The High Queen's Vow [The Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book IV]

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The High Queen's Vow [The Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book IV] Page 11

by Robbie Collins

  "Which part of you is of Sam?"

  "I am, in part, of her line."



  "San'lr'in’ is your Mother?"

  "Yes, and some no. More than The Highest. One of my mothers is from long-prior. I have been crafted from a long-line, but will look as a cross between my Queen's line and your line, of the great Elf, your mother."

  "How can San'lr'in’ be your Mother?"

  "The Watchers of The Realm have their ways, Birth-Mother.

  "Who is this Mother from long-prior?"

  "I cannot share this with you, Birth-Mother, as I have not yet been given this memory."

  "You have a guess?"

  "Yes. As do you."

  Sle'nel’ shook her head, “Has there ever been this much interference into The Realm's affairs?"

  "It is the nature of Mystics, and why we think so differently than the humans."

  "But if you are of Sam's side, in part, you must have some human within you."

  "Far less than Mother, but enough to understand them. It must be so, as they are firmly attached to our future. It is why I have been so carefully crafted into a blend of many. Never prior was this able to be accomplished, but now it is so through me. But if you are displeased with an adult as a Birth-daughter, in mind, know that The First High Queen has offered you and our Queen a child together, if that be your desire."

  "I am not displeased in you, Birth-daughter. I accept who you are, as strange as your growth rate seems to all, but have no need of another. You are quite enough in this regard."

  "Thank you, Birth-Mother.” She rose, “I go to be tended by Ern'seln'. She awaits and has vowed a lesson by a Master-apprentice."

  "Your Queen would have you to never fully trust anyone, my Birth-daughter."

  "Yes, Birth-Mother."

  They waited another turn, resting from the heat, re-nourished from their added water supplies, and less worried over their High Queen. During the late after midturn of the next turn, San'lr'in’ finally woke herself, feeling as if she could finally move in The Realm. She opened her eyes and fully saw her Elf for the first moment since prior to the crater. She rose, allowing her Elf to continue in her sleep, as she moved into her meditations, trying to recall some of her powers to her.

  When she was completed with them, she saw that her Elf awaited her, “Would you like your attendants to tend to you?"

  She nodded.

  After the attendants left, she yet stood, saying little. Sle'nel’ pressed her to return more to The Realm, “Did you discover the identity of this Dark Sorcerer?"

  "The long-prior teacher told Me of him."


  She nodded again, “Both are from the era of The First High Queen."

  "This long prior? She had a busy reign. It seems it was as eventful as yours is now."

  "So it would seem.” She held out her hand to Sle'nel', “Walk with Me over to this long-prior teacher?"

  Sle'nel’ rose and took her High Queen's arm, “How strong is this one?” They began walking over to where the long-prior teacher was now resting. Sle'nel’ could tell that San'lr'in’ was greatly weakened.

  "The Dark Sorcerer? Very, it would seem, and he has all the Dark Powers called to him."


  "Many, indeed. He will be a difficult opponent."

  "But he has none of the Mystic powers, just the sorcerer's powers."

  "But of long prior when the sorcerer's were much stronger, or so I have heard. He will have to be beaten once again. He has returned to prevent the Elves’ return."

  "Is this long-prior teacher a teacher of The First High Queen's, then?"

  "So it would seem. And she is a Master, as well. A true Master."

  "How long before you can restore your powers to you?"

  "Soon enough. He has used much of his, as well. No such spell can occur again so soon, if My guess is correct of his abilities."

  "How long has he been returned?"

  "Since your return as Elf-kind to The Realm."

  When they arrived, San'lr'in’ bent down close to the sleeping long-prior teacher. She touched her head, sending her thoughts.

  Fon'elnn'. Hear Me. Bring your thoughts forward to Me.

  Fon'elnn’ heard San'lr'in’ and tried to move her thoughts into The Realm. The Young One had helped her, along with The Healer of the one that now spoke to her, but she was yet far from understanding The Realm, having been so long from it. She struggled.

  Fon'elnn'. It is the moment you return to The Realm. The High Queen has need of your presence. You must return and tend to her.

  Who being you?

  Return to The Realm, Fon'elnn'. The High Queen needs you. She commands your return.

  Fon'elnn’ struggled even further, trying to obey The High Queen's command. Of all the Mystics in The Realm, Fon'elnn’ was most loyal to her High Queen and loved her beyond all words or actions. It was the reason she had so willingly stepped into the OuterRealm to remove the Dark Sorcery from her High Queen's realm and reign. She never looked back or regretted having done so, and now here she was once again going to be in the presence of her High Queen. She struggled again, urgently desiring to see her High Queen.

  Is The High Queen well?

  San'lr'in’ knew that this long-prior teacher would be well disappointed when she finally awoke. After waiting so long, she would soon learn she was many, many cycles away from her beloved High Queen. San'lr'in’ used the motivation to bring her back fully into The Realm, knowing she needed some way to convince this Master.

  Return to The Realm. Your High Queen has commanded it of you.

  Who being you?

  Your High Queen waits. Should I inform her that you return not to her?

  I recognize your voice—you being the one who returns me to The Realm. I know of none such in The Realm aparting from Her Highness who could do so. None have these powers.

  You rest. I will inform The High Queen that you cannot tend to her command.

  NO! I come returning.

  San'lr'in’ thought her language strange, having never heard this strangeness in the few moments she had shared her thoughts with The First High Queen. She saw that the long-prior teacher was beginning to breathe her way back into The Realm. From what she knew of The Realm's past, this long-prior teacher had desired to be The High Queen's lover beyond all reason, but according to the stories, The First High Queen didn't take any permanent lover to her fully until late in her reign.

  San'lr'in’ began gently shaking her and patting her cheek, trying to disturb this one's long rest, “Come home to your High Queen. Return to her."

  She kept touching her and disturbing her thoughts until she saw some movement, “Hurry. Your High Queen awaits."

  After many moments, Fon'elnn’ finally opened her eyes and looked about, staring at San'lr'in', then at Sle'nel'.

  San'lr'in’ kept pushing her to return, “Return now. The Realm needs you."

  The High Queen knew that Fon'elnn’ couldn't remember her or who she was from their brief moments together in the OuterRealm, as she had existed overly long within the deep void.

  Fon'elnn’ tried to sit up, but couldn't find the strength. San'lr'in’ turned to Sle'nel', “Call for The Healer. And have her bring food and drink."

  The long-prior one looked at The High Queen, having no memory of her, “Who being you?"

  "I am called by San'lr'in'thel'ineln'."

  "San'lr'in'thel'ineln'.” She tried out the sound of it, trying to remember who this one was, “Why do you speaking in this fashion. Only The High Queen and those of her town speaking in this manner. You are being an attendant of hers? And you rescued me?"

  "I brought you back from the OuterRealm."

  "You look like The High Queen. You being a sister? And your name being of the same line."

  "In truth, I am related to her."

  "I have great thirst. I having been long in the OuterRealm?"

  "Yes, in truth. Many cycles.�
�� San'lr'in’ knew she would need to begin to bring her into the present realm, but also knew the shock would be great.

  "Many? Telling me the number of cycles."

  "Overly many to count. Allow Me to help you sit. The story of your past is long, and there is much to tell. But I have spoken truly. The High Queen needs your service, as you know much of The Realm's ways that are now well hidden to many. Are you prepared for this story? You must open your mind for this."

  "You being as beautiful as The High Queen. Your eyes and hair being the same."

  "Fon'elnn'. Listen well to Me. Are you prepared to hear your story?"

  "You being most serious, One Looking as The High Queen."

  "I am serious, Teacher. Most serious. The Realm has great need of your services. The High Queen needs you, but needs you to know of your story now. Strengthen your mind, Teacher. This is not an easy story."

  "Telling me, then. I am Teacher of The High Queen."

  "This I know, Teacher. But this story you know not. You have been in the OuterRealm many long cycles, beyond counting. Do you know what this means, Teacher?"

  San'lr'in’ saw Fon'elnn’ frown as the reality began to come forward for her, “Telling me the cycles."

  "I cannot. They are, in truth and as I have said, beyond counting. You are no longer in the era of your lifespan, Teacher. You are many cycles and eras forward in The Realm."

  "What meaning you? This being not possible."

  "I understand how anyone would think this as impossible, but in truth, it is possible, and you are that proof. You are no longer in The Realm that you left as you stepped into the OuterRealm. You are now in a far-forward realm, far removed from your own era. You are in a far forward Realm, Fon'elnn'. No one who you know remains any longer, except in the Spirit Realm. Those from your realm live no longer, Fon'elnn', except you."

  "Who being you?"

  The Healer and Sle'nel’ entered the small shelter, bringing food and water. The Healer heard them talking and saw the long-prior teacher sitting up, “Good. You are awake and up.” She turned to San'lr'in', “I have brought her a meal and drink, High One."

  San'lr'in’ sighed, not yet ready for the long-prior teacher to hear of her title, “Thank you, Healer. Wait but a moment."

  Fon'elnn’ had heard The Healer say High One, but it hadn't yet registered. She looked at Sle'nel’ and studied her for a moment, “You being Elfkind."

  Sle'nel’ nodded.

  "You being short for an Elf, but you look as N'lnin'thrn', the Great. Being you of her?"

  Sle'nel’ looked at San'lr'in’ and shrugged. San'lr'in’ took back over the conversation, “Listen well to Me, Teacher. Hear Me. Your realm is long-prior. It is no further. You are now in another realm, far in your future. Do you understand this, Teacher?"

  "Telling me more."

  "The First High Queen's reign is long, long-prior. There have been many, many more High Queen's since her moment."

  "You lying."

  "No. It is truth."

  "Who being High Queen now?"

  "I am High Queen. I am San'lr'in'thel'ineln', High Queen of The Realm, far in your future. I am of Drn'rn'thel'ineln's line. She has spoken to Me. Her powers have been handed down to Me, High Queen after High Queen. Do you understand this, Teacher?"

  "No way this truth. This is most bold untruth."

  "It is truth, most certain, Teacher. I brought you back from the OuterRealm. Drn'rn'thel'ineln’ was unable to do so as it took many other powers to help Me do so. She had none such as these."

  "She must eat, my Queen. She must take this liquid."

  San'lr'in’ nodded, “Teacher. Eat and drink while we talk. You have much to hear."

  The Healer and Sle'nel’ helped to feed the Teacher while San'lr'in’ told her the tale of her now long past. The teacher listened, trying to come to terms that she was no longer in her own era, that her High Queen had been unable to rescue her. And she had been so certain that her High Queen would have done so. The High Queen told her briefly of all The Realm's past, bringing her up to the present realm.

  "And Sle'nel’ is our last Elf. We now head to El'fs'nd'lle to try to restore the Elfkind back to The Realm."

  Ann'wn and An'ther'on walked in. Both knelt and bowed to San'lr'in', “Great High Queen. It is good to see you returned to The Realm."

  San'lr'in’ sighed once again, closing her eyes for a moment to help restore her patience, “Rise, Force Leader. Private Guard Leader. Tell Me."

  They rose, now seeing that they interrupted The High Queen and the long-prior one, “I apologize for the interruption, High Queen. And we are most pleased that you have returned to The Realm. But we would like to leave for the Sorcerer's Forest this eve, Highness."

  The teacher laughed, “You being like my High Queen. She also sighing and closing her eyes when being without patience."

  San'lr'in’ just looked at her, somewhat exasperated that she was seen like so many others. She then looked at Ann'wn, “How far to the Sorcerer's Forest?"

  "An eve's ride. We will be at the beginning of it by midturn."

  "Is all safe about us?"

  "Our scouts report as such, Highness."

  The High Queen rose, “I will return in a moment, Teacher. Eat and drink."

  She left the small shelter and stood out under the star-filled early eve, looking out upon the emerging stars. She gave a soft whistle, then watched the skies, wondering if her flying predator would come to her. She waited many long moments, then finally heard her. Holding out her arm and waiting just a bit longer, the great bird finally came flying down to her, landing gently upon her arm. They spoke in their language for many moments, then The High Queen raised her arm slightly, and the great bird flew back into the high skies above.

  She turned to Ann'wn, “We will remain another turn or two while the teacher grows in her strength, then we will leave at the sun's set when she is ready. I need her assistance with the Sorcerer's Forest, and beyond. There are no enemies about us, for the present, but keep your scouts looking to our east and north."

  Ann'wn nodded, “Yes, my Queen. My Queen?"

  San'lr'in’ had begun to return to the shelter of the teacher, but turned back to her Force Leader, nodding.

  "Are your powers restored, Highness?"

  "They will be soon enough."

  "The Sorcerer's Forest, my Queen?"

  "Plan a meeting for the late morn, Force Leader. I will explain it then."

  She returned to the teacher and spent many moments explaining The Realm and all its present occurrences. When she felt that enough background had been provided, she began asking about the Dark Sorcerer.

  "Tell me of this Dark Sorcerer."

  "He being strong. Never did I thinking that he could return these spells to him."

  "How was the Dark Sorcery captured in your era?"

  "The High Queen using her sword and staff."

  "If she held the staff, why, then, was he not sent to the Sorrows of the Stones?"

  "He stepping into the OuterRealm just prior, saving himself. As you say, no one thinking anyone could returning from such. But I thought my Queen could returning me."

  They talked for several more moments, enough for San'lr'in’ to know what she must now do to recapture the Dark Sorcery, “Rest, Teacher. Our journey is yet long before us, and we have few moments to spare. We must not give him the moments to grow stronger. We will speak again later. A guard will be placed outside your shelter."

  "San'lr'in'thel'ineln'. Being you, in truth, High Queen?"

  "It is so, Teacher."

  The teacher moved so that she knelt before San'lr'in’ on one knee, bowing her head deeply, “I am being in your service, High Queen. While I am not being of this realm, I being for you, my Queen. Thank you for saving me from the OuterRealm."

  San'lr'in’ touched her head lightly, thinking that it would be most difficult to be in this one's position, “We are glad that you are here with us, Fon'elnn'. I wish it were under better c
ircumstances, but we have great need of your knowledge. We will try to make you feel as welcomed and comfortable as you did in your own realm, long prior. Good eve, Teacher."

  "High Queen?"

  "What may I do for you, Teacher?"

  "It having been long since being with others. Would someone be willing to keep me company? I have need to speak and learn more of The Realm. This being all. Just being in the company of another."

  The High Queen smiled, knowing just the woman to send in to her, “I will send you a most special woman who knows much of The Realm and is one of My most trusted advisors. You can learn much from her."

  "Thanking you, High Queen."

  San'lr'in’ stepped outside the small shelter and sent for her High Counselor. She explained about the teacher to Mil'der'in, then asked if she would mind spending her eve with this most excellent and strong Master and Teacher, imparting her knowledge of The Realm.

  "Of course, my Queen. It would be my pleasure. Should anything be withheld from her?"

  "The usual. But treat her as we would one of the Masters."

  * * * *

  Sle'nel’ had left some moments prior, waiting near a small tree for her Queen, “You need rest. You cannot feel strong after such an event."

  San'lr'in’ hadn't seen Sle'nel’ standing nearby, and was surprised at how quietly her Elf could blend into her surroundings. She looked at her for a moment, glad that she was there, seeing her as the most beautiful woman in The Realm. Her heart softened, both pleased and displeased at such, knowing that she should remain hard for The Realm, but loving the soft moments Sle'nel’ gave so easily to her.

  She smiled a smile that was so gentle that it caught Sle'nel’ off-guard. The High Queen held out her hands to her, “My Desire."

  Sle'nel’ placed her hands in her Queen's, studying her. She was always in awe that this most powerful of Queens could look so lovingly at her, “You look tired."

  "I was weakened, but will return My powers to Me in the morn. It is only early eve, yet I must rest as you said. You are not obligated to come to My bed as early as this, My Desire."


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