Desire."

  Sle'nel’ moved on top of her, kissing her softly, touching her arms, “In truth, who are you, San'lr'in'?"

  She examined Sle'nel's thoughts lightly. As she caressed Sle'nel's shoulder, she sensed her frustration and answered her question, “I am High Queen. Is that not more than enough?"

  "You are more than High Queen. No one has such command over life and death as this. This is beyond the Deep Mystics’ powers. Who are you, in truth, and why is such hidden from The Realm?"

  "Am I not a woman as any other?"

  Sle'nel’ sat up, straddling San'lr'in', and looked down at her, “If so, then tell me it is so. Look at me and tell me that you are as any other woman."

  "As Sele'm'tinel'ti'non'n is the same as any other, then as am I."

  Sle'nel’ thought on the statement for a moment, “Is Sele’ of my background, in part?"

  "Yes. This is truth. You are her Birth-Mother in all ways. She is, in part, Elfin background."

  "Is she of Sam's line in the other part?"

  "She is partly of the line."


  She hesitated, then said, “No."

  Sle'nel’ looked shocked, “No? Sam is her mother, is she not?"

  "In that you and Sam were joined in companionship, yes."

  "Who is her mother, in truth?” She saw that The High Queen wasn't going to answer her, “I know not who I am. I know not who my Birth-daughter is. And I know not who my lover is. In truth, High Queen, what is it that I do know?” She lay back down onto her Queen and looked directly at her, “Who are you? Who is my Birth-daughter? Who is this First High Queen to you?"

  "It is overly complicated. Even I refuse to accept what is so. Even I back away from this. I wish not to acknowledge these truths. I wish not to know who I am, Elf. It is overly difficult. I just wish to be as any other.” She looked and felt sad, knowing she was disappointing her Elf. She spoke very softly, “In truth, I wish only to be with you, in your arms."

  The High Queen had spoken her truth, and Sle'nel’ saw it as so. Yet unsatisfied, she knew that this lack of knowledge that so frustrated her, frustrated her lover even more in the knowing of it. She nodded her acceptance, lying back onto their bed. She thought about it for a moment, then moved back onto her Queen, kissing her, “I know one thing, my Queen."

  San'lr'in’ smiled at her, “And what is this that you know so well, Elf?"

  Sle'nel’ kissed her fully, causing The High Queen to desire her. San'lr'in’ placed her hand softly on the back of Sle'nel's head, bringing her more closely and tightly to her, “This you know well, My Elf. Very well."

  The attendants were finally allowed in to prepare The High Queen. They informed her that Ann'wn and her Healer had requested an audience with her. Both she and Sle'nel’ noticed the attendants’ giggles.

  As they entered, The Healer bowed her head, “Good morn, High One."

  Ann'wn knelt and bowed her head, “Highness. Thank you for seeing us."

  The High Queen noticed that her attendants giggled once more, and saw that they were casting quick glances toward The Healer and to her Force Leader. She sensed their thoughts for a moment, then reached into the Healer and Ann'wn's thoughts. She smiled, but turned away from them so they didn't see her do so. Sle'nel’ watched her Queen, guessing as to what she now knew.

  The High Queen turned to her attendants, “Thank you. You have My leave.” She then looked at her Healer, then Ann'wn, and saw that both were trying to appear as normal, “Force Leader. You requested My audience? By the way, where are we?"

  "We are at the last water, my Queen."

  She nodded, pleased in the report, “Is all prepared for our drought-like forced conditions for the next few turns?"

  "Every water-holder we have has been filled, my Queen."

  "Healer, are all well among us?"

  "Except for some minor wounds from our prior fight, all are well."

  "Force Leader, how far to the lightning strike?"

  She bowed her head briefly, “A turn. Two at the most. It is hard to know the distances in this flatland, my Queen."

  The High Queen looked at her, “Is something wrong, Force Leader? You look nervous."

  She bowed her head once again, feeling very nervous, “No, my Queen. All is well."

  "And Healer. Why are you so quiet this turn? Are you not going to pry into My affairs, per your usual? And why does your face look so flushed as this?"

  "Uh? Oh, yes, my Queen. Will you be tending to your meditations this morn?"

  "This eve. I am yet overly tired from the use of My powers.” She turned to Ann'wn, “Force Leader. We will turn north after finding our lightning strike."

  "Yes, my Queen."

  "Then we travel to the Sorcerer's Forest."

  "The Sorcerer's Forest, my Queen?"

  She nodded and laughed lightly to herself, winking at Sle'nel', “Where nothing is as it seems, Ann'wn. Much like those about Me."

  * * * *

  They began their long journey into the vast wastelands, yet weary from the prior battle, weary of the overly long journey, yet willing themselves to remain watchful and alert. Although many of them had traveled much of The Realm's expanse, water was seldom an issue to consider except in terms of its vastness. Few of them knew what it was like to face such dryness, many of them looking back upon the river they now left behind, watching with a foreboding dread as it disappeared from their sight.

  They traveled well into the eve, The High Queen wanting to turn north as quickly as possible, unpleased about not reaching the lightning strike within the turn, but mostly hoping to avoid a confrontation with the Grandmother. Ann'wn had a few guards scout all aro
und them, with two of them reporting that they were within quick reach of the lightning strike in the morn. Finally satisfied, The High Queen allowed them to halt for the turn.

  At the next morn, The High Queen rose early, anxious to discover who was able to call such dark sorcery to them. As Ann'wn had vowed, they reached the site of the lightning strike by midmorn, most fully surprised at the massive damage it had provided. A large crater now faced them as they rode forward. The High Queen dismounted and called her Healer, Sele’ and the five sorcerers to her, then walked to the middle of the large crater. She wondered briefly to herself, If they were here, then Grandmother must be near, for surely their forces are joined. But then, are we not a few turns from her dwelling?

  Ignoring her growing frustration in the moment, she turned to the others, “It was here they stood as they sent their long-dead forces into battle to meet us. We must find a way to discover the Dark Sorcerer's identity. There always remains some residue from a spell, so this is where we must first begin. Sorcerers, cast a spell to open us to this Dark Sorcerer's leftover energy force. Sele', you must now help Me."

  Sele’ bowed her young, but growing head, “I am at your service, Highness."

  San'lr'in’ looked at her Healer, “Healer. Your service is most essential this morn. While you hold not the powers to help us in our search, you alone must ensure that the Young Future Supreme Sovereign and I remain in The Realm, as our search will now take us to its very edge. You will need to prevent us from stepping over into this OuterRealm."

  "Yes, High One. How do I do this?” She remained outwardly calm, but her mind was screaming, OuterRealm? Surely this is far overly dangerous.

  "I know not. Never has such been attempted, of which I am aware. But we now must trust in your ability to do so, as you know My meditations better than any other. Should we step over the edge, save our Young One first. We must then trust that I can return on My own."

  "This sounds overly risky, Highness.” She thought her statement a gross understatement, at the very least of it.

  San'lr'in’ looked at her, thinking on her words, “Indeed, Healer. It does, as you say. And so it is. But I must try to find this information. The Dark Sorcery must be removed from The Realm, once again; and as quickly as possible. Remain close in our minds, Healer, but not overly so. This you know how to do. If you require assistance, call the sorcerers or My sister to you and use what powers they have."


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